File Name | Title |
111-01000000 | About Specialist manuals and system tools |
111-01020040 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access archived Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) data |
111-02000000 | Archived Information |
111-02010000 | Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) |
111-02010010 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access archived Education Student Assistance System (ESAS) data |
111-02010020 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access receipt numbers |
111-02010030 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access Australian Government Online Services Point (AGOSP) data |
111-02010040 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Activity Management History (AMHS) data |
111-02010050 | Using the Archive and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Assurance of Support (AoS) data |
111-02010060 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Carer Allowance (CDA) data |
111-02010070 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Emergency Payment (EMG) data |
111-02010080 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Report Employment Income (REI) Interactive Voice Response (IVR) recordings |
111-02010090 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived letters and electronic messages |
111-02010100 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) data |
111-02010110 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Mobility Allowance (MOB) data |
111-02010120 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Newstart System (NSS) data |
111-02010130 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Online Document Recording (ODR) data |
111-02010140 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) to access archived Pension System (PEN) data |
111-02010150 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access archived Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) data |
111-02010160 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access archived Parenting System (PGA) data |
111-02010170 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access archived Residential Care Assistance (RCA) data |
111-02010180 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to access archived Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) data |
111-02010190 | Using the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE) application to send activities retrieved on ACE back to the Centrelink system |
111-02020000 | Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) |
111-02020010 | Using the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system and microfiche requests for archived information |
111-02020020 | Searching for archived records in other environments |
111-02030000 | Environment Y for inactive deleted and deceased customer records |
111-04000000 | Advice of a scam or theft or loss of personal information |
111-05000000 | Centrelink phone protocols |
111-05010000 | Answering calls in Centrelink |
111-05010020 | Authenticating an employer |
111-05050020 | Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs) |
111-05050050 | Calling a customer or returning a customer's call |
111-05060000 | Business Continuity Procedures (BCP) |
111-05070050 | Quality On Line (QOL) checking in the Smart Centre Division |
111-06000000 | Customer First |
111-06010000 | Customer First navigation, common screens and functions |
111-06020000 | Centrelink Appointment System |
111-06020010 | Booking appointments in the Centrelink Appointment System |
111-06020020 | View, reschedule or cancel an appointment in the Centrelink Appointment System |
111-06020030 | Complete and finalise appointment in the Centrelink Appointment System |
111-06020040 | Create and manage appointment profiles in the Centrelink Appointment System |
111-06030000 | Front of House (FOH) services and app |
111-06040100 | Advanced Organisation Search tool for staff |
111-06042000 | Customer Online View for Service Officers |
111-06045000 | Customer First SAP native processes |
111-06045010 | Customer details and cases |
111-06045020 | Social Applications |
111-06045030 | Interaction Records |
111-06045040 | Social Service Plans (SSP) |
111-06045060 | Viewing payment details for native Customer First payments |
111-06045070 | Suspending, cancelling and restoring native Customer First payments |
111-06045080 | Reviews for native Customer First payments |
111-06047000 | Viewing and processing online and Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) |
111-06050000 | Workload Management |
111-06060000 | Work Optimiser for staff |
111-06070000 | Customer First training environment |
