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Income, assets and rates of payment content

File NameTitle
108-01000000Income, assets and rates of payment
108-01010000Payment rates and thresholds
108-01010150Parenting Payment Single (PPS) income and assets tests
108-01020000Allowance income and assets tests
108-01020010Income Test for single allowance customers
108-01020020Income Test for partnered allowance customers
108-01020030Personal Assets Test for allowances, Austudy and independent Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY customers
108-01020040Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) income and assets tests
108-01030000Assessment of dependent children, additional income free area and child income under social security law
108-01070080Deductible Child Maintenance Expenditure (DCME)
108-02000000The Parental Means Test
108-02010000Parental Income Test (PIT)
108-02010020Applying the Parental Income Test (PIT) for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance (YA)
108-02010030Applying the Parental Income Test (PIT) for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
108-02010050Determining the appropriate tax year for the Parental Income Test (PIT) for Youth Allowance (YA), ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
108-02010060Determining a dependent child for inclusion in the family pool for the Parental Income Test (PIT)
108-02010080Family taper for the Parental Income Test (PIT)
108-02010090Assessing and coding parental income for ABSTUDY, Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme and Youth Allowance (YA)
108-02010100Creating, updating and ending Parental Income Test (PIT) links with dependent student, Australian Apprentice and job seeker recipients or claimants
108-02010110Linking sibling records with customers/students/Australian Apprentices/job seekers - Parental Income Test (PIT)
108-02010120Youth Allowance at pending status (YAL/PSA) and dependent siblings
108-02020000Changes which may affect the Parental Income Test (PIT)
108-02020020Increase or decrease in parental income for Youth Allowance (YA), ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
108-02020030Circumstances when the Parental Income Test (PIT) does not apply
108-02020050Assessing verified parental income for current income assessments for ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme
108-02040000Maintenance Income Test (MIT) for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance (YA)
108-03000000Income and assets tests for income support payments made by Centrelink
108-03010000Pensions income and assets tests
108-03010010Income Test for single pension customers
108-03010020Income Test for partnered pension customers
108-03010030Income Test for Disability Support Pension customer who is under 21 years, with no dependent children and with affecting income at 19 September 2009
108-03010040Income Test for Disability Support Pension customer who is under 21 years with no dependent children
108-03010050Income Test for pension customers with partners on allowance
108-03010060Income Test for illness separated or partner in prison customers
108-03010070Transitional rules for pension customers who were on payment at 19 September 2009
108-03010080Income and assets tests for blind customers
108-03010090Assets Test for single pension customers
108-03010100Assets Test for partnered pension customers
108-03020000Care Receiver Income and Assets
108-03020020Components of the Care Receiver Income and Assets (CRIA) test
108-03020050Coding the Care Receiver Income and Assets Details (CRIA) screen
108-03040060Foreign income for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments
108-03050000Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) benefits and services overview
108-03050010Payments from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) and referrals to the DVA Clearance Team
108-03050020Completing Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) clearances and income coding
108-03060000Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA)
108-03190000Treatment of compensation payments
108-03190010The effect of compensation on Social Security payments
108-03190020Treatment of compensation payments for ABSTUDY
108-03190040Treating periodic compensation payments as a direct deduction or income
108-04000000Assessment of assets for Centrelink payments
108-04010000Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services
108-04020000Assessment of assets (CLK)
108-04020020Assessing a failed loan
108-04020030Verifying income and assets
108-04020040Loans and liabilities against assets
108-04020050Interest in an estate
108-04030000Assessing income and assets from cooperatives
108-04040000Assessing income and assets from profit sharing
108-04050000Assessing income and assets for ministers of religion
108-04070000Home ownership
108-04070010Determining homeowners and non-homeowners
108-04070020Purchasing another residence
108-04070030Assessing house and curtilage
108-04070040Non-homeowner purchasing a home
108-04070050Sale of principal home
108-04070060Sale of real estate by instalment or deferred payment
108-04070070Assessing a life interest in a home
108-04070080Assessing caravans, boats and park homes
108-04080000Exempt income and assets for Centrelink payments
108-04080010Exempt income
108-04080020Exempt Assets
108-04080030Funeral bonds and investments
108-04080040Exempt lump sums
108-04090000Financial Investments
108-04090010MIN/SIN Database Maintenance and Updates
108-04090020Managed investments - adding a new investment
108-04090030Managed investments - updating existing investments
108-04090040Managed investments
108-04090050Revaluing managed investments, shares and securities
108-04100000Home Equity Conversion loans
108-04100010Assessment of income from Home Equity
108-04100020Assessment of asset value of Home Equity Conversion loans and Reverse Mortgages
108-04110000Actuarial valuations
108-04110010Referrals for actuarial valuations
108-04110020Documentation required for actuarial valuations
108-04120000Assets hardship for income support payments
108-04120030Completing the Consideration under assets hardship provisions
108-04120040Assessment of assets hardship
108-04120050Unrealisable assets under the Assets Test hardship provisions
108-04120060Severe financial hardship under the Assets Hardship Test provisions
108-04120070Notional income on unrealisable assets
108-04120080Review of assets hardship cases
108-04130010Assessment and sale of real estate and timeshare asset
108-04130020Assessing income from real estate and timeshare
108-04130090Valuation of real estate and other assets
108-04130100Maintaining the value of real estate assets on customer records
108-05000000Assessment of income for Centrelink payments
108-05010000Assessing income from seasonal work
108-05020000Assessment of other ordinary income for Centrelink payments
108-05020010Recording other income on the Other Income (OIN) screen
108-05020020Treatment of lump sums
108-05020040Assessing fringe benefits for Social Security income test purposes
108-05020050Foreign income and assets
108-05030000Estimating income for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments
108-05030010Helping families provide a reasonable annual income estimate for family assistance payments
108-05030020Updating income estimates for the current financial year
108-05030030Date of event (DOV) for family assistance income estimates
108-05030040Updating previous financial year incomes for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
108-05030050Automatic Uplift of income estimates
108-05030070Paid Parental Leave income test and previous financial year income estimate
108-05040000Board and lodging
108-05040010Income from boarders and lodgers
108-05050000Deeming provisions
108-05050020Deeming exemptions
108-05050030A-H Deeming Exemption Register
108-05050040I-Z Deeming Exemption Register
108-05060000Income streams
108-05060010Adding or updating an account-based income stream
108-05060020Adding or updating a market-linked income stream
108-05060030Adding or updating a lifetime income stream
108-05060040Adding or updating a life expectancy income stream
108-05060050Adding or updating a term income stream
108-05060060Adding or updating a defined benefit income stream
108-05060070Assessing income streams paid from Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) or Small APRA Superannuation Funds (SAFs)
108-05060080Assessing lifetime income streams paid from Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) or Small APRA Superannuation Funds (SAF)
108-05060090Assessing life expectancy income streams paid from Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) or Small APRA Superannuation Funds (SAFs)
108-05060110Application to be allowed to commute all or part of an asset-test exempt income stream due to extreme financial hardship
108-05060120Commutation of asset-test exempt (ATE) income streams
108-05060130Commutation of asset-tested income streams
108-05070010Assessing superannuation
108-05070020Assessing withdrawals from superannuation
108-05070030Exempting superannuation investments
108-06010000Deprivation effects on Centrelink payments
108-06010010Assessing deprivation/gifting
108-06010020Assessing returned gifts
108-06010030Deprivation related to the transfer of a farm to a close relative
108-06010040Granny flat provisions
108-07000000Employment income for Centrelink assessments
108-07010000Assessment of employment income for Centrelink payments
108-07010010Recording and correcting employment income details
108-07010030Coding income from the Supported Wage System (SWS)
108-07010040Determining the Date of Event for employment income
108-07010050Assessing salary sacrificing/salary packaging arrangements for employment income
108-07010070Earnings Worksheet (SU505)
108-07010080Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG)
108-07010090Paid leave and redundancy payments (advised before 19 April 2010)
108-07010100Leave and termination payments paid by an employer
108-07010110Cessation of employment income
108-07010130Work Bonus and balance for pensioners of Age Pension age
108-07010140Assessment of employment income for Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) customers over Age Pension age
108-07010160Employment income nil rate period
108-07020000Working Credit
108-08000000Rates of Centrelink payments, taxation and manual assessment
108-08020000Pension Supplement
108-08030000Quarterly Supplement
108-08030010Suppression of quarterly supplement payment
108-08050000Education Entry Payment (EdEP)
108-08060000Pharmaceutical Allowance (PhA)
108-08070000Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA)
108-08070010Manual processing of Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) claims
108-08070020Payment of Pharmaceutical Allowance (PhA)
108-08080010Qualification for payment of Rent Assistance (RA)
108-08080100Rent Assistance (RA) historical information
108-08080110Rent Assistance (RA) savings provisions
108-08080130Customers receiving Rent Assistance (RA) with their primary payment instead of Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
108-08100000Telephone Allowance (TAL)
108-08100010Updating telephone details and/or paying Telephone Allowance (TAL)
108-08100020How to pay Telephone Allowance (TAL) arrears
108-08100030Payment of Telephone Allowance (TAL) to customers suspended or cancelled due to employment income
108-08110000Utilities Allowance (UA)
108-08130000Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deductions
108-08130010Commencing a Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction
108-08130020Varying a Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction
108-08130030Terminating a Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deduction
108-08130050Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) transaction codes
108-08170000Payment of arrears after reassessment and stopping a payment
108-08170010How to manually calculate arrears
108-08180000Manual rates of payment
108-08180010Non NSS systems coding for manual rate of payment
108-12020010NSS system coding for manual rate of payment
108-12020030ABSTUDY system coding for manual rate of payment
108-17031700Maintenance Income Test (MIT) reconciliation for ABSTUDY, Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme (AIC) and Youth Allowance (YA)
108-18092602Recording accommodation details
108-18092606Rent Assistance (RA) for travellers
108-18092609Rent Assistance (RA) verification
108-18092613Rent Assistance (RA) historical and savings provision information
108-18092616Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
108-18092623Manually issuing a Rent Certificate (SU523HD)
108-18092631Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
108-18092638Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
108-18092640Sharer Status field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
108-18092646Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
108-18092650Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
108-18092653Net rent rules for Rent Assistance (RA)
108-18092658Rent Assistance (RA)
108-18102230Rent Assistance (RA) for care receivers
108-19041857Adding or updating a pooled lifetime income stream
108-19092734Updating shares and securities
108-19092749Adding shares and securities
108-20111652Mutual Client Register (MCR)
108-20111656Mutual Client Register (MCR) for Service Delivery staff
108-20111659Mutual Client Register (MCR) for Business Support staff
108-22063045Historical recording and correcting employment income details (prior to 07/12/2020)
108-22070639Allowances paid with employment income
108-22070738Single Touch Payroll (STP)
108-22102658Rent Assistance automatic rent verification review failed
108-22111400Single Touch Payroll (STP) interventions
108-23091956Income from personal injury insurance schemes and disability benefits
108-24071131Completing Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities
108-24071552Rent Assistance (RA) address has ended and Error E036AT
108-24101512Single Touch Payroll (STP) in Centrelink claims
108-24102100Housing Transition Commencement of Rent (TrEVoR)
108-24103134Single Touch Payroll (STP) troubleshooting
108-24103143Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing
108-24120314Adding or updating a military invalidity pension income stream
108-25021033AAC Customer Task work items