Environment Y for inactive deleted and deceased customer records 111-02030000
This document outlines what happens when there is no ongoing business need for inactive deleted and deceased customer records.
Centrelink system Environment Y
When deleted and deceased Centrelink customer records have been inactive for a specified period and have no on-going business need, they are moved to the archived environment (Environment Y) under strict business rules. This is to make the live database relevant and manageable. Inactive records include:
- deceased customer records
- manually deleted records
- spurious records
- training and 'health-check' records
- records deleted as part of the automated 'shell clean-up'
Note: a small number of records that are not deleted or deceased customer records are also stored in Environment Y.
Records that have reached their AMR limit of 9999 activities are transferred to Environment Y with an alphanumeric ID.
Most screens in Environment Y are 'read only' and do not allow any updates. A screen message 'M9999 Quarantine Environment - Records Protected' presents when entering a record stored in Environment Y.
To retrieve a deceased customer record from Environment Y, an inter-environment transfer is required. This action is restricted to staff within the Data Quality Unit (DQU). DQU will only move a deceased customer record out of Environment Y if there is a business need.
To retrieve a deleted customer record from Environment Y, the record needs to be undeleted first. This action is restricted to staff within the DQU. The Resources page contains a link to the Centrelink Deceased Environment Y Intra-environment transfer form.
If there is a business need to undelete the customer record, contact the DQU to undelete the record.
The Resources page contains a link to the relevant contact details and a link to the Centrelink Deceased Customer Environment Y Intra-environment transfer form.
Related links
Inter-environment change of address (ICoA)
Deleting or undeleting a Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN)
Adding a customer to the system