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Separated parents content

File NameTitle
277-01000000Customer Contact (CS)
277-01010000Contact with Child Support customers
277-01020000Authenticating a Child Support customer
277-01030000Documenting Child Support information
277-01050000Customer location (tracing)
277-01060000Letters for Child Support customers
277-01070000Correspondence received in Child Support
277-01080000Updating Child Support customer information
277-01090000Incarcerated customers
277-01100000Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support
277-01100010Customer Management Approach (CMA) process
277-01100020Common and specialised activities for Child Support staff
277-01100040Finalisation guidelines for Child Support staff
277-01120000Deceased Child Support customer management
277-01120010Notification of death - Child support
277-01120020Testacy searches and collection options when someone has died
277-01140000Social worker and other service referrals for Child Support customers
277-01150000Secure messaging for Employers and Overseas Entities
277-02000000Agreements (CS)
277-02010000Agreements between Child Support customers
277-02010010Assessing a new Child Support agreement
277-02010020Interpreting and making a decision on a Child Support agreement
277-02010030Recording a Child Support agreement
277-02010040Ending a Child Support agreement
277-02010050Administering agreements and court varied assessments (CVA) lodged post 1 July 2008 that include pre and post 1 July 2008 periods
277-02020000Notional assessment relating to child support agreements
277-02030000Lump Sum child support
277-02040000Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures (CS)
277-02050000Inflation adjustment (CS)
277-03000000Assessments (CS)
277-03010030Eligibility and presumption of parentage (PoP) for a child support assessment
277-03020000Reverse child support cases
277-03020010Managing reverse child support cases
277-03020020Complex system processing for reverse child support cases
277-03030000Direct requests for information from Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
277-03040000Change in child support care levels
277-03040010Notification of change in child support care levels
277-03040020Investigation of change in child support care from 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA Ex-nuptial cases)
277-03040030Making a decision for a change in child support care
277-03040040Centrelink care determination from 1 July 2010 (3 March 2011 for WA Ex-nuptials)
277-03060000Integrated Care
277-03060010Integrated care - Notification and recording of change in care
277-03060040Integrated care - Gathering additional information and evidence
277-03060050Integrated care – Complex care
277-03060070Integrated Care - Making and recording care determination
277-03060080Integrated care - Managing issues after care determination
277-03070000Care percentage table (CS)
277-03080000Eighteen year old children extending a child support assessment
277-03090000Fixed annual rate not to apply applications
277-03100000Minimum annual rate to nil - Reducing child support assessments
277-03110000Suspension of child support liability on reconciliation
277-03120000Change of assessment in special circumstances
277-03120010Change of assessment enquiries
277-03120020Manage and process a change of assessment (COA) application
277-03120040Finalising a change of assessment (COA) application
277-03130000Capacity to pay (CTP) Child Support
277-03140000Terminating events (Stage 2)
277-03150000Ending a Child Support assessment
277-03160000Basic values
277-03180000WA Child Support Ex-nuptial cases
277-04010000Establish Child Support account balance
277-04020000Income Support Payment (ISP) concession for Centrelink deductions
277-04030000Application for Child Support to be collected
277-04040000Bankruptcy for Child Support customers
277-04050000Business Structures and Financial Statements for Child Support debt recovery
277-04060000Calculating financial capacity for business owners
277-04070000Centrelink deductions used to collect child support debts
277-04080000Centrelink-Child Support information exchange
277-04080010Manual information request about a Centrelink customer record
277-04080020Manual information request about a Child Support customer record
277-04090000Collecting child support payments privately and/or discharging arrears
277-04100000Collection of child support debts through third parties (s72A and s72AC)
277-04110000Debt offset (CS)
277-04120000Debt repayment
277-04130000Departure prohibition orders (DPO) for Child Support customers
277-04130010Issue a Child Support departure prohibition order (DPO)
277-04130020Activate and/or retain a Child Support departure prohibition order (DPO)
277-04130030Issuing a Child Support departure authorisation certificate (DAC)
277-04130040Revoke a Child Support departure prohibition order (DPO)
277-04140000Employer withholding (linking) for Child Support customers
277-04140010Service Officer role in setting up Employer Withholding (EW) linking
277-04140020Employer Services Officer (ESO) role in setting up employer withholding (EW) linking
277-04140030Service Support Officer (SSO) role in removing invalid links from Cuba
277-04150000Employer Withholding (EW) - Election for EW not to apply (CS)
277-04160000Manual Cash reconciliation for Child Support payments - Payment Services team
277-04170000Employer withholding reconciliation and top up
277-04180000Employer/Organisation debt repayment (CS)
277-04190000Employers that have gone into liquidation
277-04200000Recovering a Child Support debt from a Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-04210000Child Support's information gathering powers
277-04220000Debt Enforcement referrals
277-04220010Guidelines prior to referring Child Support customers for debt enforcement
277-04220030Taking a Child Support customer to court
277-04220040Monitoring orders and case management after court, including enforcing orders
277-04220050Managing Child Support customer Debt Enforcement referrals
277-04230000Non-agency payment (NAP)
277-04240000Non-pursuit of individual Child Support debts
277-04250000Non-pursuit of employer Child Support debts
277-04260000Child support overpayments and other payee debt
277-04260010Information for payers about child support overpayments
277-04260030Using consolidated revenue to repay funds
277-04270000Payment defaulter
277-04280000Payment options for customers
277-04290000Child Support late payment penalties and estimate penalties
277-04300000Reassign or transfer a missing or incorrectly receipted child support payment
277-04310000Recovery of debts by customers in court (CS)
277-04320000Registrar Initiated Private Collect (RIPC) (CS)
277-04330000Stay orders
277-04340000Tax Refund Intercept Process (TRIP) exceptions
277-04350000Excess cash on a Child Support customer's account
277-04360000Financial hardship
277-04370000External searches guide
277-04380000Waivers for Child Support customers
277-04390000Banks and organisations
277-05000000Court Orders
277-05010000Court varied assessments (CVA) including lump sum orders (CS)
277-05020000Section 107 and Section 143 orders for Child Support customers
277-05020010Section 107 order received by Child Support
277-05020020Section 143 order received by Child Support
277-05030000Stage 1 - Change in care non-enforcement (CS)
277-05040000Stage 1 - Ending case or liability (CS)
277-05040010An event occurs that will end a Child Support case or liability
277-05050000Stage 1– low-income non-enforcement (LINE) period
277-05060000Stage 1 - registrations
277-05070000Stage 1 - variations (CS)
277-05080000Suspending disbursements of child support
277-06010000Disbursements of child support
277-06020000Suspense account management
277-06030000Stale and unpresented cheques
277-07010000Income processing for Child Support customers
277-07010010Australian Taxation Office (ATO) income for Child Support customers
277-07010020Derived income for Child Support customers
277-07010030Deemed and Default income for Child Support customers
277-07010040Income processing for incarcerated Child Support customers
277-07010050Lodgement rules for income in Cuba
277-07010060Cuba rules for Child Support customers
277-07010070Effect of income changes for Child Support customers
277-07010080Notify Child Support customers of income changes
277-07020000Income processing for Child Support customers 1 July 2008 to 29 June 2011 (21 November 2012 for WA ex-nuptial cases)
277-07030000Income processing for Child Support customers (International parents)
277-07040000Child support estimates
277-07040030Conversation guidelines for Child Support estimates
277-07050000Child Support estimates review (Post 1 July 2010)
277-07060000Child support estimates - Reconcile (from 1 July 2011)
277-07060010Auto reconciliation procedure for child support estimates (from 1 July 2011)
277-07060020Manual reconciliation procedure for child support estimates (from 1 July 2011)
277-07060030Reconciling an overseas estimate (from 1 July 2011)
277-07070000Child Support estimates (Pre 1 July 2010)
277-07080000Child Support estimates review (Pre 1 July 2010)
277-07090000Child Support estimates - Reconcile (Pre 1 July 2011)
277-07100000Post separation income for Child Support parents
277-07110000Legal notice for Child Support access to Australian Taxation Office (ATO) data and systems
277-07120000TM 2003.04 (bulk letter mailout 2003) (CS)
277-08000000International (CS)
277-08010000Central Authority Address Listing for International customers
277-08020000Registration of overseas maintenance liabilities (excluding New Zealand)
277-08030000International Disbursements - New Zealand bulk payments out (CS)
277-08040000International disbursements - Sweden and Slovakia bulk payments out
277-08050000International Disbursements - Other bulk payments out
277-08060000International Disbursements - New Zealand bulk payments in
277-08070000International Disbursements - foreign cheque payments in
277-08090000International Disbursements - Check transmittals being sent to NZ (CS)
277-08100000International Disbursements - disbursements of less than AUD$50
277-08110000International Disbursements - Downward adjustments of payments (NZ IN) (CS)
277-08120000International Disbursements - Invalid NZ payee addresses
277-08130000International Disbursements - Master Address Register, WIRE/EFT and Country Specific Payment templates
277-08140000International Disbursements - Refunds and issue of excess cash
277-08150000International Disbursements - stale and unpresented cheques
277-08170000New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information from NZIR to Child Support
277-08170010New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support Daily required tasks
277-08170020New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information – Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support - Weekly required tasks
277-08170030New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information – Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support - Annually required tasks
277-08180000New Zealand 'In' case management - Registrations between Inland Revenue, New Zealand and Child Support
277-08180020New Zealand 'In' case management - Registrations between NZIR and Child Support – Receiving and Registering case
277-08180030How to finalise a registration and contact customers following a request from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR).
