New claim for Crisis Payment after customer released from prison or psychiatric confinement 003-07030030
This document explains how staff can help customers claim Crisis Payment for release from prison or psychiatric confinement (CrP-PRI) and how to process the claim.
This payment is for customers who, after being charged with committing an offence, have:
- been released from prison or psychiatric confinement, and
- served at least 14 days in custody
Eligibility for CrP-PRI
Customers can qualify for CrP-PRI if all of the following apply:
- they meet the basic eligibility criteria for CrP
- they claim, either:
- within 7 days after being released from prison or psychiatric confinement
- up to 21 days before the customer’s expected release date
- be in Australia when claiming the payment
- have been in prison or psychiatric confinement for 14 or more days
- have been charged with committing an offence
Note: if the date of release was more than 7 days ago, the customer may still qualify if they do either of the following within 7 days of release from prison or psychiatric confinement:
- make contact about a CrP-PRI, or
- seek a payment or concession card
Claiming options
Customers can claim CrP-PRI using the following channels:
- Online through myGov, by accessing Centrelink Services and selecting:
- Make a claim
- Crisis Payments
- Apply for Crisis Payment for Release from Prison or Psychiatric Confinement
- Assisted Customer Claim (ACC)
- Paper claim for Crisis Payment - Release from Prison or Psychiatric Confinement (SU508)
- Request for restoration of Disability Support Pension or Age Pension Claim for Crisis Payment and Anticipated Payment (SU695)
Payment of CrP-PRI
Because of the urgent nature of CrP-PRI claims, the preferred payment method is Priority Direct Credit (PDC).
Suspended payments
Customers released from prison who had payments suspended may be eligible to have their payment restored.
Disability Support Pension (DSP)
Customers may have their DSP suspended due to imprisonment (SUS-IMP) for up to 2 years. There is no need for a new claim in these cases. DSP may be restored from date of release.
Most other payments will have a suspension period of up to 13 weeks. They may be restored from the date of release from custody.
For more details about restoring specific payments, see Restoration of payments (CLK).
Parenting Payment
Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) cannot be suspended for imprisonment. The customer will have to make a new claim.
Customers may have their Parenting Payment Single (PPS) restored from the date of release if they:
- meet all other eligibility for PPS from the release date, and
- contact within 13 weeks of the date of notice to suspend
See Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Parenting Payment (PP).
PPS customers will generally not have a dependent child in care while in custody. PPS may be restored upon the customer's release from prison if:
- the customer has the child with them in custody, and
- the child remains with them when released
In most cases, assess these customers for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) before their release from prison.
ABSTUDY Living Allowance
Customers may have their ABSTUDY Living Allowance suspended for up to 15 weeks.
Prison discharge documents
In some cases, customers will have discharge documents from the facility where they were detained. These documents can be used to confirm their admission and release dates.
Staff can use these documents, unless they are illegible or if there is some doubt about their validity. For more information on assessing prison release evidence, see Centrelink service standards and procedures for pre-release and post-release prison customers.
For more information on determining admission and release dates, see Confirming prison admission and release dates.
14 days in custody
For CrP-PRI, the 14 day detention period starts the day after the customer entered custody:
- 'Day 0' for the CrP-PRI count (the day they enter custody) is not included in the count of 14 days
- ‘Day 1’ for the CrP-PRI count starts from the next calendar day
The day the customer is released from prison is not included in the count of 14 days
See Resources for examples.
Note: a person is in custody if they are in prison. ‘In custody’ means customers are either confined, while under sentence because they have been convicted of, or are pending trial for, an offence, in:
- psychiatric institutions
- remand centres
- police cells/watch houses
- youth training centres
- community correctional centres
One CrP-PRI per circumstance
Only one CrP-PRI can be paid for the same circumstance. For example, if a customer is paid CrP-PRI under the Social Security Act 1991, and then becomes an ABSTUDY customer, they cannot claim CrP-PRI under ABSTUDY policy for the same circumstance.
Customer not eligible for CrP-PRI
Offer support services to customers claiming CrP-PRI who are ineligible.
Customers with a Managed Service Plan (MSP)
Customers with a Managed Service Plan (MSP) are helped through One Main Contact (OMC) or by Personalised Services Service Officers (PSSO). Follow the servicing arrangements for MSPs when assessing CrP-PRI claims. See Managed Service Plan (MSP) - Customer service delivered through a One Main Contact (OMC).
Review and appeal process
If a customer asks for an explanation of a CrP-PRI decision, refer it to the business area of the decision maker. For example, a subject matter expert (SME) in Smart Centre Operations should explain a decision made by a Smart Centre staff member.
An Authorised Review Officer (ARO) does all applications for a formal review of a CrP-PRI decision.
CrP-PRI claims can be reassessed after an explanation or formal request for review of the decision. See First contact about a decision and the internal review process.
Reassess when original release date is revised
CrP-PRI is not payable if the customer is released from prison later than originally scheduled.
Reassess the original grant decision if both of the following apply:
- the customer has been paid CrP-PRI before release from custody
- the release date is revised to a date after the original scheduled release date
See Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).
The customer must make another claim for the revised date of release.
See Resources for an example.
Debt pause on repayments
CrP-PRI customers paid in the last 14 days can pause their debt repayments for up to 3 months using either:
- self-service, using Money you owe
- the Express Plus app
To consider if a temporary exclusion from debt recovery is needed, see Temporary write off Centrelink debt.
The Resources page has links to:
- contact details
- rejection codes and reasons
- warning messages
- forms
- prison servicing information and contacts
- referrals
- peak post release NGO services, and
- the intranet
Related links
Confirming prison admission and release dates
Exemptions from mutual obligation requirements for prison release customers
Identifying barriers to participation for prison release customers
Income Management and enhanced Income Management customers entering or leaving prison
Referral to external support services
Real time payment delivery to Centrelink customers