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Special Benefit (SpB) reviews 003-08070000

This document explains the processes for reviewing SpB entitlement for all customers. These include 13 week reviews and Annual Intensive Reviews (AIR). Reviews are only processed by SpB processing teams.


The review process is to:

  • assess the customer's ongoing eligibility for SpB
  • make sure SpB is still the correct payment for the customer

Consider the customer

When completing these reviews, SpB Service Officers should consider the following:

  • SpB is paid to customers who can be vulnerable and unable to receive any other income support. It is important to take appropriate care and consideration and use discretion
  • If the customer is likely to stay entitled to SpB, take reasonable steps to avoid the customer having their payment cancelled only to be later restored
  • Accept the information the customer has declared or provided and process the review unless it indicates they are no longer entitled. Contact the customer if important eligibility information is needed, rather than holding the review which can lead to the customer's payment cancelling and needing to be restored
  • An AIR is required after each 12 months on payment. It is a manual process, separate from the standard 13 week reviews

13 week reviews

The system will notify and remind customers of the need to complete the 13 week reviews.

Customers can complete the review online or by completing the Special Benefit review form (BC048).

The focus of these reviews is to confirm future entitlement to SpB:

  • SpB cannot be paid if another income support payment is payable. The conditions under which SpB is paid are more restrictive than other payments. It is not in the customer's best interest to get SpB if they can get another payment
  • The customer (and their partner) must continue to meet the hardship provisions for the payment

An RSIMME update/refresh is mandatory for every review. Visa changes affect ongoing entitlement.

Consider the customer's category of SpB payment as part of the review. Information may not always change each 13 week review. However, some categories may have more risk.

For low risk customers, there may not be a need to ask for bank statements every review. If the information was not requested at the last review, consider asking for it at this review. It is appropriate to request and check bank statements at every second or third review to make sure the available funds limit is met. Manage risk when considering what information to request.

Customers may be considered:

  • low risk if their available funds are regularly below the available funds limit ($5,000) and they have no other income likely to put them over the limit. Staff need to use discretion and complete the review using the information provided unless it needs clarifying. Another example could be an Australian Citizen Child customer aged 0-5 years. If there is a partner, then consider the earnings that may be applicable to the family unit
  • high risk if their available funds are close to the limit and consistently accumulating funds, they have other income or their partner is an Australian Citizen or permanent resident not getting an income support payment. Bank statements may be needed showing transactions for the last 13 weeks. However, they may not be needed at every 13 week review. Staff must use discretion and consider each review based on the SpB category, and customer circumstances

The Resources page has examples.

As part of the review, confirm if the customer is subject to mutual obligation requirements for SpB and check their Employment Service Provider registration.

Customer contacts or lodges review form

Service Officers can:

  • help the customer or their nominee complete the review online or complete the review form
  • re-issue the review form if necessary via the History Summary (HS) screen. If it no longer shows on the HS screen, issue the Special Benefit Review (BC048m) form
  • check and scan review forms and supporting documents lodged by the customer or their nominee
  • create an open work item, use Fast Note – select Auto Text > Special Benefit > Reassessment of Finalised Review > Special Benefit Review Reassess. This can also be used for Annual Intensive Reviews to tell if the customer has returned information requested as part of the review

If the Service Officer cannot answer the customer's query, seek support from the Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Annual Intensive Reviews (AIR)

These reviews are not automated like 13 week reviews. This is a manual process, triggered by the HNR Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity after each 12 months on payment. MFUs will allocate to the SpB processing team only.

The focus of the AIR is to:

  • examine the customer's circumstances over the last 12 months, and
  • confirm the customer's ongoing entitlement to SpB

Key points when completing AIR reviews

  • Complete an RSIMME update/refresh as visa changes impact ongoing entitlement
  • Conduct a file check of information over the last 12 months on payment (known as file audit)
  • Customers who consistently return their reviews online are considered a higher risk. Scanned information may not be examined due to staff not receiving notification of the absence of requested documents or uploaded information
  • After completing the file audit, send an AIR manual letter. The letter includes mandatory questions and any other requests that result from the file audit
  • When issuing the letter, create the AIR Fast Note DOC with the full details of the AIR including any documents needed
  • Check for any changes in circumstances that would affect entitlement
  • Call the customer if necessary, to clarify details after they have returned information, or to advise an unfavourable decision
    • A call may not be necessary if the customer had had contact recently and all information returned clearly confirms their ongoing eligibility
    • Customers who submit regular reviews online should have their reviews examined, specifically in the AIR. Auto completion of these reviews creates a higher risk. These reviews may have resulted in uploaded information not being considered or actioned. It is unlikely customers will have no changes over 12 months. Use the SpB category information as a guide

Customers are required to notify changes within 14 days.

The Resources page has contact details, letter templates and checklists for the reviews, as well as examples to help staff identify the level of risk, and links to the Policy Helpdesk and the review form.


Processing Special Benefit (SpB) Payment Accuracy Reviews (PAR)

Commencing or returning to work Special Benefit (SpB)

Special Benefit customer turns 16

Special Benefit (SpB) customers with Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) due to expire

Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB)

Special Benefit (SpB) categories

Special Benefit (SpB) available funds test

Processing Special Benefit (SpB) claims

Mutual obligation requirements for Special Benefit (SpB)

Requesting information (CLK)

Special Benefit (SpB) customer going overseas

Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency