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Amend Medicare providers for Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) in Provider Directory System (PDS) 011-10050010

This page contains information and procedures on how AIR Service Officers handle vaccination provider registration enquiries and amend AIR program registration details in PDS.

On this page:

Nurse practitioner and midwife provider number requests for the AIR

Log on to PDS

Amend Medicare provider registrations for AIR

Record or update Medicare provider bank details for AIR

Approve provider bank details for AIR

Link provider bank details for AIR

Process a Software ID/Minor ID/Location ID

Nurse practitioner and midwife provider number requests for the AIR

Table 1




Check nurse/nurse practitioner qualifications + Read more ...

A nurse practitioner or midwife must have certain qualifications to register with Medicare and obtain a Medicare provider number.

If the nurse practitioner/midwife:

  • already has a Medicare provider number, they can use this number to access data on the AIR or send vaccination details
  • already has a Medicare provider number but does not know the details, go to Step 2
  • does not know if they have the necessary qualifications to register as a nurse practitioner/midwife, go to Step 2
  • knows they are not eligible to register as a nurse practitioner/midwife with Medicare, go to Step 3


Transfer to Medicare provider line + Read more ...

The nurse practitioner/midwife may be eligible to register as a Medicare provider or may already be registered. Transfer the call to the Medicare provider enquiries line for further assistance.

Procedure ends here.


Refer caller to their state or territory health department + Read more ...

A nurse practitioner/midwife employed by an organisation that can register as an AIR ancillary provider should contact their state or territory health department for further advice.

For more information, see Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

Log on to PDS

Table 2




Login to Medicare – eBusiness Gateway + Read more ...

Open Services Australia Intranet page. Go to:

  • My Tools (top of the page, dropdown)
  • Customer Service tab
  • Medicare Portal link

This will display the Medicare – eBusiness Gateway Home Page screen.


Login to PDS + Read more ...

From the dropdown menus, select:

  • Source office code. If unsure of the source office code, refer to a Team Leader
  • PDS
  • Submit

This will display the PDS Home Page screen.

Amend Medicare provider registrations for AIR

Table 3




Log into PDS + Read more ...

See Table 2 for help logging in to PDS.

If amending a registration after receiving a phone call, verify the caller’s identity before amending a provider registration

Does the provider have their Medicare provider number?


Search for the provider in PDS + Read more ...

  • Select Provider Location from the main menu
  • Select View
  • Select the Detailed Search tab
  • Key the provider’s details then select Search to locate their provider number.

When details return, go to Step 3.


Search for provider registration + Read more ...

Select Program Registration from the main menu.

This will display the Program Registration Create/Amend page.

From the Program Registration Create/Amend page:

  • select the Basic Search tab
  • key the provider stem (first 7 letters/numbers of provider number) in the Search ID field
  • select Medicare Stem + Location from the ID Type dropdown menu
  • select Program Registrations for this Provider/Practice using the radio button
  • select Search

The provider’s program registration is returned.

Note: only amend the AIR program registration details. Do not amend individual details.


Amend AIR program provider registration + Read more ...

If a vaccination provider indicates their details have changed, all amendments must be made. See Change medical practitioner, midwife and nurse practitioner provider details on the Resources page for more information.

To amend the vaccination provider’s details, select Amend. This will display the Program Registration Summary page.

To record/amend:


Edit AIR registration + Read more ...

On Program Registration Amend summary page, select the Program tab

To amend or record:

  • Registration Start/End Date – enter the date in the Registration Start Date or Registration End Date field. Changes to start or end dates must be advised by the provider in writing
  • Registration End Reason - if there is a future registration end date and no reason recorded check AIR mainframe. If there is an End Date Code ‘P’, select ‘LOC CLOSED’ from the drop down menu in PDS. For any other End Date Code in mainframe or if there is no reason recorded on mainframe, select ‘Other’ from the drop down menu
  • Payment Held Reason – if bank details have been updated and there is a payment held reason, use the drop down menu to remove the payment hold. See Action Government Direct Entry Services (GDES) report for AIR payments for more information

Go to Step 7


Edit contact details + Read more ...

On Program Registration Amend summary page, select the Contact tab

To amend or record:

  • Contact Name - Not applicable. Recognised vaccination providers are their own contact
  • Telephone – over key the old number
  • Mailing Address - use rapid addressing or Manual Entry if address not located
  • Return mail - record provider Return Mail by selecting the Return Mail Date checkbox. The date will be automatically populated with the processing date

To record a comment, go to Step 7.


Record comments + Read more ...

On Program Registration Amend summary page, select Comments tab.

To add a comment:

Record or update Medicare provider bank details for AIR

Table 4




Log into PDS + Read more ...

See Table 2 for help logging in to PDS.

From the PDS Home screen, go to the main menu and select:

  • Program Registration
  • Create/Amend

This will display the Program Registration Create/Amend page.


Search for provider + Read more ...

On the Basic Search tab:

  • key the recognised vaccination provider’s stem (first 7 letters/numbers of provider number e.g. 000000B) in the Search ID field
  • select Medicare Stem + Location from the ID Type drop down menu
  • select Search, the provider registration summary will display
  • select Amend next to the AIR Program line entry


Provider bank details + Read more ...

Verbal advice from a vaccination provider that their bank account number is incorrect is acceptable only if a keying error was made. To determine this, escalate to AIR Local Peer Support (LPS) to check the original form. Non-SO errors require notification in writing.

On the Program Details tab check the Current Payment Instruction and Future Payment Instruction sections.

Are bank details already recorded?


Provider bank details already recorded + Read more ...

If the bank details on the form have been added previously and end dated, do not remove the end date. Create the bank details as a new entry and send for delegation.

If bank details are recorded in:

  • Current payment instruction
    • check the bank details are correct
    • if correct, no further action required. Finalise the document as per WLM processing guidelines
  • Future payment instruction, check that:
    • there is an end date under the Current Payment Instruction
    • the bank details recorded in Future payment instruction are correct
    • the start date is after the end date recorded under the Current payment instruction
    • finalise the document as per WLM processing guidelines
  • If the bank details recorded in Current Payment Instruction or Future Payment Instruction are not up to date, go to Step 5


Provider bank details recorded + Read more ...

If there are bank details recorded:

  • go to Current payment instruction
  • from the drop down list, check for the bank details provided on the form. If the details are:


Verbally confirm the request + Read more ...

Medicare provider bank details must not be updated without verbally confirming the request with the provider or the provider’s authorised representative.

Two genuine attempts must be made to contact the provider or their authorised representative.

Do not contact provider if processing HW027, HW029 or HW052 forms as the bank details have been confirmed by Medicare.

  • Attempt to contact the provider or the provider’s authorised representative using the contact details in PDS. Do not use the contacts details provided on the IM005 form
    • If unable to locate any provider contact details in PDS, enter an appropriate comment in PaNDA (do not escalate the query to the helpdesk). For example, genuine attempt to contact the provider not possible as unable to locate provider in PDS. Unable to return the form
  • Mark the work item as complete, see Work Optimiser for staff
  • Procedure ends here


First contact + Read more ...

Make a genuine attempt to contact the provider, or their authorised representative. Confirm they have sent a request to update their bank account details.

Note: if the provider or their representative indicate they did not request an update to their bank details, report the suspected fraud.

Did the provider or their authorised representative confirm the update request is genuine?


Add comments in PDS and PaNDA + Read more ...

Add the following details in comments in PDS and PaNDA:

  • date and time of contact
  • contact successful
  • name of any person spoken to
  • outcome of conversation

Go to Step 12.


When first contact unsuccessful + Read more ...

