Recording Subject Matter Expert (SME) referrals in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) 003-20111006
For Services Australia social workers only.
This document outlines the different categories and fields used by Services Australia social workers to record SME referrals in the SWIS.
Child safe framework
If a staff member observes behaviour that raises concerns about a child's safety they should follow the agency's Risk Identification and Reporting model. This is in line with a zero tolerance approach to harm of children.
For more details about this model, see:
Recording referrals and contacts
All SME referrals and contacts must be recorded in SWIS and a report completed.
The completion of a report is important for the:
- customer if they want to appeal further, and
- original decision maker if the decision is set aside
SME roles and responsibilities
The SME is an experienced social worker in a team who is independent of the original decision. SME explanations of social work decisions are completed by:
- APS6 social workers who are chosen as SMEs or,
- by EL1 Social Work Support Managers
The role of the SME cannot be performed by:
- the social worker who made the decision, or
- a social worker who has been involved in the process at any stage
For more details about the SME role, see SME explanations, ARO referrals and implementing ARO decisions.
The Resources page has a link to the agency's Child Safe Framework.
Related links
Social Work Information System (SWIS)
Recording Child Support Scheme (CSS) exemption referrals - social work
Recording Crisis Payment (CrP) assessments - social work
First contact about a decision and the internal review process
SME explanations, ARO referrals and implementing ARO decisions