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Special Benefit (SpB) reviews 003-08070000

This document explains the processes for reviewing SpB entitlement for all customers. These include 13 week reviews and Annual Intensive Reviews (AIR). Reviews are only processed by SpB processing teams.

Some parts of this process can only be done by SpB processing teams.

13 week review

On this page:

13 week review activities and initial contact

13 week reviews - processing

13 week review activities and initial contact

Table 1: for all Service Officers, this table outlines the 13 week review triggers and how to help customers complete and return the reviews.




Initiation + Read more ...

SpB reviews occur every 13 weeks, triggered by an activity on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen on the customer's record.

The customer needs to complete the review and provide supporting documents by their Eligibility End Date (EED) to avoid their payment cancelling.

Check the due date of the review on the FAL screen, or the EED on the Newstart Miscellaneous Details (NMIS) screen.

If the customer:

  • has a Centrelink online account, the system sends an email, SMS or letter advising them to complete the review online. Partnered customers need to have their partner's permission to enquire to access the review online
  • does not have a Centrelink online account, or partner permitted to enquire arrangements in place, the system issues a Special Benefit Review (BC048m) form for them to complete

Nominees with an online account can access the review online for the customer. Check the NOLS screen for the nominee’s details.

Check the EMOL screen to see if the customer has a Centrelink online account.

Check the History Summary (HS) screen to see if the customer was sent:

  • a message or letter to complete the review online (code NSSEED)
  • a review form (code NSSEED)

Record details of the customer or nominee contact on a DOC that meets minimum standards.

To help the customer or nominee:


SpB review online + Read more ...

The customer or their nominee needs to log into their Centrelink online account through myGov and complete the review.

If the customer has a partner, and their partner has:

  • given permission for the customer to enquire, their partner's details are also requested in the online review
  • not given permission for the customer to enquire, the customer will not be able to access the review online. Go to Step 3

Due date

The online review must be completed by the customer's Eligibility End Date (EED) to avoid their payment cancelling. The reminder letter issues 21 days before the EED. Online customers get an extra reminder 7 days before the EED.

After submitting the review online, the customer will need to upload requested documents.

If the EED has passed, the customer will no longer have access to the review online. They will need to complete the review form (BC048). Go to Step 3.

Procedure ends here.


Special Benefit Review (BC048m) paper form + Read more ...

To issue or reissue form

Print either:

  • a copy of the review form from the HS screen
  • a blank copy of BC048M Special Benefit Review. Fill in the customer’s name, address, date issued, and CRN.

Customers can also download a blank review form from the Services Australia website. Tell the customer to search for BC048.

If completing a blank form, they will need to fill in their name, address, Customer Reference Number (CRN), the date of issue and the return date on the first page of the form.

If the customer is downloading the form, all the information needs to be completed before the agency can determine ongoing payment. This includes the supporting documents.

Due date

Customers need to complete and return the form with the required supporting documents by the due date on the form to avoid their payment cancelling.

Form lodgement

Make sure the customer has completed the form correctly and signed it.

If they have a partner, their details are also requested on the form and they must complete and sign the form as well.

Scan the review form and relevant documents for the SpB processing team. A work item will present to SpB processing team (there is no need to create a Fast Note, make sure when scanning, do not 'scan to store').

If payment has stopped and urgent processing is needed, go to Step 4.


SpB suspended or cancelled + Read more ...

SpB payments may stop with benefit status:

  • EED (Eligibility End Date reached)
  • RNL (review not lodged)
  • DNR (did not lodge review form) or
  • LAP (lapsed)

If the customer contacts due to suspension or cancellation of SpB, check Document List (DL) screen to see if any extra documents requested by the SpB Processing team have been provided.

After checking information and confirming all items have been provided including the Special Benefit review form (BC048), create an open work item using Fast Note:

  • Select Auto Text option > Special Benefit > Reassessment of Finalised Review > Special Benefit Review Reassess
  • Complete details in the template and select Confirm

Do not add any other keywords to this Fast Note as it will affect the urgent allocation of this work.

If the customer has not submitted their online review and SpB cancels, the review will no longer be available in their Centrelink online account:

  • Issue a BC048m form
  • The customer needs to complete and return the review form with required supporting documents immediately

Record details of the contact on a DOC.

If payment is cancelled for more than 13 weeks and the review form and other requested documents have not been lodged, payment is not restorable. The customer will need to re-claim. See Restoration of JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (job seeker) and Special Benefit.

Procedure ends here.

13 week reviews - processing

Only SpB processing teams can perform a 13-week review. Do not perform these reviews without a SpB skill tag.

Table 2: how to process 13 week reviews submitted online or via BC048m.




Begin 13 week review + Read more ...

Service Officers will need to identify if the review is completed with:

  • a paper claim BC048m
  • the online channel

The way the customer has chosen to complete their review will determine how it is found on the system.

If the review was completed online, go to Step 2.

If the customer submitted a paper review form BC048m, go to the Future Activity List (FAL) screen, and:

  • select the review by 'S'electing the NSS/FRM SPL eligibility end date activity
  • if the activity is not listed on the FAL screen, check the Activity List (AL) screen and select the review from here
  • if there is no activity on FAL or AL, do an RSIMME refresh to get the activity
  • go to Step 3


Check online review details + Read more ...

The system will complete the review and calculate a new Eligibility End Date (EED) if all the following apply:

  • the customer has completed the review online
  • they advised there is no change to their details or circumstances
  • no follow-up actions have been created

To view the SpB online review details provided by the customer:

  • In Customer First Workspace, select Special Benefit Review Summary (Customer online Account)
  • Select the Service ID hyperlink
  • Select the Receipt icon at top left
  • Select the sideway triangle to view information

Compare the information in the OLS SPB Update Manual DOC with the customer's responses in the Special Benefit Review Summary and update accordingly.

There may be separate DOCs on the record for address, accommodation and requested information. Check these DOCs.

Check the information the customer has provided as an update or change in circumstance:

  • A customer may have one or many action items in the DOC that needs manual processing
  • If there is not enough detail to process the review, contact the customer to discuss and make the appropriate updates


Residency qualification + Read more ...

Service Officers must undertake a Refresh RSIMME screen to confirm visa status. This will show if the:

  • customer’s visa subclass has changed
  • Special Benefit review needs to continue

If the customer has a visa subclass 309, 820, 060, 070, 785, 790 with an end date before the next review, make sure the EED is their Visa End Date minus one day. Tell the customer their SpB will be cancelled and they need to contact the Department of Home Affairs.

If there is no end date showing on the RSLEG, this means that Home Affairs have removed the end date and the customer is valid.

For Australian Citizen Children review, the refresh of the RSIMME screen must be undertaken on the custodial parent’s record.

Is the customer still eligible for Special Benefit?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, if the customer:
    • has lost qualification and SpB is no longer payable due to a change in circumstances, go to Step 4
    • is now eligible for another income support payment or will be eligible in the next 13 weeks, go to Step 20


Not eligible for SpB + Read more ...

If an automatic or manual cancellation applies due to a change in circumstances or update, contact the customer to advise the unfavourable decision. Cancellation reasons include OSA, CPP, COP, and HAR. Go to Step 23.

For other cancellation reasons, cancel the payment using the Benefit Action (BA) screen. Procedure ends here. See Resources page for manual rejection letter template for fulltime study.

See Cancellation of payments.

Has a manual rate of payment been coded on Rate Component Override (RCO) screen?


Personal, contact and accommodation details + Read more ...

Check and encourage the customer to register for self-service. They will be able to view, update, upload documents, and complete reviews online.

Check the Identity Confirmation Dashboard in Process Direct.

If the customer has a Confirmed identity status, go to Step 6.

Customer does not have a Confirmed identity status

See Identity Confirmation.

Customers who have the required documents and complete a facial comparison in person (linkage) or by Video chat if applicable, will achieve a Confirmed Identity status.

Customers can use an ImmiCard or ImmiCard Report as a Commencement of Identity (CoI) document and complete linkage where applicable. Where an Australian Visa (VI) is linked to the ImmiCard, this can be used as Primary Use in Community (PUiC). Consent must first be provided from customer and can be accepted verbally. If the Australian Visa is not verified or linked, staff cannot use the Foreign Passport to complete PUiC or linkage. It can only be used as a Secondary Use in Community (SUiC) document.

Special Benefit (SpB) processing staff can use the customer's payment destination details to complete the Secondary Use in Community field. Customers are not required to be contacted and not required to provide consent. If customers cannot confirm their identity, staff must code any available identity documents and complete the alternative identity assessment in person or by phone.

Go to Step 6.


Check and update screens: + Read more ...

  • NSS Income Summary (NIS)
  • Email Address (EMA)
  • Telephone Summary (TDS)
  • Other Contact Details (OCD) for language update
  • Tax File Number Summary (TFS)
  • Customer Link Summary (NOLS) for nominee/payment arrangement
  • Customer Person Detail Summary (CPDS) for name updates
  • If they advise their account details are incorrect, see Changing payment destination
  • Product (SVP) to add new accounts or (SVDI) for direct investments

Rent Assistance and Rent verification - staff actions

Staff must:

  • update the Accommodation (ACS) screen to reflect any rent verification information for all customers. This includes Australian Citizen Children (ACC) records
  • check that the ACS screen is coded with Rent verified, if the customer provided a:
    • Rental agreement/Lease agreement, or
    • Rent certificate

For more details, see Rent Assistance (RA) verification.

Use Process Direct (PD) and issue rent certificate, see Manually issuing a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) if the customer declares they are paying rent and:

  • there is no evidence, or
  • there is nothing on the customer’s record

ACC customers only

Staff must check the scans on ACC SpB (Special Benefit) child’s record or custodial parents record before they:

  • use the Rate Component Overdrive (RCO) screen to cancel RA, and
  • issue a rent certificate from the custodial parents record and DOC the record

See NSS system coding for manual rate of payment

On the child record:

  • access the rate using the RCO screen, and
  • use the last date Entitlement End Date Period (EPED) of SpB as the Date of Effect (DOE) to stop Pay Rent Assistance (PAY RA)


  • the Rent Assistance, Urgent and Advance Payments Section complete data quality checks. This is to make sure the RCO and ACS screen are both matching when staff generate RA via manual override (RCO)
  • if the RCO screen is not updated correctly to stop RA when a customer is no longer eligible, the customer will continue to receive RA. This is even if the status of ACS screen is showing as Not Verified (NVE), This will occur due to the manual override coding in RCO screen

For more details, see:

Accommodation (AC) screen. If rent details are coded as NRP, review this to make sure coding is still appropriate. Update Address Details (ADS) if needed

Additional action needed for ACC - Check Rate Component Override (RCO)

Check the RCO screen to make sure that coding is correct. The RCO screen must be updated whenever there is a change in care arrangements for siblings. This can also determine if there has been a change in circumstances. See ACC Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children.

Make sure that all of the following are recorded correctly:

  • the number of SpB children in the family unit
  • that the youngest or only child gets the JobSeeker Payment (JSP) at the single with dependent child rate, plus any Rent Assistance (RA) payable
  • any older children who are on SpB are receiving the Youth Allowance (YA) at home rate

If the parent gets the Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment, check that they are on the FTB rate with no RA. See Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) Social Service Plan for more details, and the payment list.

See Rates of payment for SpB for how to update the AC screen. The rate reduces by:

  • one third if the customer is receiving free meals or free lodging
  • two thirds if the customer is receiving free meals and lodging

If the customer advises they are going overseas, see SpB customer going overseas.


Partner details changed + Read more ...

Issue a Request for Information (RFI) letter if any verifying documents are needed.

For example, Separation Details (MOD S), Partner Details (MOD P) or death certificate.

  • Check for lodgement of the MOD P
  • If Section 24 has been approved, a review is needed every 13 weeks in conjunction with review
  • Determine if Member of a couple (MOCA) assessment is needed
  • If information is not returned, suspend SpB and tell the customer their payment will remain suspended until the MOD P is returned
  • If able to obtain enough information over the phone, update the Marital Status (MS) screen and link the records

Note: if a customer has provided information advising changes in relationship, this can be accepted for the review and no additional MOD P or MOD S is needed.


Tertiary study + Read more ...

For customers undertaking tertiary study, check their record to see if the study has been approved in their Job Plan. If not, contact the customer to discuss their situation.

For help with study rules, see Mutual obligation requirements for SpB.


Changes for FTB customers + Read more ...


  • a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child has left the customer's care, see Child leaves customer's care/custody
  • there is a change to shared care arrangements of an FTB child, on the FTB recipient record, use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Families > UPDATE > SPL Review: FTB care update required
  • the customer is advising the FTB child's details are incorrect and need updating (name, gender, date of birth), see Change Child (CCH) screen

The customer will need to provide proof of birth for a newly added child. See linking a child to a customer's record.


SpB category + Read more ...

If the customer continues to qualify for SpB, but another category is more appropriate, update the SpB Other Details (NSOD) screen. See Processing SpB claims.

Code these fields on the NSOD screen:

  • Date of Event: change to reflect the most recent change in circumstances
  • SPL Category: change if another category becomes more appropriate. See Table 3
  • Payable Under: change if appropriate
  • Available Funds Test: change to the amount provided at the review. For more details, see SpB available funds test


Employment income + Read more ...

If the customer advises their or their partner's income has changed or is incorrect, contact the customer to discuss. Request payslips/ information for the relevant period if applicable.

For help, see:

Check and update the following screens as needed:

  • NSS Income Summary (NIS) to check overall income that could affect the payment
  • Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP)
  • Other Government Payments (OGP)
  • Other Income Summary (OINS)


Foreign income + Read more ...

Updates are needed if:

  • the customer advises their foreign income and assets details, or
  • the parent or guardian of an Australian Citizen Child (ACC) or Australian permanent resident child customer advises their foreign income and assets details

Check and update these screens if needed:

  • Foreign Income/Asset Detail (FID)
  • Overseas income and pensions (FIPS/FPD)

For help with coding, see Foreign income and assets.

If more documents are need to verify details:

  • contact the customer, or
  • issue a Request for Information (RFI) letter

If pension details are coded but need updating, check related DOCs and update the FPD screen.

To update a foreign pension (for a non-agreement country) on a customer's record, use the Foreign Pension script in Customer First Workspace > Script menu.

To add a new foreign pension, referral details to International Services (CIS) to complete coding. See Foreign pension coding.


Real estate/business + Read more ...

If the customer is adding or updating these details, they need to provide a Real Estate Details (MOD R) or Business Details (MOD F) form.

If a MOD R and/or MOD F has:

Contact the customer to check if the real estate is a readily realisable asset (within their control to use the funds for ongoing expenses). See SpB available funds test.

