Complex system processing for reverse child support cases 277-03020020
For Service Support Officers (SSO) and Program Support Managers (PSM).
This document outlines the processes to manually update complex reverse cases where Cuba does not automatically reflect all details of the assessment.
Processing timeframes
When a reverse case exists and one of the issues described in this document is identified, system processing should occur in real-time. This is referred to as ‘same day processing’.
If a reverse case is identified as being incorrect at any other time, the correct processes must be completed before commencing the system processing described in this document. See Correcting errors on Child Support cases.
Roles and responsibilities
Service Officer
- Identify reverse cases
- Obtain all relevant information from both parties
- Escalate identified system issues
- Advise both customers of the outcome and their rights
Service Support Officer
- Provide advice in the event of complex issues
- Identify system issues and complete manual processing required
- Escalate more complex system issues
Program Support Manager (PSM)
- Provide support with more complex cases
- Provide approval for all manual calculations and formula modifications
Related links
Correcting errors on child support cases
Managing reverse child support cases
Managing changes affecting a child support agreement
Suspending or ending a child support agreement due to care