File Name | Title |
003-01000000 | AGDRP and NZ DRP |
003-01010000 | Eligibility for AGDRP and NZ DRP |
003-01030000 | Claiming emergency payments |
003-01030010 | AGDRP and NZ DRP claims for an immediate family member who has died or is missing |
003-01040010 | Identity requirements for Emergency payments |
003-01040020 | Processing AGDRP and NZ DRP claims in Customer First |
003-01060000 | Grant payments |
003-01090000 | Evacuation and Recovery Centres during emergency events |
003-01090020 | Role of the Team Leader in the Recovery Centre |
003-01090030 | Zone and National role in emergency management of evacuation and recovery centres |
003-01090040 | National Emergency Call Centre Surge Capability (NECCSC) |
003-01100000 | Raising emergency payment debts |
003-02000000 | Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) |
003-03000000 | DRA and NZ DRA |
003-03010000 | Eligibility for DRA and NZ DRA |
003-03040000 | Payment rates for DRA and NZ DRA |
003-03050000 | Processing New Zealand Disaster Recovery Allowance (NZ DRA) claims in Customer First |
003-04000000 | Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) |
003-04020000 | Claiming Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) |
003-04020010 | Primary victim eligibility and rate calculation for the Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) |
003-04020020 | Secondary victim eligibility and rate calculation for the Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) |
003-04030000 | Reductions and deductions for the Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) |
003-06000000 | Initial contact and identification of services for people experiencing a crisis |
003-06010000 | Identifying customer vulnerability and risk issues |
003-06010020 | Helping customers in crisis or financial hardship claim family assistance |
003-06010040 | Customers talking about suicide or self-harm |
003-06010050 | Homelessness |
003-06010070 | Indigenous homelessness |
003-06010080 | Where customers are unable to provide a residential address |
003-06010090 | Homelessness Indicators |
003-07000000 | Crisis Payment |
003-07010000 | Eligibility for Crisis Payment (CrP) |
003-07030000 | Processing Crisis Payment (CrP) claims |
003-07030010 | New claim for Crisis Payment for extreme circumstances family and domestic violence |
003-07030020 | New claim for Crisis Payment extreme circumstances (other) |
003-07030030 | New claim for Crisis Payment after customer released from prison or psychiatric confinement |
003-07030040 | New claim for Crisis Payment before the release of a customer in prison or psychiatric confinement |
003-07030050 | New claim for Crisis Payment for humanitarian entrants newly arrived in Australia |
003-07030060 | Confirming prison admission and release dates |
003-08000000 | Special Benefit |
003-08010010 | Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children |
003-08010020 | Special Benefit (SpB) income and assets tests |
003-08030010 | Special Benefit (SpB) categories |
003-08030020 | Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB) |
003-08030040 | Special Benefit (SpB) available funds test |
003-08030050 | Victim-survivors of trafficking |
003-08030060 | Special Benefit (SpB) Customers with Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) due to expire |
003-08030070 | Residence assessment for customers claiming Special Benefit (SpB) |
003-08030080 | Assisting a customer aged under 16 |
003-08040000 | Rates of payment for Special Benefit (SpB) |
003-08050000 | Mutual obligation requirements for Special Benefit (SpB) |
003-08060000 | Processing Special Benefit (SpB) claims |
003-08070000 | Special Benefit (SpB) reviews |
003-08070010 | Processing Special Benefit (SpB) Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR) |
003-08070020 | Commencing or returning to work Special Benefit (SpB) |
003-08070030 | Special Benefit customer turns 16 |
003-08070040 | Special Benefit (SpB) customer going overseas |
003-09020000 | Early release of superannuation on financial hardship grounds |
003-10000000 | Immediate payments |
003-10010000 | Urgent payments due to exceptional and unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances |
003-10010010 | Urgent payments due to expenses associated with a funeral |
003-10010020 | Customer disagrees with an urgent payment decision |
003-10010060 | Urgent payments due to holiday processing |
003-10020000 | Making a decision about a hardship advance or anticipated payment |
003-10030000 | Immediate methods of payment |
003-10030010 | Immediate payment by payment method direct credit |
003-10030020 | Immediate payment by payment method Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card |
003-10030040 | Immediate payment by payment method Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) |
003-11000000 | Additional support and services |
003-11020000 | Helping customers to build their financial capability |
003-11040000 | Referral to external support services |
003-11040010 | Family Relationship Centres and the Family Relationship Advice Line |
003-12000000 | Social work services |
003-12010000 | Referral to a social worker |
003-12030000 | Social work assessments and assistance for at risk young people |
003-12030010 | Conducting a social worker unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) assessment |
003-12030020 | Unsupported under 16 year olds to be immediately referred to a Services Australia social worker |
003-12030030 | Social worker's role regarding Youth Protective Assessments |
003-12040000 | Social work assessments for families |
003-12040010 | Conducting a Child Support non-parent carer assessment |
003-12040030 | Conducting an assessment of care on an informal basis where a child may be at risk of harm |
003-12050000 | Social work assessments relating to customers experiencing family and domestic violence |
003-12050010 | Conducting a social work child support exemption due to fear of family and domestic violence or other circumstances |
