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Change in relationship status from single to partnered 102-05010000

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.

This document outlines what to do when a Centrelink customer advises they have become partnered. Reassess entitlement to payments and services (for both parties if they both receive payments or services).

On this page:

Customer advises they have become partnered

Update relationship status and link customer and partner records

Customer wants to cancel their payment

Customer advises they have become partnered

Table 1




Customer's current circumstances + Read more ...

Do not follow this process if the customer:

If a customer:

  • has been assessed as a member of a couple (MoC), and their partner is:
    • not claiming or getting an income support payment, go to Step 8
    • getting an income support payment, a MOD P is not needed. See Step 1 in Table 2
  • has submitted an online claim and they or their partner contact to confirm partner relationship details, see Confirming a partnered relationship
  • has stated they have a partner in a Newborn Child Declaration (FA081) form, go to Step 5
  • or their partner lives overseas, go to Step 11
  • is advising their relationship status will change in future, go to Step 3
  • is advising a change from de facto to married or verification of the change has been received, go to Step 4
  • is not in receipt of Centrelink payments or services
  • is requesting to cancel their current income support payment, see Table 3
  • is only getting Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS), or Parental Leave Pay (PPL), and the new partner:
  • is getting any other payment (including SUSpended), go to Step 6

If a review activity/work item falls due:


Customers not currently in receipt of payments or services + Read more ...

Updating relationship details for customers wishing to claim, but not currently receiving Centrelink payments or services is not required. If a new claim for income support or another payment/concession card is being lodged, updates will be done as part of the new claim. Note: retrospectively updating a customer’s relationship for a past period where they received the single rate may result in an overpayment being generated as part of the claim. Debt shell activities that generate due to linking a customer to their partner should be left for Debt Staff to investigate. See Debt identification.

Note: if the partner is in receipt of payments or services, a MOD P is required from the partner who is required to advise a change of circumstances within 14 days. A Request for Information can be sent from the partner's record.

If someone not in receipt of payments or services notifies, they have become partnered via a MOD P, their record must still be updated. If the contact is by phone, and the partner is present and can provide all the required information, updates can be taken over the phone. If the partner is not present or cannot provide all required information, tell the customer to lodge a MOD P. Confirmation of the relationship is still needed for customers not currently receiving Centrelink payments or services.

A MOD P is not required for parents/guardians of dependent YA/ABY customers who have partnered where the parents/guardians are not receiving an income support payment. See Changes which may affect the Parental Income Test (PIT) for more details.

Does the customer intend to claim a government payment from Services Australia?


Customer advises their relationship status will change in future + Read more ...

Two people do not need to be living together to be considered members of a couple (and therefore partnered).

If a customer advises they are partnered, they can have their records linked even if they live separately. They may or may not plan to move in together on a future date.

Has the customer confirmed the relationship start date is in the future?

  • Yes, do not code the change. The system will not allow coding a future relationship start date on the MS screen. If a MOD P form:
    • has been provided, accept the form and any supporting documents. Scan them to the customer’s record. Place the scan activity on hold, resubmit date = the future start date of the relationship. DOC the record
    • has not been provided, go to Step 9
  • No, if the customer considers they are currently in a relationship, go to Step 6


Customer's relationship status has changed from de facto to married + Read more ...

If a customer has been in a de facto relationship and they advise they are now married, do not request proof of marriage unless there is doubt about the customer's relationship status.

Update the customer's relationship status from de facto to married.

In Customer First, go Marital Status (MS) screen and code the following:

  • Key MS in Next field, to access new screen for updating
  • Event Date field record the date of marriage
  • Marital Status field select MAR
  • PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr fields update as required
  • Qualifier Code field:
    • if the customer’s partner has never lived in Australia, use OVP (Ptnr O/S Never in AUST)
    • leave blank for all other cases
  • Source field, select relevant source of information
  • Receipt Date field, date the information was received. See Date of receipt
  • Select Continue to go to the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
  • Update other information by selecting screens from CDTS. If a customer requests a change to their legal name, see Aliases and other names (legal, preferred, sex and gender diverse customers, cultural considerations etc.
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise the activity
  • Create a DOC via the Fast Note workflow

Procedure ends here.