If first contact was unsuccessful, record the following comment in PaNDA and PDS in case the provider/representative contacts the agency before the second attempt:

  • date and time of contact
  • attempted to contact provider to verify bank details on form <insert form number> submission
  • first contact was unsuccessful

Then move on to other work and try again in 30 minutes. If unable to make another attempt after 30 minutes (for example, end of shift/processing time), unassign the work item (see Work Optimiser for staff) ensuring appropriate comments are recorded in PaNDA.

Go to Step 10.


Second contact + Read more ...

Was second contact successful?


When second contact unsuccessful + Read more ...

Return the form and issue Z2330 letter to the provider.

Upload a copy of the letter into PaNDA.

Put comments in PDS and PaNDA:

  • date and time of contact
  • second attempt to contact provider to verify bank details on form <insert form number> submission
  • second contact was unsuccessful
  • include PaNDA ID

Mark the work item as complete. Procedure ends here.


Record new bank details + Read more ...

To record new vaccination provider bank details select:

  • Bank Details. The page will redirect to the Provider Bank Details Create/Amend page
  • Create New Bank Details. A pop up will appear

Record the following details:

  • BSB Code – key the BSB provided on the form
  • Account Number – key the account number provided on the form
  • Account Name – key the account name provided on the form
  • Start date – the date given by the applicant or if there is no date, use the date of processing

Select Create.

The Create box may appear again. If this occurs, check that the details recorded appear on the screen and select Cancel.

On this page:


Bank details summary + Read more ...

The Provider Bank Details Summary will display.

If the bank details are:

  • correct, select Save. The message ‘Save completed successfully’ will appear
  • incorrect, select Amend to edit the details


Delegating bank details for approval + Read more ...

To submit bank details for approval:

  • select Send for Delegation
  • a Send for Delegation pop up window will appear, select Delegate
  • procedure ends here

This will now unassign the work item from the user and automatically capability adjust the work to the Service Officer's skill tag. The work item will now show as Delegation Required.

Approve provider bank details for AIR

Table 5




Approve provider bank details + Read more ...

To approve vaccination provider bank details, the authorised AIR QC Service Officer (SO) will:

  • log on to PDS
  • select Provider Bank Details from the PDS main menu
  • select Pending

This will display the Provider Bank Details Pending Approvals page.


Search for provider bank details + Read more ...

  • Search for the vaccination provider bank details by one of the following:
    • Search ID/provider number
    • BSB or account number
    • branch or bank account name
    • start date, or
    • Service Officer number
  • select View

This will display the Provider Bank Details view screen.


Approve or reject bank details + Read more ...

Staff cannot approve bank details they have recorded. Bank details must be approved by another authorised Service Officer. An error message will appear if staff try to approve bank details they have recorded.

Check that comments have been made in PDS and PaNDA about contact made to confirm bank details.

Check the provider bank details.

If the bank details are:

  • correct, select Approve. The message ‘Approval completed successfully’ displays. Go to Step 5
  • incorrect, select Reject. Go to Step 4

Note: authorised AIR Quality Check Service Officer is to check correct process has been followed where different bank details were supplied to bank details previously recorded.


Record rejected outcome in the Staff Feedback Tool + Read more ...

Access the Staff Feedback Tool and provide the rejected outcome as feedback.

  • Record feedback and select:
    • Your Office: Pre-populated
    • Officer: Search with individuals name or logon ID and select the correct Officer
    • Receiving Office: Pre-populated with Officer selection
    • Manager: Pre-populated with Officer selection
    • Service Details: Population Health Program, AIR, ‘Bank Details Delegate Checked Work Item’
    • Feedback Category: Feedback
  • Enter the Customer Reference Number and Reference Number Other
  • In the Notes enter the rejected outcome and reason
  • Select Submit. Go to Step 5


Return work item + Read more ...

Once the bank details have been assessed, select:

  • Return Work Item from the PaNDA work item, the Return Work Item pop up window displays
  • Add a processing note (optional)
  • Select either Reject or Approve depending on the outcome
  • The work item is returned to the Service Officer, procedure ends here

Link provider bank details for AIR

Table 6




Verify form was submitted by the provider + Read more ...

To verify the form has been submitted by the provider, check the source. If the form was submitted via:


Link provider bank details + Read more ...

To link approved recognised vaccination provider bank details to the provider registration, log in to PDS. See Table 2 for logging in to PDS.

From the PDS Home screen, go to the main menu and select:

  • Program Registration from the PDS main menu
  • Create/Amend
  • The Provider Registration Amend page will display
  • Search ID – key provider number stem (first 6 numbers/letters of provider number)
  • ID Type – select Medicare Stem + Location from dropdown menu
  • Select Search. The program registration will return


Finalise provider bank details + Read more ...

To finalise the bank details:

  • Provider’s AIR program registration
  • Amend, the Registration Summary page will display
  • Check the Current Payment Instruction

Does the provider have old bank details recorded:


End date old bank details + Read more ...

If the provider has old bank details recorded under the Current Payment Instructions section:

  • key an end date (the day before date of processing) into the Payment Instruction End Date field
  • if there is a Payment Held Reason, check the comments section before changing it to ‘No – Not Held’
  • link the new bank details by selecting them from the Future Payment Instruction drop down:
    • enter today’s date in the Payment Instruction Start Date field for the new details, unless the provider’s start date is in the future, then use provider’s start date as the start date for bank details
    • select Save. The Program Registration View page and the message ‘Save completed successfully’ will display. The bank details will display under the Current Payment Instructions section of the summary. Note: when a red warning message appears the SO needs to review and action the error. See the Resources page for troubleshooting AIR error codes. For other coloured warnings, if the information is correct, progress by clicking the Save button twice
  • finalise the document as per WLM processing guidelines. Procedure ends here.

Note: if a Payment Held Reason on the previous bank details, also forward Provider details to the AIR Team Leader email box. The mailbox will investigate the GDES action (include Document ID in the email request).


Link new bank details + Read more ...

If the provider does not have any previous bank details recorded:

  • select the new bank details from the Current Payment Instruction dropdown menu
  • enter today’s date in the Payment Instruction Start Date field
  • select Save. The Program Registration View page and the message ‘Save completed successfully’ will display. The bank details will display under the Current Payment Instructions section of the summary
  • finalise the document as per WLM processing guidelines

Process a Software ID/Minor ID/Location ID

Table 7




Assess if Minor ID (Location ID) needs to be added to provider's AIR registration + Read more ...

When actioning:

  • HW027 Online Claiming Provider Agreement form and
    Questions 25 and 26 are ticked yes, ensure that the Minor ID (Location ID) at Question 12 is entered on the provider’s AIR registration
  • HW029 Provider registration for Electronic Funds Transfer payments form and
    at Question 8/ Question 13/ Question 16 the provider advises they are registering additional software for AIR, ensure the Minor ID (Location ID) at Question 8/ Question 13/ Question 16 is entered on the provider’s AIR registration
  • HW052 Bank account details Online Claiming form and
    Questions 2 and 3 are ticked yes, ensure the Minor ID (Location ID) at Question 1 is entered on the provider’s AIR registration


Log into PDS + Read more ...

See Table 2 for help logging in to PDS.

From the PDS home screen, go to the main menu and select:

  • Program Registration
  • Create/Amend

The Program Registration Create/Amend page displays.


Search for provider + Read more ...

On the Basic Search tab:

  • Key the recognised vaccination provider’s stem (first 6 letters/numbers of provider number) in the Search ID field
  • Select Medicare Stem + Location from the ID Type drop down menu
  • Select Search, the provider registration summary displays
  • Select Amend


Enter Minor ID (Location ID) in the Software ID field + Read more ...

On the Program tab:

  • Enter the Minor ID (Location ID) displayed on the form in the Software ID field
  • Select Validate
  • If no errors appear, select Save