111-07000000 | Data Integrity Enquiry (DIE) System |
111-07000010 | Generating a multiple records report using the Data Integrity Error Search Data (DIESD) System |
111-08000000 | Data Integrity Management Information Reporting System (DIMIRS) |
111-08000010 | Generating a Data Integrity Multiples Reporting Tool (DIMRPT) report |
111-09000000 | Customer Record |
111-10000000 | Digitisation of information |
111-10010000 | Digital Image Management |
111-10010010 | Classifying escalated Centrelink digital images in the National Queue |
111-10010030 | Scanning Centrelink documents using an MFD |
111-10010040 | Scanning Centrelink medical/sensitive documents using an MFD |
111-10010060 | Classifying Centrelink digital images via the National Queue |
111-10010070 | Using the Desktop Fax workflow to fax forms and modules |
111-10010080 | Actioning inbound desktop faxes |
111-10010090 | Faxing letters using Outlook |
111-10010110 | Classifying Centrelink digital images via the Kofax Validation Queue |
111-10010120 | Requesting a document rescan, retrieval or location |
111-10010140 | Attaching electronic documents to a Centrelink customer's record using Document Tools in Customer First |
111-10010150 | Removing a digital image from customer records |
111-10020000 | Locating digital images |
111-10020010 | Locating digital images via Document Tools in Customer First |
111-10020020 | Moving and/or updating Centrelink digital images via Document Tools |
111-10020040 | Viewing Centrelink customers' digital images |
111-10020050 | Digital image not located on Centrelink customer record |
111-10020060 | Digital image attached to incorrect Centrelink customer record |
111-11010000 | Employment Services System (ESS) for Assessment Services |
111-12000000 | Process Direct |
111-14000000 | Letters and customer advices |
111-14010000 | Creating a manual letter or Online Advice (OLA) |
111-14010030 | Creating a Q134 letter |
111-14010040 | Issuing Online Advice (OLA) letters to Third Party Organisations (TPO) |
111-14010050 | Viewing or reissuing a letter or electronic message |
111-14010060 | Creating a Q999 or Q888 letter |
111-14010070 | Assessing suitability to issue a Q999 letter |
111-14010080 | Changing settings to print a letter or electronic message on a local printer |
111-14010090 | Centrelink Statement |
111-15000000 | Online Document Recording (ODR) |
111-15040020 | Recording reasons for decisions |
111-15060000 | Participation Compliance Hub |
111-16000000 | Indigenous servicing tools |
111-16020000 | Community Code framework |
111-17010020 | Storing scanned documents |
111-17020030 | Managing Compensation recovery future preclusion files |
111-17050400 | Digitisation and allocation of Medicare information |
111-17050401 | Medicare scanning |
111-17050402 | Manage Medicare scanning |
111-17050403 | Categorisation and validation of scanned Medicare documents |
111-17050404 | Processing and National Demand Allocation (PaNDA) |
111-17080900 | Quality Call Standards |
111-17081500 | Call and screen recording - information and access |
111-18051700 | Request for Information (RFI) letter |
111-19040126 | Classifying work for Medicare in Kofax |
111-19052424 | Quality in Centrelink Smart Centres |
111-20000000 | Tips for customer records and reference numbers |
111-20010000 | Customer records and screens |
111-20010020 | Customer Record Access Monitor (CRAM) report |
111-20010800 | Quality Management Application (QMA) in Process Direct |
111-20012407 | Work Optimiser for Team Leaders |
111-20012938 | Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions |
111-20020010 | Accessing a customer record when the final letter of the Customer Reference Number (CRN) is not known |
111-20040713 | Travel Management Application (TMA) quality checking |
111-20050133 | Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct |
111-20050145 | Reporting ICT issues in Process Direct |
111-20051923 | Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme (DHCAS) quality checking in QST |
111-20061010 | PBS Authorities quality checking in QST |
111-20071707 | Updating proficiency for QOL |
111-20071754 | Quality Sampling Summary (QSS) screen |
111-20080652 | eBusiness quality checking in QST |
111-20090400 | Urgent QMA process for Smart Centres, Face to Face Services and Service Delivery Partners |
111-20091834 | Customer Overview |
111-20120433 | Quality checking using the Quality and Support Tool (QST) |
111-20121135 | Quality checker accreditation for Health Service Delivery Division |
111-21000000 | Workflow Tools |
111-21030245 | Urgent QOL process for Smart Centre and Labour Hire staff |
