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Mail process and Work Optimiser - Medicare Compensation Recovery 011-15070020

This document outlines how incoming correspondence for Medicare Compensation Recovery enters the Medicare Compensation Recovery System (MCRS) and how work is allocated to Service Officers for processing.

On this page:

Scan incoming hardcopy mail

Scanning errors identified

Check for email rejections (Kofax import failures)

Use Work Optimiser - Health

Actioning remittance advice

Unclassified work items

Scan incoming hardcopy mail

Table 1: outlines the process to scan hardcopy mail on a Multi-Function Devices (MFD) to send to MCRS for processing.




Identify document purpose + Read more ...

Does the information relate to a Medicare Compensation Recovery claim?


Scan documents on MFD + Read more ...

Remove all staples and paper clips and check if documents are single or double sided.

Place all pages for one claim on the scanner feed tray.

On the MFD touch screen:

  • Select the Email icon
  • Select + Add recipient and then Public Entries
  • Select the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox from the list, then OK.
    The email address is saved on MFDs in Brisbane and Perth. The email address may need to be entered manually at other locations
  • Select 1-Sided or 2-Sided Scanning
  • Select Send


  • Service Officers must not send emails to MCRS from their personal email address
  • If the attachments are about more than one claim:
    • scan to an email as a single package so that FileNet contains a true record of correspondence received by the agency
    • copies will be redacted and saved to work item numbers (WIN) when the correspondence is processed


File hardcopy + Read more ...

Place the received hard copy document that has been scanned into the current archive box for retention in order by date of receipt.

If unsure, contact a Team Leader for the location of the current archive box.

Procedure ends here.


Forward documents via internal mail + Read more ...

Do not scan the document. If the document is for:

  • Medicare Compensation Finance Team:
    • document examples include cheques and remittance advices
    • send through internal mail envelope to Compensation finance team
  • Medicare Public or Medicare General Enquiries:
    • Send through internal mail envelope to the relevant team or Service Officer
  • Centrelink Compensation Program:
  • Medicare debt recovery team:
    • document examples include requests to set up a payment plan or repay a debt
    • send through internal mail envelope and address it to Debt Recovery Parramatta, see Medicare Debt Recovery for address

Service Officers unable to identify what to do with a piece of correspondence, must contact a Program Support Officer (PSO).

Scanning errors identified

Table 2: outlines the process to locate and re-scan hardcopy mail on a Multi-Function Device (MFD) to send to MCRS for processing after a scanning error is identified. This table follows on from Table 1, Step 5 in Process Correspondence - Medicare Compensation Recovery




Identify scanning error + Read more ...

Is the document on the claim missing pages?


Locate hard copy documents + Read more ...

Is there a date stamp on the scanned document?

  • Yes:
    • Open the Scanning sub-folder held on the Medicare Compensation Recovery shared folder
    • Open the Scanning spreadsheet and boxes 20XX document for the relevant year
    • Identify the number of the box that has correspondence in the same date range as the date stamp on the document
    • Go to the archive room and locate the relevant box
    • Manually look through the correspondence in the box until the document is located. Staff must leave all other documents in the box in an ordered condition
    • Remove all pages of the required document from the box and keep all pages together
    • Go to step 3
  • No:
    • Contact the party that would have sent the document (for example, Statement by claimant (SBC) - injured person/authorised third party, Notice of judgment or settlement (NOJS) - notifiable person)
    • Ask the date (if known) that the document was sent. This will help to narrow down the date of receipt
    • If unable to confirm the date, ask for another copy of the document to be sent or emailed
    • Issue a 'We are unable to process' (Z2802) letter. See Table 8 in Process Correspondence - Medicare Compensation Recovery
    • Process ends here


Scanning the documents + Read more ...

Place all pages of the document on the scanner feed tray

On the MFD touch screen:

  • Select the Email icon
  • Select + Add recipient and then Public Entries
  • Select the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox from the list, then OK
    The email address is saved on MFDs in Brisbane and Perth. The email address may need to be entered manually at other locations
  • Select 1-Sided or 2-Sided Scanning
  • Select Send
  • Return the hard copy document back into the box from where it was taken


  • Service Officers must not send emails to MCRS from their personal email address
  • if the attachments are about more than one claim. Scan to an email as a single package so that FileNet contains a true record of correspondence received by the agency

Check for email rejections (Kofax import failures)

Table 3: outlines the process to check for emails that have attachment file types that are not recognised by Kofax or were rejected for some other reason. This process is done each business day. The Operational Support team manages this daily task.




View rejected emails + Read more ...

Open the MCRS Rejections mailbox.
Note: mailbox access is requested through ISP.

A copy of each failed email and attachments is sent to this mailbox as a .eml attachment to a message titled 'Unable to import email from <sender’s email address>'. The body of the email advises - The attached email was unable to be imported. Manual intervention will be required'.

Check if any of the following applies

Go to Step 2 if:

  • the file type (file type is visible as part of the attachment’s file name) is not recognised by Kofax, the file is not a:
    • PDF
    • JPG
    • PNG
    • TIF,
    • TIFF
    • BMP
    • GIF
    • DOC
    • DOCX, or
    • TXT
  • the total file size is more than 5MB (email size is visible in the mailbox)
  • there are embedded images and/or URLs, for example:
    • photos
    • email, or
    • web addresses that show the location when the mouse is hovered over the text/image

Go to Step 3 if:

  • there is a ‘read receipt’ request (pop up message when the email is opened)
  • there are links to documents stored in online storage facilities (wording in the email will indicate this) like:
    • Dropbox, or
    • Google Docs
  • there are password protected/encrypted attachments or files (attachment cannot be opened and a password is requested) in a:
    • WinZip, or
    • RAR file

Delete the email if the:

  • correspondence contains a file not intended for Medicare Compensation Recovery
  • email is recognised as spam
  • Otherwise, go to Step 3


Adjusting the email in-house + Read more ...

Print to PDF

Printing to PDF removes all embedded hyperlinks and flattens the document, making it much smaller while keeping the written text. This may be enough to reduce the file size to below 5MB. Open the document:

  • select File > Print, then choose printer Adobe PDF or Print to PDF (depending on the application)
  • save the new document temporarily in the shared folder, CompRec > Redaction Working folder
  • if a file with the same name is already used, the message This file already exists. Replace existing file? appears. Rename the file with a unique name


Print the email and attachment/s that are the cause of the rejection

Printing the email and attachment/s also removes embedded hyperlinks while keeping the written text. This may not always be enough to reduce the file size to below 5MB.

Open the document:

  • Select File, then Print, then choose printer
  • Scan the documents to the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox. See Table 1, Step 2


Convert to PDF and reduce PDF file size

Use this option if unable to print to PDF or the file is still above 5MB

Open the document:

  • Select File > Save As
  • Select 'Save as type' PDF (*.pdf). Once processed the new PDF document opens in Adobe Acrobat Pro
  • Select File > Save as Other > Optimised PDF
  • Select Settings > Custom > Discard Objects (left hand box) > select all boxes
  • Select Discard User Data (left hand box) > select all boxes
  • Select Clean Up (left hand box) > select all boxes > OK
  • Save the reduced file size document to in the shared folder CompRec > Redaction Working folder
  • if a file with the same name is already used, the message: This file already exists. Replace existing file? appears. Rename the file to a unique name
  • use Adobe DC to split the document into files that are smaller than 5 MB. Make sure the entire file is captured and no pages are missed

Does the adjusted email and/or attachments meet Kofax requirements?


  • attach the amended documents and a PDF copy of the original email into a new email
  • copy and paste the subject line from the original email into the subject line of the new email and send to the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox with an Official classification
  • emails must not be sent from personal mailboxes, only send emails from the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox
    • select From, then
    • Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox
      Note: if the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox is not available when selecting From, select Other E-mail Address and search for the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox. Select OK, the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox will be added to the list
  • procedure ends here

No, go to Step 3


Send an email to the email originator + Read more ...

Service Officers must only send emails from the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox. Emails must not be sent from personal mailboxes.

Select Medicare to access the Compensation Recovery letters and emails page:

  • Select the hyperlink Your email or attachments could not be opened Z2875
  • Select Open. The email template will open

Complete the fields:

  • From: Enter the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox email address
  • To: copy originator’s email address from their email. For example,
  • Date Sent and Subject (in email body): add the original sent date and originator’s email subject to the body of the email. The subject of the email to be sent has already been pre-populated

Do not:

  • add any other text to the email
  • attach any documents, or
  • add a personal signature block

Note: a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the email is sent to the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox

Service Officers must file the:

  • copy of the email in the Rejection templates sent folder
  • original email in Kofax re-attempts folder

Use Work Optimiser - Health

Table 4 - outlines the process to view assigned work items, access new work items, complete a work item and recategorise an item if a Service Officer is not trained.




