Business and employers content
File Name | Title |
043-01000000 | Initial contact from a business or an employer |
043-02010010 | Identifying a package of services for self employed customers |
043-02040010 | Employer registration for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) |
043-03000000 | Business structures and assessment |
043-03010000 | Assessment of income and assets from business structures for Centrelink payments |
043-03020000 | Self-employed or employee? |
043-03030000 | Factors to determine self-employment |
043-03040000 | Share traders |
043-03050000 | Contractors and commission sales persons |
043-03050010 | Commission sales persons considered as self-employed |
043-03050020 | Commission sales persons considered as employees |
043-03050030 | Income for an independent contractor and commission income |
043-03060000 | Steps to making an assessment of a business |
043-03060010 | Completing the Business Details form (MOD F) |
043-03060020 | Assessing and coding the Business details for sole traders and partnerships MOD F |
043-03070000 | Common financial statements |
043-03070010 | The profit and loss statement |
043-03070020 | The balance sheet |
043-03070030 | The depreciation schedule |
043-03070040 | Balancing adjustments on sale of business assets |
043-03070050 | Livestock trading account |
043-03070060 | Income tax returns (ITRs) and the taxation notice of assessment (NOA) |
043-03080000 | Starting a new business |
043-03080010 | Commencement of a new business or purchase of a business enterprise |
043-03080020 | Obtaining an estimate of business income |
043-03080040 | Steps to assess an interim profit and loss statement |
043-03080050 | Steps to assess an interim balance sheet |
043-03090000 | Assets and liabilities of a business |
043-03090010 | Business assets |
043-03090020 | Business liabilities |
043-03100000 | Income and expenses of a business |
043-03100010 | Business revenue |
043-03100020 | Business deductions |
043-03100070 | Offsetting profit and losses between businesses |
043-03100080 | How the Goods and Services Tax (GST) affects business income |
043-03110000 | Sole traders |
043-03110010 | How to identify a sole trader |
043-03110020 | Documents required to assess a sole trader business |
043-03110050 | Assessing sole trader income |
043-03110060 | Assessing sole trader assets |
043-03120000 | Partnerships |
043-03120010 | How to identify a partnership |
043-03120020 | Documents required to assess a partnership |
043-03120050 | Assessing partnership income |
043-03120060 | Assessing partnership assets |
043-03130000 | Changes to income and assets from a business structure |
043-03130060 | Seasonal downturn in business |
043-03130070 | Unexpected downturn of a business |
043-03130080 | Irregular or intermittent business activity |
043-03130090 | Business has ceased or has been sold |
043-03130100 | Seasonal business activity has ceased completely |
043-03130120 | Withdrawal from partnership |
043-03130130 | Raising social security debts due to self-employment or business income |
043-04000000 | Assessment of trusts and companies |
043-04010000 | Companies |
043-04010010 | How to identify a private company |
043-04010020 | Documents needed to assess a private company |
043-04010030 | Completing the Private Company MOD PC |
043-04010040 | Assessing and coding the Private Company details from the MOD PC |
043-04010050 | Roles within a private company |
043-04010060 | Designated private companies |
043-04010070 | Controlled private companies |
043-04010080 | Attributable stakeholders for private companies |
043-04020000 | Trusts |
043-04020010 | How to identify a private trust |
043-04020020 | Documents required to assess a private trust |
043-04020030 | Completing the Private Trust details in the MOD PT |
043-04020060 | Assessing and coding the Private Trust details from the MOD PT |
043-04020070 | Roles within a private trust |
043-04020080 | Designated private trusts |
043-04020090 | Controlled private trusts |
043-04020100 | Attributable stakeholders for private trusts and private companies |
043-04030000 | Attribution for private trusts and private companies |
043-04030010 | Formal control of a private trust |
043-04030020 | Formal control of a company |
043-04030030 | Informal control test |
043-04030040 | Source test |
043-04030050 | Attribution percentages |
043-04030070 | Coding the Trust/Company Attribution (TRA) screen |
043-04030080 | Resigning/relinquishing control of a trust or company or beneficial interest in a trust |
043-04030090 | Limited appointorship concession |
043-04040000 | Multiple entity structures |
043-04040010 | Packaged activities |
043-04040020 | Packaged review activities |
043-04050000 | Assessment of income from trusts and companies |
043-04050010 | Assessing attribution income |
043-04050020 | Recording attribution income |
043-04050030 | Assessing and recording distribution income |
043-04060000 | Assessment of assets for trusts and companies |
043-04060010 | Assessing asset attribution |
043-04060020 | Home property adjustment amount and apportionment calculations on entity owned residence |
043-04060030 | Customer's principal residence owned by a private trust or private company - determining home ownership |
043-04060040 | Real estate owned by a private trust or private company |
043-04060050 | Other assets owned by an entity |
043-04070000 | Special Disability Trust (SDT) - initial contact |
043-04070010 | Special Disability Trust (SDT) beneficiary assessment process |
043-04070040 | Gifting concessions to a Special Disability Trust (SDT) |
043-04070050 | Cessation of a Special Disability Trust (SDT) |
