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General debt raising information 107-04010000

This document outlines a number of procedures for raising Centrelink debts that are common to all payment types.

Raising Centrelink debts

Staff should:

  • raise a recoverable debt as quickly as possible
  • inform the customer of the debt as soon as it happens
  • process debts correctly to avoid Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities

    Access requirements to action debt activities

    Debt Staff have the required system access to perform debt related functions, such as running the Debt Script.

    Non-Debt Staff required to perform a debt related action need the appropriate security access. See the Resources page for details.

    After hours debt calls to customers

    Outbound customer contact may occur outside of Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Permitted outbound contact hours are Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm local time where the customer lives.

    If a customer asks why they are being contacted after hours, staff should explain that they have tried to find the best time to discuss the debt with the customer.

    Debt Staff are to record all customer contacts on a DOC.

    Customer service delivery staff

    If a customer asks about an after hours call:

    • read the Customer Overview screen
    • confirm if the contact was legitimate

      Customer record updates not generating debt shells

      If a user makes an update that should be generating a debt shell, but the system does not create one, see Create a new debt record manually on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS).

      The Resources page contains information about tax adjustment and common tax adjustment errors.


      Statement of Debt

      Raising Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA) debts

      Raising and attribution of Service Update debts

      Requesting refunds and raising debts for deceased customer

      Actioning third party debts

      Changing account details on debts raised in the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

      Explaining and actioning an undetermined debt on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

      Sending Account Payable letters

      Create a new debt record manually on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

      Actioning negative adjustments on the Assessment Results (AR) screen

      Adjusting amounts on a payment summary

      Coronavirus Supplement (CVS) debts

      Debt Raising and Recovery for customers in locations affected by disaster events

      Debt raising support for customers

      Recovery Fee applied to debts resulting from incorrect declaration of income

      Debt investigation

      Debt identification

      Calculating Centrelink entitlements and gathering information when investigating debts

      Managing recovery and non recovery of Centrelink debts

      Raising ISP debts for customers granted PPL and DAP