Adding or updating a lifetime income stream 108-05060030
This document outlines the procedure explaining how to assess and code lifetime income stream products.
Lifetime income stream
A lifetime income stream is guaranteed to be paid for the owner's lifetime and stops on their death. A reversionary beneficiary can be nominated:
- these payments will continue on the death of the primary beneficiary, and
- will be paid to the reversionary(s) during their lifetime
This product is not a life expectancy income stream.
It can be purchased with both superannuation money and ordinary savings.
Pooled lifetime income streams are lifetime income streams with a purchase date on or after 1 July 2019. They are assessed under new means test rules. A self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF) cannot pay pooled lifetime income streams.
Income stream schedule
The income stream provider must provide details of the income stream on a Details of income stream product (SA330) form or a similar schedule.
A SA330 can be used for details of an income stream from a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) or small APRA superannuation fund (SAF). The SA330 must be completed by the trustee of the fund (generally the customer for an SMSF). They can get help from their accountant or financial adviser.
Some SMSFs may have a retail provider as their administrator. For example, AXA, MLC, who may complete the form.
Do not accept a schedule for a non-SMSF sourced income stream if completed by a financial adviser, accountant or any other person.
Lifetime income streams that comply with section 9A of the Social Security Act 1991 are non-commutable except in extremely limited circumstances.
Assessment of lifetime income streams
Lifetime products purchased on or after 1 July 2019 will be subject to the pooled lifetime income streams means testing.
Lifetime income stream products purchased or acquired before 1 July 2019 are grandfathered. They continue to be assessed under the pre-1 July 2019 means test rules.
This assessment relates to all lifetime products purchased before 1 July 2019. The income stream is still assessed according to its purchase date even if a reversionary beneficiary starts to receive the income after 1 July 2019.
Income assessment
Gross income - (deduction amount + other deduction amount) = assessed income.
Note: from December 2024 a new field has been introduced to allow coding for deductions due to Family Law Split (FLS). Depending on the agreement or court order involved, it is possible the provider has split the income stream and is only paying the customer their remaining share. For those cases no additional reduction is required. However, if the provider was unable to split the payment, then the amount the customer must legally pay to the other party can be coded under ‘other deduction amount’ to reduce the gross income assessed. For example: it may be a set amount of $10,000 per year, or could be 20% of the gross. The amount coded must be in the same frequency as the income was coded. For example if monthly gross income was coded this must be a monthly amount. See References for link to relevant instructions.
Once a determination is made and a FLS is either allowed or not allowed, this decision must be included in a DOC as per Online Document Recording (ODR).
Asset assessment
- Lifetime income streams that comply with section 9A are asset-test exempt (ATE) income streams. ATE income streams purchased:
- before 20 September 2004 are 100% ATE
- on or after 20 September 2004 and before 20 September 2007 are 50% ATE
All lifetime income streams purchased on or after 20 September 2007 and before 1 July 2019 are fully assessed using an asset assessment formula.
Exception: in very limited circumstances, certain ATE income streams purchased before 20 September 2007 that are commuted and rolled over into post 20 September 2007 ATE income streams can retain their 50% or 100% ATE status provided certain conditions are satisfied. The References page contains a link to the conditions for retention of the ATE status
Jointly owned income streams
Joint income streams can only be purchased with ordinary money, and not superannuation money. The income stream payments are made to each owner of the joint income stream. An income stream that has a single owner with a reversionary beneficiary is not a joint income stream.
The purchase price and the gross income are halved and recorded on the customer's and the partner's record. The relevant number is the same for both. The product name field should identify the product as a jointly owned income stream.
Note: if the product does not comply with section 9A, it may have a residual capital value. This should be halved as well.
When one member passes away the product will need to be coded off and recoded with the full purchase price and the income. While the income amount paid is often 100% of the amount paid to both owners, some products only allow for a reduced portion to be payable to the surviving member for example 80% or 50% etc.
Requests for information
Requests for information to update income streams owned by a non-current partner are sent to the customer.
Where the customer or partner is unable, or unwilling, to provide information due to family and domestic violence (FDV), escalate to Automation of Income Stream Reviews (AISR) support. AISR support will escalate to arrange the request of the information directly from the provider.
Reversionary income stream
The original purchaser of the income stream may nominate a person to receive the income after their death, for example their spouse or partner. This person is the reversionary beneficiary.
When an income stream is passed on to a reversionary beneficiary:
- Income is assessed from the day after the date of death of the primary beneficiary (usually deceased partner), which is the date the customer (reversionary) is entitled to receive the payments
- The income stream is treated as a continuation of the original income stream. If it was originally purchased before 1 July 2019, but reverted after 1 July 2019, the pre 1 July 2019 assessment will continue
- The ATE status, purchase price, purchase date and relevant number remain unchanged
- The gross income may be reduced as specified in the income stream contract
There may be a gap between the death of the original beneficiary and the date the reversionary beneficiary starts to receive regular payments. A lump sum arrears payment is made to the reversionary beneficiary to cover the gap. The lump sum is assessed as income from an income stream for the period to which it relates. This may result in a debt if the person has been receiving an income support payment.
Waiver provisions came into effect from 9 May 2018:
- where the lump sum arrears results in a debt during the bereavement period for the surviving spouse, and certain conditions are met
- only debts within the 14-week bereavement period can be waived under these rules
The 9 May rules are not retrospective. Any of these debts occurring before 9 May 2018 cannot be waived using these rules.
See the References page for a link to the legislation
Successor Fund Transfer
A Successor Fund Transfer (SFT) is where all members of a superannuation fund move to another superannuation fund. This includes members who have an income stream.
For an income stream recipient, there can be no change to the terms and conditions of the income stream product. The income stream will continue to have the same start date as the original income stream. The only change would be to the provider name and possibly the product reference number. The exemption from the assets test would continue to apply to the income stream.
Refer to the FINS Bulletin for a listing of SFT/IFTs.
Suspended lifetime income streams
An income stream provider may suspend the customer's income stream for either:
- failure to confirm proof of life
- returned correspondence
If a provider has suspended a customer's income stream, the customer must contact the provider to:
- restart the payment, and
- get paid any arrears
The customer's income stream is not zeroed off on the system when a suspension occurs.
When the provider pays the arrears to the customer, no coding is needed on the customer's record.
Customer's past fortnightly payments are already adjusted to account for the income from their lifetime income stream.
Online updates
Customers can advise of new lifetime income streams via their Centrelink online account, however they cannot make changes to existing lifetime income streams online. Manual handoff will occur where a customer advises a new lifetime income stream. A DOC with keyword OIAICS will start on the customer’s record and a Work Item for staff to manual action is generated on the customer's record containing the details given by the customer. Staff can select the Work Item to process in Process Direct.
The Resources page contains links to the Details of Income Stream Product form (SA330) and the New Level 2 enquiry web form at the My Level 2 Policy Helpdesk Requests Summary page.
Related links
Adding or updating a defined benefit income stream
Adding or updating a military invalidity pension income stream
Adding or updating a pooled lifetime income stream
Adding or updating a life expectancy income stream
Adding or updating a term income stream
Adding or updating an account-based income stream
Adding or updating a market-linked income stream
Income stream indexation review
Commutation of asset-test exempt (ATE) income streams
Debts arising from commutation of asset-test exempt income streams
Income and assets options online