Note: if the customer’s business is consistently running at a loss, the customer’s eligibility will need to be assessed. A person who perseveres with an unprofitable venture cannot qualify for Special Benefit.

Is it considered a realisable asset?

  • Yes, include the asset amount as part of the available funds test.
    • Update the SpB Other Details (NSOD) screen
    • If available funds exceed $5,000, the system will cancel SpB with the reason HAR (not in hardship)
  • No, update the real estate details and DOC the record


Compensation + Read more ...

The customer will need to provide a Compensation and Damages (MOD C) if they advise their compensation details are incorrect or incomplete.

If the MOD C:


Other assets and income + Read more ...

If the customer has tried to update other assets or share details online:

  • check related DOCs
  • update the Other Asset Summary (OASS) screen if needed
  • if more details are needed to complete updates, send a Request for Information (RFI) letter and contact the customer
  • consider if it is reasonable to expect the customer to realise (convert to cash) any of these assets, if it is within their control or beyond their control

If the customer is updating share details, update these screens.

  • Securities and Investments Summary (SIS)
  • Managed Investments Summary (MIS)

For help with updates, see:

Other income

Update the Other Income (OIN) screen if needed.

Income earned or received in kind or financial support received by the customer or parent of an Australian Citizen Child (ACC) or Australian permanent resident child.

For more details, see Rates of payment for SPB.


Other means of support + Read more ...

Other support can be financial or in-kind support. It could be a temporary or a permanent arrangement.

If the customer answered YES to ‘Do you receive any regular financial or other form of assistance from any person?’:

  • Check the date of event for the change in circumstance. When did the support start?
  • Check if the customer is receiving free board and lodging, or lodging only. Update the Accommodation (ACS) screen.
  • Check if the customer is receiving financial support. Update the Other Income (OIN) screen with start date, amount and frequency.
  • Check if the customer is receiving non-financial support, such as medicines, travel fares, or clothing. If yes, what is the estimated financial value? Update the OIN screen with the details.
  • Check that the customer continues to qualify for SpB.
  • Check if the customer is under the Assurance of Support (AoS) category and if the AoS period is current. If not, update the NSOD with the most appropriate category.
  • Note: if the total support is ongoing and exceeds the fortnightly Special Benefit payment rate, this could mean that customer will no longer meet the definition of financial hardship. See Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB).
  • Cancel SpB manually with OSA reason. Tell the customer about the decision.
  • The system will also automatically cancel the SpB if the financial support coded on OIN screen plus other income recorded is greater than the fortnightly rate.
    • If the assurer is now providing adequate support to the customer (assuree), refer the review to Tier 1 technical support - Local Peer Support (LPS) for help. Do this before cancelling SpB with reason OSA (other means of support available) and document the records.
  • Update the DOC with any action taken.


Rate Component Override (RCO) + Read more ...

Check the RCO screen to make sure that the customer gets the correct rate for:

  • CPI rate increases
  • Energy Supplement
  • Pharmaceutical Allowance
  • the number of siblings in the family unit
  • if the parent is receiving SRSS, make sure the FTB rate is coded


Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period (NARWP) and residence + Read more ...

A follow-up is needed for customers who:

  • are in NMN, NMA, NMP, NRA or NRD categories, and
  • have served or are due to have served the NARWP or 10 years qualifying Australian residence before the next Eligibility End Date (EED)

Check if the customer has served the NARWP for another income support payment or 10 years qualifying Australian residency for Age Pension or DSP and is residentially qualified for another payment depending on their category of SpB. An exemption may apply. See:

If the customer is the holder of a SpB temporary visa and the visa end date is earlier than the 13 weeks, make sure the EED on the NMIS screen is Visa End Date minus one day.

  • Update the residence details by activating the Department of Home Affairs datalink on the RSIMME screen.
  • Go to the Residence Cluster Task Selector (RETS) screen to check the customer's residence status
  • Make sure their visa still qualifies the customer for SpB. Check the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen
  • Check if they have served the NARWP if applicable:
    • RSLEG screen
    • Immigration Movements (RSIM) screen
    • Australian Periods of Presence (RSPAP/RSPAR) screens
  • Check if they have qualifying residence for another income support payment

If the RSLEG screen has been updated with a new visa subclass, check if the new visa entitled the customer to another social security payment.

If the customer:

  • may be eligible for another payment, go to Step 20
  • no longer qualifies for SpB, cancel the payment from the grant date of the new visa
    • update the DOC with any action taken


Mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

Check the SpB category and JSP condition on the NSOD screen.

Check if the customer is subject to either of:

  • SpB nominated visa holders MOR based on legislation (same requirements and compliance action as JSP/YA job seekers)
  • SpB non-NVH MOR based on policy (not subject to compliance action)

Check if the customer is Jobseeker Active, connected to an employment services provider and has a Job Plan in place if necessary. In Process Direct:

  • select Customer Summary from the Process Direct landing page
  • enter the customer’s CRN, select Go
  • in the customer’s record select > Participation Summary > Job seeker registration & provider referral information

Full-time tertiary studies such as bachelor degrees and above are not considered appropriate. The intention of SpB study rules is for customers to complete secondary education and/or gain vocational skills to equip them for work.

For SpB study rules for tertiary study, see Mutual obligation requirements for SpB.

If the customer is undertaking tertiary study, check their record to see if the study has been approved in their Job Plan. If not, contact the customer to discuss.

View and update the AEX screen if a temporary exemption is applied. To view:

  • Key ‘AEX’ in the Super Key field, select Enter
  • The Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) will show
  • If the customer is not Jobseeker Active, register the customer as a job seeker. Select > Participation Summary > Job seeker registration & provider referral information > Start job seeker registration

Make sure the customer has a JSR/ACT status and is linked with an Employment Services Provider.

If a mutual obligation exemption is applicable to the customer, see:


Eligibility End Date (EED) + Read more ...

If the customer is:

  • to maintain entitlement for the next 13 weeks, extend the EED by 13 weeks
  • likely to lose entitlement in the next 13 weeks:
    • extend the EED on the NMIS screen for the day they are residentially qualified for another payment, or the next payday + 14 days for the day before they lose eligibility
    • do not extend the EED beyond this date if the visa end date is before the next 13 week EED.
      For example, for a temporary visa holder (790, 786, 449, 785 visa) whose visa end date is before the next 13-week EED, the EED on the NMIS screen must be Visa End Date minus one day
  • eligible for another payment now or by the next EED
    • extend the EED on the NMIS screen for the day they are residentially qualified for another payment or the next payday + 14 days
    • do not extend the EED beyond this date if the customer will meet 10-year residence.
      For example, if the customer will meet the 10-year Australian residence for AGE or serve the NARWP for JSP, confirm this information on their record. This is to make sure they meet the residence requirements or a qualifying residence exemption for a more appropriate income support payment. See Table 2, Item 18
    • If the customer is subscribed to SMS, send a pre-call SMS before calling them
    • Tell the customer they must apply for another more appropriate payment and that their SpB will stop the day before they become eligible for another payment. Tell the customer that they can lodge an early claim for an eligible social security payment up to 13 weeks before their first day of qualification for payment. If the customer has a correspondence nominee send a manual letter to both customer and nominee
      - See Resources for letter templates. Send a manual letter
    • If unable to contact the customer, issue a letter online (preferred) or by post to advise they must apply for a more appropriate payment and their SpB will stop the day before they become eligible for another payment
    • DOC the record to clearly explain the customer is no longer entitled to SpB and has been advised to make a claim for the appropriate payment
    • System will stop SpB when EED is reached
    • If the customer is considered vulnerable, run an Assisted Customer Claim to submit the appropriate payment claim if possible


Is SpB status suspended or cancelled? + Read more ...


