File Name | Title |
001-01000000 | Initial contact and identification of services for job seekers |
001-02000000 | Employment assistance and Employment Services Providers |
001-02010000 | Employment support |
001-02010010 | Job vacancies |
001-02010020 | General employment |
001-02010040 | Voluntary Work Organisations |
001-02010060 | Self-employment |
001-02010070 | Seasonal employment |
001-02010100 | Wages and conditions of employment |
001-02010170 | Free community job seeking assistance |
001-02020000 | Eligibility to access employment assistance services through Workforce Australia |
001-02020010 | Participation with Workforce Australia |
001-02020020 | Eligibility for Workforce Australia as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) |
001-02020030 | Eligibility for Employment Services as a volunteer |
001-02020040 | Eligibility and registration for employment assistance as a Vulnerable Youth (VY) or Vulnerable Youth (Student) (VY(S)) |
001-02020050 | Eligibility and registration as a Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO)/No Remote Referral Required (NRRR) job seeker |
001-02020060 | Exits and suspensions from Workforce Australia or Community Development Program (CDP) |
001-02030000 | RapidConnect |
001-02030010 | Processes for RapidConnect appointments |
001-02040000 | Registering a customer as a job seeker |
001-02040010 | Registering Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) job seekers in Workforce Australia |
001-02040020 | Registering Volunteer job seekers |
001-02040030 | Identity Confirmation for registration as a Volunteer Job Seeker |
001-02050000 | Job Seeker Snapshot |
001-02050020 | Conducting a Job Seeker Snapshot interview |
001-02050040 | Job Seeker Snapshot and short term illness/incapacity |
001-02050060 | Job Seeker Snapshot factors for torture and trauma |
001-02050070 | Requirement for a Job Seeker Snapshot initiated ESAt as a result of an Employment Services Provider update |
001-02050080 | Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) flags |
001-02060000 | Employment Services Providers |
001-02060010 | Selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider |
001-02060020 | Online Diary |
001-02060040 | Inactivating job seekers registration for volunteer Employment Services job seekers |
001-02060050 | Employment Services Providers and referral to other participation programs (complementary referrals) |
001-02070000 | Change of circumstances while receiving services from an Employment Services Provider |
001-02070010 | Job seeker change of address |
001-02070020 | Enquiries and release of information to Employment Services Providers |
001-02070030 | Breakdown of the relationship between a job seeker and their Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider |
001-02070040 | Workforce Australia/Community Development Program (CDP) registration inactivated and cancellation of income support in error |
001-02090000 | Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) |
001-02090010 | Eligibility for Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) |
001-02090020 | Referral to Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) |
001-02090030 | Participation in Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) |
001-02090040 | Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement (LLNS) |
001-02100000 | Self-Employment Assistance |
001-02120000 | Youth Connections |
001-02130000 | Green Army Programme |
001-02140000 | Community Development Program (CDP) |
001-02150000 | Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) |
001-02170000 | Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) |
001-02170020 | Connecting customers to Adult Migrant English Program |
001-02170030 | Participation in Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) |
001-02230000 | Employment assistance for people with a disability |
001-02230010 | Customer with an illness, injury or disability volunteers for employment services |
001-02230020 | Employment assistance for people claiming Disability Support Pension |
001-02230030 | Direct registration with a provider for disability employment assistance services |
001-02230040 | Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referrals made by Employment Services Providers |
001-02230050 | Mutual obligation requirements for people with an illness, injury or disability |
001-02230060 | Employment assistance for job seekers with drug and/or alcohol conditions |
001-02260000 | Tasmanian Jobs Programme |
001-02270000 | Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program |
001-02280000 | National Work Experience Programme |
001-02290000 | Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW) |
001-02300000 | Employment assistance for full-time students |
001-02300010 | Employment assistance for students moving from secondary to tertiary studies |
001-02310000 | Employment assistance for trainees |
001-02320000 | Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports |
001-02320020 | Checking and actioning Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports |
001-02320030 | Understanding Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports |
001-02320040 | Using an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report to determine payment type |
001-02320050 | Release of an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report to customer |
001-02320060 | Request to finalise an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report to create a new ESAt referral |
001-02320070 | Actioning automatic activities of a current Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referral |
001-02320090 | Inconsistencies in an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report |
001-02330000 | Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) overview |
001-02330010 | Request an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) |
001-02330020 | Deferring an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referral |
001-02330030 | Deferred referral to Employment Services Providers |
001-02330040 | Determining when an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is required |
001-02330050 | Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity |
001-03000000 | Newstart Allowance (NSA) |
001-03010010 | Unemployed eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker) |
001-03010020 | Age eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker) |
001-03010030 | Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker) when self-employed |
001-03010040 | Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) for sports people |
001-03020050 | Student to job seeker transfers |
001-03020060 | Customers claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)/Youth Allowance (YA) (Incapacitated) |
001-03020100 | Participation Interview |
001-03030030 | Restoration of JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (job seeker) and Special Benefit (SpB) |
001-03030060 | Identifying people with a partial capacity to work |
001-03040040 | Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) employment related exclusion period |
001-03040050 | Waiving a Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) employment related exclusion period |
001-03040060 | Payment pending review (PPR) of a decision to impose a 26 week MALEP exclusion period |
001-04000000 | Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) |
001-04010000 | Eligibility for Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) |
001-04010060 | Transfer to Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) from another payment |
001-04020000 | Claiming Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) |
001-04030010 | Principal carer of a dependent child |
001-04030020 | Unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) initial contact for Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) |
001-04030030 | Assessing unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) for customers claiming or receiving Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) |
001-04030050 | Assessing independence for Youth Allowance (job seeker) customers with a partial capacity to work |
001-04030100 | Processing Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) claims |
001-04040000 | The away from home rate for Youth Allowance (YA) customers |
001-04050000 | Change of circumstance for Youth Allowance (YA) |
001-04060000 | Independence for Youth Allowance (YA) customers |
001-04060020 | Assessing independence when a customer is/was married or a member of a couple |
001-04060030 | Assessing independence when a customer has, or has had, a dependent child |
001-04060040 | Assessing independence when a customer is self-supporting through full-time paid employment |
001-04060050 | Assessing independence when a customer is an orphan |
001-04060060 | Assessing independence when a customer is a refugee |
001-04060070 | Assessing independence when a customer is in State care |
001-04060080 | Assessing independence when a customer's parents cannot exercise responsibilities |
001-04070000 | Youth Allowance (YA) Job Seeker Service Updates |
001-05000000 | Parenting Payment (PP) |
001-05010000 | Eligibility for Parenting Payment (PP) |
001-05020000 | Change of circumstance for Parenting Payment (PP) |
001-09000000 | Mutual obligation requirements |
001-09020000 | Applying mutual obligation requirements |
001-09020040 | Mutual obligation requirements for Youth Allowance job seekers under 22 years of age who have not completed Year 12 or an equivalent level of education (Certificate III or higher) qualification |
001-09020070 | Mutual obligation requirements during an Income Maintenance Period (IMP) |
001-09020080 | Applying mutual obligation requirements during a Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP) |
001-09020090 | Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers of dependent children over the Christmas/New year period |
001-09020110 | Identifying barriers to participation for Indigenous customers |
