Rent Assistance (RA) 108-18092658
A-Z list of Rent Assistance (RA) terms, screens and coding options
This A to Z has general information about RA terms, screens and coding options. Use Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance to update accommodation and rent on a customer's record.
Term |
Description |
Accommodation Details (AC) screen |
The AC screen includes information on:
See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) for processing information. |
BOA - Board and Lodging |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer pays board and lodging:
The customer cannot identify the lodging amount. The system will assess two-thirds of the total board and lodging amount to count as rent for RA. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Changes to accommodation circumstances |
Update a customer's accommodation details when the customer advises of a change in any of the following:
See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) for processing information. |
COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. The system will automatically issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD). Rent Assistance (RA) will be paid. Customer has changed address or accommodation circumstances:
The customer has 14 days to verify their rent details. If the customer has not verified rent details within 28 days, the AC screen Verification field updates to NVE - Not Verified. RA payments will stop. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Community housing organisation versus state housing authority |
Make sure community housing tenants are correctly identified and not incorrectly assessed as State Housing Authority tenants. State Housing Authority = Type of rent code Government Rent (GOV) State Housing Authorities provide rental accommodation to people at a subsidised or market rate. Customers who lease from a state or territory housing authority pay government rent and are not eligible for RA, regardless of the rent amount they pay. Government rent includes customers who are the primary tenant and pay rent through the Transitional Housing Management (THM) program in Victoria. View the definition for Government rent to see a list of the state housing authorities. In this index, for more information see - GOV - Government rent (State Housing Authority) Community Housing Organisations = Type of rent code Other Housing Org (OHO) People who rent from community housing organisations may be eligible for RA. Community housing organisations may receive state and commonwealth funding to help provide community housing. Community housing organisations are legally separate entities to state or territory housing authorities. Customers who lease from a community housing organisation do not pay government rent. In this index, for more information see - OHO - Other Housing Org. (Community housing organisations). |
Customers experiencing or at risk of homelessness |
It is the responsibility of all Services Australia staff to make sure customers who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness are given additional support and information to:
The Resources page has a link to the Payment and Service Finder, which provides appropriate referral options. |
DEE - Deemed interest |
Home Ownership field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer has a deemed interest in a residence. The customer:
See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
DEF - Defence Force Housing |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer is paying rent to a Defence Force housing organisation and the customer is the primary tenant. This includes when the rent amount is rebated. RA is payable on the customer's net rent figure after any subsidy is paid. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
DOE - Date of Effect |
Date of effect (DOE) is the date the change will affect the customer's eligibility for payment or their rate of payment. The system uses Date of Event (DOV) and Date of Receipt (DOR) to determine the DOE. See Notification Handler (NOHL) for more information. |
ABSTUDY customers are required to advise a change in circumstances within 14 days of the event occurring. The reassessment of the customer’s eligibility and/or entitlements will occur from the date of the change in circumstances, even if the customer has not notified within 14 days. See Change of circumstances for ABSTUDY customers for more information. |
DOE for RA - Family Tax Benefit |
Customers claiming RA for a past period must claim ongoing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) instalments to be paid RA, unless they are not eligible for FTB instalments. The DOE for RA when paid with FTB depends on the date the customer verifies their rent details. If the customer verified their rent details:
RA arrears can be backdated to the date of event. If the customer does not verify their rent details within any of the above periods, RA arrears are limited to the beginning (1 July) of the financial year before the financial year in which the customer verified the change in circumstances. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
DOE for RA - notification reporter |
Result of increase in RA
Result of decrease in RA
DOE for RA - stimulus customer |
Result of increase in RA
Result of decrease in RA
DOE for RA - FTB customer |
Result of increase in RA
Result of decrease in RA
DOR - Date of Receipt |
Date of Receipt (DOR) is the date the information or the document was received. For a scanned image, the DOR is the date the document was received. This may not be the same date it was scanned. See Date of receipt for more information. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) for processing information. |
DOV - Date of Event |
Date of Event (DOV) is the date a change of circumstances or notifiable event actually occurred. As a general rule, the DOV for a claim is the date the claim was lodged. However, some claims allow backdating. See Date of receipt for more information. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) for processing information |
E036AT |
E036AT shows as ‘Address type not recorded for AC DOV - check ADH for correct type’ Error message E036AT shows in an address update: When a customer receives Rent Assistance (RA) and the relevant address recorded on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen is manually ended on the Address Details (ADS) screen for a date in the past, the AC screen will automatically update with a provisional line of Not Verified – NVE with the date of event as the address end date +1. Error message E036AT shows in any update: When processing any update, error message E036AT will show if the customers circumstances meet the following conditions, the customer:
See Rent Assistance (RA) address has ended and Error E036AT for processing information. |