Restoring SpB + Read more ...

  • Restore SpB on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Service Reason: key 'SPL'
    • Action: key 'RES'
    • Reason: leave blank
    • Effect Date: key date last paid + 1
    • Source: key 'BC48'
    • DOR: key date of receipt of BC048m review form
  • Update the Miscellaneous Update Details (NMIS) screen:
    • Event Date: record the current EED if the EED is in the past, or today's date if the current EED is in the future
    • Eligibility End Date: this date cannot be more than 13 weeks from the previous end date, or more than 15 weeks from today's date
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the Payment Summary (PS) screen to confirm the correct rate of payment before finalising the review. If payments are:
    • missing, that is, coding has resulted in a gap in SpB payments, go to Step 23
    • correct and the rate is correct, finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen

Document the decision

Use Fast Note - select Auto text > Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > RESTORE and include:

  • Special Benefit restored under SS Admin Act Section 85
  • Reason for restoration (summarise on Sum: line)
  • DOE of restoration:
  • Date Last Paid To:
  • Is Customer owed any payment: YES/NO (incl. calculations)
  • Follow-up action is required: YES/NO
  • Customer has been advised/reminded of the general notification provisions

To complete the review, go to Step 24.


SpB coding for missing payments + Read more ...

If there are missing payments,

  • Go to the Review of Assessment (ROA) screen, see Using the Review of Assessment (ROA) screen
  • Reassess the record and apply the most appropriate date or EED in the Start date for the Review of Decision to make sure the arrears are correct. This will generally be the previous EED plus one day
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) and Payment Summary (PS) screen to check the arrears equals 14 days entitlement or the remaining entitlement up to the latest entitlement period (EPED)
  • Stimulate any outstanding payment/s if confirmed customer and/or partner has no employment income for the fortnight/s
  • If confirmed rate of arrears payment is correct, finalise the activity on the AR screen

To complete the review, go to Step 24


Finalise review and record DOC + Read more ...

Complete all Special Benefit review, ACT/CALL DOCs and digital work items on the Activity List (AL) screen.

Record details on the SpB 13 Week Review Completed DOC in line with minimum standards.

  • If payment is to continue, include:
    • that the SpB review indicates continuing entitlement
    • 'customer is unable to receive any other income support payment, SS Act Sect 729 applies'
    • if SpB was restored, 'restored under SS Admin Act section 85'
    • any change in circumstances
    • any customer contact
    • the new EED on NMIS
  • If payment is not to continue, include:
    • all changes
    • all appropriate cancellation reasons
    • any customer contact

Make sure a letter is sent to the customer to advise the outcome.

Note: If a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).

Procedure ends here.

Annual Intensive Review

On this page:

Start the Annual Intensive Review (AIR)

Continue the review: Australian Citizen Child (ACC) customers only

Continue the review: all other customers (non-Australian Citizen Children)

Issue letter and complete review

Start the Annual Intensive Review (AIR)

Only SpB processing teams can perform an AIR. Do not perform these reviews without a SpB skill tag

Table 1: process to follow when allocated an SPL/HNR Manual Follow-up (MFU).




Is SpB status SPL/CAN or SPL/SUS? + Read more ...

  • Yes, check if SpB is to be restored. An AIR is not needed if the customer is no longer eligible for SpB or another payment is more beneficial
    • if SpB is to be restored, conduct AIR. Go to Step 2
    • If SpB is not to be restored, complete the SPL/HNR-MFU activity on the AL screen. Run the AIR Fast Note to capture the outcome. Customer is not currently receiving Special Benefit. SPL/HNR MFU completed as no action is needed. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 2

Note: to check if the payment is still restorable, see Cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes for Newstart System (NSS).


SpB current (SPL/CUR or SPL/LAP) + Read more ...

Complete the AIR in place of the outstanding or next SpB 13-week review. Changing the EED date at this stage will then move all subsequent reviews into the new Annual Intensive Review cycle.

Compare the EED to the next review date on NMIS.

EED is more than 4 weeks away from the next review date

The 13-week review form will not be issued.

  • Hold the MFU until 4 weeks before the EED on the NMIS screen
  • Record a DOC to explain why the MFU has been placed on hold. Procedure ends here until MFU becomes due.

EED of the next review is 4 weeks before the next review date on NMIS

  • Manually extend the EED for a further 13 weeks on the NMIS screen to prevent the review form from being issued. Make sure that today’s date is the event date.
  • Start the AIR instead of the 13-week review

EED is within 3 weeks of the next review date on NMIS

The 13-week review form has already been issued.

  • Close any scanned items related to the review
  • Manually extend EED for a further 13 weeks on the NMIS screen
    If error E661NM shows:
    • select the NSS FORM BC48 issued on activity on FAL or AL screen,
    • select Future activity
    • then go to NMIS screen to extend the EED
  • Start the AIR instead of the 13-week review


Conduct a file audit + Read more ...

Examine the customer's information, SpB category and situation over the past 12 months on the SpB payment.

This includes:

  • online SpB reviews completed within the last 12 months. To view SpB online reviews, see Table 2 Step 1. Check the scans for uploaded documents
  • any indication of potential change in circumstances for the child or their custodial parent
  • any customer or custodial parent contacts and interactions with the agency over the last 12 months. This could include any claims lodged by the customer, phone contacts and staff notes on the Document List (DL) screen, and the custodial parent’s record
  • the customer’s living arrangements
  • the customer’s residency situation


Continue the review + Read more ...

The next steps in the review depend on if the customer is:

  • An Australian Citizen Child: go to Table 2
  • Any other customer: go to Table 3

Continue the review: Australian Citizen Child (ACC) customers only

Table 2: process to follow when the recipient is an Australian Citizen Child. Complete Table 1 first.




Parental linkage and nominee arrangements + Read more ...

The custodial parent’s record and the Australian Citizen Child record must be linked together. See Linking a child to a customer's record.

The custodial parent must also be listed as the payment and correspondence nominee for the Australian Citizen Child. Make sure that this is recorded on the child’s record.

Check that the Child in receipt of Special Benefit DOA is recorded on the custodial parent’s record.


Custodial parent’s record: residency + Read more ...

As part of the AIR, Service Officers must update the custodial parent’s record first. This is because action on this record may identify that the custodial parent is eligible for a payment in their own right, and the AIR would not need to continue.

Refresh the RSIMME Immigration datalink on the parent’s record.

Has the parent been granted a visa that would qualify them for FTB or another payment?

  • Check the custodial parent’s record to see if:
    • they hold a permanent, provisional, or any qualifying visa
    • they are already on an income support payment
    • they are eligible for an alternative payment under the Lone Parent exemption, or if there has been a substantial change in their circumstances
    • they hold a non-protected Special Category Visa (SCV). If so, FTB is the most appropriate payment. SpB can only be granted if the custodial parent is homeless or at risk of homelessness

Refer to Residence assessment for customers claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and Dad and Partner Pay (DAP).

Is the custodial parent eligible for an alternative payment in their own right?