001-09020120 | Exemptions from mutual obligation requirements for prison release customers |
001-09020130 | Identifying barriers to participation for prison release customers |
001-09020140 | Participation Summary screen |
001-09040080 | Payment and reporting arrangements over national public holiday periods |
001-09040100 | Lodgement and processing arrangements for Reporting Statements when self service reporting is unavailable |
001-09040120 | Reporting requirements when a job seeker compliance investigation is outstanding |
001-09040160 | Raising debts resulting from a failure to report or notify |
001-09070000 | Approved mutual obligation requirements for Centrelink managed Job Plans |
001-09070020 | Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) |
001-09070030 | Exchange Trading Systems (ETS) |
001-09070040 | Defence Force Reserves as an approved activity |
001-09070050 | Self-employment as an approved activity to satisfy mutual obligation requirements |
001-09070060 | Voluntary work as an approved activity |
001-09070070 | Paid work as an approved mutual obligation requirement |
001-09070080 | Youth Activities to satisfy mutual obligation requirements |
001-09070100 | Indigenous Self Employment Programme (ISEP) as an approved activity |
001-09070140 | Approved mutual obligation requirements for mature age customers |
001-09070150 | Approved activities for principal carers |
001-09070160 | Approved activities for job seekers assessed as having a partial capacity to work (PCW) |
001-09070170 | Approved mutual obligation requirements for customers assessed as having a temporary reduced work capacity (TRWC) |
001-09070180 | Job seekers with a partial capacity to work or a temporary reduced work capacity |
001-09070190 | Quarterly Participation Interviews for Partial Capacity to Work and Temporary Reduced Work Capacity (0-7 or 8-14 hours per week) job seekers |
001-09070220 | Part-time or full-time study as an approved mutual obligation requirement for Youth Allowance (YA) |
001-09070230 | Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity for Parenting Payment (PP) |
001-09080000 | Work for the Dole (WFD) under Workforce Australia |
001-09080040 | Approved Program of Work Supplement |
001-09100000 | Job Plans |
001-09100010 | Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans |
001-09100040 | Negotiating Job Plans for incapacitated persons |
001-09100050 | Approved Activity Review Job Plan Contact |
001-09100060 | Reviewing Job Plans for under 18 year old at risk job seekers |
001-09100070 | 28 day review of Job Plans |
001-09120000 | Mutual obligation requirements exemptions |
001-09120020 | Exempting a job seeker from their mutual obligation requirements when they are an expectant customer |
001-09120030 | Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements due to special circumstances |
001-09120040 | Exempting a job seeker from their mutual obligation requirements when going overseas |
001-09120070 | Exempting job seekers from their mutual obligation requirements due to caring responsibilities |
001-09120090 | Mutual obligation requirements exemptions during disasters |
001-09140000 | Suitable/unsuitable work |
001-09140010 | Financial suitability test for suitable work for principal carers |
001-09150000 | Job Seeker Management Activities |
001-10000000 | Job Seeker Compliance Framework |
001-10010000 | Roles and responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements |
001-10010010 | Provider responsibilities under the Job Seeker Compliance Framework and the Targeted Compliance Framework |
001-10010020 | Services Australia’s responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements |
001-10030000 | Compliance action initiated by Community Development Program (CDP) providers |
001-10040000 | Conducting compliance investigations |
001-10040010 | Reviewing and validating Community Development Program (CDP) Provider Reports |
001-10040020 | Job seeker compliance for job seekers affected by a natural disaster, declared emergency or other significant event |
001-10040040 | Outstanding compliance action for imprisoned job seekers |
001-10040050 | Job seeker contacts to discuss non-compliance or circumstances impacting compliance |
001-10040060 | Assessing reasonable notice |
001-10040070 | Assessing reasonable excuse for non-compliance with mutual obligation requirements |
001-10040090 | Rejecting a compliance action |
001-10040100 | Sending free text to providers when compliance action finalised |
001-10040110 | Outstanding participation compliance activities requiring manual follow-up action |
001-10040130 | Gathering and assessing evidence for a job seeker compliance investigation |
001-10050000 | Circumstances impacting job seeker compliance |
001-10060000 | Unemployment due to a voluntary act or misconduct |
001-10070030 | Refusing to enter into a Job Plan |
001-10070050 | Investigating a connection failure |
001-10070060 | Investigating a reconnection failure |
001-10070070 | Non-attendance or inappropriate conduct in a job interview |
