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Startup Year Courses 010-23081431

This document provides details for determining a student’s eligibility for a student payment when studying a Startup Year Course.

On this page:

Students studying a Startup Year Course

End of Course Review or Change in Study Details

Coding the STARTUP-HELP loan status

Rejecting a claim where student is not entitled to a STARTUP-HELP loan

Students studying a Startup Year Course

Table 1




Startup Year Course approval + Read more ...

Only Startup Year Courses that offer STARTUP-HELP loans are considered to be an approved course. A Startup Year Course may be delivered as either a stand-alone course or as a combined degree where the Startup Year Course is delivered in the final year of undergraduate study. Check the National Course Approvals sub-site to see if the course is approved and how it is delivered.

To be eligible for a student payment, the student must be:

  • enrolled in an approved Startup Year Course, and
  • selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan by their higher education provider

Is the Startup Year Course approved?

Yes, and the student is enrolled in a:

  • stand-alone Startup Year Course, go to Step 4
  • combined course that includes a Startup Year Course, and the course is being delivered:
    • as an approved undergraduate or postgraduate degree with Startup Year Course delivered in the final year, go to Step 2
    • as an approved undergraduate or postgraduate degree with the Startup Year components delivered as subjects, the student does not need to be selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan to qualify for a student payment. Go to Step 3

No, and the course is:


Combined course with Startup Year Course delivered in final year + Read more ...

The student’s entitlement to a STARTUP-HELP loan must be verified prior to commencing the Startup Year Course.

Record the undergraduate component of the combined course on the Education Details (EDC) screen only.

The student will be issued with a Course End Review form or letter at the time of completion of their degree to advise if they are undertaking the Startup Year Course component of the Combined Degree.

When the customer provides the Startup Year course details record them on the EDC screen as a separate entry.

See the Resources page for an example.


Combined course processing + Read more ...


STARTUP-HELP loan + Read more ...

If the student:

  • submits a claim for a student payment, go to Step 5
  • completes an End of Course Review or advises a change in study details, see Table 2


Submits a student payment claim + Read more ...

As part of the claim, a student's STARTUP-HELP loan may be verified through Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) data.

To check if TCSI has verified the student's STARTUP-HELP loan status, in Process Direct select the Tasks icon to check if STARTUP-HELP evidence has been requested.

Is the STARTUP-HELP loan evidence listed as a supplementary document on Tasks?

  • Yes, check the Documents icon if the student has:
    • provided evidence they are enrolled in the Startup Year Course and been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan, see Table 3
    • not provided evidence they are enrolled in the Startup Year Course and been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan, go to Step 6
  • No, the student's STARTUP-HELP loan entitlement has been validated by TCSI in the online claim and evidence is not required, see Table 3


TCSI Activities (TCSIACT) screen + Read more ...

The TSCIACT screen in Process Direct may display the STARTUP-HELP loan status.

In Process Direct:

  • Go to the TCSIACT screen
  • The Data Lake XML view (TCSI Activities) screen will display
  • In the Provider Data table, expand the Current course details
  • The Course Data screen will display
  • Expand the Course Data table
  • In the Unit Enrolment table, view the STARTUP-HELP loan status field

If the student is selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan, one of the following codes will display in the STARTUP-HELP loan status field:

  • Accepted
  • Adjusted
  • ADJCommitted
  • Committed

Has the customer been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan?

End of Course Review or Change in Study Details

Table 2




End of Course Review or Change in Circumstance + Read more ...

Where a student is updating their study details and will be studying a Startup Year Course, the student must provide evidence they:

  • are enrolled in the Startup Year Course, and
  • have been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan by their higher education provider

Has the student provided evidence they are enrolled in the Startup Year Course and selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan by their higher education provider?

  • Yes, complete the following fields on the Education Details (EDC) screen:
    • select SYC - Startup Year Course in the Course level field
    • STARTUP-HELP Loan Ind field: Y where the student has supplied evidence they are enrolled and selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan. See Coding new study details for information when adding new education details to the student's record
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 2


Verification of STARTUP-HELP loan + Read more ...

The TCSI Activities (TCSIACT) screen in Process Direct may display the STARTUP-HELP loan status.

In Process Direct:

  • Go to the TCSIACT screen
  • The Data Lake XML view (TCSI Activities) screen will display
  • In the Provider Data table, expand the Current course details by selecting the chevron
  • The Course Data screen will display
  • Expand the Course Data table
  • In the Unit Enrolment table, view the STARTUP-HELP loan status field

If the student is selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan, one of the following codes will display in the STARTUP-HELP loan status field:

  • Accepted
  • Adjusted
  • ADJCommitted
  • Committed

Has the customer been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan?


