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Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen 108-18092650

Staff must start at Step 1 > Table 1. The following steps are a step-by-step guide.

Type of Rent field




Determine type of rent paid + Read more ...

Types of rent vary. It depends on the type of:

  • fees paid by a customer
  • accommodation the customer lives in

Does the customer pay any type of rent for their accommodation?


SpB customer receiving regular free board and/or lodgings + Read more ...

Select the correct option based on the SpB customer's circumstances:

  • Free Board - FBD
  • Free Board and Lodgings - FBL
  • Free Lodgings - FLD

If a SpB customer is receiving temporary free board and/or lodgings, the correct option is No rent paid - NRP.

As a guide, free board and lodging is regarded as temporary if it is provided for no more than 6 weeks. The delegate should make sure the free board and lodging is in fact only temporary. This includes where board and/or lodging is provided pending determination of the claim for SpB.

Go to Step 16.


Government rent + Read more ...

For details about State Housing Authority versus Community Housing Organisation tenants search GOV, Community Housing and OHO in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.

View the definition for Government rent to see a list of the State Housing Authorities.

Is the customer the primary tenant (or lease holder) and pays rent to a State Housing Authority (SHA)?


Government sub-tenant + Read more ...

A customer is a government sub-tenant if:

  • the accommodation is provided by a State Housing Authority (SHA)
  • they share with a person who is the primary tenant (or lease holder), and
  • they are not named on the lease

Is the customer a government sub-tenant?


Sharers status for a Government sub-tenant + Read more ...

A government sub tenant may be eligible for RA if the:

  • primary tenant pays market rent, or
  • sub-tenant's income has been taken into account by the SHA when calculating the rent liability

Is the government sub-tenant eligible for RA?

  • Yes, RA may be paid based on sub-tenant's board and/or lodging, go to step 9
  • No, RA is not payable. The correct option is Government rent - GOV. Go to Step 16


Other housing organisation + Read more ...

For details about State Housing Authority versus Community Housing Organisation tenants, search GOV, Community Housing and OHO in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.

Does the customer pay rent to a community housing organisation?

This could include (but is not limited to) community housing organisations which provide accommodation specifically for Indigenous people, people with disabilities, refugees etc.

  • Yes, these properties are not considered government rent and RA is payable. The correct option is Other Housing Org - OHO. Go to Step 16
  • No, go to Step 7


Respite care fees + Read more ...

Is the customer paying respite care fees to a respite care provider in lieu of rent?


Paying fees in a care facility + Read more ...

Is the customer a care receiver paying fees in a care facility and eligible for RA?

  • Yes, and the rent component (for accommodation only):
    • can be determined, the correct option is MNT - Maintenance fees for nursing home or retirement village. Go to Step 16
    • cannot be determined, the total fee payable by the customer is recorded as BOA - Board and Lodging. The system will automatically apply the two thirds rule to the total amount. Go to Step 16
  • No, go to step 9


Board and/or lodgings + Read more ...

Board and/or lodgings means providing:

  • board (meals) on a regular basis, and
  • lodging (accommodation)

Only the amount paid for lodging is counted as rent for RA.

Lodging includes when the customer lives with and has a rental agreement (generally verbal) with:

  • the homeowner
  • the primary tenant (a person named on the lease)
  • the person who has entered into a verbal rental agreement with a landlord (there is no written rental agreement for the residence)

Board and/or lodgings may also be applicable to customers residing in exempt accommodation. For more details, review the definition for exempt accommodation or search exempt accommodation in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.

If the customer pays board and lodgings and cannot specify how much is paid for lodgings, then the system will automatically apply the two thirds rule to the total amount.

Does the customer pay board and/or lodging?

  • Yes, and the customer:
    • is unable to separate the amounts paid for board (meals) and lodgings (rent for room), the correct option is Board and Lodging - BOA. Go to Step 16
    • can identify an amount of money for the provision of a room only, or has provided information which can be used to identify the amount paid for room only, the correct option is Lodgings only - LOD. Go to Step 16
    • pays rent for a room in a residence or in exempt accommodation such as a boarding house with no meals provided, the correct option is Lodgings only - LOD. Go to Step 16
  • No, go to Step 10


Maintenance fees for nursing home/retirement village + Read more ...

Is the customer a non-homeowner paying fees to a retirement village in lieu of rent?


Site fees + Read more ...

Customers may be eligible for RA when paying site fees whilst travelling.

Is the customer paying rent for the use of a site for a caravan, tent, mobile home, transportable home or other moveable structure?


Mooring fees + Read more ...

Is the customer paying rent to secure a boat or vessel?


Defence Force housing organisation + Read more ...

Is the customer paying rent to a Defence Force housing organisation and the customer is the primary tenant? This includes when the rent amount is rebated.

  • Yes:
    • RA is payable on the customer's net rent figure after any subsidy is paid
    • the correct option is Defence Force Housing - DEF. Go to Step 16
  • No, go to Step 14


Private rent + Read more ...

Private rent is rent paid to a landlord or through a property manager/real estate agency. It includes where the customer is:

  • a primary tenant (a person named on the lease)
  • the person who has entered into a verbal rental agreement with a landlord (there is no written rental agreement for the residence)

Is the customer paying private rent?

  • Yes:
    • the correct option is Private rent - PRI for all cases. The code Net Rent Assessed - NRT is no longer used
    • Go to Step 16
  • No, go to Step 15


Other circumstances + Read more ...

If the customer pays rent which is not covered by any of the above circumstances, the correct option is Other - OTH.

Make a note of the reason for selecting OTH. The information is to be added to the DOC when the update has been completed.

Go to Step 16


Complete the remaining fields on Accommodation Details (AC) screen + Read more ...

See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) to finalise the update.
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