001-10070080 | Non-attendance or inappropriate conduct in a compulsory activity |
001-10070110 | Not meeting points target or job search requirements |
001-10070130 | Investigating a non-attendance failure |
001-10070150 | Non-attendance or inappropriate conduct in a compulsory provider managed appointment |
001-10080000 | Using participation suspensions to engage Community Development Program (CDP) participants with their requirements |
001-10080020 | Restoring payment where a payment suspension (participation) has been imposed for Community Development Program (CDP) participants |
001-10090020 | Re-engaging to a Community Development Program (CDP) provider |
001-10090050 | Finalising Community Development Program (CDP) re-engagement requirements |
001-10100000 | Refusing or failing to accept a suitable job offer |
001-10100010 | Assessing a serious failure for refusing to accept or failing to commence a suitable job |
001-10110000 | Persistent non-compliance for Community Development Program (CDP) job seekers |
001-10120010 | Reconnection failure penalties |
001-10120020 | No Show, No Pay failure penalties |
001-10120030 | Serious failure penalties |
001-10120040 | Determining failure hierarchy when there are multiple failures |
001-10120050 | Calculating the effect of Job Seeker Compliance Framework failure penalties on fortnightly instalments |
001-10120060 | Waiving a serious failure period |
001-10120070 | Serious failure hardship provisions |
001-10120080 | Reinstating a serious failure period where re-engagement appointment not attended |
001-10120090 | Manually adjusting non-payment period start and end dates |
001-10120100 | Cancellation of payment after a compliance related suspension |
001-10120110 | Non-attendance failure penalties |
001-10130000 | Non-compliance with compulsory requirements - review and appeals |
001-10130010 | Payment Pending Review (PPR) of decision to apply a penalty for non-compliance |
001-10130020 | Implementing the outcome of a review of a participation failure decision |
001-10130030 | Implementing Administrative Review Tribunal (ART second review) partial stay orders |
001-10160000 | Job Seeker Compliance Framework waiver and hardship provisions |
001-11000000 | Partner Allowance (PA) |
001-17021400 | PaTH Internship Programme |
001-17030800 | Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy (YBWS) 26 Week Suspension Period |
001-17070600 | Job seeker online claim appointment |
001-17091300 | Investigating a No Show, No Pay Failure |
001-17102300 | RapidConnect exemptions |
001-17111600 | Drug or Alcohol dependency treatment program or intervention as an approved activity |
001-18030200 | Managing compliance with compulsory requirements |
001-18030202 | Targeted Compliance Framework |
001-18030203 | Capability Assessments |
001-18030205 | Re-engaging job seekers - Targeted Compliance Framework |
001-18030207 | Work refusal failures |
001-18030208 | Mutual obligation failures under the Targeted Compliance Framework |
001-18030209 | Targeted Compliance Framework financial penalties and payment cancellations |
001-18030210 | Reclaiming a payment after a Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF) non-compliance cancellation |
001-18030212 | Generating and preparing for a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment (CCA) |
001-18030213 | Completing a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment (CCA) |
001-18050900 | Career Transition Assistance (CTA) Program |
001-18120536 | Reporting requirements for customers receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements |
001-18120543 | Reporting statements for job seekers |
001-18120545 | Early or late lodgement of job seeker reports |
001-19051501 | Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP) |
001-19051503 | JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customer going overseas |
001-19051505 | Transfer to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) from another payment |
001-19051507 | Processing JobSeeker Payment (JSP) claims |
001-19051508 | JobSeeker Payment (JSP) cancellations, suspensions and restorations |
001-19051511 | Suspension of JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (YA) |
001-19051514 | Change of circumstances for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) |
001-19051528 | JobSeeker Payment (JSP) job seekers returning to full-time study |
001-19051532 | JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customers returning to (or continuing in) part-time study |
001-19051536 | Residence assessment for customers claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP) |
001-19051551 | JobSeeker Payment (JSP) |
001-19051556 | Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) |
001-19051639 | JobSeeker Payment (JSP) Service Updates |
001-19081521 | Wife Pension (WP) to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) transitional rate |
001-22112401 | Assessing and coding medical certificates for temporary incapacity exemptions |