New claim for Crisis Payment after customer released from prison or psychiatric confinement 003-07030030
Rejection codes and reasons
Table 1
Warning messages
Table 2
How to count the days in custody for CrP-PRI
The following tables outline how to calculate the beginning, ending and period of custody for CrP-PRI. The count of days does not start until they have spent the whole day (midnight to midnight) imprisoned.
In custody for 14 days or more
Table 3
In Table 3, the DSP customer enters prison on 3 March. This is Day 0 and is the last day of DSP payment paid to the customer.
The count of days for Crisis Payment then starts on 4 March (Day 1) and continues until they are released on 18 March. This is a total of 14 days.
Less than 14 days in custody
Table 5
In hospital - not charged with an offence
Table 7
Comparison - not in custody/in custody
Table 8
Examples of revised release date
CrP-PRI where the revised release date is before or after the original release date
Table 9: This table outlines CrP-PRI payability (or not payable) when the original planned released date has been revised by the correctional centre.
- Crisis Payment is payable if the revised release date is before the original planned release date as long as the customer meets all other eligibility criteria
- Where the customer is released from prison later than originally scheduled, for example, after the original release date, Crisis Payment is not payable and becomes a recoverable debt
- If the release date is revised by the prison and is after the originally scheduled release date, and CrP-PRI has been paid, reverse the grant decision. The customer has to repay the original payment and make another claim for CrP-PRI
Referrals, peak post release NGO services
NSW - Community Restorative Centre (CRC)
NT - NT Gov Offender programs and services
QLD - Australian Community Safety and Research Organisation (ACRO)
SA - OARS Community Transitions
VIC - Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (VACRO)
Contact Details for Release of Medical Information
Access to Queensland Health Records - see Queensland Government, Right to Information and Information Policy, Information Access application
Intranet links
Confirming admission and release
Incarcerated Customer Services Contacts
Correctional facilities