111-21031003 | PBS Safety Net quality checking in QST |
111-21031518 | PBS manual pharmacy claims quality checking in QST |
111-21031610 | PBS stationery quality checking in QST |
111-21031647 | Aged Care payments quality checking in QST |
111-21050030 | Carer Payment (CP) processing in the Earnings and reporting tool |
111-21051030 | Using the Internal Review/Explanation script |
111-21060000 | Electronic Data Exchange with Financial Institutions tool |
111-21062214 | eServices quality checking in QST |
111-21062917 | Record and transaction locking in Process Direct |
111-21070000 | Rapid Addressing |
111-21071442 | Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR) quality checking in QST |
111-21112956 | QOL and QMA dispute processes for face to face, smart centre, Service Delivery Partner and CAO staff |
111-22000000 | Quality checking procedures |
111-22010000 | Quality Call Framework quality checking |
111-22010637 | Archive Search Display in Process Direct |
111-22011000 | Quality Call Framework accreditation of Quality Checkers |
111-22020000 | Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) quality checking in QST |
111-22020347 | Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) quality checking in QST |
111-22030000 | Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR) quality checking |
111-22042744 | Medicare Public quality checking in Quality and Support Tool (QST) |
111-22042821 | Provider Registration Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) quality checking in QST |
111-22050000 | External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program (EBPRP) quality checking in QST |
111-22053121 | Automation capabilities |
111-22053152 | Straight through processing |
111-22070000 | Healthcare Identifiers Service (HI Service) quality checking |
111-22072908 | Technical Peer Support (TPS) in Compensation Recovery |
111-22080000 | Medicare Compensation Recovery quality checking |
111-22081726 | Video chat |
111-22090000 | Medicare claims and eligibility quality checking |
111-22090010 | Bulk Bill quality checking processing |
111-22090020 | Patient Claims quality checking processing |
111-22090030 | Public Eligibility quality checking processing |
111-22100000 | Quality Call Framework |
111-22100426 | Digitally enabled processing (DEP) |
111-22112508 | Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) quality checking in QST |
111-22120000 | My Health Record system quality checking |
111-22120010 | My Health Record (Provider) quality checking processing |
111-22140000 | Incentive Programs quality checking in QST |
111-22160000 | Provider Registration quality checking in QST |
111-22180000 | Remote Area Aboriginal Health Services (RAAHS) quality checking in QST |
111-22190000 | Veterans' Affairs Processing (VAP) quality checking |
111-22230000 | Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme (TFES) quality checking |
111-23000000 | Quality On Line (QOL) |
111-23022252 | Managing work item - Unfinalised activity - Immediate action required |
111-23050140 | Technical Support Model |
111-23051001 | Tier 1 technical support - Local Peer Support (LPS) |
111-23051013 | Tier 2 technical support - Service Support Officer (SSO) |
111-23051026 | Technical Support Model - Team Leader role and responsibilities |
111-23051044 | Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency |
111-23051519 | Quality checking dispute process for Medicare |
111-23083013 | Quality Management Application (QMA) quality checking |
111-23083056 | Quality Management Application (QMA) sampling policy and process |
111-23090615 | Quality checking in Process Direct and Customer First |
111-23090850 | Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) quality checking in QST |
111-23092909 | Work Optimiser for Analysts |
111-23101138 | Preparing, quality and peer to peer checking of Medicare external mail |
111-23103055 | Quality Management Application (QMA) quality checking in emergency claims |
111-24000000 | Staff Feedback Tool |
111-24010000 | Recording feedback in the Staff Feedback Tool |
111-24012410 | Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Patient Refund quality checking in QST |
111-24020000 | Management of the Staff Feedback Tool |
111-24032602 | Workload Management (WLM) - Social Security and Welfare (SSW) Compensation Recovery |
111-24060400 | First Contact Resolution (FCR) for Health and Aged Care |
111-24092545 | Partial Claim Automation (PCA) |
111-25000000 | Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Services Australia Information Hub |
111-26000000 | ISIS Applications Support |
111-26010000 | Assessment and Determination (ASD) |
111-26010010 | Notification Handler (NOHL) |