Recording Child Support Scheme (CSS) exemption referrals – social work 003-12130050
If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.
For Services Australia social workers only.
This document outlines the different categories and fields used by Services Australia social workers to record CSS exemption referrals in in the Social Work Recording Application (SWRA) in Process Direct and the Social Work Information System (SWIS) in Customer First.
Child safe framework
In line with a zero tolerance approach to harm of children, if a staff member in the course of their duties observes behaviour that raises concerns about a child's safety, Services Australia sets out specific steps that must be taken. Follow the agency's Risk Identification and Reporting model, when identifying and responding to child safety concerns. See: Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child for more information regarding this model and the agency's commitment to child safety.
Referrals and contacts
Record all referrals and contacts in SWIS.
Delegated CSS exemption referrals and contacts should only be recorded in the SWRA and SWIS where a delegated decision is made and an assessment report completed.
Related links
Exemptions from seeking child support
Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes
The Child Support Scheme (CSS)
Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child
Separating safely - protecting personal details