Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA) 108-18092646
The document is the main guide and starting point for coding accommodation updates including RA.
RA profile reviews and Accommodation Circumstance Interventions
This procedure does not apply to customers responding to either a:
Income Management
Complete a priority needs assessment when an income managed customer notifies a change that affects rent details. This includes a change of address or a change to their living arrangements.
Accommodation changes
Update accommodation details when a customer on a qualifying payment tells Services Australia about a change in their circumstances such as:
- their principal home
- the amount of rent they pay
- their living arrangements (for example, people moving in or out of the principal home) see The Living Arrangements question set
- separating from a partner, see Change in relationship status from single to partnered, or
- changes in a care relationship, see Separating safely - protecting personal details
Accommodation Details (AC) screen
The AC screen includes details of:
- the address type (for example, the accommodation details are for a temporary address)
- the relevant date for the accommodation details
- whether the accommodation details are for the:
- customer only, or
- customer and their partner
- the type of ownership the customer has over the accommodation
- the type of rent paid, if any
- whether the customer is sharing the accommodation
- rent payment information, this includes:
- total rent paid for the property
- the amount paid by the customer (or the customer and their partner), and
- the frequency of rent payments
- whether evidence of the rent paid is needed and/or has been received along with the type of verification
- if the accommodation is for a sub-tenant where the primary tenant pays subsidised rent for public housing
- the reason and date the customer vacated their principal home, if relevant
- a savings provision relating to RA, if relevant
Information recorded on the AC screen determines:
- the asset test if the customer is receiving an asset tested payment
- if RA is payable and at what rate
Quality On Line (QOL) tool step question options for the AC screen
Incorrect coding of Home ownership status or Net Rent details is a critical error. The activity will be returned for correction where an error is identified.
Incorrect coding of the following AC screen fields will result in a critical error when the coding impacts payment correctness:
- Accommodation details field
- Sharer Status field
- Type of rent field
- Rent verification field
For more details search QOL tool in the A-Z list of Rent Assistance (RA) terms, screens and coding options.
Rent Assistance (RA) address has ended and Error E036AT
When the details recorded on the Accommodation Circumstances (AC) screen have reached the end date recorded on the Address Details (ADS) screen and another address has not been recorded, see Rent Assistance (RA) address has ended and Error E036AT.
The Resources page contains information about reading the Assessment Results (AR) screen following an RA update, understanding the date of effect, determining the date of event when RA is included in a new claim.
Related links
Qualification for payment of Rent Assistance (RA)
Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
Type of Rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
Sharer Status field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
Net rent rules for Rent Assistance (RA)
Rent Assistance (RA) verification
Rent Assistance (RA) processing in Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims
Request an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)
Assessment of relationship status - processes, roles and responsibilities
The Living Arrangements question set
Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)
Creating a manual letter or Online Advice (OLA)
Separating safely - protecting personal details
Rent Assistance (RA) for care receivers