Processing Special Benefit (SpB) claims 003-08060000
Customers in immediate danger or at risk of harm must call 000.
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
If you have concerns about a child's safety, follow the Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child.
For Special Benefit processing teams only.
This document outlines how SpB processing teams process SpB claims in Process Direct.
Submitting claims and documents
A customer and/or their nominee can make a claim for SpB by:
submitting an online claim
- Assisted Customer Claim (ACC), or
- lodging a completed:
- Claim for Special Benefit form (SU004)
- Claim for Special Benefit on behalf of a child who is an Australian Citizen or permanent resident (SU721)
Claims submitted online or by Assisted Customer Claim are subject to Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM). The Tasks icon displays the status of requested documents the customer needs to provide to support their claim.
When a SpB paper claim (SU004/SU721) is lodged and scanned to the customer's record, a Social Application (SOA) Shell for processing in Process Direct is automatically generated. Paper claims will not have any tasks attached to the SOA activity.
Claim for Special Benefit for Australian Citizen or Australian permanent resident children
If a custodial parent
- does not hold a qualifying visa to claim income support payment, and
- has a child who is an Australian resident or permanent resident
The custodial parent can claim SpB on behalf of the child.
See Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children.
Claim processing in Process Direct
Process Direct is used to review the SpB claim information and to process the claim once all required information is available. See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions.
Priority claim processing
Staff can escalate a customer's claim for priority processing.
See Immediate new claim and non-new claim priority processing.
Mutual obligation requirements
SpB customers who are capable of working, are subject to mutual obligation requirements, except for Criminal Justice Stay Visa/Victim-survivor of Human Trafficking customers.
There are two types of mutual obligations requirements that apply to SpB:
- SpB Nominated Visa Holder (NVH) mutual obligation requirements, which are based on legislation, and
- SpB mutual obligation requirements, which are based on policy
To determine which requirements apply, see Mutual obligation requirements for Special Benefit (SpB).
While SpB is not intended for students, a customer can undertake part-time study provided they simultaneously undertake job search and other relevant obligations.
The customer's employment services provider can only approve full-time study in limited circumstances including where:
- the study is less than 12 months or a short course
- vocational study is less than 12 months in duration, and the course is likely to lead to an employment outcome
Customers under 18 years may undertake secondary study of more than 12 months in duration. When the customer turns 18 years while undertaking secondary study, they can complete the secondary study that year on a full-time basis.
Under no other circumstances can full-time study of more than 12 months duration from the start date of the course be approved to grant SpB, unless the customer:
- has 6 months remaining (full-time equivalent) to complete the degree
- has been unsuccessful in gaining employment, and
- the degree would greatly improve their employment prospects
Full-time tertiary studies such as bachelor's degrees and above are not considered appropriate to fulfill mutual obligations. The intention of SpB study rules is for customers to complete secondary education and/or gain vocational skills to equip them for work.
For more information on study, see Mutual obligation requirements for Special Benefit (SpB).
Parent Pathways
Eligible SpB customers can volunteer for Parent Pathways. This service focuses on offering flexible and individualised support to parents and carers with children under the age of 6 plan for or pursue their study, training and work goals. Note: if undertaking studies this must be approved by the Parent Pathways provider.
Payment from DVA
If the customer is receiving a disability payment from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), their claim should not be rejected based on income before checking whether they may be entitled to receive Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA).
The system will be able to identify these customers if the claim is correctly coded including DVA disability payment details. If DVA Clearance is required by the DVA team, see Payments from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) and referrals to the DVA Clearance Team.
Tax File Number (TFN) requirements and exemptions
TFN requirements when making a new claim
Customers and their partners who live in Australia must provide a valid TFN to receive most Centrelink payments or services.
TFN exemptions
TFN Exemptions can apply to customers in limited circumstances who may need a temporary or permanent exemption.
See Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN)
Young customers under 16 years claiming SpB are vulnerable. Generally, these customers are claiming Special Benefit in the following categories:
- Under 16 years for whom it is unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH)
- Australian Citizen Children in the custody of a non-permanent resident
If a customer under 16 years meets all eligibility criteria except TFN, SpB is to be granted with a TFN exemption code of U16 - Under 16 years of age.
If the customer is an Australian citizen child and their custodial parent/s or guardian/s are working or have declared income, a TFN is required for the custodial parent/s or guardian/s.
Single Touch Payroll (STP)
Pre-filled STP data from employers may be presented in an online or Assisted Customer Claim (ACC). This can be STP cessation data from the last 12 months or employers who have reported payroll details in the previous 8 weeks. Data can include:
- Employer/organisation’s name
- Australian Business Number (ABN)/Withholding Payer Number (WPN)
- Cessation date
- Leave or redundancy payment details including:
- Type of leave
- Date paid
- Gross amount
The number of days the payment is for is not provided through STP. The customer must provide this information within the claim.
Where STP data is received that does not indicate employment cessation, customers are shown other trading names associated with the STP employer’s ABN/WPN. This is to help the customer recognise the employer’s details. The customer must review and advise Yes or No to confirm or reject the STP employer.
When the STP employer is confirmed, the customer must manually enter details in their online claim of their:
- gross pay including the date last paid, and
- employment status
Social work referral
Social workers:
- assess customers' needs
- offer short-term counselling and support, and
- work with other staff and services to help vulnerable people
Priority is given to:
- customers at risk of suicide or self-harm
- customers who are experiencing family and domestic violence
- young people without adequate support, these includes:
- unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) assessment needed, and they are under 18
- aged under 16 and does not have support
- people impacted by disasters and emergencies
Special Benefit categories
Identifying the correct category of SpB and applying it to the customer is an important aspect of SpB claim assessment. The SpB category controls:
- the maximum duration the customer may remain on payments
- the maximum rate the customer can be paid
- mutual obligation requirements
For more information, see Special Benefit (SpB) categories.
Weekly payments
SpB customers can receive their payments weekly if one of the following applies:
- homeless
- at risk of being homeless
- experiencing difficulty managing finances
Weekly payments are voluntary and reviewable, however customers on weekly payments are precluded from receiving advance or urgent payments.
Reassessment of SpB claims
SpB claims rejected for reasons Failed to respond to correspondence (FRC), or Failed to supply documents (FSD), or Proof of Identity (POI) may be reassessed, where all outstanding requested documents have been provided within 13 weeks of the rejection notice. See Request to reassess a rejected claim.
Staff outside the SpB processing team will need to create a Fast Note to request the reassessment. The SpB processing team will re-index SpB claims where required. See Request to reassess a rejected claim.
If the customer has failed to supply all documents at the time of the request for reassessment, the original claim must not be re-indexed.
Backdating provisions differ for each payment. As a general rule, if a person claims a payment and is qualified on the day the claim is made, that is the start day.
A customer's start date may be backdated to an earlier day before the day on which they lodged a completed claim if the person is qualified, and the claim is made:
- after a partner's claim
- as a transfer to another payment
- after childbirth
- by an incapacitated customer
- after the death of a partner
- when a contact has indicated an intention to claim for a customer experiencing a vulnerable circumstance
Review of decision
If a customer requests an explanation or a formal review of their SpB claim, staff must follow Request for an explanation or application for a formal review.
Related links
Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB)
Special Benefit (SpB) categories
Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children
Request to reassess a rejected claim
Residence assessment for customers claiming Special Benefit (SpB)
Special Benefit (SpB) available funds test
Rates of payment for Special Benefit (SpB)
Special Benefit (SpB) income and assets tests
Victim-survivors of trafficking
Determining financial assistance for an unaccompanied humanitarian minor (UHM)
Determining minimum and maximum age for Youth Allowance (YA)
Independence for Youth Allowance (YA) customers
Assuree makes a claim for an Assurance of Support (AoS) recoverable payment
Mutual obligation requirements for Special Benefit (SpB)
Unemployment due to a voluntary act or misconduct
Confirming the need for a Member of a Couple (MoC) assessment
Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
Waiting periods for income support payments
Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions
Sighting, recording and returning original documents
First contact about a decision and the internal review process
Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency
Single Touch Payroll (STP) in Centrelink claims