Single customer has stated they have a partner in the FA081 form + Read more ...

The Newborn Child Declaration (FA081) form is not to be used for linking customers. A MOD P must be issued. The FA081 form is only a declaration of a newborn child. It does not request all the information needed for an accurate assessment of the customer's relationship status.

Where a single customer indicates in their FA081 form they have a partner, attempt to contact the customer to confirm their relationship status.

Outbound contact attempt

Make 1 outbound contact attempt to discuss their relationship status.

Was the outbound contact to the customer successful?


Review customer's current details and update if required + Read more ...

If the customer advises other circumstances to have changed due to becoming partnered, update their details before updating the partner's details and linking the records. The system will assess the customer as single for all updates (including RA) until linked to their partner.

Do not update the customer's relationship status currently.

If multiple records exist for the customer, see Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN).

Note: if the customer's payment status is SUSpended and they have advised they have become partnered while suspended, partner details are required before payment can be restored. This can be done verbally if the partner is present (go to Step 10 for details), otherwise a completed MOD P (go to Step 9 for details) is required before restoring the customer's payment.

Update the customer's record as required:

  • Update any changes, including Office Code (OC) screen, by selecting the appropriate screen from the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
  • If updating address details:
    • On the Accommodation Details (AC) screen, code correct sharer status and net rent paid. Combined rent paid by all occupants cannot exceed total rent payable for the dwelling. When coding rent details, treat the customer as single until they are linked with their partner
      For example, if the customer is not an exempt sharer, code the Sharer status field as SHR and code the customer’s portion of the rent in the Net rent field
      See Completing the AC screen and assessing RA
    • When the Sharer Details screen displays, insert 'No' to the question about sharing accommodation, as the customer is being linked to the partner. The sharer details process is only relevant to single customers
  • Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Check if the customer's entitlement is affected by the move. For example, a job seeker with mutual obligation requirements moves to an area of lower employment. See Moving to an Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) employment related exclusion period
  • Record details on a DOC

Is the customer a principal carer?


Customer is a principal carer + Read more ...

Only one member of a couple can be a principal carer for income support payment purposes. If two single parents become partnered, a decision must be made about who is the principal carer and who will claim FTB.

When there is at least one child from a previous relationship, the family could be assessed as a blended family for FTB. The customer must decide who will receive the FTB or if they would prefer to be assessed as a blended family. The start date for the Child Override (CHOC) screen coding will be dependent on the customer's choice. See Blended families and Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

If the customer is receiving FTB or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and advises a change in shared care, a new care assessment may be required. For help see:

Before linking the records, update the Principal Carer Circumstance Details (PCCD) and CHOC screens for the person who will not be the principal carer. See Principal carer of a dependent child.


Determine if partner is present + Read more ...

There is no need for a Partner details (MOD P) if:

  • both the customer and partner are present, and
  • all the required information is available when they advise they have become partnered

Is the partner present and able to verify their details?


Request MOD P + Read more ...

See Requesting information (CLK) for help with the most appropriate process before issuing the RFI letter. For example, a verbal request may be appropriate.

Tell the customer of general 14 day notification provisions.

If the customer or partner does not have a Confirmed Identity Confirmation Indicator (ICI), they may need to provide documents that establish commencement of identity (COI) and use of identity in the community - Primary Use in the Community (PUiC) and Secondary Use in the Community (SUiC). The link between the identity and the person will then be established via a photographic identity document. For more information, see Identity Confirmation.

Note: confirmation of the relationship by both the customer and partner is required to update and link customer and partner records. If there is documented family and domestic violence on the customer or partner's record, see Family and domestic violence.

Procedure ends here.


Partner is present + Read more ...

Read the appropriate privacy statement and the declaration to the partner:

  • Privacy and your personal information - partner is a Centrelink customer
    The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us and is protected by law. We need to collect this information so we can process and manage your applications and payments and provide services to you. We only share your information with other parties where you have agreed, or where the law allows or requires it. For more information, go to
  • Privacy and your personal information - partner is not a Centrelink customer
    The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us and is protected by law. We collect this information to provide payments and services. We only share your information with other parties where you have agreed, or where the law allows or requires it. For more information, go to
  • Declaration about false and misleading information
    Do you declare that the information you have provided is complete and correct and understand that giving false or misleading information is a serious offence?

Record in a DOC that the above was read to the partner.

If the partner is not a current customer, see the Resources page for a link to the Partner details (MOD P) form for what questions must be asked when obtaining partner details.

Has the partner confirmed the relationship and provided enough details to start linking?


International customer becomes partnered + Read more ...

A customer must advise the agency of a change in their relationship status if they are receiving:

  • an Australian income support payment while living overseas, or
  • an Australian income support payment and their partner lives overseas

The customer's partner will need to complete a Partner details (AUS174) form.

Note: the AUS174 is also available in Greek and Italian. See Online forms.

Customers will need to be issued, along with the AUS174 an XOBS32, which includes a 28 day Suspension warning for failure to comply.

Procedure ends here.


Insufficient partner details + Read more ...

See Requesting information (CLK) for help with the most appropriate process before issuing the RFI letter. For example, a verbal request may be appropriate.

Tell the customer of the general 14 day notification provisions.

Procedure ends here until MOD P returned.

Update relationship status and link customer and partner records

Table 2




Pre-linking checks + Read more ...

It is possible the MOD P was requested from a customer who asked to cancel their income support payment. If this is the case, the record may still have to be updated to ensure the customer has not been overpaid in the time they have been partnered.

If actioning an adverse MoC decision (a MoC relationship exists) and both the customer and their partner are getting a payment, the 2 records can be linked without a MOD P.

Before updating the Marital Status (MS) screen and linking the records, note the following details:

  • If the partner does not have a record, do not create a record for the partner. The linking process will create a record for the partner. Partner’s details will be updated when linking
  • If the partner has a record, check both records for returned MOD P, to make sure the correct date of receipt is used
  • In addition to basic partner details such as name and date of birth (DOB), ensure the partner's Tax File Number (TFN) and correct income and asset details are known before starting to link records. This information may affect the customer and/or partner's payment eligibility and/or rate
  • If the customer's payment status is 'SUS'pended, check if payment can be restored after the records are linked, noting the customer may no longer be eligible based on partner income and asset tests
  • If linking the customer to a partner they have been linked to in the past, use the partner's existing Customer Reference Number (CRN) to keep any existing links to other departments. For example, to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • If the partner's existing record is in a different environment, transfer the partner's record to the same environment as the customer for the linking to be finalised
  • If multiple records exist for the customer and/or partner, see Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN)

Is the new partner linked to another person from a previous relationship?


New partner is linked to another customer from a previous relationship + Read more ...

If the new partner is linked to another customer from a previous relationship, the system will produce an error if trying to link the customer and the new partner. If the partner is not present, make 1 outbound attempt to the partner to confirm the end date of previous relationship.

If the partner cannot be contacted, use the date prior to the start date of new relationship, as advised by the customer (and confirmed by the partner) on the MOD P.

Update the partner’s relationship status from partnered to separated.

In Customer First, go to the Marital Status (MS) screen and code the following:

  • Event Date: field, record the date of separation. If the date is unknown, use the date prior to the start date of new relationship
  • Marital Status: field, select separated marital status
  • PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr fields, leave blank as PPE will automatically cease once the separation has been processed on the partner’s record
  • Qualifier Code field: leave blank
  • Source field: select relevant source of information
  • Receipt Date field: date the information was received. See Date of receipt
  • Select Continue to go to the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen
  • Do not code any other changes as the partner’s record will be updated further when they are linked to the customer
  • Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Go to Step 3


Update MS screen and link customer and partner records + Read more ...