EXB - Exempt - Customer in Boarding Style accom |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer lives in boarding style accommodation, such as:
This also applies to customers who are:
See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
EXC - Exempt - Customer is f/t in non Cmwlth Res Care |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer lives in:
The customer does not have to provide verification of the rent details. The sharer's rate of RA will not apply. See Rent Assistant (RA) for care receivers for eligibility and Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
EXE - Exempt |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Use this code when the customer is living:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Exempt accommodation |
People living in exempt accommodation are exempt from:
Exempt accommodation is:
Factors to consider when deciding if a person lives in exempt accommodation are:
For more information about deciding if the accommodation is exempt, see References page. |
Exempt sharers |
This includes single customers who are:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for more information. |
EXR - Exempt - Customer in Refuge |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer lives in 'refuge type' accommodation; that is, a refuge, crisis or emergency accommodation which is short term and generally not more than 3 months. The customer does not have to provide verification of the rent details. The sharer's rate of RA will not apply. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
EXV - Exempt - Customer in Retirement Village |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Used when a customer lives in a retirement village and the amount of the entry contribution qualifies them as a non-homeowner. The customer does not have to provide verification of the rent details. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
FBD - Free Board |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Special Benefit (SpB) customer receives free board. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
FBL - Free Board and Lodgings |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Special Benefit (SpB) customer receives free board and lodgings. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
FLD - Free Lodgings |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Special Benefit (SpB) customer receives free lodgings only. This does not include any meals. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Formal rental arrangement |
A formal rental arrangement is a formal written agreement. Usually called a Residential Tenancy Agreement (lease), however the name may vary depending on the state. A customer in a formal rental arrangement can provide, and have sighted, a copy of the schedule and/or page(s) containing:
Formal rental arrangements do not require signatures. This supports the changes to documents managed digitally allowing all parties to undertake everything in the transaction electronically. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
GFH - Homeowner in Govt funded Aged Care |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer is a homeowner in a government funded bed in an accredited aged care home. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
GFN - Non homeowner in Govt funded Aged Care |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a non-homeowner option. Customer is a non-homeowner in a government funded bed in an accredited aged care home. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
GOV - Government rent (State Housing Authority) |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Primary tenant: Customer is the primary tenant (or leaseholder) paying rent to a State Housing Authority (SHA). Note: customers in Victoria who have a lease with the Transitional Housing Management (THM) program are paying government rent and are not entitled to receive RA. RA is not payable to the primary tenant paying government rent. This is regardless of if the rent is subsidised or paid at market rate. It does not include rent paid to the SHA, if the SHA is only:
Government sub-tenant: A government sub-tenant may be able to receive RA if the:
See Qualification for payment of Rent Assistance (RA) for more information. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Guest |
The customer does not have a legal right over the accommodation. A legal right to share a major area of accommodation can be demonstrated in one of 2 ways:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. The system will automatically issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD). Rent Assistance (RA) will be paid. Customer advises they are finding it hard to provide verification of rent details in the requested timeframe. When used, the customer has 28 days from the date of coding HAR to verify their rent details. If the customer has not verified rent details within 28 days, the AC screen Verification field updates to NVE - Not Verified. RA payments will stop. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
HOM - Jointly/singly owns or purchasing Home |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer owns or is purchasing a home. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Home based business |
A customer must provide specific RA verification documents if:
Documents to verify rent must include all the following:
If the lease is in the customer's name, confirmation of the amount claimed as a business expense is needed. This is to determine the amount of rent assessable for calculation of RA. Documents to verify rent must include:
See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Homeowner |
A customer who is not a member of a couple is a homeowner if:
A customer who is a member of a couple is a homeowner if the customer or their partner, has a right or interest in one residence. This residence is the:
A customer (whether a member of a couple or not) is a homeowner:
See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Ineligible homeowner |
Ineligible homeowner Customers who own their principal home are not eligible for RA unless they meet certain exemptions. A homeowner who does not meet any of the exemptions is an ineligible homeowner and cannot be paid RA. If one member of a couple is an ineligible homeowner, both partners will be ineligible homeowners., except where one member of the couple has temporarily left their principal home:
In these cases, RA may be payable to one member of a separated couple for a temporary address (including term address) even if their partner remains an ineligible homeowner. The following outlines the exemptions that allow a homeowner to be paid RA. Customers who are temporarily away from their home because of a care situation:
Customers who pay site or mooring fees These are customers whose principal home is:
Customers who have sold their homes and:
Customers who temporarily leave their principal homes for other reasons A person who temporarily leaves their principal home and pays rent for temporary accommodation, and the reason is:
For more information see References page. |
Informal rent verification |
The customer may have an informal renting arrangement when:
The customer may provide one of the following for their current accommodation:
Generally, an SU336M will only be accepted when the customer is unable to obtain their landlord's signature on the SU523HD, or from travellers who move regularly. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Lease or tenancy agreement |
To verify a formal renting arrangement, the customer can provide a current:
The agreement must be in accordance with state or territory requirements. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Legal right to share a major area of accommodation |
A customer can demonstrate a legal right to share a major area of accommodation in one of 2 ways:
If there is no evidence the customer has a legal right over the accommodation, the customer is a guest, not a sharer. See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
LHO - Lives elsewhere |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer owns a home but lives elsewhere. When the customer sells their principal home but intends to use the proceeds to purchase or build another:
The customer must be intending to purchase or build within the next 12 months. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
LIF - Bequeathed Life Interest |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer has the right to the use of a home for life. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
LNK - Link of 2 customers |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This option is non-enterable by staff. This rent verification code will automatically apply when 2 customers are linked on the MS screen. Services Officers must review the customer’s accommodation circumstances and update the ACS screen and/or rent verification field as required. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) or Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
LOD - Lodgings only |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer can identify an amount of money for the provision of a room in shared or exempt accommodation. Lodging does not include meals. Lodging includes when the customer lives with and has a rental agreement (generally verbal) with:
Customers living in exempt accommodation may pay for a room and pay a 'service fee or charge'. The rental agreement or receipt may list the fee or charge separately. If the payment of the fee or charge is a condition of occupancy, the amount is to be included in the customer's lodging amount. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
LWP - Lives with Parents |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Single young customer is living with their parent/s. Generally, single young customers who live with their parents do not qualify for RA if they are receiving:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Members of a religious order |
Members of a religious order are treated the same as other customers for RA. See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
MNT - Maintenance fees for Nursing home/Retirement Village |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer is a:
See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
MOO - Mooring fees |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer is paying rent to secure a boat or vessel. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NAS - Does not live in shared accommodation |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer is not a sharer for RA purposes if one of the following applies:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) |
NRAS aims to increase the supply of new, affordable rental dwellings. Customers paying rent under NRAS are subject to the same RA eligibility criteria as other customers. Rent paid to occupy a home built under NRAS is not considered government rent. NRAS dwellings are mostly owned by investors, non-profit organisations and community housing providers. Eligible individuals and families lease the properties at least 20 per cent below the market rate. The Government does not select tenants or maintain a waiting list for homes supported by NRAS. The tenancy manager does this. The tenancy management organisation allocates the NRAS dwellings to tenants. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. The system will automatically issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD). Rent Assistance (RA) will be paid. Income support payment or ABSTUDY new claim granted and customer's accommodation circumstances are being updated. Note: this code is not required when a tenancy agreement has been provided and there is enough information contained within the claim to determine entitlement. The customer has 14 days to verify their rent details. If the customer has not verified rent details within 28 days, the AC screen Verification field updates to NVE - Not Verified. RA payments will stop. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Net rent rules |
The net rent rules relate to the following fields on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen:
When claiming RA, the total combined rent payable by each member of the household cannot exceed the total rent paid. A primary tenant's rent will reduce for RA purposes by the amount they charge another tenant. This applies regardless of who is sharing the accommodation, including:
The income from boarders and lodgers may be assessable if the other person is not an immediate family member. See Net rent rules for Rent Assistance (RA) for processing information. |
NHH - Lives in a Nursing Home |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer who is a homeowner and living permanently, or temporarily for at least 14 days, in a care facility:
See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NHN - Non homeowner Lives in Nursing Home |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a non-homeowner option. Customer who is a non-homeowner and living permanently, or temporarily for at least 14 days, in a care facility:
See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NHO - Non homeowner |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer is a non-homeowner, and no other circumstances apply. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NMR - Primary Tenant does not pay market rent |
Government Sub-tenant field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. A customer is a government sub-tenant if:
The Government sub-tenant field would be updated with Primary Tenant does not pay market rent - NMR when the customer is a government sub-tenant who does qualify for RA because their income has been taken into account by the SHA when calculating the rent liability for the residence.
