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Indexing an organisation for nominees 043-04120010

This document outlines the steps for indexing an organisation for nominee arrangements. Once an organisation is indexed it will have a record within the Centrelink computer system and an independent Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)

When indexing is required

Indexing will be required at the new claim stage or whenever a customer requests an organisation to act as their nominee and a current record does not exist. Information required to index the organisation record will be found in the Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf (SS313) form for nominees.

Three main reasons that an organisation would need to be indexed and a record added, are for:

  • Centrepay purposes
  • payments to Child Care services (that is, Family Day Care subsidy remittances)
  • recording organisations that are acting as nominees

Nominee organisations will include the various State Trustee bodies, other commercial trustee companies such as Perpetual Trustees or financial planning companies who may act as nominees.

Nominee organisation records are created in the ORG system in Environment 'B'. A nominee organisation must have a unique nominee record. Where an organisation has an existing record, such as a Trust and Company (TAC) or Centrepay record this cannot be used for nominee relationships and a new record must be created.

Only officers with appropriate ICT Security Portal (ISP) access have the ability to add a nominee organisation.

The Resources page contains links to modules used to gather information about the form used to appoint a nominee.


Indexing, recording and reviewing organisations

Nominee organisations

Adding or rejecting a nominee request