Continuing/intending student + Read more ...

Students waiting on confirmation they have been offered a STARTUP-HELP loan who are unsure which course they will enrol in, may continue to be paid as a continuing/intending student. For these students:

  • the Startup Year Course should not be coded on the EDC screen, and
  • code an intention to study to allow payment to continue until the loan outcome is known

For more information on coding an intention to study see Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) or Processing end of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and PES students.

If a Request for Information has:


Requesting evidence + Read more ...

The student must provide evidence they:

  • are enrolled in the Startup Year Course, and
  • have been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan by their higher education provider

To request evidence in Process Direct:

  • select Request Documents:
    • Benefit field: select the appropriate benefit type
    • Benefit Status field: select New Claim
    • Authority To Request field: select Student Assistance Act 1973
    • Customer required to field: select Upload Documents
    • Request field: select appropriate value
    • Information to be supplied within field: select 14 days
    • Available documents field: select Evidence you are enrolled in your Startup Year Course and have been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan
    • select Finish

For further information, see Requesting information (CLK).

Procedure ends here.


Student circumstance + Read more ...

If the student is:


Change in study details + Read more ...

Students who have not provided evidence they are enrolled in a Startup Year Course and selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan are not eligible for a student payment.

For more information, see:

Is the student getting Youth Allowance and under 22 years of age?

  • Yes, check eligibility for Youth Allowance as a job seeker. See Student to job seeker transfers. Procedure ends here
  • No, the student is no longer eligible for a student payment. Test the student's eligibility for other payments.


Failed to provide evidence of enrolment and STARTUP-HELP loan + Read more ...

The student will not be eligible for a student payment as a continuing/intending student, unless they intend to enrol in another approved course of study. See the Resources page for an example.

If the student is receiving:


Austudy or Youth Allowance 22 years or over + Read more ...

Do not code the Startup Year Course on the EDC screen as it is not an approved course if the student has not been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan.

The student’s payment will cancel automatically when the previous course end date is reached. An automatic letter will be sent to the student notifying them of the cancellation.

Update the auto cancellation reason by coding the Benefit Action (BA) screen in Process Direct:

  • Go to the BA screen
  • Select Add. One the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: YAL or AUS
    • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: select SUH - Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP
    • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1
    • Select Save
    • Key the Receipt Date and Channel
    • Select Save
  • Select Assess to address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

For further information see Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance.

Procedure ends here.


Youth Allowance under 22 years + Read more ...

Check ongoing entitlement.

If the student wants to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers.

If they do not want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker cancel the payment on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • Go to the BA screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: YAL
    • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: select SUH - Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP
    • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1
    • Select Save
    • Key the Receipt Date and Channel
    • Select Save
  • Select Assess to address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise
  • Go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen
  • Make sure the screen shows Not a Student from the student end date + 1
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

For further information see Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance.

Procedure ends here.


Not an approved course for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES + Read more ...

Do not code the Startup Year Course on the Education Details (EDC) screen as it is an unapproved course.

Manually cancel from the last day the student studied the current course. Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen, cancel the payment from the appropriate date for Reason: Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP (SUH).

For further information see Processing end of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and PES students.

Procedure ends here.


Not an approved course for PES + Read more ...

Do not code the Startup Year Course on the EDC screen as it is an unapproved course if the student has not been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan.

Allow 2 working days have passed since the current course end date on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) in Customer First to allow the cancellation letter to issue.

If 2 working days have not passed since the most recent course end date on the EDC screen:

  • Complete the scanned SY075 activity
  • Create a PES SY075 to be actioned Fast Note
  • Place the Fast Note activity on hold with an expiry date of 2 days after the current course end date on the EDC screen

In Process Direct:

  • Create a Social Online Application (SOA)
  • The Date of Receipt is the date of processing (system limitation)
  • Go to the BA screen, key the Reason: Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP (SUH)
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

In Customer First:

  • Index the SY075 as a NCL activity from the date of processing (system limitation)
  • Go the BA screen, key the Reason: Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP (SUH)

The system will generate a letter telling the student why their payments have been cancelled and their review and appeal rights.

For further information see Processing end of course reviews for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and PES students.

Procedure ends here.

Coding the STARTUP-HELP loan status

Table 3




Student payment claim + Read more ...

If the student has submitted:

  • a Youth Allowance, Austudy or Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) claim, go to Step 4
  • an ABSTUDY Tertiary Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Tertiary Incidentals Allowance claim, go to Step 2
  • an ABSTUDY PES claim, go to Step 3


ABSTUDY Tertiary Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Tertiary Incidentals Allowance + Read more ...

Process the claim in Customer First.

To Handover the claim from Process Direct to Customer First, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions.

Select the ABSTUDY New Claim activity from the Activity List (AL) screen in Customer First.


  • Coding new study details for information when adding new education details to the student's record
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan indicator on the Resources page for more information on coding the Indicator field

Complete the following fields on the Education Details (EDC) screen:

  • select SYC - Startup Year Course in the Course level field
  • select Y in the STARTUP-HELP Loan Ind field: if the student’s entitlement to a STARTUP-HELP loan has been verified

Go to Step 5.


ABSTUDY PES claim + Read more ...


  • Coding new study details for information when adding new education details to the student's record
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan indicator on the Resources page for more information on coding the Indicator field

Complete the following fields on the EDC screen:

  • select SYC - Startup Year Course in the Course level field
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan Ind field: select Y if the student’s entitlement to a STARTUP-HELP loan has been verified

Go to Step 5.


Youth Allowance, Austudy or Pensioner Education Supplement claim + Read more ...


  • Coding new study details for information when adding new education details to the student's record
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan indicator on the Resources page for more information on coding the Indicator field

Complete the following fields on the EDC screen:

  • select SYC - Startup Year Course in the Course level field
  • STARTUP-HELP Loan Ind field:
    • If TCSI validation confirmed the student's STARTUP-HELP entitlement, the STARTUP-HELP loan Ind field will automatically be prepopulated as Y
    • If the student has supplied evidence from their provider, or the TCSI Activities (TCSIACT) screen confirms they are entitled to a STARTUP-HELP loan the STARTUP-HELP loan Ind field must be updated to Y

Go to Step 5.


Assessing student claim + Read more ...

Rejecting a claim where student is not entitled to a STARTUP-HELP loan

Table 4




Rejecting student payment claim + Read more ...

If the student has submitted a:

  • Youth Allowance, Austudy or Pensioner Education Supplement claim, go to Step 2
  • ABSTUDY Tertiary Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Tertiary Incidentals Allowance claim, go to Step 4
  • ABSTUDY PES claim, go to Step 4


Rejecting a YA, AUS or PES claim + Read more ...

The student is not eligible for Youth Allowance, Austudy or Pensioner Education Supplement.

Streamline reject the claim:

  • From the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, select Process
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen, or from the Customer Data Task Selector (CDTS) on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Add to create a new entry and update:
    • Benefit Type Code field, select the correct benefit type
    • Benefit Action field, REJ-REJECT
    • Select the Streamline Rejection Indicator
    • Reason field, select SUH- Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP
    • Date of Effect field, defaults to the claim submission date
    • Select Save. A new provisional line displays on the BA screen
  • Go to the SWE screen:
    • Message Log displays any errors with existing coding. Errors must be fixed before assessing the claim. See Using Digital Assistance Roxy in Process Direct
    • Select Assess to go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen
    • Check the outcome is correct on the ELD screen, and select Finish
    • Record the details in the finalisation DOC. See Online Document Recording
    • Select Finalise

Is the student claiming Youth Allowance and is under 22?


Youth Allowance student under 22 years + Read more ...

The student may be eligible for Youth Allowance as a job seeker:

  • Create an Open work item use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > Update > Assess REJ claim as JSK
  • Select Confirm
  • Send the work item to JCS

Procedure ends here.


Rejecting an ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES claim + Read more ...

The student is not eligible for ABSTUDY Tertiary Living Allowance, ABSTUDY Tertiary Incidentals Allowance or ABSTUDY PES.

Delete any unverified provisional data, including the Startup Year Course on the Education Details (EDC) screen, so it is not applied to the student's record.

Manually reject in Customer First/Customer Record:

  • Go to the Benefits Action (BA) screen
  • Code the following details:
    • In the Service reason field, choose the appropriate service reason
    • REJ in the Action field
    • Reason field, select SUH - Not entitled to STARTUP-HELP
    • Date of decision in the Effect Date field
    • The source document and date of receipt in the Source and DOR fields

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen by keying AR in the Nxt: field. Finalise the activity by keying Y in the Finished: field and press [Enter].

Record details of the decision and the relevant Policy references on a DOC.