Non-homeowner |
A non-homeowner does not have a right or interest that gives them reasonable security of tenure in their residence. RA may be payable. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NRP - No rent paid |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer does not pay any type of rent for their accommodation, and is not a Special Benefit (SpB) customer receiving:
See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NRT - Net rent assessed |
Staff are not to use this option. It may still appear on some customer records. NRT was used when the customer:
To select the correct option for these customers see Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
NVE - Not Verified |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Rent Assistance (RA) will not be paid Customer has not verified the rent details recorded on the AC screen within the allowable timeframe. This includes situations when the customer:
Use NVE to stop paying RA, for example, where verification is suspicious. A Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will not issue. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
OHO - Other Housing Org. (Community housing organisations) |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Use this code when the customer is paying rent to a community housing organisation and they are a:
Community housing organisations are separate entities to state or territory government housing authorities. Customers renting accommodation from a community housing organisation may be eligible for RA depending on the:
Community housing organisations include (but are not limited to):
Note: customers in Victoria who have a lease with the Transitional Housing Management (THM) program are paying government rent and are not entitled to receive RA. If a customer identifies as renting from a community housing organisation this should be trusted in the first instance. In very limited cases the community housing organisation may:
In these cases, if the customer is the primary tenant, because the rent collected goes to the state or territory housing authority, the customer
It is expected that if a community housing organisation manage the property for and pass the rent directly onto the state or territory housing authority, they will inform the customer that they are paying 'Government Rent'. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Online services - obtaining SU523HD |
The SU523HD is available online from the day after making the change to the customer's record. It will stay available online for 19 weeks. Customers may view, print and save a copy of the form. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
OTH - Owns home but can't be classified by above |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer owns home but no other classification codes apply. Use this option rarely. Customers normally fit into another category. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
OTH - Other |
Type of rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer pays rent not covered by any other reason. Use this option rarely. Customers normally fit into another category. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Payment of RA when partnered |
How RA is paid to members of a couple depends on the payment received and their circumstances.
See Qualification for payment of Rent Assistance (RA) for more information. |
PLT - Purchased life tenancy |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a non-homeowner option. Customer pays for a life interest or right to accommodation for life. This applies if the customer is:
See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
PRI - Private rent |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer is the primary tenant (or lease holder) and paying rent in the private rental market. This rent can be paid to a landlord or through a property manager/real estate agency. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
PMR - Primary Tenant pays market rent |
Government Sub-tenant field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. A customer is a government sub-tenant if:
The Government sub-tenant field would be updated with Primary Tenant pays market rent - PMR when the customer is a government sub-tenant who does qualify for RA because the primary tenant pays market rent. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) for processing information. |
QOL tool AC screen step question |
The Quality On Line (QOL) tool step question options for the Accommodation Details (AC) screen are as follows:
Incorrect coding of Home ownership status or Net Rent details is a critical error. The activity will be returned for correction. Incorrect coding of the following AC screen fields will result in a critical error when the coding impacts payment correctness:
If incorrect coding in these fields does not impact payment correctness, the 'No' option is selected and the activity is released with feedback for staff corrective action. The Resources page has examples of common AC screen coding errors that do not impact payment correctness. |
Rate of RA |
RA is paid at a rate of 75 cents in the dollar for every dollar of rent paid over the threshold amount, up to the maximum RA rate payable. RA thresholds and maximum rates payable are calculated based on a customer's circumstances. The maximum rates and rent threshold amounts vary, depending on the customer's family circumstances, including:
For single customers without children, the maximum rate also varies according to whether or not accommodation is shared with others. If a customer receiving an income support payment or ABSTUDY has their maximum payment rate reduced because of income or assets, the maximum basic rate of payment reduces first, then other payments, including RA. Customers affected by a rate reduction due to income or assets may still receive some payment of RA. See Rates and Thresholds for more information. |
RCO - Residential Costs Option |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. For customers who have their residential charges paid, and they are:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Reason Home Vacated |
Reason Home Vacated field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This field is used when the customer has vacated a home they still own or has sold it and is claiming an asset exemption for the home or sale proceeds. RA may be payable if the reason the customer has left the principal home they own is:
See Rent Assistance (RA) for care receivers, Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA) and Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) for processing information. |
REC - Lives with recipient child only, no RA |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. For customers exempt from sharers' rate of RA as they are living only with a recipient child/ren. This is when the customer is a single parent living only with child/ren who:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Reduced verification for Rent Assistance |
Reduced verification for rent assistance started on 27 September 2013. It allows the customer to have their rent details verified without providing verification documents. Reduced verification for rent assistance can be applied when:
See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Relationship qualifier codes |
Rent Assistance can be assessed and paid individually to each eligible member of a couple who have been assessed and coded with one of the following Relationship qualifier codes on the Marital Status (MS) Screen.
RA can be assessed and paid individually to each member of the couple when:
Note: where one member of a couple is an ineligible homeowner, both members of the couple are treated as ineligible homeowners, and neither can be paid RA, except where a person has temporarily left their principal home:
In these cases, RA may be payable to a person for a temporary address (including term address) even if their partner remains an ineligible homeowner. See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA). Rent Assistance can be assessed and paid to a person whose partner is in respite care or gaol and one of the following relationship qualifier codes have been coded on the Marital Status (MS) Screen.
Note: customers can continue to receive Rent Assistance for their principal residence for up to 52 days, while in respite care if they:
See Qualification for payment of Rent Assistance (RA) for eligibility criteria information |
Relationship status |
A customer's relationship status (that is, single or partnered) must be determined for RA purposes. Assess a customer's relationship status by asking the Living Arrangements question set when a customer advises:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Rent Certificate (SU523HD) (no other types accepted) |
A Rent Certificate (SU523HD) is used to verify a customer's rent details for RA. No other Rent Certificates are acceptable. The SU523HD is pre-filled with the customer's accommodation details. It states the customer's:
An SU523HD is generated and issued to a customer when a new claim is granted or they advise of a change in their accommodation circumstances, for example, a change of address. In some circumstances, a Service Officer may have to issue an SU523HD. For example, SU523HD has been misplaced, or incorrectly completed by a customer/landlord. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Rent Certificate Re-issue Fast Note |
When more information is needed for rent verification and a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) is re-issued, create a DOC using the Rent Certificate Re-issue Fast Note. |
Rent Declaration (SU336M) |
A Service Officer may decide it is unreasonable for the customer to approach their landlord. If the customer is unable to provide a signed Rent Certificate, they can lodge a Rent Declaration (SU336) instead. |
RSP - Respite Care fees |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer is paying respite care fees to a respite care provider in lieu of rent. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
RVL - Upload Rent Verification Required |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Only to be used when an FTB customer updates their accommodation circumstances online and they:
The system will not issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD). Rent Assistance (RA) will not be paid. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
RVE - Reverify Rent - 14 days to verify |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Used for Rent Profile Reviews, and will prepopulate when the customer has 28 days to re-verify their rent details. The 28 days is to allow for:
See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
RVR - Rent Verification Required |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. The system will automatically issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD). Rent Assistance (RA) will not be paid.