In Customer First go to the Marital Status (MS) screen and code the following fields:

  • Event Date: record the date the customer became partnered. For:
    • adverse MoC decisions, depends on their circumstances. For more details, see Notification Handler (NOHL)
    • new claims, where neither the customer nor partner were in receipt of Centrelink payments/services from start date of relationship, recording the date the customer became partnered may not be possible due to errors relating to address coding. In these cases, use the date of claim, which is acceptable for quality checking purposes
    • If assistance with determining the Event Date is needed, follow the standard escalation procedures. See Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency
  • Marital Status: record the appropriate status
  • PPE Cust and PPE Ptnr: key 'N' unless each member of the couple has given written or verbal permission to enquire on each other's behalf
    • The customer can verbally nominate their partner Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) authority
    • If the customer wants their partner to be a nominee (payment or correspondence nominee), issue an Authorising a person or organisation to act on your behalf (SS313) form. Advise the customer to complete and return the form within 14 days. See Adding or rejecting a nominee request
  • Qualifier Code:
    • if the customer’s partner has never lived in Australia, use OVP (Ptnr O/S Never in AUST
    • leave blank, for all other cases
  • Source field, select relevant source of information
  • Date of receipt: field, date the information was received. See Date of receipt
  • Select Continue to go to the Link Person (LP) screen

Link the customer and partner records on LP screen

  • To link the records, add the partner via the LP screen by coding their surname, first name or initial, and date of birth
  • The system will search for a record. Select the record. If no record found, add a new record via the Add Person (AP) screen
  • The system will present the customer on the Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen:
    • select any relevant screens for updating customer details based on the information provided
    • see the relevant Operational Blueprint for details on updating any other customer details e.g. updating address, payment destination etc. Press [Enter]
  • Key any changed income details for both the customer and their partner
  • If the couple have brand new address/accommodation details (that is, the new address/accommodation is not recorded for either member of the couple):
  • If one member of the couple have not had a change in address/accommodation details (that is, one member of the couple has moved in with the other member):
    • check the address is correct on both records, update if required
    • even where there have been no changes to one person’s details, an update to the Accommodation Details (AC) screen will still be required for customers in receipt of a payments that attracts Rent Assistance
    • on the Accommodation History (ACS) screen, select the 'provisional activity' via the Event Date that has defaulted from the date entered on the MS screen
    • ensure Accommodation Details for: field is Customer and Partner (B)
    • update the Rent Verification: field from Link of two customers - LNK to either the same code that existed before LNK (for example, VEF/VEC/VED) or the most relevant code for the couple's current circumstances. If the previous code was Verified electronically - VEE, update this to Verified (Rent Declaration) - VED. For more details, see Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
  • If the couple have not had a change in address/accommodation details (that is, the couple were already living together before they started their relationship):
    • even where there have been no changes, an update to the Accommodation Details (AC) will still be required for customers in receipt of payments that attract Rent Assistance
    • on the Accommodation History (ACS) screen, select the 'provisional activity' via the Event Date that has defaulted from the date entered on the MS screen
    • ensure Accommodation Details for: field is Customer and Partner (B)
    • update the Rent Verification: field from Link of two customers - LNK to either the same code that existed before LNK (for example, VEF/VEC/VED) or the most relevant code for the couple's current circumstances. If the previous code was Verified electronically - VEE, update this to Verified (Rent Declaration) - VED. For more details, see Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
  • Select Continue to go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen

Note: ensure the customer’s response to the 'Is your partner currently living, or will live, in the same home as you' are checked. If the response is no, consider the response to why not. Refer to Resources in Assessment of relationship status – processes, roles and responsibilities, for information on other considerations for the customer’s circumstances.


Check payment result after linking records + Read more ...

Will the customer's/partner's income support payment auto cancel due to the income and assets test?

The Decision Maker (DM) must explain the decision to the customer. Make genuine attempts to contact the customer by phone before issuing written advice of the decision outcome. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision.

  • Yes, after advising customer or making genuine attempts to contact them, if the customer is:
  • No, advise of any mutual obligation requirements and negotiate a Job Plan if necessary. These may have changed (for example, as a result of a change in principal carer status):

Note: depending on the date the relationship started, the customer may get a reduced rate for part of their current payment period. The Activity Results (AR) page can be checked to determine the impact on payment.

If a customer received Crisis Payment in the period the change is being applied, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).


Customer or new partner receiving CP or CA + Read more ...

Is the customer/new partner receiving CP/CA for care provided to their new partner?

Customers also receiving FTB and/or CCS must provide or revise their family income estimate. See Family assistance customer becomes partnered.


Issue a decision letter + Read more ...

Finalise all associated activities and DOCs on the AL screen

Issue a manual MOD P Favourable Q888 letter to the customer and partner, where the partner is a current Centrelink customer. See the Resources page for approved Q888 letter text.

Note: a Q888 decision letter is not required when the customer and partner are linked because of a MoC decision. This is because a Q499 MoC decision letter should have been sent to the customer when the MoC decision was finalised. Check the History Summary (HS) screen to make sure a Q499 was issued. If there is no letter on the HS screen, issue a Q499 to the customer.

Customer wants to cancel their payment

Table 3




Cancelling customer's payment + Read more ...

Before cancelling the customer's payment, advise them they may still be eligible for:

  • payment at a reduced rate based on their partner's income and the partnered income test, or
  • other benefits for up to 6 fortnights during an employment income nil rate period

Partner and income details need to be advised and recorded (including income estimate for FTB and CCS). For CCS, the customer will need to provide Activity Test details for their partner.

Does the customer still insist on cancelling their income support payment?


Check whether the partner's details are required + Read more ...

There may be times when Service Officers must gather the partner's information before cancelling the customer's payment.

For example, if the customer may have been overpaid since they became partnered.

Are the partner's details required?

  • Yes,
    • If the customer or their partner (if available) can provide all relevant partner details now
      - update MS screen and link records (see Step 3 in Table 2 )
      - then go to Step 5 to cancel payment
    • If the customer or their partner (if available) cannot provide all relevant partner details at this initial contact, go to Step 4
    • If the customer refuses to provide relevant partner details, go to Step 3
  • No, go to Step 5


Customer refuses to provide relevant partner details + Read more ...

Payment is to be cancelled reason CLR from the date the customer became partnered when:

  • it has been determined that partner information is required (to assess any final payment entitlements) before cancelling the customer's payment, and
  • the customer:
    • refuses to provide relevant partner details, or
    • fails to return form previously issued to gather partner details

To cancel the customer's payment, go to Step 5.


Customer or their partner (if available) cannot provide all relevant partner details + Read more ...

See Requesting information (CLK) for help with the most appropriate process before issuing the RFI letter. For example, a verbal request may be appropriate.

Advise the customer of the general 14 day notification provisions.

Procedure ends here until MOD P returned.


Customer wants to cancel payment + Read more ...

The Decision Maker (DM) must explain the decision to the customer. See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision.

After advising the customer:

  • If required, update any changes (e.g. address and contact details) including the Office Code (OC) screen, by selecting the screen from the Customer Details Task (CDTS).
  • If the customer has earnings, code employment income before cancelling the payment.
  • For Carer Payment (CP) or Carer Allowance (CA) customers, use the Carer cancellation and suspension workflow. Cancellation reason 'CLR' (Withdrawn/voluntary surrender) must be used for these customers
  • For all other payments, manually cancel the payment via the Benefit Action (BA) screen using cancellation reason 'CLR'
  • Update the Effect Date field. The Date of effect will default, or enter the date of effect. The date will depend on each customer's circumstances. Service Officers must determine the right date. See Unfavourable decisions in Notification Handler (NOHL) for help
  • For a retrospective assessment, determine if an overpayment should be raised. This is if the customer received an income support payment since the date, they became partnered. For more information, see:
  • If any final payment is owed to the customer, discuss these details, and generate the payment


Finalise the activity + Read more ...

Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Create a DOC via Workspace > Documents and Correspondence > Fast Note, detailing the cancellation. Ensure all information provided by the customer (the date they became partnered) is also recorded. See Getting it Right (GIR) DOC Minimum Standards.

If the customer is receiving FTB and CCS, see Family assistance customer becomes partnered.

Note: If a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).


Check if a manual letter is required + Read more ...

When a customer's payment is cancelled for a valid reason code, the system should issue a letter to the customer to advise them of the cancellation.

However, sometimes this may not occur.

Check the record to make sure the appropriate letter has issued to the customer following cancellation:

  • Run the Daily Driver by keying 'DDR' in the Next field, [Enter]
  • Check the History Summary (HS) screen to see if a letter issued to the customer
  • If there is no letter on the HS screen, check the AL screen for a manual letter (MFU) activity
  • If there is an MFU requiring a manual letter to be sent to the customer, create a Free Text (Q134) letter. Note: Customer First must be used when a letter is created inside a Customer First activity, for example an MFU