File Name | Title |
012-03000000 | Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service - Health Professionals |
012-03010000 | Administration for Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03010010 | Address formatting in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03010020 | Document storage for Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03010030 | HP Records Manager for Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03020000 | Handle calls for Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03020010 | Handle call from Responsible Officer (RO), Organisation Maintenance Officer (OMO) or Contracted Service Provider (CSP) on behalf of an organisation |
012-03020020 | Handle call from provider or authorised employee about an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) |
012-03020030 | Handle call from provider about Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) |
012-03020040 | Handle 'Act for' call in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03030000 | Evidence of identity for Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03040000 | Search for records in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03040010 | Search for Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03040020 | Searching for records in the Healthcare Identifiers Service using the eHealth Program (EHP) |
012-03050000 | Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03060000 | Professional associations and Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070000 | Contracted Service Provider (CSP) in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070010 | Create Contracted Service Provider (CSP) organisation record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070020 | Create Contracted Service Provider (CSP) Officer record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070030 | Amend Contracted Service Provider (CSP) organisation record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070040 | Amend Contracted Service Provider (CSP) Officer record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070050 | Link or unlink Contracted Service Provider (CSP) organisation record to or from a healthcare organisation (HPIO) in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070060 | Link or unlink Contracted Service Provider (CSP) Officer to a CSP organisation record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070070 | Deactivate Contracted Service Provider (CSP) organisation record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070080 | Retire Contracted Service Provider (CSP) organisation record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03070090 | Reinstate Contracted Service Provider (CSP) organisation record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03080000 | General Supporting Organisation (GSO) records in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090000 | Roles in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090010 | Manage authorised employee record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090030 | Create Responsible Officer (RO) record in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090040 | Amend Responsible Officer (RO) or Organisation Maintenance Officer (OMO) record in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090060 | Link or unlink Responsible Officer (RO) or Organisation Maintenance Officer (OMO) to an organisation in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090070 | Identify and resolve replica eHealth Program (EHP) individual record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090080 | Identify and resolve duplicate eHealth Program (EHP) individual record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090090 | Retire eHealth Program (EHP) individual record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03090100 | Reinstate eHealth Program (EHP) individual record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03100000 | Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03100010 | Health Identifiers Provider Directory Service (HI HPD) |
012-03100020 | Create Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03100030 | Amend Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03100040 | Link or unlink Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) to an organisation in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03100050 | Deactivate Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03100060 | Reactivate Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110000 | Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110010 | Create Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) record for network organisation in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110020 | Create Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) record for seed organisation in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110030 | Register a pharmacy as an organisation in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110040 | Amend Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) record in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110050 | Restructure Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110060 | Merge network organisations in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110070 | Process organisation change of ownership in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110080 | Identify and resolve replica Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110090 | Identify and resolve duplicate Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110100 | Deactivate Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) organisation in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110110 | Retire Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) record in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03110120 | Reinstate Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) organisation in Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03120000 | Authentication required to access digital health |
012-03130000 | Evidence of identity processing for an individual in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service |
012-03140000 | Evidence of identity processing for an organisation in the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Services |
012-04000000 | My Health Record - Health Professionals |
012-04010000 | Manage provider enquiries and issues relating to the My Health Record system |
012-04010010 | Provider security check for the My Health Record system |
012-04010020 | Manage general My Health Record healthcare provider enquiries |
012-04020000 | Provider registration for the My Health Record system |
012-04040000 | My Health Record Provider Participation Register (PPR) |
012-04040010 | Link a healthcare provider to a healthcare organisation in the Provider Participation Register (PPR) |
012-04050000 | My Health Record provider applications |
012-04050020 | Assessing an Application to establish list of authorised healthcare provider individuals (10516) (Department of Health form) |
012-04050030 | Processing an Application to register Network Organisation in the My Health Record system (ADHA form) |
012-04050040 | Process between HI (Part A) and My Health Record (Part B) registration for combined Application to Register a Seed Organisation (HW018) |
012-04050050 | Archiving My Health Record provider applications |
012-04060000 | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system |
012-04060020 | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system Hot Keys |
012-05000000 | Medicare eBusiness and Health Provider support |
012-05010000 | eBusiness Service Centre for Medicare |
012-05010010 | Verify caller identity for eBusiness Service Centre enquiries |
012-05010030 | Register provider for electronic funds transfer (EFT) |
012-05010050 | Delete electronic Medicare claims for eBusiness Service Centre |
012-05010060 | How to use the mainframe failed claim codes to identify and resolve failed claim transmissions. |
012-05010070 | Requests for provider statements for eBusiness/eServices |
012-05010080 | Process ECLIPSE in hospital claims registrations for eBusiness Service Centre |
012-05010090 | Action Medicare and DVA Government Direct Entry Services (GDES) reports for eServices |
012-05010100 | Mainframe control lines for eBusiness Service Centre |
012-05010110 | Major and Minor customer identifiers (ID) for eBusiness Service Centre |
012-05010120 | Forms and templates for eBusiness Service Centre |
012-05030000 | Provider Digital Transition and Outreach Services |
012-10000000 | Incentive Programs |
012-10010000 | General policy and procedures for Incentive Programs |
012-10010010 | Practice accreditation for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010020 | Practice amalgamation for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010030 | Change of practice ownership for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010040 | Practice relocation for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010050 | Practice closure or withdrawal in Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010060 | Practitioners in Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010070 | Forms for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010080 | Annual Confirmation Statement (ACS) in Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-10010090 | Payments for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010100 | Payment recovery for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010120 | After Hours Incentive practice application for the Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-10010130 | Return to sender (RTS) mail for Incentive Programs |
012-10010140 | Enquiry management for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10010150 | Reporting privacy incidents for Incentive Programs |
012-10020000 | Procedural GP Payment practice application for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-10050000 | eHealth Incentive for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-10070000 | Indigenous Health Incentive (IHI) practice application for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-10070040 | Indigenous Health Incentive (IHI) patient registration and withdrawal for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-10110000 | Teaching Payment Claims for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-10130010 | Online practice application for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10130040 | Online Services for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10140000 | KOFAX for Practice Incentive Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) |
012-10140060 | Associated documents and comments for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-10150000 | General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive (GP ACAI) for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-11020000 | Practice application for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-11060000 | Quarterly Confirmation Statement (QCS) in Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) – Practice Stream |
012-11070010 | Update practice bank details in Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-11070020 | Health professional weekly hours in the Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-11090010 | Link Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) – Practice Stream non-consenting practices with Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-13000000 | Rural and Workforce Incentive Programs |
012-13010000 | Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Doctor Stream |
012-13050000 | Rural and Workforce Incentive Programs - system |
012-14000000 | Medical Indemnity (MI) Schemes |
012-14010000 | Medical Indemnity (MI) Schemes claiming |
012-17000000 | Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) - Health Professionals |
012-17010000 | Handle enquiries for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020000 | Allied Health for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020010 | Provider Registration for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020020 | Community nursing services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020030 | Chiropractic services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020040 | Coordinated Veterans' Care (CVC) program for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020050 | Dental services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020060 | Diabetes educator services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020070 | Dietitian services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020080 | Mental health services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020090 | Nursing home services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020100 | Occupational therapy services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020110 | Optical services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020130 | Osteopathic services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020140 | Physiotherapy services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020150 | Podiatry services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020160 | Speech pathology services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020170 | Social worker services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17020180 | Exercise physiology services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17050000 | Hospital claims processing for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17060000 | Medical services processing for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17060010 | Process pathology services for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17060050 | Process claims from Norfolk Island providers for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17070000 | Claims for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17070030 | MT items for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17070040 | Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Late Lodgements |
012-17080300 | High Cost Claim Indemnity Scheme (HCCS) |
012-17080301 | Run Off Cover Indemnity Scheme (ROCS) |
012-17080302 | Incurred But Not Reported Indemnity Scheme (IBNR) |
012-17080303 | Exceptional Claims Indemnity Scheme (ECS) |
012-17080304 | Medical Indemnity (MI) Schemes finalising assessment |
012-17080700 | Performing practice staff security check for the Diagnostic Imaging/Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) register |
012-17082500 | Workforce Incentive Program - Doctor Stream and Rural Advanced Skills - update bank details |
012-17100000 | DVA Webclaim for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17110000 | Request a file fix for claims in Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17120000 | Payments for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17120400 | Medical Indemnity (MI) Schemes refunds and withdrawals |
012-17150000 | Processing and recovery of overpayments for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17160000 | Codes for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17180010 | Repatriation medical fee schedule summary for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17190000 | System access and functionality issues for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-17200000 | Goods and Services Tax (GST) processing |
012-18010200 | Prior Approval and Referral System (PARS Approval) for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-18032900 | Eye (CNV DMO RVO) Programs in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18042700 | Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18050801 | 19AB class exemptions for medical practitioners in Medicare |
012-18050901 | Process additional qualifications for allied health professionals to support mental health initiatives |
012-18051000 | Processing provider number applications for overseas trained or temporary resident medical practitioners |
012-18051100 | Acromegaly Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051101 | Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051102 | Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051103 | Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051105 | Basal cell carcinoma Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051106 | Breast cancer Programs in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051108 | Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051109 | Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051110 | Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051111 | Crohn's disease (CD) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051112 | T-cell lymphoma Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051113 | Cystic fibrosis (CF) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051115 | Refractory follicular B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051116 | Gastric cancer (GC) Programs in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051119 | Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051121 | Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051122 | Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051123 | Juvenile arthropathies (JIA and sJIA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051124 | Multiple myeloma (MM) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051125 | Myelodysplastic syndrome Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051126 | Myelofibrosis Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051127 | Narcolepsy Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051128 | Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051129 | Severe facial lipoatrophy Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051130 | Psoriasis (PSOR) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051131 | Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) |
012-18051132 | Psoriatic arthritis (PSA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051134 | Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051136 | Severe asthma (SA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051139 | CD30 positive systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18051140 | Ulcerative colitis (UC) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18053000 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumour Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18053100 | Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18060500 | Practice branches in Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-18060501 | Non-Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Miscellaneous Enquiries |
012-18060600 | Social worker - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18060700 | 3GA placements pre 1 January 2019 |
012-18061250 | Accredited practicing dietitian - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18061527 | Diabetes educator - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18061859 | Speech pathologist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18061909 | Accredited exercise physiologist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18061955 | Occupational Therapist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18062107 | Psychologist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18062108 | Audiologist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18062120 | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implementation (TAVI) - recognition and removal |
012-18062131 | Mental health nurse - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18062151 | Mechanical Thrombectomy - recognition and removal |
012-18062208 | Computed Tomography of the Coronary Arteries (CTCA) - recognition and removal |
012-18063033 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18063049 | Podiatrist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18063058 | Osteopaths - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18070311 | Chiropractor - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18070323 | Physiotherapist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18071951 | Process online registration for Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O) |
012-18081023 | After hours provider line - handle My Health Record, NASH and HI Service enquiries |
012-18092140 | Handle call for request for HI Service hard copy forms |
012-18102339 | Authorised contact person changes for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-18110916 | Mental Health Skills Training (MHST) for medical practitioners |
012-18110918 | Non-Directive Pregnancy Support Counselling (PSC) - medical practitioners |
012-18111538 | Mohs Micrographic Surgery (Mohs Surgery) - Provider Eligibility |
012-18112104 | Growth hormone deficiency – childhood onset or late onset Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18112216 | Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (AXSPA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18112722 | Paraplegic and Quadriplegic (ParaQuad) Program |
012-18112814 | Individual Incentives under the Practice Incentive Program (PIP) |
012-18112849 | Practice changes and updates for Incentive Programs |
012-18112856 | Payments in Incentive Programs |
012-18113056 | Nurse Practitioner - provider eligibility and registration |
012-18120338 | Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-18120515 | 3GA placements post 1 January 2019 |
012-19011612 | Assisting Doctors Complete Centrelink Medical Certificates (ADCCMC) |
012-19013139 | Provider specialty codes and the Provider Directory System (PDS) |
012-19030658 | Orthotist services for Veterans’ Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-19040503 | Midwives - provider eligibility and registration |
012-19041736 | Assessing Approved Collection Centre (ACC) applications and renewals |
012-19041854 | Hospital Provider Numbers (HPN) |
012-19042402 | Failed Payments (GDES) for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-19051325 | Processing Complex Authority Required Listings |
012-19052712 | Provider Directory System (PDS) specialty codes for allied health and non-medical health professionals |
012-19052715 | Allied health and non-medical health professionals' provider number applications and requests |
012-19053111 | LSPN and systems (Provider Directory System and Health Professional Online Services) |
012-19053131 | Optometrist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-19061425 | Registration for payments subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) for eServices |
012-19061434 | Goods and Services Tax (GST) adjustment processing for Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-19062849 | Processing a change in residency status for a medical practitioner |
012-19072601 | Giant cell arteritis (GCA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-19072629 | Glioblastoma Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-19081656 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Electronic Prescriptions |
012-19082734 | Quality Improvement (QI) Incentive for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-19091214 | Dental practitioners provider eligibility and dental specialist registration |
012-19091622 | Orthoptist - provider eligibility and registration |
012-19092406 | PBS stationery procedures for PSOOS Processing Administrators |
012-19100123 | Short bowel syndrome (SBS) with intestinal failure Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-20040925 | Online Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Authorities System (OPA System) |
012-20052734 | Email triage for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-20052932 | Online application for allied health professionals |
012-20070318 | Ahpra Information window |
012-20090334 | New Zealand medical practitioners - provider eligibility and registration |
012-20090743 | Business structure and bank account details for EFT for health professionals |
012-20101406 | Opioids - prescriptions and approvals |
012-20101907 | Hospital claims pend processing in Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) |
012-20111120 | Search Analyse Investigate Network Tool (SAINT) |
012-20122356 | Provider registration coronavirus (COVID-19) response |
012-21031632 | Allied Health High Cost Claim Indemnity Scheme (AHHCCS) |
012-21031638 | Allied Health Exceptional Claims Indemnity Scheme (AHECS) |
012-21031642 | Medical Indemnity (MI) Schemes delegate approval process |
012-21051721 | Evidence of identity - apply for an identifier in the EHP system |
012-21051727 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Safety Net processing and enquiries |
012-21052025 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Safety Net |
012-21062817 | Transcatheter Mitral Valve repair (TMVr) - recognition and removal |
012-21102849 | Serious Scarcity Substitution Instruments (SSSIs) |
012-21112315 | COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme - Assessing |
012-21112324 | COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme |
012-21112335 | COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme – Finalising assessment and make recommendation |
012-21112356 | COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme – Registering a claim and/or specific correspondence |
012-21112550 | Provisional Payments for the Practice Incentives Program (PIP) |
012-21112939 | Hereditary angioedema (HAE) type 1 or type 2 Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-21120751 | COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme – managing telephone and face-to-face enquiries |
012-21120846 | Focussed psychological strategies (FPS) - Allied Health |
012-21121523 | Applying for and processing a section 19AB(3) exemption with the Department of Health and Aged Care |
012-22022230 | Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-22032831 | Held payments for Medicare providers and DVA organisations |
012-22042647 | Progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease (PF-ILD) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme |
012-22061551 | Education resources for health professionals |
012-22062453 | Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-22062457 | Solid tumours with confirmed NTRK gene fusion Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-22080436 | Letters for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream |
012-22080915 | Non-Directive Pregnancy Support Counselling (PSC) – allied health |
012-22082346 | ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential for health professionals |