277-08190000New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) - Amended Certificates from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support
277-08190010New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) – Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support - Identifying Process Method Amended Certificate
277-08190020New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) - Processing Amended Certificate
277-08200000New Zealand Case Management - Bulk Annual Assessments of Child Support – NZIR to Child Support
277-08210000New Zealand Case Management - Withdrawals and Returns to NZIR from Child Support
277-08220000New Zealand Case Management – Summary of Exchange of Information from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08230000New Zealand Case Management (NZ Out Case) - Amended Certificates sent from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08240000New Zealand Case Management (NZ Out Case) - Customer Location Requests from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08250000New Zealand Case Management - Daily Exchange Spreadsheet Child Support to NZIR
277-08250010New Zealand Case Management (NZ Out Case) – Enforcement Update Requests sent from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08250020New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) – Requests for Amended Certificate sent from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08250030New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) – General Withdrawal Request sent from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08260000New Zealand Case Management (NZ Out Case) – Requesting an Income from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) for Child Support
277-08270000Phone Exchange of Information between Child Support and Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08280000New Zealand Case Management (NZ Out Case) - Transmittal from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)
277-08290000New Zealand Case Management (NZ Out Case) - Withdrawals and Returns of NZ OUT Cases from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support
277-08300000Obsolete Child Support entries
277-08310000Residency decisions for Child Support customers
277-08310010Residency referrals for Child Support customers - Domestic Service Officer
277-08310020Residency decisions for Child Support customers - Specialist Service Officer
277-08320000Transmittal of Child Support information (excluding New Zealand)
277-08320010Transmittal of Child Support information (excluding New Zealand) - Transmittal referral and decision to transmit
277-08320020Transmittal of Child Support information (excluding New Zealand) - Contact customers and issue documents
277-08320030Transmittal of Child Support information (excluding New Zealand) - Prepare case for transmittal
277-08320040Transmittal of Child Support Information (excluding New Zealand) - Post transmittal
277-08330000Responding to requests from overseas authorities (excluding New Zealand)
277-09000000Issue Resolution (CS)
277-09020010Written Complaints received - Child Support
277-09020020Level 1 complaints - Child Support
277-09020030Level 2 complaints - Child Support
277-09020060Recording Child Support complaints and compliments in Cuba
277-09030000Correcting errors on Child Support cases
277-09030010Correcting a simple Child Support error
277-09030020Correcting a complex Child Support error
277-09030030Correcting a duplicate Child Support customer record
277-09040000Parliamentarian complaints regarding Child Support customers
277-09050000Ministerial complaints about Child Support customers
277-09060000Ombudsman complaints regarding Child Support customers
277-09100000Possible tax evasion by Child Support customers (individuals and business)
277-09130000Policy advice escalation process (CS)
277-09140000Technical support in Child Support
277-09160000Solutions Gateway Team
277-09170000Child Support Objections
277-09170010Care objections
277-09170020Review objection
277-09170040Gather evidence relating to Child Support objection
277-09170050Make decision and finalise Child Support objection
277-09170060Child Support objection received out of time – Extension of time and Special Circumstance application
277-09170070Summary disallow of Child Support Part 6A objections
277-09180000Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) applications against Child Support decisions
277-09180010Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) applications against Child Support objection decisions
277-09180020Extension of time (EOT) review lodged against Child Support decisions
277-09180030Management of files sent to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
277-09180040Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) submissions and requests for additional information from Child Support
