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Processing proof of immunisation requests for Out of Home Care (OOHC) 011-22012437

This document explains how to process Out of Home Care (OOHC) requests for Immunisation History Statements (IHS), International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates (ICVC) and Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) enquiries for children under 14 years.

For enquiries relating to individuals aged 14 years or over, see Proof of vaccination and the AIR and Authentication and release of information for AIR.

On this page:

Process IHS requests for OOHC

Submitting a proof of vaccination letter for quality assurance

Work item returned from quality assurance

Process IHS requests for OOHC

Table 1: this table contains procedures on how to process immunisation history statements (IHS) for OOHC requests for children under 14 years.




Check details of request + Read more ...

Review the request and make sure the following information is provided:

  • Request is on agency letterhead, or a fax with logo/email with signature block and correct wording. See the Resources page for approved statements of responsibility
  • The child’s name and DOB
  • The requester’s name
  • Date of request (if missing use receipt date)
  • Name of department/agency
  • Postal address

Service Officers must:

  • make sure the case worker's name is correctly included in the PaNDA naming conventions
  • add the PaNDA work item ID to the case ID field
  • make sure the outgoing correspondence includes the department name. If the request is from a government agency, address the letter using the names listed in Table 1 in Child Protection Agency – Medicare card number requests for children and young people in out-of-home care (OOHC)
  • use the letterhead provided by the sender when responding to non-government organisation requests. Even if the address is also in the body of the request
  • not use any special characters in the address even if shown on the letterhead, as these are not accepted by Australia Post
  • use the postal address, or PO Box, in the first instance, unless specifically mentioned in the body of the request


  • the caseworker's manager may send a request to be returned to the caseworker
  • information is not to be sent to a caretaker
  • only caseworkers can request a different recipient


Search for child + Read more ...

CDMS contains information required to complete the processing of the IHS request.

  • From the Medicare Portal select:
    • Source Office code from dropdown menu
    • CDMS from eBusiness System dropdown menu
  • Select Amend Consumer Details
  • Search for the child in CDMS using Medicare number (if supplied) or child’s surname, gender and date of birth (required)
  • Search using all names the child may be known by
  • Search other known names that may be outlined on the Child Protection Agency letter or proof of birth document confirming the parent/s names. Searches can include using both parent/s surnames (where different)
  • If not found in CDMS check for a supplementary identification number (SIN) in mainframe:
    • type YCUI and [Enter] on keyboard
    • enter name, date of birth and postcode, using same optional search criteria as for CDMS above
  • If child not found, go to Step 3
  • If child found, go to Step 4


Child not found + Read more ...

If the child cannot be found:

Note: record a note in PaNDA. Do not release restricted information to the customer. Go to Step 8.


Child found in CDMS + Read more ...

Check the following Personal information:

  • select the Sensitive Information tab
  • check the Active Indicators for previously received court orders and their end date

Determine if requestor has authority to get the child’s Immunisation History Statement.

Check the request has all the required information, if no, go to Step 5.

If court orders are attached, check if previous court orders are noted and are:

  • up to date, and current request is on organisation letterhead/email with correct wording, go to Step 6
  • not up to date or previously recorded, and current request is on organisation letterhead/email with correct wording:
    • add or amend a Sensitive Information Indicator for Care of a child. This is viewed in the CDMS tab in the AIR Service Officer Portal. See Sensitive Information Indicators in the CDMS
    • include ‘via AIR’ when updating the Comment field on the Indicator
    • do not include foster carer details in CDMS Comments, Sensitive Information Indicators or Contact Details

Note: if there is a change in the OOHC Department/Agency, process the request, add a note in PaNDA to reflect the change. Reassign it to Medicare eligibility so they can make sure the Department/Agency have completed the process of transferring the OOHC individual to the new Department/Agency.


Missing information + Read more ...

If information is missing, take the following actions:

  • Contact department/agency requester by phone and advise to resend request with missing information, or
  • Return by post with a standard letter

Note: record a detailed comment in both Mainframe (for each child) and PaNDA (for assistance, see the View, add and edit processing notes to a work Item table). Do not release restricted information to the customer.


Mainframe check + Read more ...

  • Check the child or individual’s details in Mainframe
  • Key YCUI and [Enter] on the keyboard
  • key Medicare number/PIN number or name, date of birth and postcode from CDMS and [Enter]
  • Select PF14, the YIRD (Episode History-Basic) screen will display
  • Check listed immunisation details for pends and correct, or missing vaccines and check with immunising provider where possible to update


AIR Immunisation History Statement + Read more ...