012-22092336 | Severe growth failure with primary insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency (IGFD) program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-22100513 | COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme – Request for review |
012-22102650 | X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-22121931 | Systemic light chain amyloidosis (AL) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-23031433 | Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-23041908 | Medicare Urgent Care Clinics (UCC) |
012-23042007 | Managing PaNDA work items for Incentive Programs |
012-23051703 | Organisation Register |
012-23051711 | Enquiries about the Organisation Register |
012-23051714 | General Practitioner Training Payments (GPTP) |
012-23080326 | General Practitioner Respiratory Clinics (GPRC) |
012-23091921 | MyMedicare for Practices |
012-23111641 | Processing pathology payments, receipts and refunds |
012-23111651 | Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Storage Funding |
012-24010454 | De-registering a healthcare provider organisation from the My Health Record system |
012-24040951 | Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Rural Advanced Skills |
012-24041204 | Cardiomyopathy (CM) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24041207 | Chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus (CKD-aP) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24041212 | Severe aplastic anaemia Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24050623 | Organisation Payment Capability (OPC) |
012-24050658 | General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) - MyMedicare Incentive |
012-24060528 | Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24070415 | Non-infectious uveitis (NIU) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24070419 | Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (HTA) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24070423 | Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24080524 | Fabry disease (FD) Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24082029 | Assessing Accredited Pathology Laboratory (APL) applications and renewals |
012-24110444 | Performing security checks for Pathology enquiries |
012-24110514 | Chronic pouchitis Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-24121625 | Escalation process for Pathology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology (LSPN) |
012-25012241 | National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates |
012-40000000 | Medicare - Health Professionals |
012-40010000 | Payment pay group link for Medicare benefit cheques |
012-40020000 | Pathology processing in Medicare |
012-40020010 | Approved Pathology Authority (APA) |
012-40020020 | Accredited Pathology Laboratory (APL) |
012-40020030 | Approved Collection Centres (ACC) |
012-40020040 | Assessing Pathology claims |
012-40020050 | Latter day adjustment pathology services in Medicare |
012-40020060 | Forms and letters for pathology processing in Medicare |
012-40020070 | Quality Assurance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Services (QAAMS Program) with MBS items 73839, 73840 and 73844 (monitoring diabetes) in Medicare |
012-40030000 | Perform telephone security check for Medicare health professionals |
012-41000000 | Medicare - Programs and services - Health Professionals |
012-41010000 | 90 Day Pay Doctor Cheque Scheme |
012-41020030 | Aboriginal Health Worker - provider eligibility and registration |
012-41040000 | Eligibility and Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) practice registration for Diagnostic Imaging (DI) and Radiation Oncology (RO) |
012-41040010 | Register practice for a Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) for Medicare |
012-41040040 | Amend Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) register for Medicare |
012-41040050 | Claims for Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) for Medicare |
012-41050000 | Telehealth for Medicare |
012-41050010 | Telehealth consultations in Medicare |
012-42000000 | Medicare - Eligibility - Health Professionals |
012-42010000 | Allied health and non-medical health professional registrations for Medicare |
012-42010010 | Provider numbers for health professionals in Medicare and the Provider Directory System (PDS) |
012-42010020 | Provider location details for health professionals in Medicare |
012-42010030 | Prescriber number for health professionals in Medicare |
012-42010070 | Processing provider number applications for Interns in Medicare |
012-42020000 | Vocational recognition of medical practitioners for Medicare |
012-42020010 | Acupuncture endorsement for Medicare |
012-42020020 | Advanced breast biopsy instrumentation recognition for Medicare |
012-42020030 | Capsule endoscopy recognition for Medicare |
012-42020040 | Dual recognition of medical practitioners for Medicare |
012-42020050 | Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) credentialling for Medicare |
012-42020060 | Focussed psychological strategies for medical practitioners |
012-42020070 | Extraction of leads specialist recognition for Medicare |
012-42020080 | Positron Emission Tomography (PET) services for credentialed medical practitioners |
012-42020090 | Recognition or removal of general practitioners (GP) |
012-42020100 | Recognition as a specialist or consultant physician for Medicare |
012-42020110 | Sonographer accreditation for Medicare |
012-42030000 | Approved placement programs for health professionals for Medicare |
012-42040000 | Other Medical Practitioners programs for Medicare |
012-42050000 | Provider eligibility for R-type diagnostic imaging services for Medicare |
012-42060000 | Provider number applications for medical practitioners and their requirements under the Health Insurance Act 1973 |
012-42070000 | Section 19(2) and 19(5) Directions |
012-42080000 | Eligibility for track and scale of overseas trained doctors and foreign graduates of an accredited medical school |
012-42080010 | Eligibility for the Five Year International Medical Graduates Recruitment Scheme |
012-42080020 | Medical practitioners registered on Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme, Bonded Medical Places or Bonded Medical Program |
012-60000000 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Health Professionals |
012-60010000 | Schedules and changes for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60010010 | The Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits (the PBS Schedule) |
012-60010080 | Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy (EFC) changes in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60020000 | Prescriptions and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60020010 | Section 49 (previously regulation 24) and Section 51 (previously regulation 25) in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60020020 | Types of information included on prescriptions |
012-60030000 | Hospitals and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60030010 | Hospitals approved to prescribe Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) |
012-60030040 | Public hospitals participating in pharmaceutical reforms |
012-60030060 | Paperless Prescribing and Claiming Trial |
012-60030080 | Pharmacy produced PBS prescription model - Cabrini |
012-60030090 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Hospital Medication Chart (HMC) |
012-60040000 | Pricing and fees in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60050000 | PBS Stationery Online Ordering System (PSOOS) |
012-60050020 | PBS stationery for prescribers |
012-60050040 | PBS stationery for approved suppliers |
012-60050090 | Order Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits (the PBS Schedule) |
012-60060000 | Dosage calculators and charts for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60070000 | Bioequivalent items and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60080000 | National Drug Reference Database (NDRD) |
012-60090000 | Drug stock availability |
012-60100000 | Release of information in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60100010 | Release of Centrelink data to approved suppliers in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60110000 | Staff access to Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) program |
012-60120000 | Pharmaceutical Advisers (PA) in Services Australia |
012-60130000 | Call enquiries for pharmacy online claiming and payments in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60130010 | Roles and responsibilities of Health Services Delivery Network staff in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60130030 | Escalate calls in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-60130040 | Handle emergencies and complaints on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Authority line |
012-61000000 | Suppliers in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-61020090 | Pharmacies affected by emergency or disaster events |
012-61060000 | Nurse practitioner and midwife access to Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits (the PBS Schedule) |
012-62000000 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Claims - Health Professionals |
012-62010000 | Online claiming for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62020000 | Claims Processing System for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62030000 | Claims processing in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Claims Processing System |
012-62030010 | Online claim packages received for registering and processing in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62030030 | Register manual or manual under co-payment (UCP) claim package in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Claims Processing System |
012-62030040 | Process online claims for Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) prescriptions by participating public hospitals |
012-62030050 | Assessment of claims in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Claims Processing System |
012-62030090 | Statements for approved suppliers in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62030100 | Prescriptions and claims for the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62030140 | Reports in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Claims Processing System |
012-62030170 | Claim for Payment form in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62040000 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) reason codes for online claiming for PBS pharmacies |
012-62050000 | Mainframe system for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62050010 | Codes in Mainframe for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-62050020 | Generate Report Management and Distribution System (RMDS) reports in Mainframe |
012-63000000 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Authority required and Section 100 - Health Professionals |
012-63010000 | Authority required items in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-63020000 | Authority approval processing for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-63020010 | Processing Written Authority requests |
012-63020020 | Process telephone Authority approval application |
012-63020040 | Process for Authority required (STREAMLINED) item |
012-63020050 | Record comments for Authority approval application |
012-63020060 | Amend authority approval application |
012-63020070 | Process seemingly valid and not seemingly valid Authority prescription |
012-63020080 | Process emergency Authority prescription |
012-63020090 | Handle request for increased quantity and/or repeats for unrestricted, restricted and Authority benefit |
012-63020110 | Handle 'too soon' Authority prescription |
012-63020120 | Handle system outages in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-63030000 | Section 100 in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-63030010 | Growth hormone deficiency - paediatric patients Program in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) |
012-63040000 | Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) Program |
012-63040010 | Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) in public hospitals |
012-63040020 | Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) in private hospitals |
012-63060000 | Written Authority Required Drugs |
012-63060010 | Complex drugs prescriber database |
012-65000000 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Programs and services - Health Professionals |
012-65010000 | Community Pharmacy Agreements |
012-65010010 | Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement (7CPA) |
012-65010020 | Remote Area Aboriginal Health Services (RAAHS) |
012-65010030 | Continued Dispensing of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Medicines in Defined Circumstances |
012-65010040 | Electronic prescription fee |
012-65010050 | Supply and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Claiming from a Medication Chart in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) |
012-65010060 | Premium Free Dispensing Incentive (PFDI) |
012-65020000 | Prescriber bag supplies order books |
012-65030000 | Collection of under co-payment (UCP) prescription data |
012-65040000 | National Prescribing Services Limited MedicineWise (NPS) |