277-09180050Processing Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) hearing details and additional documents
277-09180060Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) review dismissed or withdrawn
277-09180070Processing an Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) decision
277-09190000Open exchange of information for Child Support customers
277-17090700Variations to registered overseas maintenance liabilities (excluding New Zealand)
277-17091400External Complaints - Child Support investigations
277-17091500Executive correspondence about Child Support customers
277-17102600Exceptions to the income date of effect rules in certain circumstances
277-18020500Requests from overseas authorities to withdraw or end a case liability (excluding New Zealand)
277-18030100Managing changes affecting a Child Support agreement
277-18030101WA Ex-nuptial child support cases - Payee ceases to be an eligible carer with no terminating event and the agreement still applies – pre 15 May 2019
277-18052400WA ex-nuptial child support cases - Integrated Care
277-18052401Recording child support care details before 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA Ex-nuptial cases)
277-18052500Disputed care before 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA Ex-nuptial cases)
277-18052501Change in child support care levels before 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA Ex-nuptial cases)
277-18052502Recording child support care determinations before 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA Ex-nuptial cases)
277-18052503Care Cuba Process Help - Care levels notified before 1 July 2018 and WA ex-nuptial child support periods
277-18061448WA Ex-nuptial child support cases - Recovery of child support debts by payees in court
277-18061455Suspending or ending a Child Support agreement due to care
277-18061529WA ex-nuptial child support cases - Ending a Child Support assessment
277-18061544WA Ex-nuptial child support cases - Section 107 and Section 143 orders for Child Support customers
277-18061556WA ex-nuptial child support cases - Section 143 order received by Child Support
277-18062240Notification of change in child support care before 1 July 2018 (15 May 2019 for WA ex-nuptial cases)
277-18062611WA ex-nuptial child support cases - Terminating events (Stage 2) notified before 15 May 2019
277-19041133Parent Support Team
277-19043010Manage Child Support online accounts in Pluto
277-19060619Customer referrals and forms in Pluto
277-19061048UNCRAM applications to establish an overseas maintenance liability
277-19061108Applications for a child support assessment
277-19061110Application for assessment - online applications
277-19061112Application for assessment - phone
277-19061114Application for assessment - non-parent carer
277-19061115Application for assessment - contact other party
277-19061119Application for assessment - record a decision and finalise
277-19061125Application for assessment - search for and create a customer record
277-19061127Add a child or relevant dependent child to an application for assessment in Pluto
277-19061138Unlink a record from an application for assessment in Pluto
277-19061144Application for assessment - Conversation guide
277-19070242Initial Estimate in Pluto
277-19070503Income Tax Declaration in Pluto
277-19070505Manual letters in Pluto
277-19070558Income determination in Pluto
277-19091104Payment options in Child Support
277-19091604Applying a special recovery condition in Pluto and Cuba
277-19092517Documentation in Pluto and Cuba
277-19093005Establish Employer withholding in Pluto
277-19093009Employer withholding (EW) not to apply in Pluto
277-19100230Update customer details in Pluto
277-19100926Negotiate payment arrangement in Pluto
277-19101811Residency decision in Pluto
277-19121322Manage interactions in Pluto
277-19121653Viewing and searching correspondence in Pluto
277-20030558Referring overseas maintenance and paternity matters to the Attorney-General’s Department
277-21111715Child support periods (CS Period)
277-22021512Confirmation of death for Child Support customers
277-22021514Customer contact following a death notification
277-22021549Child support notification of death - Customer First processing (LPD Coding)
277-22072156Child Support customers impacted by emergency events
277-22121306Add a child or relevant dependent to an existing child support assessment
277-24061449Child Support customers impacted by the Douglas decision
277-30010000Cuba Help
277-30010020Accounting Cuba Process Help
277-30010030Agreements Cuba Process Help
277-30010040Assessments Cuba Process Help
277-30010050Bankruptcy Cuba Process Help
277-30010060Care Cuba Process Help
277-30010080Cash reconciliation Cuba Process Help
277-30010090Centrelink deductions Cuba Process Help
277-30010100Change of Assessment Cuba Process Help
277-30010110Child over eighteen Cuba Process Help
277-30010120Child Support Period Management Cuba Process Help
277-30010130Compensation Cuba Process Help
277-30010140Complaints handling Cuba Process Help
277-30010150Consolidated revenue debt Cuba Process Help
277-30010160Correspondence Cuba Process Help
277-30010170Costs and fines Cuba Process Help
277-30010180Overall non-care period - non-enforcement Cuba Process Help
277-30010190Customer benefits Cuba Process Help
277-30010200Customer receipt number Cuba Process Help
277-30010210Customer records Cuba Process Help
277-30010220Customer representative Cuba Process Help
277-30010230Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Cuba Process Help
277-30010240Debt offset Cuba Process Help
277-30010250Deceased customer management Cuba Process Help
277-30010260Departure prohibition orders (DPO) Cuba Process Help
277-30010270Discharge arrears Cuba Process Help
277-30010280Discharge irrecoverable debt Cuba Process Help
277-30010290Disbursement Cuba Process Help
277-30010300Documentation Cuba Process Help
277-30010310Eligibility Cuba Process Help
277-30010320Liquidation Cuba Process Help
277-30010330Estimates Cuba Process Help
277-30010340Fixed annual rate (FAR) not to apply Cuba Process Help
277-30010360Income Cuba Process Help
277-30010370Application for collection Cuba Process Help
277-30010380Intray management Cuba Process Help
277-30010390IVR Maintenance Cuba Process Help
277-30010400Letters Cuba Process Help
277-30010420Non Agency Payments (NAP) Cuba Process Help
277-30010430Non pursuit of debt Cuba Process Help
277-30010440Objections Cuba Process Help
277-30010450Overpayments Cuba Process Help
277-30010460Payment arrangements Cuba Process Help
277-30010470Penalties Cuba Process help
277-30010480Personalised Services Cuba Process Help
277-30010490Post Separation Income (PSI) Cuba Process Help
277-30010500Privacy incidents Cuba Process Help
277-30010510Products and services Cuba Process Help
277-30010520Reassign a payment Cuba Process Help
277-30010530Reduce a Minimum Annual Rate (MAR) to nil Cuba Process Help
277-30010540Refunds Cuba Process Help
277-30010550Relationship Cuba Process Help
277-30010560Reverse cases Cuba Process Help
277-30010570Section 120/161 notice Cuba Process Help
277-30010580Section 72A, 72B and 72AC notices Cuba Process Help
277-30010590Sensitive issue management Cuba Process Help
277-30010600Specialised Client Services (SCS) information Cuba Process Help
277-30010610Suspense account management Cuba Process Help
277-30010620Technical support Cuba Process Help
277-30010630Transfer or lock a customer Cuba Process Help
277-30010640Tax Refund Intercept Process (TRIP) Cuba Process Help
277-30010650Waiver Cuba Process Help
277-30010660Care intrays Cuba Process Help
277-30010670Employer Reconciliation Reports (ERRs) for non STP employers Cuba Process Help
277-30010680Employer withholding (linking) Cuba Process Help
277-30010690Maintain Employer/Organisation Record Cuba Process Help
277-30010700Organisation contacts Cuba Process Help
277-30010710Organisation payment arrangements Cuba Process Help
277-30010720Reconcile section 72A payments (from manual or non STP employers) Cuba Process Help
277-30010730Elections for Employer Withholding (EW) not to apply Cuba Process Help
277-30010740International penalties Cuba Process Help
277-30010750International transmittals Cuba Process Help
277-30010760Request report Cuba Process Help
277-30010770Residency Cuba Process Help
277-30010780Low-income non-enforcement (LINE) period Cuba Process Help
277-30010790Opt out election Cuba Process Help
277-30010800CSAOnline accounts Cuba Process Help
277-30010810CSAOnline secure message Cuba Process Help
277-30010820Debt enforcement Cuba Process Help
277-50000000Initial contact and identification of services for recently separated parents
277-50010000Identifying a package of services for customers recently separated or divorced
277-50020000Initial contact by customer claiming child support
277-50040000Claims for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for recently separated customers
277-50070020Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness
277-50080000Change in relationship status from partnered to single
277-50080050Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and/or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customer separates
277-51000000Administering the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) and Maintenance Income Test (MIT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51010000Helping customers apply for child support through Centrelink
277-51010010Applications for child support assessment through Centrelink
277-51010020Centrelink action on proving parentage for child support
277-51010030Parent advises Centrelink they want to pay child support
277-51010040Centrelink action when an application for child support assessment is rejected by Child Support
277-51020000The Child Support Scheme information for Centrelink
277-51020010Who can apply for child support?
277-51020030Child support deductions from income support payments
277-51030000Private collection information for Centrelink staff
277-51030010Recording private maintenance income on Centrelink systems
277-51040000Child Support collection information for Centrelink staff
277-51040010Applying for Child Support collection and effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51040020Centrelink action for Child Support Prescribed Income Test for a Stage 1 customer
277-51040030Centrelink action when a Child Support collection customer is owed or receives child support arrears
277-51040040Child support debt recovery from Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51050000How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) record
277-51060000Where to find child support information on Centrelink systems
277-51060010Finding old FAM (pre July 2000) maintenance information on Centrelink systems
277-51070000Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
277-51070020Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim in Customer First
277-51070030Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes
277-51070040Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and child support for children born as a result of a surrogacy arrangement or via artificial conception procedure (including children of same-sex couples)
277-51070050Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers with court order or a court registered agreement
277-51070060Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer not receiving full child support entitlement privately
277-51070070Customer cannot make private arrangement for Stage 1 child - Maintenance Action Test (MAT)
277-51070080Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for customers with shared care
277-51070090Exemptions from seeking child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
277-51070100Backdating a Maintenance Action Test (MAT) exemption to take action to receive child support prior to 1 July of the previous financial year
277-51070110Referrals to legal advice for action to obtain child support to satisfy the Maintenance Action Test (MAT)
277-51070120Increasing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A after action has been taken to obtain child support
277-51070130Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas - Maintenance Action Test (MAT)
277-51070140Checking reasonable action has been taken to obtain child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) past period claims
277-51080000Maintenance Income Test (MIT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51080010Determining if a payment is child support/maintenance income for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51080020Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer receives spousal maintenance
277-51080030Modified Entitlement Method
277-51080040Relevant period for maintenance for Maintenance Income Test (MIT)
277-51080050Entitlement Method
277-51080060Disbursement Method
277-51090000Child support agreements and Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51090010Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer wants to register a child support agreement
277-51100000Non-cash maintenance income assessment for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51100010Maintenance income: accommodation expenses
277-51100020Maintenance income: motor vehicle expenses
277-51100030Maintenance income: health expenses
277-51100040Maintenance income: loan repayments
277-51100050Maintenance income: trusts
277-51110000Assessing capitalised maintenance income for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51120000Assessing child support received for child disability expenses for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51130000Ongoing contact and child support assessment for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51130010Retrospective child support assessments and Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51130020Amending maintenance income details on the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen
277-51130030Action required when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer no longer entitled to child support
277-51130050Effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB) where the customer elects to suspend or end a child support assessment
277-51130080Changing from Child Support collection to private collection: effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51130090Child Support collection customer wants to change assessment method: effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51130100Child Support collection customer advises Centrelink of direct payments from paying parent (Non-agency payment)
277-51130110Transfer of information between Centrelink and Child Support
277-51130120Child Support data has not loaded onto or is incorrectly affecting customer's record
277-51140000Completing child support forms with Centrelink
277-51140030Completing the Ending a child support assessment (CS1671)
277-51140040Completing the Child Support Statutory Declarations (CS4649 and CS4648)
277-51150000Mutual customer matching with Child Support
277-51150010Linking and unlinking a child support paying parent to a Family Tax Benefit record
277-51150020Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support
277-51160000Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews
277-51160010Completing child support Manual Follow-ups (MFUs)
277-51170000Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities
277-51190000Maintenance reconciliation for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
277-51190010Maintenance Income Credit (MIC)
277-51190020Calculating and recording the Maintenance Income Credit (MIC) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims
277-51190030Explaining Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation overpayments due to child support issues