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Job seekers content

File NameTitle
001-01000000Initial contact and identification of services for job seekers
001-02000000Employment assistance and Employment Services Providers
001-02010000Employment support
001-02010010Job vacancies
001-02010020General employment
001-02010040Voluntary Work Organisations
001-02010070Seasonal employment
001-02010100Wages and conditions of employment
001-02010170Free community job seeking assistance
001-02020000Eligibility to access employment assistance services through Workforce Australia
001-02020010Participation with Workforce Australia
001-02020020Eligibility for Workforce Australia as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP)
001-02020030Eligibility for Employment Services as a volunteer
001-02020040Eligibility and registration for employment assistance as a Vulnerable Youth (VY) or Vulnerable Youth (Student) (VY(S))
001-02020050Eligibility and registration as a Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO)/No Remote Referral Required (NRRR) job seeker
001-02020060Exits and suspensions from Workforce Australia or Community Development Program (CDP)
001-02030010Processes for RapidConnect appointments
001-02040000Registering a customer as a job seeker
001-02040010Registering Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) job seekers in Workforce Australia
001-02040020Registering Volunteer job seekers
001-02040030Identity Confirmation for registration as a Volunteer Job Seeker
001-02050000Job Seeker Snapshot
001-02050020Conducting a Job Seeker Snapshot interview
001-02050040Job Seeker Snapshot and short term illness/incapacity
001-02050060Job Seeker Snapshot factors for torture and trauma
001-02050070Requirement for a Job Seeker Snapshot initiated ESAt as a result of an Employment Services Provider update
001-02050080Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) flags
001-02060000Employment Services Providers
001-02060010Selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider
001-02060020Online Diary
001-02060040Inactivating job seekers registration for volunteer Employment Services job seekers
001-02060050Employment Services Providers and referral to other participation programs (complementary referrals)
001-02070000Change of circumstances while receiving services from an Employment Services Provider
001-02070010Job seeker change of address
001-02070020Enquiries and release of information to Employment Services Providers
001-02070030Breakdown of the relationship between a job seeker and their Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider
001-02070040Workforce Australia/Community Development Program (CDP) registration inactivated and cancellation of income support in error
001-02090000Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
001-02090010Eligibility for Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
001-02090020Referral to Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
001-02090030Participation in Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
001-02090040Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement (LLNS)
001-02100000Self-Employment Assistance
001-02120000Youth Connections
001-02130000Green Army Programme
001-02140000Community Development Program (CDP)
001-02150000Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP)
001-02170000Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
001-02170020Connecting customers to Adult Migrant English Program
001-02170030Participation in Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
001-02230000Employment assistance for people with a disability
001-02230010Customer with an illness, injury or disability volunteers for employment services
001-02230020Employment assistance for people claiming Disability Support Pension
001-02230030Direct registration with a provider for disability employment assistance services
001-02230040Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referrals made by Employment Services Providers
001-02230050Mutual obligation requirements for people with an illness, injury or disability
001-02230060Employment assistance for job seekers with drug and/or alcohol conditions
001-02260000Tasmanian Jobs Programme
001-02270000Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program
001-02280000National Work Experience Programme
001-02290000Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW)
001-02300000Employment assistance for full-time students
001-02300010Employment assistance for students moving from secondary to tertiary studies
001-02310000Employment assistance for trainees
001-02320000Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports
001-02320020Checking and actioning Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports
001-02320030Understanding Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports
001-02320040Using an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report to determine payment type
001-02320050Release of an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report to customer
001-02320060Request to finalise an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report to create a new ESAt referral
001-02320070Actioning automatic activities of a current Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referral
001-02320090Inconsistencies in an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report
001-02330000Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) overview
001-02330010Request an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)
001-02330020Deferring an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referral
001-02330030Deferred referral to Employment Services Providers
001-02330040Determining when an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is required
001-02330050Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity
001-03000000Newstart Allowance (NSA)
001-03010010Unemployed eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker)
001-03010020Age eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker)
001-03010030Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker) when self-employed
001-03010040Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) for sports people
001-03020050Student to job seeker transfers
001-03020060Customers claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)/Youth Allowance (YA) (Incapacitated)
