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Assessing, coding and reviewing weekly payments 103-05010010

This document explains how to assess, code and review weekly payments for a customer.

Staff roles

It is expected all Service Officers who have completed the training will assess, review and process weekly payments.

All Service Officers:

To start, stop or review payment arrangements, Service Officers must be SO3 or above and have completed the training module. Transfer phone requests for weekly payments to staff who have completed the training.

Staff do not need to request the WKLUPD - Weekly Payments resources by the ICT Security Portal (ISP). Access to approve weekly payments is provided to all staff at the SO3/4 level.

Service Officers may receive a reminder email from ICT ISP informing them their access is expiring. This message should be ignored, as no resource request is needed.



  • Weekly payments workflow in Customer First
  • Weekly Payment by the Task Selector in Process Direct

These workflows show details on:

  • Applying for weekly payments
    • assess if weekly payments are suitable for the customer
    • identify other services in place for the customer
    • set up ongoing contact, reporting and review arrangements
    • start weekly payments
  • Reviewing weekly payments
    • assess whether or not to continue weekly payments
    • follow up other services that can help the customer manage their finances

Service offer

See Weekly payments for information about:

  • the broader service offer to consider
  • customers who may benefit
  • eligibility criteria and eligible payments

Weekly Payment Reviews

Customers on weekly payments will have their arrangement reviewed manually during the following changes in circumstances contacts such as:

  • a change in employment status
  • at the request of the customer
  • new claim lodgement or assessment
  • when a vulnerability or homelessness indicator is reviewed

Customers receiving the following payments will have an automatic review created every 11 months:

  • ABSTUDY, except for customers paid ABSTUDY components on a term basis
  • Austudy, excluding Australian Apprentices
  • Carer Payment (CP)
  • JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
  • Parenting Payment (PP), single and partnered
  • Special Benefit (SpB)
  • Youth Allowance (YA), excluding Australian Apprentices

Weekly Payment Reviews for AGE and DSP

From 29 June 2022, annual reviews are no longer required for customers receiving Age Pension and Disability Support Pension.

Removal of this requirement does not replace the option for a manual review to be completed at any time. These reviews may be undertaken:

  • due to a change in employment status
  • at the request of the customer
  • at new claim lodgement or assessment
  • when a vulnerability or homelessness indicator is reviewed
  • where circumstances indicate there may be a need for additional support, for example, a claim for Immediate Payment is received

Frequency of payments

Weekly payments

Calculating weekly payments

Changing Entitlement Period End Dates (EPED)

Offsetting Family Tax Benefit, Double Orphan Pension and Carer Allowance

Immediate payments

Special arrangements for customers with budgeting difficulties

Reporting overview

Procedures for arranging withholdings to recover debts