Connecting customers to Adult Migrant English Program 001-02170020
This document outlines information about customers participating in the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Generally, customers are required to attend the nominated AMEP provider for assessment, referral and commencement of tuition. The Services Australia system will be automatically updated via external system transactions when this occurs.
Identifying eligibility for AMEP
Service Officers can identify job seekers who are eligible for AMEP during the Participation Interview process. Job seekers are identified as having low or nil English language proficiency through their responses to the Job Seeker Snapshot questions.
Following the Job Seeker Snapshot, Service Officers should ensure that the job seeker has tested their eligibility for AMEP before being considered for referral to other literacy or numeracy programs including Skills for Education and Employment (SEE). Service Officers should record this advice to job seekers in a DOC.
Youth Allowance job seekers, under 22 years of age identified as potentially eligible for AMEP following the Participation Interview, will be exempt from RapidConnect.
Other eligibility for AMEP
Customers that are not job seekers may participate in AMEP. These customers, including Parenting Payment (PP) customers, do not require a job seeker registration or Job Seeker Snapshot to participate in AMEP.
A list of AMEP providers is available via a link on the Resources page. Service Officers should select one AMEP provider from the list of AMEP providers in the customer’s local area, provide contact details to the customer and advise them to contact the provider directly. Providers will code the AMEP referral and all other details.
Some Services Australia staff can code a referral to AMEP in limited cases and require special access to do so. See Table 2 > Item 3 in the Participation in Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), for manual recording.
The Resources page contains a link to AMEP information for job seekers in other languages.
AMEP referrals, placements and outcomes, are displayed on the customer’s record via automated data transfers. Service Officers must check the Referrals Summary screen for the participation status of AMEP.
AMEP information on the customer’s record
Department of Home Affairs AMEP records are automatically linked with Centrelink customer records using the AMEP Identified (ARM Id). In limited cases, some Services Australia staff can undertake manual action to delete the AMEP referral from a customer’s record due to incorrect linking of the ARM Id.
AMEP referral, participation and the level of achievement in a Certificate in Spoken and Written English (CSWE) (if available) are also displayed.
The Resources page contains link to the Department of Home Affairs website and a list of AMEP providers that are available.
Related links
Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
Participation in Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
Refugee Activities (RAC) as an approved activity
Selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider
Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans