Principal carer of a dependent child 001-04030010
This document outlines how to assess and record a customer as a principal carer of a dependent child so that their payment qualification, rate, mutual obligation requirements and additional entitlements are determined correctly. This applies to Parenting Payment Single (PPS), Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP), JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker), and Special Benefit (SpB). It also outlines the process to address error codes E630PN, E559NM and E152PG.
On this page:
Assessing and recording a customer as the principal carer of a dependent child
E630PN, E559NM or E152PG - Child is the dependant of another principal carer
Assessing and recording a customer as the principal carer of a dependent child
Step |
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Caring for a dependent child + Read more ... Customer is claiming or receiving an income support payment where a principal carer determination is needed. Customer advises a dependent child aged under 16:
A customer may remain the principal carer of a child during a temporary absence from the child's care, including where care of the child is contested, or the child is abducted. See Child leaves customer's care/custody. If the customer:
For help with the definition of a principal carer of a dependent child, see the References page. |
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Dependent child under 16 has entered care + Read more ... Has a care determination been completed and customer assessed as having care of the child/ren? Note: check by reviewing existing coding on Child in Customer Care (CHC), FTB Shared Care (FSC), SSA Shared Care (SSC) screens/shared care table and any DOC/Notes on the file.
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Dependent child under 16 permanently left care + Read more ... Has the child/ren already been coded out of the customers care? Note: check by reviewing existing coding on Child in Customer Care (CHC), FTB Shared Care (FSC), SSA Shared Care (SSC) screens/shared care table and any DOC/Notes on the file. For PPS:
If ‘Y’ change of care coding has not been completed correctly for this child. For PPP and JSP/YAL(jobseeker)/SpB:
If ‘Y’ change of care coding has not been completed correctly for this child. Has the change of care been coded correctly?
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Share the care of a child + Read more ...
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Principal carer determination required for ADGRP claim + Read more ... If a customer has lodged a claim for Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) for a child/ren and is not currently receiving income support or FTB payments, a principal carer determination may be required. Check current coding on SSC screen/shared care table for the child before commencing a new principal carer determination. Does the SSC screen/shared care table have a care percentage and principal carer status coded for the child?
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Customer and partner transferring principal carer status + Read more ... Only one person at a time can be the principal carer. A partnered customer may want to transfer the principal carer status to their partner. This includes JSP, YAL (jobseeker) and SpB partners with dependent children, PPP and FTB customers. The customer and partner must agree to swap the principal carer status. A DOC must be completed on both customer and partner records detailing the discussion, including who is to be the principal carer. In the following circumstances, the partner swap will be completed when the PP claim is assessed.
See Processing Parenting Payment (PP) claims. For all other customers, staff are to:
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Principal carer status + Read more ... If a customer gains or loses principal carer status, their eligibility and rate of payment, extra entitlements and mutual obligations may be impacted. Principal carer status of a child will be determined by what is coded on the CHC, SSC screen/shared care table and CHOC screens. When coding the SSC screen/shared care table principal carer indicator, staff must take into consideration all factors discussed in making a principal carer determination. If the customer has:
Note: from 2 March 2024 two new principal carer override codes has been created on the CHOC screen:
See Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen for when these codes need to be coded. See Table 2 if one of the following error codes is preventing an activity from being completed:
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Check child eligibility details on Assessment Explanation (AX) screen + Read more ... Before finalising the activity, check child eligibility details are correct. Take the activity to the AR/ELD screen before checking the screens below.
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Change in principal carer status + Read more ... If a current customer has gained or lost principal carer status, it may be necessary for the customer to claim an alternative income support payment. Customers may also have changes to their concession card entitlement, income test and mutual obligations. Discuss these changes with the customer and encourage them to lodge a claim for alternative assistance if necessary. Note: If a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP). Job Plans If the customer is a Centrelink managed job seeker, their Job Plan may need to be updated to reflect their new mutual obligation requirements. Centrelink managed job seekers needing to re-negotiate their Job Plan may have a new plan negotiated over the phone (if they have an Online Account) or may attend a service centre. If referring the job seeker to a service centre, make an Enquiry appointment type for the customer. Check Office Locator for service centre appointment requirements. The Resources page contains a link to Office Locator. Where necessary, renegotiate the customer's Job Plan and ensure the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen in Process Direct is updated accordingly. |
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Advise decision in writing + Read more ... If 2 or more people are caring for the child, if the principal carer determination is changed, each person must be advised in writing of the principal carer determination, even if they have not claimed income support payment. Run the Child - Change in Care Arrangements script to create the appropriate letter to advise each carer of the principal carer decision. Consider relevant privacy issues when referring to the other carer in the letter. When each member of a couple is claiming or receiving payment based on being a principal carer, ensure each person is advised in writing of the principal carer determination. The Resources page contains standard text. |
E630PN, E559NM or E152PG - Child is the dependant of another principal carer
Table 2
Step |
Action |
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Error codes + Read more ... PEN E630PN - ‘child’s name’ is the dependant of another Principal Carer NSS E559NM - Another customer is Principal Carer for ‘child’s name’ PGA E152PG -‘child’s name’ is the dependant of another Principal Carer |
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Principal carer errors + Read more ... The above error messages present when another person is already being assessed as the principal carer of a child. The error code that presents depends on what payment the customer is receiving. Only one person at a time can be the principal carer of a particular child. In shared carer situations generally the person with the greater degree of care and control of the child is considered the principal carer. In equal care situations a principal carer determination is required to determine who should be the principal carer. For further information see Shared care for income support payments and principal carer determination. |
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Determine who is the principal carer + Read more ... Before actioning updates to correct the error, first confirm who is the principal carer (PC) of the child:
The SSC Shared Care table on the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen in Process Direct and the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen in Customer First for a child shows:
If there is no coding on the SSC screen/table, check the PC status of a child:
If there has been a change in care/shared care that has not be recorded, this must be updated to ensure the customer receives the correct entitlements. See Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). |
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CHOC screen + Read more ... The CHOC screen is used to correct the above errors. Where a customer is:
Note: only update the CHOC screen in Customer First unless required as part of a claim activity. Where the record being actioned is:
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Record being actioned is not the principal carer of the child + Read more ... Where the error is presenting within a new claim activity in Process Direct, complete the following coding within the claim activity in Process Direct. For all other scenarios, action the following in a separate activity in Customer First. Select the applicable child from the Relationships Menu in Process Direct. or the Child Selection (CHS) screen in Customer First. Check the SSC shared care table on SCA in Process Direct or the SSC screen in Customer First or. If there:
Before finalising the activity check any debts or arrears payments are correct. Has the error preventing action now resolved and the activity finalised?
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Record being actioned is the principal carer of the child + Read more ... Select the applicable child from the Relationships Menu in Process Direct or the Child Selection (CHS) screen in Customer First.
There is no simple way to determine what CRN is driving the principal carer error. In Customer First complete CHOC coding on all linked customers if the child is no longer in their care or the customer is no longer the principal carer of the child where care is shared. Note: CHOC coding outside of a claim activity should not be completed in Process Direct. If a change in care/shared care has not be recorded, this must be updated to ensure the customer receives the correct entitlements. See Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).
Has the error preventing action now resolved and the activity finalised?
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Error still presents + Read more ... If E630PN/E559NM/E152PG still prevents completion of the activity, see Technical Support Model for escalation procedures. |