File Name | Title |
107-01000000 | General debt information |
107-02000000 | General debt management information |
107-02010000 | Debt identification |
107-02010020 | Australian Taxation Office (ATO) identity fraud, debts and arrears |
107-02020000 | Types of Centrelink debts and how they are generated |
107-02020010 | Debts resulting from internal transfers and clearances |
107-02020020 | Investigating the source and cause of the debt |
107-02020030 | Explaining and actioning negative adjustments on the Assessment Results (AR) screen |
107-02020040 | Create a new debt record manually on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) |
107-02020060 | Creating a new organisation debt record on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) |
107-02030020 | Locating debts in the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) |
107-02030030 | Viewing and updating Interest Charge (IC) via Financial Customer Care in Customer First |
107-02040000 | Debt investigation |
107-02040020 | Acceptable evidence for verifying income when investigating debts |
107-02040030 | Investigating administrative or computer error debts for Social Security payments |
107-02050020 | Inter-environment transfer of debts |
107-02050030 | Debt ownership |
107-02050040 | Debts and nominees |
107-02060010 | Overview of the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) |
107-02060020 | Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) screens |
107-02060030 | ESSentials/Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) interface |
107-02060040 | Internal systems interface with the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) |
107-03000000 | Calculating Centrelink entitlements and gathering information when investigating debts |
107-03010010 | Using the correct date of effect when raising debts |
107-03020000 | Debt tools |
107-03020010 | Earnings Apportionment Tool (EAT) |
107-03020020 | Using ADEX to explain a system generated debt |
107-03020030 | Using the MultiCal debt calculator |
107-03020040 | Payment Details Download Sheet (PS Tool) |
107-03040000 | Perpetual Centrelink Calendar |
107-04000000 | Debt raising |
107-04010000 | General debt raising information |
107-04010030 | Sending Account Payable letters |
107-04010040 | Actioning an undetermined debt on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) |
107-04010050 | Changing account details on debts raised in the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) |
107-04010090 | Debt raising over duplicate, multiple or intertwined Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) |
107-04010100 | Actioning third party debts |
107-04010110 | Requesting refunds and raising debts for deceased customer |
107-04010130 | Recalled payments not received by Services Australia |
107-04020000 | Specific cause of debt raising |
107-04020020 | Categories of debt raised under subsection 1223(1) |
107-04020070 | Raising debts for prepayments, including prison release payments, Crisis Payment (CrP) and Anticipated Payment |
107-04020080 | Raising debts resulting from a failure to provide Tax File Numbers (TFNs) |
107-04020090 | Telephone Allowance (TAL) debts |
107-04020100 | Debts for Carer Payment (CP) |
107-04020120 | Debts arising from commutation of asset-test exempt income streams |
107-04020140 | Debts where more than one person is liable for recovery |
107-04020150 | Raising Education Entry Payment (EdEP) debts |
107-04020160 | Debts raised under the Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act |
107-04020170 | Calculating a debt affected by an International Agreement |
107-04020180 | Raising Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) debts |
107-04020200 | Raising debts for One-off Payments to Older Australians |
107-04020210 | Raising Pension Supplement and Seniors Supplement Payment (SSP) debts |
107-04020230 | Raising of Social Security debts due to linking of same-sex partner |
107-04030000 | Raising debts of advance payments |
107-04040000 | Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) lump sum arrears debts |
107-04040020 | New Zealand embargoes |
107-04060000 | Family Assistance debts |
107-04070000 | Paid Parental Leave (PPL) and Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) |
107-04070010 | Parental Leave Pay (PPL) debt raising, debt offsetting and recovery |
107-04070020 | Parental Leave Pay (PPL) debts between employers and employees |
107-04070030 | Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) debt raising and recovery |
107-04080010 | Duplicate payments of family assistance payments |
107-04080040 | Debts arising from Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) stay orders |
107-04080060 | Raising Parental Income Test (PIT) debts for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme |
107-04080100 | Effect of bankruptcy on family assistance overpayments |
107-04090000 | Debt arising from Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation |
107-04090010 | Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation debts where estimated or actual income was used |
107-04090060 | Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) debts for the 2000-2001 income year |
107-04090090 | Qualification debt identified in FTB reconciliation result or when completing activity that triggers FTB reconciliation |
107-04100000 | Child care debts |
107-04100020 | Child Care Benefit (CCB) overpayments arising from reconciliation and lump sum claims |
107-04110000 | Manual Follow-ups (MFU) for Family Assistance reconciliation recovery |
107-04110070 | Manually waiving family assistance reconciliation debts where there is no Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity |
107-04120000 | Raising and attribution of Service Update debts |
107-04130000 | Raising Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA) debts |
107-04130010 | Raising debts associated with civil and criminal action |
107-05000000 | Debt recovery for Centrelink |
107-05010000 | Managing recovery and non recovery of Centrelink debts |
107-05010010 | Outbound customer contact and gathering information when recovering debts |
107-05010020 | General Centrelink debt recovery information |
107-05010030 | Delegations of managing debt |
107-05010040 | Roles and quality service standards for debt raising and recovery staff |
107-05010050 | Safeguarding customer privacy when raising and recovering debts |
107-05010060 | Tax agents authority to enquire on behalf of customers |
107-05010070 | Cost effectiveness when recovering debts |
107-05010090 | Tax File Number Declaration Form (TDF) Debtor matching reviews |
107-05010100 | Negotiation of debt repayments with customers |
107-05010110 | Financial circumstance assessment for debt recovery |
107-05020000 | Withholdings |
107-05020010 | Third party withholdings for debt recovery |
107-05020020 | Procedures for arranging withholdings to recover debts |
107-05020040 | Standard withholdings for debt recovery |
107-05020050 | Arranging cash repayments to recover debts |
107-05020060 | Voluntary deduction (direct debit) arrangements to recover debts |
107-05020070 | Discounting arrangements for recovery of debts |
107-05030000 | Reviewing cash arrangements |
107-05030020 | Reviewing a withholding arrangement for recovering a debt |
107-05030030 | Statement of Debt |
107-05040000 | Payment arrangements |
107-05040010 | Actioning broken regular/irregular cash arrangements |
107-05040020 | Actioning broken voluntary deduction (direct debit) arrangements |
107-05040030 | Actioning non-compliant and broken garnishee recovery arrangements |
107-05040040 | Actioning broken discount arrangements |
107-05040050 | Actioning broken agency recovery arrangements |
107-05050000 | Garnishees |
107-05050010 | Garnishee of continuing income to recover debts |
107-05050020 | Financial Institution (FI) garnishees to recover debts |
107-05050030 | Garnishee of compensation payments to recover debts |
107-05050040 | Tax garnishees to recover debts |
107-05050050 | Other types of garnishees to recover debts |
107-05050060 | Varying or ceasing a garnishee notice to recover debts |
107-05050080 | Garnishee customer does not agree with decision |
107-05060000 | Civil procedures to recover Centrelink debts |
107-05070000 | Bankruptcy for Centrelink debts |
107-05070010 | What to do when a customer is bankrupt |
107-05070020 | Is a refund of repayments payable to a bankrupt customer |
107-05070030 | Deciding whether a debt was due to fraud for a bankrupt customer |
107-05070040 | What to do with Bankruptcy Act Part IX Debt Arrangements and Bankruptcy Act Part X Personal Insolvency Agreements (PIAs) |
107-05080000 | Unique recovery actions |
107-05080030 | External Collection Agents (ECA) |
107-05080040 | Recovery of debts via the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) |
107-05080050 | Recovering Centrelink debts from customers living overseas |
107-05080080 | New Zealand Agreement debt recovery - action for International Services (CIS) |
107-05090020 | Recovering debts from a deceased customer's estate |
107-05090030 | Recovery from mutually liable co-debtors |
107-05090040 | Recovery from non-complying garnishee debtors |
107-05090050 | Recovering other government department (OGD) debts from Centrelink payments |
107-05090060 | Recovering debts from organisations |
107-05090100 | Recovery of Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA) overpayments |
107-05100000 | Interest charge and recovery fee |
107-05100040 | Recovery Fee applied to debts resulting from incorrect declaration of income |
107-05100050 | Interest Charge (IC) for Centrelink debtors no longer receiving payments |
107-05110010 | Finalised 'no debt' (FND) or 'zeroing' debts that are not legally recoverable |
107-05120000 | Waiving Centrelink debts |
107-05120010 | Administrative error waivers |
107-05120020 | Small debt waivers |
107-05120030 | Special circumstances debt waivers |
107-05120040 | Reversal of waivers |
107-05120050 | 'Class of debt' waivers for national disasters between 2009 and 2011 |
107-05120060 | Effect of waiving a debt on the recovery fee |
107-05130000 | Writing off Centrelink debts |
107-05130010 | Temporary write off of Centrelink debts |
107-05130020 | Permanent write off of Centrelink debts |
107-05130030 | Six Year Limitation Write off |
107-05140000 | Transfers and refunds |
107-05140010 | Adjusting and adding debt repayments |
107-05140020 | Transferring debt repayments |
107-05140030 | Refunding debt repayments |
107-05140040 | Updating payment arrangement schedule |
107-05150000 | Debt repayments not on the customer’s record |
107-09120020 | Raising Fares Allowance (FAA) debts |
107-09120040 | Raising Parental Income Test (PIT) debts |
107-09120050 | Raising ABSTUDY debts |
107-09120060 | Raising debts for students and Australian Apprentices |
107-09120070 | Raising Family Pool debts |
107-17060100 | Departure Prohibition Orders (DPO) for Centrelink customers |
107-17060101 | Issue, vary or revoke a Departure Prohibition Order (DPO) |
107-17060102 | Departure Authorisation Certificate (DAC) processing |
107-17060105 | Activation or retention of a Departure Prohibition Order (DPO) or Departure Authorisation Certificate (DAC) |
107-17060106 | Review or appeal a Departure Prohibition Order (DPO) or Departure Authorisation Certificate (DAC) decision |
107-18040300 | Raising ISP debts for customers granted PPL and DAP |
107-18092721 | Waiver of debts resulting from the assessment of lump sum arrears of a reversionary income stream |
107-19060301 | Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts |
107-19060353 | Raising Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts in Process Direct |
107-19060356 | Recovering Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts in Process Direct |
107-19060358 | Debt screens in Process Direct |
107-19061202 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for debts raised for arrears payments |
107-19061204 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for compensation debts |
107-19061216 | General information on Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities |
107-19061218 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for multiple debts raised for the same period |
107-19061230 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for ABSTUDY third party debts |
107-19061235 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for benefit transfers |
107-19061240 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for Advance recoveries |
107-19061245 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for incorrect component amount details |
107-19061247 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for debt processing |
107-19061248 | Processing Manual Follow-up (MFU) tax activities for third party debts other than ABSTUDY |
107-20022631 | Non recovery of organisation debts |
107-20042818 | Debt recovery for Medicare debt |
107-20061706 | Quarantine of Centrelink debts |
107-20080421 | Pensions debts |
107-20090157 | Debt waivers and write offs |
107-20090346 | Raising debts under the Social Security Act |
107-20090354 | Debt Manual Follow ups (MFU) |
107-20091055 | New Zealand Agreement debt reconciliation - action for International Services (CIS) |
107-20112320 | Case managed debt recovery |
107-21031006 | Using Debt Scripts in Customer Record |
107-21042102 | Dunning for Medicare debt |
107-21042112 | General debt recovery information for Medicare |
107-21042116 | Private health fund debts |
107-21042123 | Allocations, receipting and banking for Medicare debt |
107-21042124 | Debt recovery for Medicare programmes |
107-21042127 | Reports for Medicare debt |
107-21042133 | Active recovery of outstanding Medicare debt |
107-21042134 | Provider bulk bill debts |
107-21042137 | General administration for Medicare debt |
107-21042141 | SAP invoice and customer navigation |
107-21042150 | Compensation debt recovery for Medicare |
107-21042153 | Financial adjustments for Medicare debt |
107-21042154 | Patient debts |
107-21052045 | Single Touch Payroll debt recovery data match |
107-21060436 | Coronavirus Supplement (CVS) debts |
107-22013100 | Investigating a Refund of debt repayments |
107-22072724 | Debt Raising and Recovery for customers in locations affected by disaster events |
107-22082309 | Workload Management (WLM) updates for Payment Assurance Operations Division - Compliance and Debt staff |
107-22092124 | Debt raising support for customers |
107-23042712 | Using the Process Direct Bulk Load tool |
107-23042724 | Updating debt Reference Data Facility (RDF) tables for emergency events |
107-23071302 | SMS messages for debt recovery |
107-24021218 | Income apportionment |
107-24041810 | Making decisions about an income apportionment affected debt |
107-24041818 | Explanation of decision for an income apportionment affected debt |
107-24041829 | Formal review of decision for an income apportionment affected debt initiated by a Subject Matter Expert (SME) |
107-24041837 | Formal review of decision for an income apportionment affected debt initiated by an Authorised Review Officer (ARO) |
107-24041851 | New determination for an employment income debt before 7 December 2020 |
107-24041852 | Prosecution matters involving income apportionment debt |
107-24041854 | Recalculating an income apportionment affected debt |
107-24101605 | Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments for wage garnishees |
107-24102336 | Managing customers with paused income apportionment internal reviews and explanations |