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Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Administrative Orders and Authorised Representative for Medicare 011-40030000

This document explains details about Power of Attorney (POA), Guardianship, Administrative Orders and Authorised Representatives for Medicare.

On this page:

Processing a new Power of Attorney (POA)

Processing Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship and Administrative Orders

Amending or deleting a Power of Attorney (POA), Public Trustee (entity) appointment or Guardianship or Administration order

Adding Authorised Representative details

Processing a new Power of Attorney (POA)

Note: attorney is not a lawyer/solicitor, it is the donee for POA purposes.

Table 1




Authenticate attorney (donee) and donor + Read more ...

Should a customer contact Medicare to enquire on an application for POA, Service Officers must authenticate the attorney (donee) and donor.

Is the attorney/donee or donor contacting by phone or in a service centre?

  • Yes, authenticate the attorney/donee or donor. If authentication is:
  • No, if the Service Officer is processing the POA enrolment from:
    • PaNDA, go to Step 2
    • a service centre, they must manually scan the POA document and attorney (donee) identification into PaNDA for processing. Procedure ends here


Check documentation + Read more ...

Make sure all appropriate documentation is provided to complete CDMS. See Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Administrative Orders and Authorised Representative for Medicare sections on the Background page.

Have all documents been provided?


Missing documentation + Read more ...


On CDMS home page + Read more ...

Select Amend Consumer Details:

  • key the donor's Medicare card number in ID Number field
  • select Entitlement

The Amendment Search screen displays.


Select the customer the POA is to be added to + Read more ...

In Consumers, select:

  • the radio button to select the customer to amend
  • POA tab

The new/Additional POA screen displays.

Note: this screen confirms if the customer already has an existing POA.


Adding POA details + Read more ...

To add POA details, in New/Additional POA, key or select the details of the customer's POA eligibility:

  • POA Name (name of the person that holds the POA)
  • POA Type (select from the drop down list)
  • POA Text (key identity document details, for example, drivers licence, passport etc.)
  • POA Start Date (go to the POA authority and key the date the POA authority started). The POA start date is generally not today's date
  • POA End Date (see Note)
  • Sight POA Due Date: (do not complete, field is obsolete)


  • General POA - do not record an end date unless it is noted in the document
  • Enduring POA - do not record an end date
  • Limited POA - record an end date

Select Validate.

An information message displays to state if the details were acceptable or not. Select OK to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change the details as needed.

Select Return to return to the Amend Entitlement Details screen, Validate, Update.

Add comments in Personal tab in CDMS - Photo Identity sighted/provided for attorney/donee.

Processing Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship and Administrative Orders

Table 2 this table describes how to process a Legal Entity request. A Legal Entity can be a Public Trustee or a state Civil and Administrative Tribunal, for example, NSWCAT, VCAT, QCAT.




Check documentation + Read more ...

Public Trustees and other legal entities must provide:

  • evidence of the Guardianship or Administration Order
  • a written letter on the legal entity's letterhead including the customer's Medicare number

Is all documentation provided as above?


Missing documentation + Read more ...

Where documentation is missing, contact the legal entity from details on the letter received and see Medicare eligibility and enrolments request for information.


On CDMS home page + Read more ...

Select Amend Consumer Details:

  • key the Medicare card number in the ID Number field
  • select Group
  • select Members tab to confirm the person is the only person on the Medicare card

Where more than one person is enrolled on the Medicare card and only one person on the card has been appointed a guardianship/administrative order, Service Officers must copy or transfer the person appointed the order onto their own card.

A Public Trustee Other Person on Card letter and Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare care to another form (MS011) must be sent to the relevant Public Trustee entity.

The Resources page contains links to the letter and form.


Record address and group contact + Read more ...

  • select Name/Address tab
  • untick the Group Association button
  • remove the Contact Reference Number
  • key one of the following fields:
    • guardian or administration name field: 'Surname, Firstname', or
    • Public Trustee field: 'Reference number, Public Trustee'. For example, 123456,Public Trustee
  • Record Address listed on the order
    • select Address Source from the dropdown list
    • over-key the locality or postcode
    • key the new address details

Select Validate, Validate, Update.