043-04070060 | Coding a Special Disability Trust (SDT) |
043-04070070 | Review of a Special Disability Trust (SDT) |
043-04080000 | Gifting rules for trusts and companies |
043-04080010 | Trusts and companies - calculating a gift amount |
043-04080020 | Trusts and companies - transitional gifting rule |
043-04080030 | Trusts and companies - resigning control and gifting |
043-04090000 | Assessing and recording loans and liabilities for trusts and companies |
043-04090010 | Assessment of liabilities for trust and companies |
043-04090020 | Trusts and companies - recording liabilities |
043-04100000 | Primary production aggregation |
043-04100010 | Primary production aggregation for sole traders |
043-04100020 | Primary production aggregation for partnerships |
043-04100030 | Primary production aggregation for private trusts and private companies |
043-04110000 | Trusts and companies - concessions and exceptions |
043-04110010 | Life interest in an asset or income |
043-04110020 | Fixed trusts set up before 7.30 pm on 9 May 2000 |
043-04110030 | Where a controller could not access trust capital and/or income as at 7.30 pm on 9 May 2000 |
043-04110040 | Testamentary trusts |
043-04110050 | Protective and statutory trusts for persons unable to handle their own affairs |
043-04110060 | Genuine investors in private trusts and companies |
043-04120000 | Indexing, recording and reviewing organisations |
043-04120010 | Indexing an organisation for nominees |
043-04130000 | Important screens for private trusts and private companies |
043-04140000 | Searching for and indexing private trusts and companies |
043-04150000 | Linking customers and organisations for trust and company purposes |
043-04150010 | Creating links from organisations to customers for trust and company purposes |
043-04150020 | Creating links between organisations for trust and company purposes |
043-04150030 | Deleting trust and company organisation links |
043-04160000 | Reviews and reassessments for private trusts and private companies |
043-04160010 | Program, discretion and estimate reviews and reminders for private trusts and private companies |
043-04160020 | Coding the T&C Miscellaneous Details (TRMD) screen |
043-04160030 | Reassessment of an organisation on the death of a linked customer |
043-04160040 | Customer contact regarding trusts and companies program review |
043-04160080 | Assessing derivation periods for debts arising from trust or company attributed income |
043-04170000 | Assessment of income and assets from trusts and companies pre 1 January 2002 |
043-04170010 | Assessing income from private companies pre 1 January 2002 |
043-04170020 | Assessment of private company assets pre 1 January 2002 |
043-04170030 | Historical treatment of income from discretionary trusts pre 1 January 2002 |
043-04170040 | Historical treatment of assets from discretionary trusts pre 1 January 2002 |
043-04170050 | Assessing income from fixed trusts pre 1 January 2002 |
043-04170060 | Assessing assets from fixed trusts pre 1 January 2002 |
043-05000000 | Other services and financial help for a business and an employer |
043-05010000 | Bass Strait Passenger Vehicle Equalisation Scheme (BSPVES) |
043-05030000 | Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme (TFES) |
043-05030010 | TFES claim types |
043-05030050 | TFES underpayments, overpayments and manual debts |
043-17021401 | Register a TFES manual claim |
043-17021404 | TFES extension of time request |
043-17021406 | Update TFES claimant information |
043-17021407 | Add or update TFES southbound goods and suppliers |
043-17021411 | Debt recovery for Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme (TFES) |
043-17050400 | TFES payment procedures |
043-17070300 | Register a TFES claimant |
043-21042807 | Northbound domestic goods claim assessment for TFES |
043-21042811 | Tasmanian Transport Programs |
043-21042859 | Express Process of TFES claims |
043-21071629 | Southbound manufacturers and miners claims for TFES (M Scheme) |
043-21071639 | Southbound primary producer claim for TFES (P Scheme) |
043-21101413 | Intrastate (King Island and Furneaux Group) claim assessment for TFES |
043-21101452 | Northbound other markets claim assessment for TFES |
043-21120949 | Horse claim assessment for TFES |
043-22010436 | Brood mare claim assessment for TFES |
043-22022208 | Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) and Completing Apprenticeship Commencements (CAC) wage subsidies |
043-22032122 | Verifying evidence for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidy (AWS) claims |
043-22032123 | Employer enquiries about Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies (AWS) |
043-22032535 | Assessing a Special Disability Trust (SDT) |
043-22032902 | Apprenticeships Data Management System (ADMS) |
043-22070622 | Sportsperson and professional entertainers claim assessment for TFES |
043-22071920 | Furneaux Group Additional Assistance (FGAA) claim assessment for TFES |
043-23011707 | Evidence requirements for Apprenticeship Wage Subsidies |
043-23041325 | Small to Medium Enterprise merchants - engagement process |
043-23050128 | Merchant Participation Agreement (MPA) |
043-23052339 | Mixed Merchant Agreement (MMA) |
043-23061426 | Energy Bill Relief Fund |
043-23071047 | TFES claims agents |
043-23082230 | Customer contact for Tasmanian Transport Programs |
043-23110620 | Using TFES myHSI system |
043-23113007 | Adding, changing or removing a service reason for Income Management |
043-23120539 | Income Management services for a business |
043-24021314 | Merchant Engagement Portfolio - corporate engagement |
043-24051317 | Merchant Engagement Portfolio |
043-24072501 | TFES self-assessed claimants |