Where customers are unable to provide a residential address 003-06010080
If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.
This document outlines:
- the procedure for processing address updates for customers who are homeless
- how staff can help customers in organising an alternative contact address
Homelessness does not affect a customer's entitlement to receive payment, with the exception of customers applying for Rent Assistance. Services Australia must have an address where a customer can receive mail.
Note: If a customer advises they are separating, see Separating safely - protecting personal details to ensure personal information is kept safe.
Selecting an appropriate address for a customer who is homeless
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer advises they have no residential address + Read more ... Does the customer meet Services Australia's definition of homelessness?
2 |
Customer does not have a residential address + Read more ... If appropriate, code an At Risk Display on Access DOC:
If the customer is a job seeker and has relocated, check if Moving to Area of Lower Employment Prospects (MALEP) provisions apply. Note: although not homeless, customers who are travelling may not be able to provide a residential address. See: Step 8 will explain the process for when customers have experienced family and domestic violence. |
3 |
Customer must supply a postal address + Read more ... Does the customer currently have a postal address?
4 |
Check customer’s postal address + Read more ... Is the customer's current postal address already updated?
5 |
Discuss possible postal address options + Read more ...
If the above options are not available or suitable for the customer, consider the following last resort options:
Note: for correspondence to be sent, the agency must be provided an address where a customer can receive mail. |
6 |
Appropriate postal address + Read more ... Is the customer able to supply an appropriate postal address?
7 |
Update postal address + Read more ... To send correspondence, the agency must be given an address where a customer can receive mail. Update the customer's new postal address on the Address Details (AD) screen using the Rapid Addressing Mode. Note: staff should consider using yesterday’s date. This will make sure outgoing correspondence is sent to the correct address. Important: make sure the home address is not updated with the new postal address. This can create a range of payment and rent errors for the person whose address is being used.
When the 'care of' information is coded correctly, Rapid Addressing will still give address suggestions based on the user address input that can be selected from the list of suggestions. For more information, see Rapid Addressing. Australia Post Counter Mail Delivery items should be addressed as follows:
Example: Coding the Street address: field for Australia Post Counter Mail Delivery "C/O Australia Post" 261 Queen St, or (C/O Australia Post) 261 Queen St For information on changing a customer's address, see Updating address details. |
8 |
Update address details + Read more ... Update the Address Details (AD) screen. Use Rapid Addressing
Update the Accommodation (AC) screen. Using field help ('?') for correct coding information, update record as needed For more details, see Updating address details and Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA). Note: if the customer is living in a family and domestic violence refuge, only a postal address needs to be recorded, (for example, a PO Box). In these cases, the ‘home address’ should be coded as ‘no fixed address’ or ‘confidential’. This will not impact the customer's ability to receive Rent Assistance, as rent verification is not required for customers residing in a refuge. A similar process applies to customers who have experienced family and domestic violence, and:
Update their home address details as ‘confidential’. Rent verification is needed if the customer wants to claim Rent Assistance, but the address details may be redacted. See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA) for updating details, including for customers in Refuge Type accommodation who have applied for a Government housing transfer. Staff can add a password to a customer’s file, see: |
9 |
Update other contact details + Read more ...