Note: where a guardianship/administration order is in place, the guardian/administrator address is recorded at Group level. The Personal Residential address must be recorded as the customer's mailing address at Personal level.


Adding Public Trustee, Guardianship/Administrative orders details + Read more ...

  • select Entitlement
  • select POA tab

To add order details, in New/Additional POA, key or select the details of the customer's POA eligibility:

  • POA Name (full name or entity name)
  • POA Type - select from the dropdown list:
    • Guardianship Order
    • Administration Orde, or
    • for Public Trustee - select Other
  • POA Text (only complete for Public Trustee)
    • key Public Trustee, reference number. For example, Public Trustee, 123456
  • POA Start Date (go to the order and key the date started)
  • POA End Date (do not record an end date unless it is recorded in the document)
  • Sight POA Due Date: field (do not complete, field is obsolete)

Select Validate.

An information message displays to state if the details were acceptable or not. Select OK to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change as required.

Select Return to return to the Amend Entitlement Details screen, Validate, Update.

See Amend address in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare.


Change the Personal address + Read more ...

To change the Personal address:

  • Select Personal
  • Select Address tab
  • In the Mailing address field, key the customer's previous mailing address
  • If unknown:
    • select Summary tab
    • select History
    • in All Events, select Address, Filter Results
    • select Amended address radio button, select History Details

This shows the previous address. Return to Personal address screen and update to reflect the customer's mailing address:

  • over-key the locality or postcode
  • key the address details

The mailing address must be an Australian address.

Select Validate, Validate, Update.

Note: Z2608 - Registration of Public Trustee is required to advise the legal entity of their client's Medicare number and expiration date once the Public Trustee entity has been recorded.

Amending or deleting a Power of Attorney (POA), Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship or Administration order

Note: attorney is not a lawyer/solicitor, it is the donee for POA purposes.

Table 3




Protect personal details + Read more ...

If a customer is updating their POA, Public Trustee (entity) appointment or Guardianship or Administration order due to separating from a relationship, there are key tasks they should consider to protect their personal details.


Authenticate attorney (donee) and donor + Read more ...

Should a customer contact Medicare to enquire on an application for POA, Service Officers must authenticate the attorney (donee) and donor.

Is the customer contacting by phone or in a service centre?

  • Yes, authenticate the customer. If authentication is:
  • No, if the Service Officer is processing the POA enrolment from:
    • PaNDA, go to Step 3
    • a service centre, Service Officer manually scans the customer's POA letter request and documents into PaNDA for processing. Procedure ends here


Check documentation + Read more ...

Check that all appropriate documentation is provided to complete CDMS. See Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Administrative Orders and Authorised Representative for Medicare on the Background page for more details.

Is all documentation provided?


Missing documentation + Read more ...


On CDMS home page + Read more ...

Select Amend Consumer Details:

  • key the donor's Medicare card number in ID Number field
  • select Entitlement

The Amendment Search screen displays.


Select the customer to be amended + Read more ...

In Consumers, select:

  • the radio button to select the customer to amend
  • POA tab

The new/Additional POA screen displays.

Note: this screen confirms if the customer already has an existing POA, Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship or Administration order.


Amending POA, Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship or Administration order details + Read more ...

To amend POA, in Recorded POAs:

  • select the relevant POA, Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship or Administration order details
  • select Amend
  • change the details provided on supporting documentation
  • select Validate

An information message displays to state if the amendments were acceptable or not. Select OK to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change as required.

Select Return to return to the Amend Entitlement Details screen, Validate, Update.

Note: this includes recording an end date for revoked POA, Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship or Administration orders.


Amending address (POA, Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship or Administration order) details + Read more ...


  • Group
  • Name/Address tab:
    • select History Summary
    • in All Events, select Program Group, Filter Results
    • select Amended group program radio button, select History Details
    • select Contact Address radio button, select Display details

This shows the customer's previous address.

Return to Group address screen and update to reflect customer's previously recorded address.

Note: the mailing address must be an Australian address.


Amending Group contact (POA, Public Trustee (entity) appointment, or Guardianship or Administration order) details + Read more ...