003-12050020 | How a social worker assesses and codes a deferral where requirements are met |
003-12050030 | Determining if notification of a debt to an assurer can be delayed while the assuree seeks refuge from family and domestic violence |
003-12060010 | Social worker assessment for Crisis Payment (CrP) Extreme Circumstances family and domestic violence |
003-12060020 | Social worker care situations – referrals and assessment of payment claims |
003-12060030 | Social worker involvement with Special Benefit (SpB) |
003-12070000 | Social workers' role in debt, payment assurance and compensation |
003-12080000 | Social work role in the Participation Solutions Team (PST) |
003-12080010 | Accessing a PST-skilled social worker |
003-12080020 | Recording participation and compliance interventions in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12100000 | Requirements for recording of social work customer contact activities |
003-12110000 | Assessment and report writing for social workers |
003-12130000 | Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12130010 | Recording referrals in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12130020 | Recording contacts in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12130030 | Recording non-casework activities in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12130040 | Recording Carer Specialist Assessment Team (CSAT) Carer Payment child referrals in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12130050 | Recording Child Support Scheme (CSS) exemption referrals – social work |
003-12130060 | Recording Crisis Payment (CrP) assessments – social work |
003-12130080 | Recording unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) assessments for customers under 18 years of age - social work |
003-12130100 | Recording Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (VWPR) Notice reviews/reconsiderations in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12130110 | Recording referrals for customers on Income Management (non delegated) in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-12130120 | Recording Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (VWPR) assessments for Income Management or enhanced IM - social work |
003-13000000 | Initial contact and identification of payments for people experiencing a major disaster |
003-14000000 | Emergency management events |
003-14010000 | Current emergency management events |
003-14020000 | Closed emergency management events |
003-15000000 | Family and domestic violence |
003-17040700 | Urgent payments due to Centrelink delay |
003-17040701 | Alternative assistance for customers applying for immediate payment |
003-17051801 | Emergency payment claims lodged outside of the time limit |
003-17072600 | Social casework |
003-18050700 | National Redress Scheme overview |
003-18050701 | National Redress Scheme enquiries and document lodgement in service centres |
003-18050704 | Nominees for the National Redress Scheme |
003-18050708 | Identity Confirmation and Alternative Identity for the National Redress Scheme |
003-18061809 | Social Work role with individuals linked to the National Redress Scheme and recording in SWIS |
003-18061830 | Referring individuals linked to the National Redress Scheme to a social worker |
003-18092746 | Immediate payment by payment method New Payments Platform (NPP) |
003-19010847 | Quality On Line (QOL) checklist for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) |
003-19020741 | Recording Child Support customers talking about suicide, self-harm or harm to others in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-19022255 | Recording Carer referrals in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-19050609 | Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child |
003-19070100 | MH17 Family Support Package |
003-20032726 | New claim for Crisis Payment - National Health Emergency |
003-20071507 | Managing DRA and NZ DRA payments after grant |
003-20080418 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment |
003-20082529 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - Victoria - before 18 January 2022 |
003-20082531 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - Tasmania - before 18 January 2022 |
003-20090704 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - South Australia - before 18 January 2022 |
003-20090707 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - Australian Capital Territory - before 18 January 2022 |
003-20090709 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - New South Wales - before 18 January 2022 |
003-20090748 | Processing Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment claims in Customer First |
003-20091407 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - Western Australia - before 18 January 2022 |
003-20092301 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - Queensland - before 18 January 2022 |
003-20092334 | National Emergency Call Centre (NECC) portal |
003-20092341 | National Emergency Call Centre Surge Capability (NECCSC) activations |
003-20111006 | Recording Subject Matter Expert (SME) referrals in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) |
003-20121552 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - Northern Territory - before 18 January 2022 |
003-21020345 | Western Australian Bushfires, February 2021 |
003-21032104 | New South Wales Floods, March 2021 |
003-21041310 | Western Australia Tropical Cyclone Seroja, April 2021 |
003-21041508 | New South Wales North Coast Floods, February 2021 |
003-21051929 | Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP) |
003-21052808 | Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) - February 2020 Hulhumale attack |
003-21060323 | Assessing COVID-19 Disaster Payment claims |
003-21060445 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Victoria (4 - 10 June 2021) |
003-21061504 | Victorian Storms and Floods - June 2021 |
003-21062830 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - NSW |
003-21071931 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment |
003-21071952 | Coding COVID-19 Disaster Payment claims |
003-21072156 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Victoria (July 2021) |
003-21072337 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - automatic payment and change of circumstances |
003-21072608 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment – South Australia |
003-21072911 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - customer paid incorrectly |
003-21072954 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - rejecting claims |
003-21073020 | Income support payment customers - COVID-19 Disaster Payment - NSW |
003-21080209 | Assessing income support payment customers COVID-19 Disaster Payment claims |
003-21080321 | Processing urgent payment requests |
003-21080450 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Queensland |
003-21080455 | Income support payment customers - COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Queensland |
003-21080513 | Urgent payment requests |
003-21080920 | Income support payment customers - COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Victoria August 2021 |
003-21080954 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Victoria (August 2021) |
003-21081332 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment – Australian Capital Territory |
003-21081341 | Income support payment customers - COVID-19 Disaster Payment - ACT |
003-21081928 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Northern Territory |
003-21081938 | Income support payment customers - COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Northern Territory |
003-21082456 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment claim or automatic payment - customer calls to enquire |
003-21090237 | Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) – August 2016 Kabul kidnapping |
003-21101820 | COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Tasmania |
003-21101847 | Income support payment customers - COVID-19 Disaster Payment – Tasmania |
003-21111107 | Processing AGDRP and NZ DRP claims in Process Direct |
003-21120802 | NSW Storms and Floods (November 2021) |
003-21120840 | Queensland Storms and Floods (November 2021) |
003-21122144 | Processing Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) claims in Process Direct |
003-22010921 | Queensland floods – January 2022 |
003-22011601 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - phone claims |
003-22011652 | Processing Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment claims in Process Direct |
003-22022448 | Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) - November 2019 London attack |
003-22022721 | South East Queensland Floods – February 2022 |
003-22022800 | New South Wales Floods - February 2022 |
003-22030928 | AGDRP (Special Supplement) |
003-22032515 | Social work role with Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) clients and recording in SWIS |
003-22033002 | Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) Top-up |
003-22050332 | Social Work Recording Application (SWRA) |
003-22061604 | Contact requirements for Crisis Payment (CrP) |
003-22070553 | New South Wales floods - July 2022 |
003-22090934 | 2022 Memorial Services for Bali Bombings - Travel Assistance Payment |
003-22100304 | Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - eligibility scenarios |
003-22100306 | High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment (HRSPP) |
003-22100321 | Eligibility for the High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment (HRSPP) |
003-22100325 | Processing High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment (HRSPP) claims in Process Direct |
003-22100341 | High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment - Assisted Customer Claims (ACC) |
003-22100655 | New South Wales floods - September 2022 |
003-22101001 | Identity requirements for High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment |
003-22101426 | Victorian floods - October 2022 |
003-22101429 | Tasmanian floods - October 2022 |
003-22111634 | Managing non-standard AGDRP and NZ DRP claims |
003-22112358 | South Australian Floods - November 2022 |
003-23010529 | Western Australia Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie (December 2022 - January 2023) |
003-23010542 | Northern Territory Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie (December 2022 - January 2023) |
003-23031536 | Northern Queensland Monsoon and Flooding (December 2022 - March 2023) |
003-23031552 | Northern Territory, Northern Region Flooding (February 2023) |
003-23061649 | Residence assessment for customers claiming emergency payments |
003-23070432 | Cancellation and rejection reason codes for Emergency payments |
003-23100345 | Reviewing AGDRP and NZ DRP claims in Process Direct |
003-23103057 | Western and Darling Downs Bushfires October 2023 |
003-23121851 | Tropical Cyclone Jasper – December 2023 |
003-24010428 | South East Queensland Severe Storms and Flooding – December 2023 to January 2024 |
003-24020553 | Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) – October 7, 2023 Hamas Terrorist Attacks |
003-24021216 | Heavy Rainfall and Flooding - City of Moreton Bay - January 2024 |
003-24021929 | Western Victoria Bushfires - February 2024 |
003-24041003 | MH17 Commemoration Support Package 2024 |
003-24070220 | Special Benefit (SpB) discretionary decisions |
003-24092556 | Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment (AVTOP) – May 2024 Bamyan, Afghanistan shooting |
003-24092607 | Budgeting options for customers |
003-24102908 | Far West New South Wales Storms and Power Outages - October 2024 |
003-24122314 | Bushfires in Western Victoria – December 2024 |
003-25020352 | North Queensland Floods - January - February 2025 |
003-25030705 | Queensland Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred - March 2025 |
003-25031042 | New South Wales Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred - March 2025 |