Note: when RVR is the current rent verification code on the AC screen for the customer and RA would be payable with their income support payment, the online service will continue to apply the RVR code for any accommodation updates submitted by the customer. This is to make sure that payment of RA is not made until acceptable rent verification has been received and updated. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
SEP - Separated due to ill health |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This option is non-enterable by staff. This rent verification code will automatically apply when certain relationship qualifier codes are is recorded on the MS screen. Services Officers must review the customer’s accommodation circumstances and update the ACS screen and/or rent verification field as required. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) or Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Sharer |
A customer is a sharer if all of the following apply:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Sharers' rate |
The sharers' rate of RA addresses the inequity in payment rates between:
The sharers' rate reflects the cost of living benefits for customers sharing accommodation. It is capped at two-thirds the maximum rate payable to single customers living alone. A sharer's rate of RA will vary based on how much rent they pay over the threshold amount, up to the maximum RA rate payable. See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
SHH - Shares accommodation with homeowner |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer rents a room in a home which is the principal home of the owner of the property. See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
SHR- Lives in shared accommodation |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer and/or their partner has a legal right to the use of major areas of the household and shares their accommodation with a person/s other than their partner and/or dependent child/ren. The person/s the customer is sharing with is not the homeowner and has a legal right to the use of major areas of the household. See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
SIT - Site Fees |
Type of Rent field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer pays rent for the use of a site for a caravan, tent, mobile home, transportable home or other moveable structure. See Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
SRH - Lives in a Special Residence |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a homeowner option. Customer who is a homeowner living in a special residence, such as a:
The customer pays an Entry Contribution (EC) for accommodation rights, usually for life. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
SRN - Non homeowner Lives in Special Residence |
Home Owner field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This is a non-homeowner option. Customer who is a non-homeowner living in a special residence, such as a:
The customer pays an Entry Contribution (EC) for accommodation rights, usually for life. See Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
Temporary address and Rent Assistance |
Rent Assistance (RA) is not payable for customers who temporarily leave their principal home, except in special circumstances. See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA) for eligibility criteria. |
Term/Semester Address |
A Term (TER) address should be coded where a customer is living away from home for study. See Temporary change of address Table in Updating address details. |
ULK - Unlink of 2 customers |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. This option is non-enterable by staff. This rent verification code will automatically apply when 2 customers are unlinked on the MS screen. Services Officers must review the customer’s accommodation circumstances and update the ACS screen and/or rent verification field as required. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA) or Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
UPL - RA Paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Only to be used when a customer updates their accommodation circumstances via the online service and they:
The customer has 14 days to verify their rent details. If the customer has not verified rent details within 28 days, the AC screen Rent Verification field will update to NVE - Not Verified. RA payments will stop. The system will not issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD). Rent Assistance (RA) will be paid. RVR can be used instead of UPL for customers where the Service Officer:
Staff must record details about the decision to apply RVR in a DOC. Note: when RVR is the current rent verification code on the AC screen for the customer and RA would be payable with their income support payment, the online service will continue to apply the RVR code for any accommodation updates submitted by the customer. This will make sure that payment of RA is not made until acceptable rent verification has been received and updated. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
VEC - Verified (Rent Certificate) |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer has provided a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) only. The customer and landlord, agent or person the rent is paid to has signed the SU523HD. This verifies the rent details. See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
VED - Verified (Rent Declaration) |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer has provided a Rent Declaration (SU336M) to verify their rent details, or reduced verification of rent provisions apply. |
VEE - Verified (Electronic) |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. When a customer's rent has been verified as part of the Electronic Verification of Rent (EVoR) process, the system enters 'VEE' in this field. See Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
VEF - Verified (Formal) |
Rent Verification field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Customer has provided a formal rental agreement to verify their rent details to support a change notified:
See Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |
XSH - Exempt from Sharers Rate |
Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen. Only use this code when the Verification field is Exempt - Customer in Boarding Style accom - EXB. Customers living in boarding style accommodation who are exempt from:
Boarding style accommodation includes:
See Sharer Status field option on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for processing information. |