  • Select Group Contact tab
  • If the contact person is on the Medicare card, select the Card Association box
  • In Contact Card Reference Number field:
    • key the customer's Medicare card reference number, for example, 1
    • select Get Details
  • The remaining fields populate with the customer's details

Scroll down and select:

  • Validate, action any warning messages
  • Validate, if all details are correct, and
  • Update

Adding Authorised Representative details

Table 4: this table describes how to add an Authorised Representative (MO050) form to a customer's record.




Authenticate the Authorised Representative and customer + Read more ...

Should an Authorised Representative contact Medicare, Service Officers must authenticate the Authorised Representative and customer.

If the:

  • Authorised Representative is contacting by phone, authenticate the Authorised Representative. If authentication is:
    • successful, go to Step 2
    • unsuccessful, procedure ends here
  • Authorised Representative is in a service centre:
    • Service Officer refers the customer to lodge their application and documents via onsite computers. For example, customer lodges via the Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) inbox. Procedure ends here, or
    • manually scans the MO050 form and documents to PaNDA for processing. Procedure ends here
  • Service Officer is processing the MO050 form from PaNDA, go to Step 2


Check documentation + Read more ...

Only Service Officers skill tagged in Authorised Representative can assess:

  • Authorisation to act on an incapacitated person's behalf for Medicare purposes form (MO050), and
  • supporting documents

Check that all appropriate documentation is provided to complete CDMS. See Authorised Representative Arrangements for the types of documents needed.

Verify identity documents in Medicare Document Verification Service (DVS) Portal.

Is all documentation provided?


Missing documents + Read more ...

Where documentation is missing or not all required sections of the form have been completed, contact the authorised representative.

Is contact successful?

  • Yes, Service Officers must inform the authorised representative of the missing information:
    • authorised representative must resubmit the MO050 with all documentation, see Authorised Representative Arrangements on the Background page
    • leave a comment in PaNDA work item
    • finalise and complete the work item
    • procedure ends here
  • No, Service Officers must:
    • leave a comment in PaNDA
    • send the Authorised Representative more information letter (Z2489). Include:
      all submitted documents
      a blank statutory declaration or MO050 if needed
    • save the letter to the Customer Information folder in their team's secure shared drive. Attach the letter to the relevant PaNDA work item and once the letter is uploaded, delete the letter from the secure folder
    • finalise and complete the work item
    • procedure ends here


Verify identity documents + Read more ...

Has identification verification in Medicare DVS Portal been successful?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, contact a Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS) to request a second attempt at DVS verification. Go to Step 11


Log on to CDMS + Read more ...

On CDMS Home page, select Amend Consumer Details.

The Amendment Search screen displays.


Locate the customer + Read more ...

Select the following fields:

  • Program (select Medicare)
  • ID Number (key the customer's Medicare card number)
  • ID Number Type (select Medicare card number)
  • Personal

The Personal screen displays.

Select the customer who requires the Authorised Representative to be added.


Family and domestic violence (FDV) + Read more ...

Has family and domestic violence been identified?

  • Yes, where FDV (including abuse of older Australians) may be a concern, Service Officers must consider this when assessing a new Authorised Representative application. If FDV appears to be evident, Service Officers must make a referral to a social worker. See Family and domestic violence for more details.
  • No, go to Step 8


Add POA details + Read more ...

Key the following Authorised Representative information from the form:

  • POA Name (Authorised Representative's name)
  • POA Type (select Authorised Representative in the drop down box)
  • POA Text (key relationship details from the form)
  • POA Start Date (key the date recorded in the Authorised Representative acceptance section of the form)
  • POA End Date (do not complete)
  • Sight POA End Date (do not complete)
  • Select:
    • Validate
    • OK when the information message displays
    • Return
    • Validate
    • Update
    • OK

The POA is now recorded in Recorded POAs section of CDMS.


Finalise amendments + Read more ...


Send letter + Read more ...

Complete the Authorised representative confirmed letter (Z2488) and mail to the authorised representative.

See the Resources page for a link.


LPS second attempt at document verification + Read more ...

Was LPS document verification successful?