If they are:

  • eligible for an alternative payment in their own right, go to Step 3
  • currently receiving an income support payment in their own right, cancel the payment, see Cancellation of payments
  • not eligible for an alternative payment in their own right, go to Step 4


Tell the custodial parent about alternative payment + Read more ...

Call the custodial parent and tell them that they should claim another payment.

Was contact with the custodial parent successful?

  • Yes:
    • The SpB for the child will be cancelled 14 days after the date of the visa change. This gives a buffer period because of potential hardship
    • Adjust the EED to the due date of RFI plus 1 day make sure that the ACC payment is cancelled
    • Document the outcome in a DOC
    • Go to Table 4
  • No:
    • Issue the relevant letter
    • The SpB for the child will be cancelled 28 days after the date of the visa change. This gives a buffer period because of potential hardship, as well as time for the letter to reach them
    • Go to Table 4


Custodial parent’s personal circumstances + Read more ...

Update the custodial parent’s record to provide a correct reflection of their circumstances. Check the following screens:

  • ADH: to make sure that the address of the custodial parent is the same address of the child who is receiving the Special Benefit payment
  • MS: to make sure that the custodial parent’s relationship status reflects their current circumstances, as seen in the previous review
  • SVS: check that their historical bank balance is recorded or with the latest bank balance

If the customer’s record contains prior evidence of family or domestic violence, and if any of the following are apparent, make a referral to a social worker for a risk review:

  • the customer’s relationship status has changed from MAR or SEP
  • they have changed their address to a previous address they shared with a previous partner
  • their record contains a reference to having returned to a previous relationship


Child’s record + Read more ...

Check to see if the child is 6 years of age. This age is usually considered a full-time student, and the custodial parent may be able to claim for FTB.

Child is of school age

Check the custodial parent’s visa subclass eligibility for FTB. Refer to Residence assessment for customers claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and Dad and Partner Pay (DAP).

If the custodial parent is:

  • able to claim another payment such as FTB, go to Step 2
  • not able to claim FTB payment, there is no further action. Do not cancel this customer’s payment, as the family may be homeless without this payment. Procedure ends here

Child is not of school age

Go to Step 6.


Check Rate Component Override (RCO) coding + Read more ...

Check the RCO screen to make sure that coding is correct. The RCO screen must be updated whenever there is a change in care arrangements for siblings. This can also determine if there has been a change in circumstances. See ACC Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children.

Make sure that all of the following are recorded correctly:

  • the number of SpB children in the family unit
  • that the youngest or only child gets the JobSeeker Payment (JSP) at the single with dependent child rate, plus any Rent Assistance (RA) payable
  • any older children who are on SpB are receiving the Youth Allowance (YA) at home rate
  • if the parent gets the Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment, check that they are on the FTB rate with no RA. See Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) Social Service Plan for more details, and the payment list.


Accommodation (ACS) screen + Read more ...

Rent Assistance and Rent verification - staff actions

Staff must:

  • update the Accommodation (ACS) screen to reflect any rent verification information for all customers. This includes Australian Citizen Children (ACC) records
  • check that the ACS screen is coded with Rent verified, if the customer provided a:
    • Rental agreement/Lease agreement, or
    • Rent certificate

For more details, See Rent Assistance (RA) verification.

If the customer declares they are paying rent and there is no evidence, or there is nothing on the customer’s record staff must

  • check the scans on ACC SpB (Special Benefit) child’s record or custodial parents record before they:
    • use the Rate Component Overdrive (RCO) screen to cancel RA via the RCO screen, and
    • issue a rent certificate from the custodial parents record and DOC the record

See NSS system coding for manual rate of payment

On the child record:

  • access the rate using the RCO screen, and
  • use the last date Entitlement End Date Period (EPED) of SpB as the Date of Effect (DOE) to stop Pay Rent Assistance (PAY RA)

Review the address details to make sure that the child’s address is the same as the custodial parent’s address. Then, check the ACS screen to confirm that the details have been coded correctly:

  • If they are staying in domestic violence or crisis accommodation, the youngest child can receive Rent Assistance
  • Other SpB ACC will be coded as living with parents

If the customer’s record contains prior evidence of family or domestic violence, and if any of the following are apparent, make a referral to a social worker for a risk review:

  • the customer’s relationship status has changed from SEP or SIN
  • they have changed their address to a previous address they shared with a previous partner
  • their record contains any reference to having returned to a previous relationship


RSLEG update for the child + Read more ...

Check the RSLEG screen to make sure that the child is identified as an Australian citizen.

If they are not identified as a citizen, check for an Australian birth certificate showing the resident parent's name. A child born in Australia, with one parent who is a permanent resident of Australia, is automatically granted Australian citizenship. If so, then update the RSLEG screen to show the child is an Australian Citizen. Staff can do this without having to contact International Services.

Otherwise, escalate to International Services. See Proof of Australian citizenship, Table 2 Step 6


Child Support for the child + Read more ...

Check the custodial parent’s MNGS screen for any updated details from Child Support. Code this information on the OINS screen to make sure that the income received correctly adjusts the rate paid to the child.

In some circumstances, a Social Worker may provide an exemption to pursuing child support due to family and domestic violence. There will be a DOC on the custodial parent’s record to indicate this.

Is there an exemption supplied by a social worker?


Other Income Summary (OINS) screen coding + Read more ...

Check the coding on the OINS screen to make sure the child is receiving the correct rate of pay. Make sure that all of the following details are recorded on OINS:

  • custodial parent’s income above threshold
  • custodial parent’s partner income above threshold
  • other means of support (such as Red Cross)
  • Child Support from MNGS screen on custodial parent record

For help with coding this screen, see the Resources page on Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children


Bank account verification (SVS) + Read more ...

It is only necessary to verify account balances for the 13 weeks leading up to the date of the AIR. Previous 13-week reviews have already covered the rest of the preceding year.

The bank account details and dates required can be added to the AIR manual letter question set. When composing the AIR letter, ask for the statements for all accounts listed on the SVS screen for the custodial parent record and any listed for the child record.

If the customer advises in the response to the AIR manual letter that the requested account is closed, this is enough evidence to close this account. This is because the customer has signed this letter as a declaration, so no more information is required.

Go to Table 4.

Continue the review: all other customers (non-Australian Citizen Children)

Table 3: process to use when allocated an SPL/HNR MFU for any customer who is not an Australian Citizen Child (ACC). Complete table 1 first.




Check for a change in the visa subclass + Read more ...

Update the customer residency status first. A change may indicate that the customer is eligible for a payment in their own right and the AIR would not need to continue.

Refresh the customer’s RSIMME screen to confirm visa status.

Has the visa subclass changed?


Change in visa subclass + Read more ...

If the customer has a visa subclass of 309, 820, 060, 070, 785, 786, 790 with an end date before the next review, make sure the EED is Visa End Date minus one day. Go to Step 6

If either of the following apply, the payment must be cancelled:

  • the visa subclass has changed to one that is ineligible for SpB
  • the visa has expired and the RSIMME refresh does not show an extension

Make 2 genuine attempts to tell the customer that:

  • their SpB will be cancelled
  • they need to contact the Department of Home Affairs

Make sure that the correct cancellation letter is issued to the customer. Procedure ends here


Change in eligibility circumstance + Read more ...

Check the customer’s:

  • age
  • Newly Arrived Resident waiting period (NARWP)
  • residency

Work out if the customer is eligible for another payment. They must submit a claim within 14 days of being notified.

If the customer is currently in a NARWP or is an NRA customer, check RSPAR for their Australian period.

Is the customer eligible for another payment?

  • Yes:
    • Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer.
    • Successful contact: Ask the customer to apply for a more appropriate payment. SpB for the customer will be cancelled on the date of the visa change plus 14 days. This gives a buffer to the customer due to potential hardship.
    • Unsuccessful contact: Send a letter to explain that their SpB should be cancelled, and that there is a more appropriate payment. SpB for the customer will be cancelled on the date of the visa change plus 28 days. This gives a buffer to the customer due to potential hardship and allows time for the letter to arrive. Record the outcome in a DOC and go to Step 4
  • No:


Check if the customer’s category needs to be updated + Read more ...

When there is a change in circumstances and the customer remains eligible for Special Benefit, their category may need to be updated.

Refer to SpB categories.

Does the customer’s category need an update?

  • Yes:
    • Update the customer’s category on the NSOD screen
    • Go to Step 5


Does the customer have a NARWP exemption for another payment? + Read more ...

Check if the customer has a NARWP exemption for another payment type, such as the single parent exemption for JSP or PP. Refer to Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP) and Qualifying Residence Period Exemptions for more details.

Is the customer eligible for another payment?

  • Yes:
    • Contact the customer to tell them that they are eligible to make a claim for another payment, and they need to claim for another payment
    • Successful contact: Extend the EED for the customer from the date of contact plus 14 days. This gives a buffer to the customer due to potential hardship.
    • Unsuccessful contact: Extend the EED for the customer from date of attempted contact plus 28 days. This will make sure that the SpB payment is cancelled, and provide a buffer for the potential hardship.
    • Record the outcome in a DOC. Continue with the review. Go to Step 6.
  • No, go to Step 6


Assurance of Support + Read more ...

Is the AoS period current?


  • Update NSOD screen and apply the most appropriate category
  • Go to Step 7


  • Check for any other support provided by the assurer
  • Check document tools to see if the Assuree review form (SU057) is lodged
  • Check if the Assurer’s review form (SU058) is also lodged
  • Check both reviews to make sure that the assurer provided support, and if the assuree confirmed the support provided by the assurer is correct
  • Update the assuree’s record with the details about any types of support received by the assuree.

Note: if the assurer and assuree both confirmed that the support provided by the assurer(s) is determined to be reasonable and sufficient, cancel SpB. Tell both the assuree and assurer about the decision.

If the assuree is not willing to accept the assurer’s support, document the reasons.

Family and domestic violence

Check if there is evidence of family and domestic violence (FDV) between the assurer and assuree.

If yes, check all of the following:

For more details, see Assuree makes a claim for an AoS recoverable payment.

Contact Local Peer Support (LPS) for help with AoS if unsure of any information before cancelling off SpB payment due to the complexities of this category.

See Assurance of Support (AoS) reviews.

Other means of support

Assurees could get financial or in-kind support. It could be a temporary or permanent arrangement.

If the customer declared receiving other means of support, check the following:

  • the date of event for the change in circumstance. When did the support start?
  • if the customer is receiving free board and lodging or lodging only. Update the Accommodation (ACS) screen.
  • if the customer is receiving financial support. Update the Other Income (OIN) screen with start date, amount and frequency.
  • if the customer is receiving non-financial support such as medicines, travel fares, or clothing. If yes, what is the estimated financial value? Update OIN screen.

Note: if the total support is ongoing and exceeds the fortnightly Special Benefit payment rate, this could mean that the customer will no longer meet the definition of financial hardship. Refer to Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB). Cancel SpB manually with OSA reason and tell the customer about the decision.

The system will also automatically cancel the SpB if the financial support coded in OIN screen plus other income recorded is greater than the fortnight rate.

Update the DOC with any action taken.



Mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

TPP/NMN and other categories paid under JSP conditions

Check that the customer’s record reflects their mutual obligation requirements. Make sure that they:

PPV/NMP categories

If the child has turned 6, the customer is required to look for work. This is because the child is considered to be of school age and a full-time student. Refer to Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers. If the customer was a carer, check that the caring responsibility is still ongoing.

If the customer has an AoS category, check their visa and work force age. They will have standard mutual obligation requirements and or exemptions if applicable.


Section 24 + Read more ...

If the customer has been treated as single under section 24, check the Document List (DL) to see if the 13-week Section 24 reviews occurred. They will also need to be reviewed at the Annual Intensive Review. The information obtained from the Section 24 review can indicate a change in circumstance for the customer, which would need to be considered.

Check the DL and FAL screen. If there is no manual review on these screens, trigger a review. See Treatment of a partnered person as single under Section 24 new determinations Table 4, Step 4.

If Section 24 has not been applied and now may be applicable, refer to Treatment of a partnered person as single under Section 24 new determinations.


Accommodation + Read more ...

Check the ACS screen to make sure that the rental details are coded correctly.

If Rent Type shows No Rent Paid, update this entry on the ACS screen to Free Board and Lodgings. This will apply the 1/3 or 2/3 deduction.

If the ACS status shows Free Board and Lodgings for the last 12 months, the AIR manual letter should ask them to confirm this.


Assets + Read more ...

Assess the customer’s non-liquid assets. If they have changed, it can affect the customer’s ongoing eligibility for SpB.

Check the customer’s current assets on the following screens.

  • OASS: Have their household contents been recorded? Do they have multiple cars or other assets listed in OASS or any other assets that could be easily realised?
  • FID: Does the customer have an overseas asset, such as a rental property? Are there sufficient documents on the record to explain why this property cannot be realised?
  • REBS: Does the customer have an investment property? Are there sufficient documents on the record as to why this property cannot be realised?
  • MIS: does the customer have any management investments that could be realised?
  • GIFTS: Has the customer made gifts or disposed of assets without an adequate return?


Liquid Assets and available funds + Read more ...

Assess the customer’s liquid assets. If they have changed, it can affect their ongoing eligibility for SpB.

Check the following screens:

  • SILS for any shares recorded for the customer. Shares should be included in the available funds test.
  • SVDI for any overseas bank accounts. When asking the customer for evidence about these, consider the country where the bank is located and any possible restrictions or difficulties in getting evidence.


Earnings + Read more ...

If the customer or their partner advised in last review they were working, check on the EANS screen to make sure that income is still being declared.

  • If no income is being declared, call the customer to get relevant information on earnings.
  • Confirm on the REBS screen if self-employed income has been recorded correctly
  • If the customer has provided an interim Profit and Loss statement more than six months ago, ask for a new Profit and Loss statement as part of the AIR manual letter.
  • In REBS and REBI screen check if the business is still active. Has the customer persevered with an unprofitable business venture?


Bank account balances + Read more ...

It is only necessary to verify account balances for the 13 weeks leading up to the date of the AIR. Previous 13-week reviews have already covered the rest of the preceding year.

Add the bank account details and dates required to the AIR manual letter question set. Request the statements for all accounts listed on the SVS screen for the customer.

If the customer says in the response to the AIR manual letter that the requested account is closed, this is considered enough evidence to close this account. This is because the customer has signed this letter as a declaration, so no more information is required.

Asking for bank statements is at the discretion of the staff member who is conducting the review, based on the information supplied over the 12 months. After reviewing the information, if staff suspect that there is any undeclared income, ask for any range of bank statements for the previous 12 months.

Note: financial assets attract deemed income. As a result, a change in the value of financial assets will also affect the amount of deemed income assessed under the income test.

No matter if a customer is income or assets tested, they still need to tell the agency if there is a change of $2,000 or more to the value of their combined financial assets. This includes their partner’s assets, if they have one.


Issue letter and complete review

Table 4: Completing a review




Issue the AIR manual letter and place HNR-MFU on hold + Read more ...

  • Use the AIR letter from the letters site. Update the letter to request the required information for the AIR
  • Print the letter locally to send to the customer
  • Save a copy of the letter as a PDF and upload it to the customer’s record
  • Add a note to the MFU:
    • Select the activity and (H) Hold the activity
    • Select Notes free text box and replace text with AIR manual letter issued - Do not cancel this activity
  • Place HNR MFU on hold for 35 days
  • Record actions and requests: use Fast Note - select Auto text > Special Benefit > Special Benefit > SpB Annual Intensive Review (AIR)

Procedure ends here until HNR MFU due.


HNR MFU due on day 35 + Read more ...

When the HNR MFU becomes due, it will be allocated for work.

If the customer submitted a SpB 13-week review after the AIR manual letter was sent, either:

  • close the scan
  • complete the OLS SPL update manual DOC. Extend the EED for 13 weeks.

Has the customer returned the AIR manual letter?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No:
    • Ongoing eligibility for SpB is not established. Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer to advise the unfavourable decision
    • Cancel SpB with reason FSD under section 80 of the Social Security (Administration) Act
    • Go to Step 5


AIR manual letter returned + Read more ...

If the customer has returned all the necessary information, and there is no more information that needs to be clarified, go to Step 4.

If the information needs to be clarified, or if the customer has failed to provide evidence that the AIR letter asked for, call the customer.

If an interpreter is needed, refer to Contacting an on-demand telephone interpreter.

Was the contact attempt successful?

  • Yes:
    • If the customer supplies the outstanding information, go to Step 4
    • If there are still some outstanding information or documents, cancel the payment using the code FSD/FRC under section 80 of the Social Security (Administration) Act
  • No:
    • Update the NMIS screen to the current date to cancel the customer’s payment. Record the outcome on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Assess the customer’s available funds + Read more ...

Check the customer’s available funds. For a custodial parent with a partner, this means their combined available funds.

If they have more than $5,000 combined available funds, use discretion to assess any committed funds. See:

Does this customer’s situation meet the SpB ongoing eligibility criteria?

  • Unsure:
  • No:
    • Go to the NSOD screen and update the available funds field with the amount of available funds. Enter the date the funds exceeded $5,000.
    • Go to Step 5
  • Yes:
    • Leave the EED, as it was already extended for another 13 weeks. Go to Step 6


Not eligible for SpB + Read more ...

Cancel SpB using the appropriate cancellation reason code, such as:

  • COP - another payment more appropriate
  • CPP - customer is receiving precluding payment
  • HAR - not considered in hardship
  • OSA - other means of support available

If an update or change in circumstances has caused an automatic or manual cancellation, contact the customer to tell them of the unfavourable decision. These include the reasons OSA, CPP, COP, and HAR. Make 2 genuine attempts.

For other cancellation reasons:

  • cancel the payment using the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • record the decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here

See Cancellation of payments.

Note: do not use this code without clearance from the Level 2 helpdesk. There are many relevant cancellation codes that should be used. The OTHER cancellation reason doesn’t trigger an appropriate letter and requires the completion of the Q134 letter as part of the cancellation activity:

  • go to the OASR screen while in the activity
  • complete the letter
  • finalise the activity

See Creating a Q134 letter.

Has a manual rate of payment been coded on Rate Component Override (RCO) screen?


Finalise review + Read more ...

After fully checking and updating the customer's record, finalise the review:

  • Complete the SPL/HNR MFU activity on the AL screen
  • Annotate the AIR Fast Note with the outcome

Note: If a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).

SpB categories

Review eligibility: SpB categories

Only SpB processing teams can perform SpB reviews. Do not perform these reviews without a SpB skill tag.

Table 1: this table is a guide for 13-week reviews and Annual Intensive Reviews.




SpB category check + Read more ...

Assess the customer's continuing entitlement for SpB.

Make sure that the category of SpB is still correct and the visa details are up to date. If the visa type changes, another payment or SpB category may be more appropriate.

Update the SPL Other Details (NSOD) screen as needed.

See Special Benefit (SpB) categories.


ACC - Australian Citizen Child or Australian permanent resident child of non-permanent resident adult + Read more ...

For a child who is at or below school age, check the custodial parent is in financial hardship and has no means to adequately support the child.

Check the custodial parent's residential status for any changes that may mean they are entitled to claim an income support payment. For example:

  • If the parental visa status has changed and now allows the parent to claim SpB, the child is no longer entitled, so the SpB should be cancelled. The parent should test their eligibility

If the custodial parent is on an eligible visa that qualify them for SpB, the NARWP can be waived in this instance for the custodial parent. This is because there has been a substantial change in their circumstances.

Check if the parent been granted a visa that would qualify them for FTB or another payment

  • Refresh the Immigration datalink on the parent’s record
  • Check the custodial parent’s record to see if a permanent/provisional or any qualifying visa is granted. Refer to Residence assessment for customers claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Parental Leave Pay (PPL) and Dad and Partner Pay (DAP)
  • Check if they are already on an income support payment
  • Contact the custodial parent to tell them they should claim another payment (SpB and FTB)
    • If contact is successful, issue the relevant letter. SpB for the child will be cancelled on the date of the visa change plus 14 days.
    • If contact is unsuccessful, issue the relevant letter. SpB for the child will be cancelled on the date of the visa change plus 28 days. This gives a buffer to the customer due to potential hardship.
  • Adjust the EED to the date cancelling plus 28 days to make sure the ACC payment is cancelled
  • Upon lodgement of a claim, the custodial parent can ask to have their claim assessed urgently for SpB and FTB due to hardship
  • SpB cannot be paid if:
  • the custodial parent gets Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for the child on SpB (ACC category) and can earn a sufficient livelihood from the FTB payment
  • they have available funds over $5,000.

    In these cases, cancel the payment, as the customer is not considered to be in hardship.
  • Make sure the Accommodation (AC) screen is coded correctly. See SpB for ACC and Australian permanent resident children
  • Check if the child is school age. SpB is not payable to a full time student if the family is living in stable accommodation, and/or the parent/long guardian is providing the child with continuous support. See Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children
  • Check if there are changes to child support payments and code if appropriate
  • Code the custodial parent’s available funds on the Savings Summary (SVS) screen on the parent's record
  • Code the available funds as a family unit from all sources on the NSOD screen on the child's record
  • Check the child’s Tax File Number or exemption if applicable
  • Check that the nominee is current
  • Check the Rate Component Override (RCO) screen to make sure the customer's rate is correct. If a manual rate no longer applies coding is to be end dated. See NSS system coding for manual rate of payment. Make sure all CPI rate increases have been applied if the customer is on a manual rate. Check the correct rate is applied to siblings on SpB
  • If the custodial parent gets Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment, SpB should be paid at the equivalent FTB rate
  • Check for changes in child maintenance payments on the parent’s or guardian's MNGS screen, and update on the Other Income Summary (OINS) screen. Contact the custodial parent to get updated information if it is evident that:
  • If the custodial parent is working, income above the maximum rate of JSP plus add-ons will reduce the rate of SpB. Make sure the amounts are coded correctly on the OIN screen

For help, see SpB for ACC and Australian permanent resident children.


