Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) 101-05070000
This document outlines information on the role of the CAO for Centrelink services.
Role of the CAO
The CAO positions were created in 1991 in recognition of the need to have policy officers who specialise in assessing complex income and assets test cases. This is especially for cases involving complex financial arrangements and business structures.
The primary functions and objectives of the CAO are to:
- undertake assessments of certain categories of cases upon referral. The Process page has more information
- provide information, advice and recommendations to Service Officers, Financial Information Service Officers (FISOs), Authorised Review Officers (AROs) and Zone Office staff
- enhance the level of expertise and ability of Service Officers in assessing sole trader cases, partnerships, income streams, apportionment and self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs)
- assess training needs, conduct training and information sessions, and develop learning aids
- provide information to accountants, financial advisors, solicitors and other third parties
CAO assessments
CAOs make assessments on varying categories of complex casework. They have specific delegations and responsibilities in the following cases:
- attribution of income and assets to a customer resulting from their involvement with a private company or trust on or after 1 January 2002
- approval or rejection of payment under assets hardship rules
- assessment of Special Disability Trusts
- assessment of the Home Equity Access Scheme
CAO assessment updates
A CAO assessment remains current until a customer notifies a change in circumstances.
Undisclosed involvement in a Private Trust or Company
Information provided by customers or third parties relating to private trusts and companies will be checked for persons listed in forms, financial statements, or other relevant documents who:
- have loaned money to the entity
- have any formal role within the private trust or company, or
- are relevant persons linked to the entity
Where there is:
- a current link, all relevant assessments will be actioned
- no current link, the record will be checked for any:
- outstanding CAO referrals for assessment of the entity
- scanned documents or other information disclosing the persons involvement with the entity on their or their partner’s record
- outstanding assessments to be actioned
Note: except for the applicant and their partner, do not link persons involved in the entity to the entity if they are not (or have not been) in receipt of an applicable payment or benefit for a past period.
For persons who are not linked and appear to have undisclosed involvement for a period while in receipt of an applicable payment or benefit:
- the details will be reported using the Report Suspected Fraud and Corruption System. See Report suspected fraud and corruption
- no further action will be taken. The CAO will not:
- investigate undeclared involvement
- link to entity record
- send requests for information
Identifying and making suitable referrals to the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
Related links
Special Disability Trust (SDT) - initial contact
Streaming and processing a new claim for Farm Household Allowance (FHA)
Assessing Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) applications