This page contains information on activating the datalink, including the immigration matching process and procedures for when the datalink is not available.
On this page:
Activating the Immigration Datalink
Datalink unsuccessful
Activating the Immigration Datalink
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Service Officer is actioning a new claim or other residence related assessment + Read more ...
To match the customer to their Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) record, the customer's name, date of birth, gender and country of birth must be recorded. A country of birth is not required to match child records.
Check the Customer Personal Details Summary (CPDS) screen and code all known names or aliases.
If actioning a new claim, the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen will be presented when appropriate. Alternatively, manual requests can be made outside a new claim activity or during a reassessment via the RSIMME screen.
Note: apply this same process for a care receiver, along with the care giver.
For child records, use the Child Immigration Enquiry (CHIMME) screen:
In Process Direct:
select the child from the
key CHIMME into Super Key
press [Enter]
In Customer First:
go to the parent or care giver's record
go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen
'S' the relevant child
in the Next field, enter CHIMME then [Enter]
All residence and portability screens for dependent children are accessed in the same way. The screens for a child all start with the letters CH.
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Country of birth checks + Read more ...
Due to system limitations, some country codes provided by immigration are not recognised by the Centrelink system. As a result, if the customer's country of birth is recorded as one of these countries, the CRN will not be able to be automatically matched with their immigration record. To ensure a successful match attempt can be made, change the country of birth on the RSIMME/CHIMME screen as below.
Burma to Myanmar
Czechoslovakia to Czech Republic or Slovakia
USSR to the relevant country
Macedonia to North Macedonia
Tibet to China
Yugoslavia to the relevant country - Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina or North Macedonia
Note: to enable a link with immigration, the current country does need to be recorded. However, be aware of cultural sensitivities when discussing country name changes with the customer. There may be other ways to determine the country, such as:
documents already provided
the country on a current passport or other identity documents
Coding CRES screen for residence in a country which is not officially recognised by the Australian Government:
The country name cannot be recorded on the CRES/CHCRES
Accept the information the customer provides, then record the most appropriate country available. For example, code Palestine as Israel or Jordan, and code Tibet as China
If, due to cultural sensitivities, a customer strongly disagrees with having the currently recognised name of the country on their record:
use Unspecified in the Country: field
use only in exceptional circumstances because it may result in other issues on the customer’s record
For more information about cultural sensitivities, see Multicultural Guide
Explain the reason for the coding in a DOC.
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Request the datalink + Read more ...
Go to the RSIMME/CHIMME screen:
In Process Direct
the customer's Country of Birth, if required
In Travel Outside Australia, in Lived or travelled outside Australia since 1 Sept 1994, select Add, answer Yes, No or Uknown
if the customer has travel documents, record these in Immigration Enquiry. Select Add:
Travel Document Number
Country of Issue
if a customer’s ImmiCard details are known, select Add:
Travel Document Number: type the ImmiCard number eg. AMSxxxxxx
Type: select ‘OP – Overseas Passport’
Country of Issue: select the customer’s country of nationality, as shown on the front of the ImmiCard
In Customer First
code the Country of Birth: field with the customer’s country of birth, if required
code the Lived or travelled outside Australia since 1 Sept 1994: field with ('Y')es, ('N')o or ('U')nknown
if the customer has travel documents, record on this screen:
in the Type: field code 'AP', 'OP' or 'DI'
in the Document Number: field record details of the document
complete the Country of Issue: field
if a customer’s ImmiCard details are known, code the
Type: field with ‘OP’
Travel Document Number: field with ImmiCard number eg. AMSxxxxxx
Country of Issue: field with the customer’s country of nationality, as shown on the front of the ImmiCard
On the RSIMME/CHIMME screen, Customer Immigration link status:
A status of ACTIVE - real time updates will be received through the datalink when a change occurs on the customer’s immigration record, for example: departures and arrivals, grant of a new visa
A status of INACTIVE - information won’t be automatically received through the link. Staff can refresh the immigration data by:
In Process Direct (only possible inside a NCL or Change of Circumstance transaction), in Immigration Enquiry, press the Request Immigration Data button, select ‘Yes’
In Customer First, select ‘Yes’ in the Request Immigration data (Y/N)? field
Request the Immigration data.
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Source and DOR + Read more ...
If required, complete the Source.
Use the correct date as the DOR. Generally, this must be the:
date of return if the customer is returning to Australia after a temporary absence
date of contact (when the customer advised they were returning to Australia or when they advised they had returned) if returning after living overseas or when the return is more than 12 months ago
date of contact if the date of return is in the future
For customers who have already returned to Australia, use the date of contact as the DOR when:
the departure was not recorded, or
payment had already cancelled on return to Australia
Note: after a temporary absence, payment can generally be restored (or increased back to autonomous rate, where applicable) from the date of return to Australia.
Finalise the activity
5 |
Datalink - successful or unsuccessful + Read more ...
Successful link:
If a customer has travelled since 1 September 1994:
movement information should display on the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM/CHRSIM) screen
visas and, in some circumstances, Australian citizenship will display on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG/CHRSLEG) screen with a channel code of IMM
travel documents, such as passports, will display on the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME/CHIMME) screen with a channel code of IMM
A customer may have a successful link but no movements if they have a passport but have not travelled since 1 September 1994
A Manual Follow-up (MFU) is created if:
a PID (a person's individual Immigration Personal Identification Digit) exists on another record (message will display)
a match is expected but no link found, or
when a customer has multiple immigration records
The MFU will be actioned by Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff.
Unsuccessful link - no match found:
The RSIMME/CHIMME screen will display unchanged
When a match was expected but no matching immigration record can be found automatically, an MFU will be created. This MFU will automatically transfer to CIS for action
Unsuccessful link - datalink unavailable:
A message will display at the top of the RSIMME/CHIMME screen indicating 'response not received' or 'datalink has been temporarily disabled'
Was the Immigration Datalink successful?
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Immigration data automatically populated - datalink successful + Read more ...
When the datalink is successful, immigration data may be automatically populated on the following screens:
Legal Residence Details (RSLEG/CHRSLEG)
Australian Citizenship grant date, visa information (including visa qualifier information where applicable), New Zealand residence status
Check whether Australian citizenship and grant date have been provided by the datalink. If they have and they are correct, no further coding is required
When the datalink has provided verification of a customer's Australian citizenship, proof of citizenship is satisfied
Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM/CHRSIM)
RSIM/CHRSIM will be automatically populated with movement information (departures and arrivals)
The Immigration Limiting Date (ILD) is on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen. It is set when the Immigration Datalink has been successful
Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME/CHIMME)
The datalink will record the details of any Travel Documents, including Australian passport details
When the information has been received via the datalink, there will be a channel code of IMM displayed near the data on the RSLEG/CHRSLEG and RSIMME/CHIMME screen. All information on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen is sourced via the datalink. Immigration data recorded manually by Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff has a channel code of IMC.
Has all of the information updated from the Immigration Datalink:
Yes: and there is:
doubt about the accuracy, see Table 2
no reason to doubt the accuracy, procedure ends here
manual coding is needed, see Table 2
Datalink unsuccessful
Table 2
Item |
Action |
1 |
Customer advising past absence from Australia - datalink unsuccessful + Read more ...
Information from the customer (verbal or in the claim) must be recorded on:
Absences can affect a customer's qualification but it is not necessary to code every absence. However code all absences that:
impact on the Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP)
are in the past three years for family assistance payments (such as Family Tax Benefit)
are in at least the past year for all other payments
2 |
Legal Residence Details (RSLEG/CHRSLEG) screen - datalink unsuccessful + Read more ...
3 |
Contingency processing a claim - datalink unsuccessful + Read more ...
Contingency processing is invoked when a matching immigration record could not be found in a new claim, or because the datalink is temporarily unavailable.
Contingency processing means:
No new immigration data is available via the datalink
The assessment will be made using the visas on the RSLEG/CHRSLEG screen and customer advised movements coded on the RSCD/CHRSCD screen
When immigration data becomes available, because a matching record is found and/or the link is once again working, contingency processing stops and the immigration data is used in the assessment instead of the customer advised movement data
The New Zealand residence status will be automatically recorded in most cases for New Zealand customers
See Recording legal residence details for assistance
If the customer is an Australian citizen and this has been manually recorded, verification may still be required. See Proof of Australian citizenship
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Immigration Limiting Date (ILD) - datalink unsuccessful + Read more ...
The ILD is on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen.
In some circumstances, the system will automatically use all the immigration data and the ILD will not be presented.
Record the Immigration Limiting Date (ILD)
The ILD on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen is the date from which immigration data will be used in the customer's assessment
Before the ILD, the assessment will be made using the existing customer advised departures and arrivals on the RSCD/CHRSCD screen are used in the assessment. After the ILD, only verified immigration data on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen is used
New customer advised departures and arrivals manually recorded on the RSCD/CHRSCD screen will generally not be used until such time as they are verified via the datalink:
This means customer advised movements coded on the RSCD/CHRSCD screen will have no impact on the customer's payment until they are verified by the Department of Home Affairs and displayed on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen
The ILD is set automatically by the system when an immigration match is found but can be manually changed on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen to ensure all relevant movements are taken into account on the customer's record
Manually moving the Immigration Limiting Date (ILD)
If all the immigration information needs to be used, manually move the Immigration Limiting Date on the RSIM/CHRSIM screen
If the customer's historical immigration information could affect qualification, the ILD should be manually altered to a date before the default date. This should be sufficient to include all movements which impact upon the period of the Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP).
If a customer's immigration information will not affect qualification, the default date on ILD should be used.
Select a new ILD based on the individual circumstances of the customer.
Set the ILD at the date of the earliest Department of Home Affairs data if appropriate for that customer. If the customer has a departure from or return to Australia that needs to be assessed, set the ILD to the date of the movement as per the RSIM/CHRSIM screen.
When the immigration match is first made, the RSIM/CHRSIM screen will usually be displayed with the question Would you like to use all DIAC data (Y/N)?
in Process Direct, select ‘Yes’
in Customer First, code ‘Y’
To change an existing ILD:
in Process Direct, in Immigration Link, select Edit
, then type or select the new ILD date
in Customer First, in the Immigration Limiting Date (ILD): field, code the new ILD date
Note: any debts that arise when an ILD is altered to a date in the past must be investigated and raised if appropriate.
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There is doubt about the information received from the datalink + Read more ...