001-03020100Participation Interview
001-03030030Restoration of JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (job seeker) and Special Benefit (SpB)
001-03030060Identifying people with a partial capacity to work
001-03040040Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) employment related exclusion period
001-03040050Waiving a Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) employment related exclusion period
001-03040060Payment pending review (PPR) of a decision to impose a 26 week MALEP exclusion period
001-04000000Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker)
001-04010000Eligibility for Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker)
001-04010060Transfer to Youth Allowance (YA) (Job seeker) from another payment
001-04020000Claiming Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker)
001-04030010Principal carer of a dependent child
001-04030020Unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) initial contact for Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)
001-04030030Assessing unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) for customers claiming or receiving Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)
001-04030050Assessing independence for customers with a partial capacity to work
001-04030100Processing Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) claims
001-04040000The away from home rate for Youth Allowance (YA) customers
001-04050000Change of circumstance for Youth Allowance (YA)
001-04060000Independence for Youth Allowance (YA) customers
001-04060020Assessing independence when a customer is/was married or a member of a couple
001-04060030Assessing independence when a customer has, or has had, a dependent child
001-04060040Assessing independence when a customer is self-supporting through full-time paid employment
001-04060050Assessing independence when a customer is an orphan
001-04060060Assessing independence when a customer is a refugee
001-04060070Assessing independence when a customer is in State care
001-04060080Assessing independence when a customer's parents cannot exercise responsibilities
001-04070000Youth Allowance (YA) Job Seeker Service Updates
001-05000000Parenting Payment (PP)
001-05010000Eligibility for Parenting Payment (PP)
001-05020000Change of circumstance for Parenting Payment (PP)
001-09000000Mutual obligation requirements
001-09020000Applying mutual obligation requirements
001-09020040Mutual obligation requirements for Youth Allowance job seekers under 22 years of age who have not completed Year 12 or an equivalent level of education (Certificate III or higher) qualification
001-09020070Mutual obligation requirements during an Income Maintenance Period (IMP)
001-09020080Applying mutual obligation requirements during a Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP)
001-09020090Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers of dependent children over the Christmas/New year period
001-09020110Identifying barriers to participation for Indigenous customers
001-09020120Exemptions from mutual obligation requirements for prison release customers
001-09020130Identifying barriers to participation for prison release customers
001-09020140Participation Summary screen
001-09040080Payment and reporting arrangements over national public holiday periods
001-09040100Lodgement and processing arrangements for Reporting Statements when self service reporting is unavailable
001-09040120Reporting requirements when a job seeker compliance investigation is outstanding
001-09040160Raising debts resulting from a failure to report or notify
001-09070000Approved mutual obligation requirements for Centrelink managed Job Plans
001-09070020Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
001-09070030Exchange Trading Systems (ETS)
001-09070040Defence Force Reserves as an approved activity
001-09070050Self-employment as an approved activity to satisfy mutual obligation requirements
001-09070060Voluntary work as an approved activity
001-09070070Paid work as an approved mutual obligation requirement
001-09070080Youth Activities as an approved mutual obligation requirement to satisfy requirements
001-09070100Indigenous Self Employment Programme (ISEP) as an approved activity
001-09070140Approved mutual obligation requirements for mature age customers
001-09070150Approved activities for principal carers
001-09070160Approved activities for job seekers assessed as having a partial capacity to work (PCW)
001-09070170Approved mutual obligation requirements for customers assessed as having a temporary reduced work capacity (TRWC)
001-09070180Job seekers with a partial capacity to work or a temporary reduced work capacity
001-09070190Quarterly Participation Interviews for Partial Capacity to Work and Temporary Reduced Work Capacity (0-7 or 8-14 hours per week) job seekers
001-09070220Part-time or full-time study as an approved mutual obligation requirement for Youth Allowance (YA)
001-09070230Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for Parenting Payment (PP)
001-09080000Work for the Dole (WFD) under Workforce Australia
001-09080040Approved Program of Work Supplement
001-09100000Job Plans
001-09100010Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans
001-09100040Negotiating Job Plans for incapacitated persons
001-09100050Approved Activity Review Job Plan Contact
001-09100060Reviewing Job Plans for under 18 year old at risk job seekers
001-0910007028 day review of Job Plans
001-09120000Mutual obligation requirements exemptions
001-09120020Exempting a job seeker from their mutual obligation requirements when they are an expectant customer
001-09120030Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements due to special circumstances
001-09120040Exempting a job seeker from their mutual obligation requirements when going overseas
001-09120070Exempting job seekers from their mutual obligation requirements due to caring responsibilities
001-09120080Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements for serious illness
001-09120090Mutual obligation requirements exemptions during disasters
001-09140000Suitable/unsuitable work
001-09140010Financial suitability test for suitable work for principal carers
001-09150000Job Seeker Management Activities
001-10000000Job Seeker Compliance Framework
001-10010000Roles and responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements
001-10010010Provider responsibilities under the Job Seeker Compliance Framework and the Targeted Compliance Framework
001-10010020Services Australia’s responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements
001-10030000Compliance action initiated by Community Development Program (CDP) providers
001-10040000Conducting compliance investigations
001-10040010Reviewing and validating Community Development Program (CDP) Provider Reports
001-10040020Job seeker compliance for job seekers affected by a natural disaster, declared emergency or other significant event
001-10040040Outstanding compliance action for imprisoned job seekers
001-10040050Job seeker contacts to discuss non-compliance or circumstances impacting compliance
001-10040060Assessing reasonable notice
001-10040070Assessing reasonable excuse for non-compliance with mutual obligation requirements
001-10040090Rejecting a compliance action
001-10040100Sending free text to providers when compliance action finalised
001-10040110Outstanding participation compliance activities requiring manual follow-up action
001-10040130Gathering and assessing evidence for a job seeker compliance investigation
001-10050000Circumstances impacting job seeker compliance
001-10060000Unemployment due to a voluntary act or misconduct
001-10070030Refusing to enter into a Job Plan
001-10070050Investigating a connection failure
001-10070060Investigating a reconnection failure
001-10070070Non-attendance or inappropriate conduct in a job interview
001-10070080Non-attendance or inappropriate conduct in a compulsory activity
001-10070110Not meeting points target or job search requirements
001-10070130Investigating a non-attendance failure
001-10070150Non-attendance or inappropriate conduct in a compulsory provider managed appointment
001-10080000Using participation suspensions to engage Community Development Program (CDP) participants with their requirements
001-10080020Restoring payment where a payment suspension (participation) has been imposed for Community Development Program (CDP) participants
001-10090020Re-engaging to a Community Development Program (CDP) provider
001-10090050Finalising Community Development Program (CDP) re-engagement requirements
001-10100000Refusing or failing to accept a suitable job offer
001-10100010Assessing a serious failure for refusing to accept or failing to commence a suitable job
001-10110000Persistent non-compliance for Community Development Program (CDP) job seekers
001-10120010Reconnection failure penalties
001-10120020No Show, No Pay failure penalties
001-10120030Serious failure penalties
001-10120040Determining failure hierarchy when there are multiple failures
001-10120050Calculating the effect of Job Seeker Compliance Framework failure penalties on fortnightly instalments
001-10120060Waiving a serious failure period
001-10120070Serious failure hardship provisions
001-10120080Reinstating a serious failure period where re-engagement appointment not attended
001-10120090Manually adjusting non-payment period start and end dates
001-10120100Cancellation of payment after a compliance related suspension
001-10120110Non-attendance failure penalties
001-10130000Non-compliance with compulsory requirements - review and appeals
001-10130010Payment Pending Review (PPR) of decision to apply a penalty for non-compliance
001-10130020Implementing the outcome of a failure review or appeal
001-10130030Implementing Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT second review) partial stay orders
001-10160000Job Seeker Compliance Framework waiver and hardship provisions
001-11000000Partner Allowance (PA)
001-17021400PaTH Internship Programme
001-17030800Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy (YBWS) 26 Week Suspension Period
001-17070600Job seeker online claim appointment
001-17091300Investigating a No Show, No Pay Failure
001-17102300RapidConnect exemptions
001-17111600Drug or Alcohol dependency treatment program or intervention as an approved activity
001-18030200Managing compliance with compulsory requirements
001-18030202Targeted Compliance Framework
001-18030203Capability Assessments
001-18030205Re-engaging job seekers - Targeted Compliance Framework
001-18030207Work refusal failures
001-18030208Mutual obligation failures under the Targeted Compliance Framework
001-18030209Targeted Compliance Framework financial penalties and payment cancellations
001-18030210Reclaiming a payment after a Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF) non-compliance cancellation
001-18030212Generating and preparing for a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment (CCA)
001-18030213Completing a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment (CCA)
001-18050900Career Transition Assistance (CTA) Program
001-18120536Reporting requirements for customers receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements
001-18120543Reporting statements for job seekers
001-18120545Early or late lodgement of job seeker reports
001-19051501Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
001-19051503JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customer going overseas
001-19051505Transfer to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) from another payment
001-19051507Processing JobSeeker Payment (JSP) claims
001-19051508JobSeeker Payment (JSP) cancellations, suspensions and restorations
001-19051511Suspension of JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (YA)
001-19051514Change of circumstances for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
001-19051528JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study
001-19051532JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customers returning to (or continuing in) part-time study
001-19051536Residence assessment for customers claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
001-19051551JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
001-19051556Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
001-19051639JobSeeker Payment (JSP) Service Updates
001-19081521Wife Pension (WP) to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) transitional rate
001-22112401Assessing and coding medical evidence for temporary incapacity exemptions