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Changing account details on debts raised in the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) 107-04010050

This document outlines how to modify debts in DMIS.

DMIS and Process Direct

View all debts in DMIS.

Modify debts managed in Process Direct, such as Child Care Subsidy (CCS) in Process Direct.

Changes to debts

Debt fields that can be updated include:

  • amount
  • reason, and
  • section of the Act under which the debt is raised

A registered debt can be changed, except where:

  • a temporary write off is in place
  • the customer is not the primary debtor
  • an activity with provisional updates is not complete
  • a reconciliation debt is raised

Changes to the record cannot be made if the debt is:

  • Finalised ‘no debt’ (FND)
  • Held (H)
  • Parked (P)
  • a protected Assurance of Support (AoS) debt
  • a compensation debt under:
    • Section 1184G
    • Section 1184F, or
    • Section 1184H

Reconciliation debts are protected, apart from the following fields:

  • Notification Date
  • Event Date
  • Was debt solely due to system or clerical error?

Actioning an undetermined debt on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

Raising Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts in Process Direct

Recovering Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts in Process Direct