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Amend customer entitlement details in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare 011-40060070

This page contains relevant procedures for amending customer entitlement details in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS).

On this page:

Process for adding entitlement details

Process for amending Group eligibility dates

Process for amending or deleting entitlement details

Process for adding or deleting entitlement comments

Process for adding eligibility or residency documents

Add a CTG Registration on behalf of a Health Professional

Amend a customer’s CTG Registration – opt out

Process for adding entitlement details

Table 1: this table describes how to add new or additional entitlement details for a customer.




CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) home page select Amend Consumer Details link.

The Amendment Search screen is displayed.


Searching for the customer + Read more ...

The Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen is displayed.


Selecting the customer + Read more ...

In Consumers select the radio button to select the customer to be amended


Adding entitlement details + Read more ...

In Entitlement Details, add the entitlement details as required:

  • Entitlement Type (mandatory)
  • Country of Relevance (the country relevant to the entitlement type)
  • RHCA Country, see Reciprocal Health Care Agreements
  • Entitlement Start Date (mandatory)
  • Entitlement End Date (if applicable)
  • Entitlement End Reason (if applicable)
  • Eligibility Update (select if the entitlement details keyed are to apply to all listed customers)


Validating entitlement details + Read more ...

When complete, scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V).

An information message displays informing you whether the details were acceptable or not. Select OK to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change the details as required.


Final validation + Read more ...

Scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V).

The Confirm Amended Medicare Entitlement Details screen displays the details.


Changing or printing details + Read more ...


  • Change to change the details, go to Step 4
  • Print to print the information on the screen


Updating correct details + Read more ...

When the details are correct select Update (Alt+U):

  • An information message displays informing you that the entitlement details have been added. Select OK to acknowledge the message.
  • An information message displays informing you of the type of information that was added. Select OK to acknowledge the message.
  • The Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen redisplays with the details.

Process for amending Group eligibility dates

Table 2: this table describes how to amend Group eligibility start and end dates.




CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the Customer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) select Amend Consumer Details link.

The Amendment Search screen is displayed.


Searching for the customer + Read more ...

The Amend Medicare Card Details screen is displayed.


Amending the Group start and end dates + Read more ...

  • Select on the Card Requests tab
  • Amend the Group Eligibility Start Date/Group Eligibility End Date


Validating amended details + Read more ...

When you have amended the details, scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V).

An information message displays informing you whether the requests were acceptable or not. Select OK to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change the requests as required.


Final validation + Read more ...

Scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V)

The Confirm Amended Medicare Card Details screen displays the updated details.


Changing or printing details + Read more ...


  • Change to change the details, go to Step 3
  • Print to print the information on the screen


Updating correct details + Read more ...

When the details are correct select Update (Alt+U):

  • an information message displays informing you that the details have been updated. Select OK to acknowledge the message
  • an information message displays informing you of the type of information that was amended. Select OK to acknowledge the message

Process for amending or deleting entitlement details

Table 3: this table describes how to amend or delete entitlement details for a customer.




CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the Customer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) select Amend Consumer Details link.

Results: the Amendment Search screen is displayed.


Searching for the customer + Read more ...

The Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen is displayed.


Selecting the customer + Read more ...

In Consumers select the radio button to select the customer to be amended.


Amending entitlement details + Read more ...

In Eligibility Status:

  • select the record you want to amend
  • select Amend
  • change the entitlement details as required:
    • Entitlement Type (mandatory)
    • Country of Relevance (the country relevant to the entitlement type)
    • RHCA Country, see Reciprocal Health Care Agreements Entitlement Start Date (mandatory)
    • Entitlement End Date (if applicable)
    • Entitlement End Reason (if applicable)
    • Eligibility Update (select if the entitlement details keyed are to apply to all listed customers)
    • select Validate (Alt+V)

An information message displays informing you whether the amendments were acceptable or not. Select OK to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change the amendments as required.


Deleting entitlement details + Read more ...

In Eligibility Status:

  • select the record you want to delete
  • select Delete
  • a message displays confirming whether you want to keep the entitlement details. Select No to continue with deletion
  • a message displays informing you of the deletion. Select OK to acknowledge the message


Validating amended details + Read more ...

Scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V).

The Confirm Amended Medicare Entitlement Details screen displays the details.


Changing or printing details + Read more ...


  • Change to change the details, go to Step 4
  • Print to print the information on the screen


Updating correct details + Read more ...

When the details are correct select Update (Alt+U):

  • an information message displays informing you that the entitlement details have been added. Select OK to acknowledge the message
  • an information message displays informing you of the type of information that was added. Select OK to acknowledge the message
  • the Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen redisplays with the details

Process for adding or deleting entitlement comments

Table 4: this table describes how to add or delete entitlement comments for a customer.




CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) home page select Amend Consumer Details link.

The Amendment Search screen is displayed.


Searching for the customer + Read more ...

The Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen is displayed.


Selecting the customer + Read more ...

In Consumers select the radio button to select the customer to be amended.


Adding comments + Read more ...

  • Select Comments tab

In New Comments:

  • key the comment in the Text field
  • if the comment has an end date, key the date in Comment End Date field, in the format DD/MM/YYYY


Deleting a comment + Read more ...

In Recoded Comments change the end date in the Comment End Date field date to today's date, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.


Validating details + Read more ...

Scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V).

The Confirm Amended Medicare Entitlement Details screen displays the details.


Changing or printing details + Read more ...


  • Change to change the details, go to Step 4
  • Print to print the information on the screen


Updating correct details + Read more ...

When the details are correct select Update (Alt+U):

  • An information message displays informing you that the entitlement details have been added. Select OK to acknowledge the message.
  • An information message displays informing you of the type of information that was added. Select OK to acknowledge the message.
  • The Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen redisplays with the details.

Process for adding eligibility or residency documents

Table 5: this table describes how to add eligibility and residency documents as proof of entitlement for a customer. Record as many documents as necessary or provided. Most eligibility or residency documents require either reference text (or number), or a reference date to be recorded.




CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) home page select Amend Consumer Details link.

The Amendment Search screen is displayed.


Searching for the customer + Read more ...

The Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen is displayed


Selecting the customer + Read more ...

In Consumers select the radio button to select the customer to be amended.


Keying eligibility and residency documents + Read more ...

In Eligibility Details, select Documents:

  • select or key the following details for each document:
    • Eligibility Document (mandatory)
    • Residency Document (if applicable)
    • Reference Text (number or text of the document, if required)
    • Reference Date (if required)
  • select Add

Note: most eligibility or residency documents require either reference text (or number), or a reference date to be recorded.

See Document types for Medicare eligibility and enrolment.


Making additional amendments + Read more ...

Make any other amendments in the remaining fields, as required.


Validating customer's documents + Read more ...

When you have added all the customer's documents, scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V).

An information message displays informing you whether the details were acceptable or not. Select OK to acknowledge the message. If not acceptable, change the document details as required.


Final validation + Read more ...

Scroll down and select Validate (Alt+V).

The Confirm Amended Medicare Entitlement Details screen displays the details.


Changing or printing details + Read more ...


  • Change to change the details, go to Step 4
  • Print to print the information on the screen


Updating correct details + Read more ...

When the details are correct select Update (Alt+U):

  • An information message displays informing you that the entitlement details have been added. Select OK to acknowledge the message.
  • An information message displays informing you of the type of information that was added. Select OK to acknowledge the message.
  • The Amend Medicare Entitlement Details screen redisplays with the details.

Add a CTG Registration on behalf of a Health Professional

Table 6: this table describes how to add a CTG registration on behalf of a Health Professional in CDMS.




Access CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the CDMS home page:

  • Select Amend Consumer Details
  • Key the Medicare card number in ID Number field
  • Select the Entitlement button
  • Select Closing the Gap tab


Closing the Gap registration + Read more ...

In Consumers, select the radio button against the customer to be changed.

Add CTG entitlement to this consumer record:

  • Enter the start date of today’s date (if not pre-populated)
  • Leave the end date field blank
    • In the comments field, ensure to include the Health Professional’s name and prescriber ID
  • Select Validate
    • Information message (00645) should pop up - select OK
  • Select Validate again
  • Confirm Amended Medicare Entitlement Details screen should load with personal details and the CTG entitlement information just entered
  • Select Update
    • Information message 00454 should display stating entitlement details amended successfully.

Note: once details have been updated they cannot be changed, it would be necessary to add new details. Recorded details cannot be deleted.

Amend a customer’s CTG Registration – opt out

Table 7: this table describes how to amend a customer’s CTG registration (opt out) in CDMS.




Access CDMS home page + Read more ...

On the CDMS home page:

  • Select Amend Consumer Details
  • Key the Medicare card number in ID Number field
  • Select the Entitlement button
  • Select Closing the Gap tab


Closing the Gap registration + Read more ...

In Consumers, select the radio button against the customer to be changed.

Remove a CTG entitlement (opt out) to this consumer record:

  • Current status (should read active)
  • Enter the end date of today’s date
  • Add comments if necessary
  • Select Validate
    • Information message (00645) should pop up - select OK
  • Select Validate again
  • Confirm Amended Medicare Entitlement Details screen should load with personal details and the CTG entitlement information just entered
  • Select Update
    • Information message 00454 should display stating entitlement details amended successfully.

Note: once details have been updated they cannot be changed, it would be necessary to add new details. Recorded details cannot be deleted.