Assurance of Support (AoS) + Read more ...

An AoS is a legally binding agreement between the Australian Government and an assurer. An assurer can be either an adult Australian resident or citizen, or an organisation. Assurers agree to provide support to newly arrived migrants who hold certain visa categories.

See The Assurance of Support (AoS) Scheme for more background on this scheme.

See Table 1 for standard 13-week review steps. See Table 3 for AIR AoS requirements.


CFC - caring for a child with medical condition + Read more ...

This category is only applicable when the child being cared for has a medical condition and evidence is applied and on the record.


  • the customer does not qualify for Carer Payment (CP), Parenting Payment (PP) or other income support
  • the customer has no other means of support
  • the customer is unable to work because of caring responsibilities and both of the following apply to the person they care for:
    • they need constant care, and there is no other care available
    • they do not have sufficient funds to support or partially support the carer

No mutual obligation activities will be generated for this customer due to their caring commitments.


CIP - caring responsibility, not qualified for CP or other income support + Read more ...

Check if the customer is:

  • continuously providing constant supervision in the carer’s home, and
  • prevented from working for this reason

Check that no alternative arrangements for care can be made.

Check they are not qualified for Carer Payment (CP) or any other income support.


Nominated Visa Holders + Read more ...

Check the status of the customer's current visa type on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen.

Current Temporary Protection or Humanitarian Visas that should be paid under this category include the visa subclasses 070, 449, 785, 060, 786 and 790.

Before 1 January 2003, Nominated Visa Holders were granted under the TPV category.

After 1 January 2003, customers on one of the nominated visa types should be granted under one of these categories:

  • TPA - Temporary Visa Holder not of workforce age
  • TPD - Temporary Visa Holder ineligible for DSP
  • TPP - Temporary Visa Holder from 1 January 2003, activity tested customer

These customers are subject to the Nominated Visa Holder Mutual Obligation Requirements (NVH MOR) for SpB.


NMA - newly arrived residents of Age Pension age + Read more ...

Check the RSPAR screen to confirm if customer has reached the 10 year residency. When the 10 years has passed, the customer can test their eligibility for the Age Pension. Go to Table 2 Step 19

Customers in this category do not have mutual obligation requirements due to their age.


NMN - waiting period for JSP/YA + Read more ...

Check the customer has not served the NARWP and does not have a Qualifying Residence Exemption (QRE) for JSP or YA.

For customers with mutual obligation requirements, make sure the Payable under field on the NSOD screen is coded as JSP conditions. This includes principal carers with part-time mutual obligation requirements.


NMP - waiting period for PP/WDA/CP + Read more ...

Check the customer has not served the NARWP and does not have a Qualifying Residence Exemption (QRE) for Parenting Payment (PP) or Carer Payment (CP).

For principal carers whose youngest child is:

  • under 6 years, leave the NSOD screen blank so they are not subject to mutual obligation requirements. Check if the customer is eligible for a ‘lone parent’ exemption from the NARWP
  • over 6 years, code under NMN category


NRA- not residentially qualified for Age Pension + Read more ...

NRA – not residentially qualified for Age Pension age.

This category is used when a customer has arrived in Australia, however they are not residentially qualified for Age Pension and may have to serve a NARWP.

Check the customer is not residentially qualified for Age Pension.

The NRA category is more appropriate if either of the following apply before their next EED:

  • served the NARWP
  • have 10 years qualifying Australian residence

Generally, the long-term available funds test should apply to this category. Check the NSOD screen and update if needed. Go to Table 2 Step 19.


NRD - not residentially qualified for DSP + Read more ...

Check the customer has had a claim for DSP rejected due to residency and is not residentially qualified for DSP.

To qualify under this category the customer must have a capacity to work less than 15 hours per week.

Customers in this category do not have mutual obligation requirements because their medical condition prevents them from looking for work activities.

Service Officers must ensure that the Work Capacity (WC) screen correctly displays the appropriate baseline and with intervention bandwidths.

Generally, the long-term available funds test should apply to this category. Check the NSOD screen and update if needed.

If the customer has a Temporary Protection Visa (449, 070, 060, 785, 786 or 790) their SpB should be assessed under the TPD category.


OLT - other long-term cases + Read more ...

Only use this category if no other SpB category is appropriate.

This category is typically used for visa subclass 060 holders and there are no mutual obligation requirements due to the customer's situation.

Check the status of the customer's current visa type on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen.

If the Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP) applies to the customer, update the NSOD to one of the following categories that best suits the customers situation:

  • NMA (newly arrived resident of Age Pension age)
  • NMN (newly arrived resident waiting period for JSP/YA)
  • NMP (newly arrived resident waiting period for PA/PP/CP)

Full-time students can only be paid if they are under 18 years of age and undertaking an approved course.

Full-time students under 16 years of age should be coded under the USY category and only if appropriate.


OST - short term cases + Read more ...

Only use this category if no other SpB category is appropriate and the person is likely to need income support for less than 13 weeks.

No review forms are issued for this category as payment is set under 13 weeks and stops when the date is reached. If the customer contacts and needs more support, they must be transferred to the relevant category.

If the Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP) applies to the customer, update NSOD to one of the following categories that best suits the customers situation:

  • NMA (newly arrived resident of Age Pension age)
  • NMN (newly arrived resident waiting period for JSP/YA)
  • NMP (newly arrived resident waiting period for PA/PP/ CP)

Re-check eligibility and transfer to a long-term category or re-grant.


PPV - partner provisional visa + Read more ...

The applicant must be the holder of a PPV visa - subclass 309 or 820 visas.

Check the status of the customer's current visa type on the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen. If a permanent resident visa has been granted, change the customer category on NSOD screen.

If the PPV has an end date on the RSLEG screen and the customer holds a bridging visa, they may lose their entitlement to SpB.

If the customer is a principal carer with a child under 6 years of age in their care, on the NSOD screen make sure the Payable Under field is blank so the customer is not subject to mutual obligation requirements.


SOM - socially marginalised, unable to meet mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

This category is rarely used. Escalate details to the Level 2 Policy Help Desk before applying this category.

Check the customer continuously unable to meet the mutual obligation requirements and reporting requirements for JSP due to a medical condition

Check the customer is not eligible for Disability Support Pension (DSP), or because of their medical condition refused to claim DSP.

Check if other help is provided by external agencies.

If NARWP applies, consider assessment under other most appropriate category.


USY - under 16 years of age + Read more ...

Do not code Customer Study Details (EDCH) and Newstart Education Status (NES) screens if the customer is Under 16 years (USY). They are not subject to mutual obligation. Coding of NES and/or EDCH screen may result in incorrect automatic benefit transfer to YA when they turn 16 years. This should not occur as they are required to lodge a legal claim for YA/ABSTUDY/DSP.

Check that the customer has not met minimum school leaving age to qualify for YA/ABSTUDY/DSP.

If customer has turned 16, or turning 16 years within 13 weeks:

  • contact the customer to advise they may be eligible for YA/ABSTUDY/DSP when they turn 16 years, and
  • assist them to submit an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) where possible

See Resources tab for USY turning 16 years within the next 13 weeks.

Review coding on the AC screen. If the customer is coded as NRP:

Accept financial details provided by the USY customer, even if they do not provide bank statements. Do this unless there is reason to believe the customer is not in financial hardship as they:

  • have available funds above $5,000
  • may be receiving financial support