View assigned work items + Read more ...

  • Select the green Work Optimiser - Health icon on the desktop to access the dashboard
  • Select Worklist to access work items
  • Select My Work tab in the upper left hand corner to view work currently assigned:
    • if no work items have been assigned, the Work Items screen will be blank
    • complete open items in My Work before asking for a new work item to process.


Access a new work item to process + Read more ...

  • Select Ready from the bottom right hand corner of the screen to get a work item
  • Selecting Ready will open the work item in the Work Item and Customer Details for E-XXXX screen which has tabs for:
    • Summary
    • Details
    • Actors
    • WLM Attributes
    • Work item Attributes
    • Actor attributes
    • Touchpoints
    • Classification history, and
    • History
  • To go back to the Worklist, select Back
  • If a bundled work item presents, go to Step7


Display My Work items + Read more ...

Select Columns in the work items table to display details about the work item:

  • Work Item ID is a unique identifier for the work item (one letter and 5 numbers, for example, E-12345)
  • Work Type is the name of the work type such as Third Party Authority (MO021) or Notice of past benefits (NOPB) (MO026) request
  • Work Item Status displays as either:
    • Open
    • Closed, or
    • Completed
  • Priority displays the priority value of a work item
  • Read is the date work item details were allocated


Select the Work Item + Read more ...

From the Work Item ID column, select a work item ID


Display work item details + Read more ...

Selecting Work Item Details displays the following information about the work item:

  • Client: the work item number (WIN) displays
  • Employee Responsible: the name and logon ID of the Service Officer who has been assigned the work item
  • Contact Time Range: unrestricted for MCRS (work type is not time zone sensitive)
  • Work type, the name of the work item such as Notice of Judgement or Settlement (MCRS DOC ASS MO022)
  • WLM Status: Open, Completed, or On Hold
  • Allocation Method: Ready - Allocated from inbox
  • Number of Touchpoints: number of times this work item has been allocated and/or reassigned
  • Priority: decided by Operational Planning Health team
  • Requested Start Date/Time: when the work item was created
  • Hold Release Start Date/Time: when the work item status updates from Hold to user (HTU) back to OPEN (and is then reassigned if not actioned within 48 hours)

If the work item has bundled cases, go to Step 7


Open work item + Read more ...

Select Open in MCRS to redirect to MCRS to action the work item.

Note: completed work items can’t be reopened with Work Optimiser - Health

If the work item has bundled cases, go to Step 7


Access a new work item to process - Bundled work items + Read more ...

An additional window will present titled Allocate the following bundle

  • Columns show:
    • Work Type Description
    • Allocate
    • Bundle Reason
    • User Reason, and
    • Work Item ID
  • The highest priority document type (For example, Notice of Judgement or Settlement (MCRS DOC ASS MO022)) will be allocated as the Parent Work Item
  • Select Submit
  • Worklist screen will present with the case reference of the parent work item
  • Select Open in MCRS button from the top right hand corner of screen
  • All documents contained in the bundle will be presented in the Files & documents tile

Note: staff that get a bundle containing a work type they are not trained in should direct the work items to an appropriately skilled Service Officer by selecting User reason > Service Officer has incorrect skills > Submit

Are all of the bundled documents related to the same customer/claim?


Work item can’t be completed + Read more ...

Options for a work item are available through the Actions bar at the bottom of the Worklist screen:

  • Hold to User: prevents the item from being reassigned (HTU). A reminder date/time must be set
  • Reassign: transfers the item to another specified user’s work list
  • Unassign: move the item back to the pool if it has been incorrectly assigned. An unassign reason must be chosen:
    • Capability adjusted: skill tag changed (not trained in that work type)
    • Proficiency Raised: for example, from established to experienced
    • Recategorised: work type changed, for example from MOO21 to MO026
    • Service Support Referral: n/a - do not use for MCRS
    • User Unavailable: for example, on holiday or no longer working in the section

Service Officers can discuss with a Program Support Officer (PSO) or a Team Leader about when to unassign or hold a work item.

A work item will remain on hold until it is completed, reassigned or unassigned. Items not Held to User will remain in the work list for 48 hours before being re-allocated.

See Escalations - Medicare Compensation Recovery for more information on reassigning and assigning.


Exit Work Optimiser - Health + Read more ...

To exit Work Optimiser:

  • Select the cross at the top right hand corner, or
  • Select Log off from the dropdown menu

Actioning remittance advice

Table 5 - outlines the process when Medicare Compensation Recovery receives a document intended for compensation finance team.




View work item and check if Compensation Finance got the remittance + Read more ...

Compensation finance is the correct destination for all remittance advice.

Has Compensation finance been included as a recipient of the email (including CC)?


Stakeholder education + Read more ...

Make an outbound call to the sender and tell them to direct the remittance advice to Compensation finance, as per the Notice of Judgment or Settlement (MO022) form.

If contact is unsuccessful, complete 'Action required - Your remittance advice cannot be actioned (Z2916)' email template to the originator from the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox. This email template confirms that the sender must re-submit the remittance advice to Compensation finance directly.

Service Officers must only send emails from the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox. Emails must not be sent from personal mailboxes:

  • Select Medicare > Compensation Recovery to access Letters and Emails
  • Select the hyperlink Z2916 Action required - Your remittance advice cannot be actioned
  • Select Open. The email template will open
  • See the Resources page for a link to the email template

Complete the fields:

  • From: enter the Medicare Compensation Recovery mailbox email address
  • To: copy the originator’s email address from their email. For example,
  • Date Sent and Subject (in email body): add the original sent date and originator’s email subject to the body of the email. The subject of the email to be sent has already been pre-populated

Do not:

  • add any other text to the email
  • attach any documents, or
  • add personal signature block

Go to Step 3.


Check if the remittance contains other documents for Medicare Compensation Recovery + Read more ...

Does the remittance correspondence contain other Medicare Compensation Recovery documents?


Review documents + Read more ...

Do the documents contain multiple customer details?


Complete required work steps + Read more ...

Take appropriate action to finalise work steps and link the remittance to the claim with the other documents. See Table 1 in Claim Management - Medicare Compensation Recovery.

Procedure ends here.


Invalidate the enquiry + Read more ...

Select Actions for the left hand panel > Invalid work from the dropdown menu:

  • add appropriate reason
  • select Submit

Procedure ends here.

Unclassified work items

Table 6 - outlines how to action an unclassified work item and re-categorised the item to the most appropriate WLM queue.




Unclassified correspondence types + Read more ...

Unclassified documents can be broken into 4 main categories:

  • Incoming mail intended for Medicare Compensation Recovery
  • Remittance advice, see Table 5
  • Non-actionable correspondence, for example, SPAM emails and read receipts
  • Correspondence not intended for Medicare Compensation Recovery, go to Step 3


Correspondence needing further action + Read more ...

Any correspondence needing further action must be re-categorised to the most appropriate WLM queue under incoming correspondence work types only see Table 2 on Resources page.

Examples may include:


Examples - correspondence Medicare Compensation Recovery do not action + Read more ...

  • Documents for other departments/agencies
  • Medicare Public rebate enquiries
  • Medicare enrolment forms
  • Correspondence unable to be matched to a claim or injured person
  • Spam emails
  • Remittance advice, see Table 5

Is the correspondence intended for Medicare Compensation Recovery?


Action enquiry case + Read more ...

Check the Enquiry case, case notes and relevant documents to determine what actions are required for the claim.

Service Officers must identify what actions are required and process accordingly. See:

If a Service Officer is not proficient in a work type, Re-assign the work item in Work Optimiser:

  • User ID: enter the Service Officer’s logon ID
  • Reason: Re-categorised
  • Work Type Program: Medicare Compensation Recovery
  • Work Type Process Category: Claims
  • Work Type: select as is necessary based on the documentation in the enquiry/ required work-step

Service Officers not trained in the required work-step must identify what actions are required for the enquiry and Un-assign the work item in Work Optimiser:

  • Reason: Re-categorised
  • Work Type Program: Medicare Compensation Recovery
  • Work Type Process Category: Claims
  • Work Type: select as is necessary based on the documentation in the enquiry/ required work-step, see Table 2 on Resources page

Note: do not re-categorised to SO4 priority queue unless exceptional circumstances exist.

Procedure ends here.


Invalidate work item + Read more ...

Service Officers must invalidate the enquiry as no action is needed.

  • In the MCRS case screen, select the Actions menu in the left top corner of the Enquiry screen
  • Select Invalid work
  • Enter a reason for invalidating case
  • Select Submit
  • A message will present asking Are you sure you cannot proceed with the work?
  • Select the Yes button
  • If a claim is registered add a case note to the claim using Restricted Claim Actions

Procedure ends here.

Note: for subpoenas received as unclassified documents, see Table 6 in Authority to access a claim - Medicare Compensation Recovery