If the AIR IHS is to be printed from a Medicare number:

  • From Medicare Portal select
    • Source Office code from dropdown menu
    • AIR Immunisation History Statement from eBusiness System dropdown menu
  • Enter Medicare number and individual reference number of the child or individual
  • Select View Immunisation History the screen will update listing the child
  • Select View Statement pop up will appear at the bottom of page, select Open
  • Save the IHS PDF statement for uploading to PaNDA

If the AIR IHS is to be printed from a PIN number:

  • from AIR Web Admin select AIR Web Landing Page
  • select Identify Individual dropdown and Identify Individual again
  • key PIN Number and select Search, the AIR Individual Details screen displays

Scroll to bottom of the page and select Immunisation History Statement. The operator will be presented with the option to “generate PDF”.

Save the IHS PDF statement for uploading to PaNDA. Only PDF files should be used to send out the appropriate OOHC letter.

Note: where the child requires:


Create Letter + Read more ...

Create a letter from a template using the following steps:

  • Open intranet page and select ‘Forms, letters, guides, publications and templates’ from the menu on the left hand side of the screen
  • Under the heading ‘letters’, select ‘Operational Blueprint letters and electronic messaging’
  • Select Medicare (Public letters) and then select Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). The page containing the Public letter templates displays
  • Select Z2340 - Your request for immunisation record/s. This letter:
    • confirms the AIR has or does not have any records, and
    • advises how to resend the request with consent from individual aged 14 years or over
  • Template loads, select Enable Content, macro appears
  • Complete macro, press ok
  • Review the letter for accuracy
  • Upload letter or letter and IHS to PaNDA (for assistance see the Add a document to an existing Work Item in Work Optimiser - Medicare table)
  • Delete the IHS PDF immediately after uploading to PaNDA
  • Submit IHS and letter for quality assurance. See Table 2 to submit letter and/or IHS for quality assurance

Note: record a standard comment from the Resources page in both Mainframe and PaNDA (for each child). For assistance, see the View, add and edit processing notes to a work Item table. Do not release restricted information to the customer.

Submitting a proof of vaccination letter for quality assurance

Table 2: this table contains procedures for submitting letters and proof of vaccination for quality assurance. It also includes completing Quality Assurance procedures.




Submit for Quality Assurance (QA) in PaNDA + Read more ...

Service Officer submits a letter or letter and proof of vaccination for QA after:

  • letters/proof of vaccination are uploaded to the PaNDA item
  • applicable notes added to the PaNDA item and Mainframe

Select the Send for Delegation button.

When the work item is returned from QA to the Service Officer, go to Table 3.

Note: whoever is skilled to do QA that day will receive the delegated work.


Quality Assurer check list + Read more ...

Quality assurer uses the documents from the requesting agency in PaNDA to confirm:

  • child/ren’s DOB, names (including AKA) and spelling of names are correct
  • the proof of vaccination is for the correct child
  • the requester’s name is correct and spelt correctly
  • the requester’s address, including department/agency name is correct

Are the details correct?


Record incorrect outcome in the Staff Feedback Tool + Read more ...

Quality assurer accesses the Staff Feedback Tool and provides the rejected outcome as feedback.

  • Record feedback and select:
    • Your Office: Pre-populated
    • Officer: Search with individuals name or logon ID and select the correct Officer
    • Receiving Office: Pre-populated with Officer selection
    • Manager: Pre-populated with Officer selection
    • Service Details: Population Health Program, AIR, ‘OOHC Delegate Checked Work Item’
    • Feedback Category: Feedback
  • Enter the Customer Reference Number and Reference Number Other
  • In the Notes enter ‘Rejected’ and add standard note, see the Resources page
  • Select Submit. Go to Step 4


Return the work item + Read more ...

Update the work item and return it back to the Service Officer to finalise:

  • on the PaNDA Item select Return Work Item, the Return Work Item pop up window displays
  • select Reassign to Service Officer as the Reassign/Unassign option
  • add processing note stating ‘Approved OR Rejected’ and standard note, see the Resources page
  • select Approve or Reject depending on the outcome
  • the work item is returned to the Service Officer

Work item returned from quality assurance

Table 3: this table contains procedures for the Service Officer once a work item is returned from Quality Assurance.




Work item returned to Service Officer + Read more ...

Open the returned work item from the Work List in PaNDA.

If the work item was:


Work item rejected + Read more ...

Check the processing notes on the work item and:

  • correct any errors
  • add a processing note in PaNDA with the changes made
  • select Send for Delegation, to have the work item checked again

If any of the errors cannot be fixed, contact the requester by phone and ask they resend with the correct information.

Record a standard comment from the Resources page in both Mainframe and PaNDA (for each child).

Note: do not release restricted information to the customer.

Procedure ends here.


Work item approved + Read more ...

Finalise the work item:

  • Complete the work item in PaNDA
  • Update the original Mainframe comment to advise the letter or letter and proof of vaccination has been sent. For adding processing notes, see the Resources page. If the work item is reallocated, the Service Officer receiving the work item adds a comment. The comment should include the original Service Officer’s name and confirm they are finalising on their behalf

Note: Do not release restricted information to the customer.

Procedure ends here.