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Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA) 108-18092646

Table 1: Reading the Assessment Results (AR) screen and locating information about system calculations

Table 1



$ Adj Amt field

  • Appears on the right of the screen
  • If there is a debt or arrears the amount will appear in this field
  • If there is a partner/ex-partner check the $ Adj Amt field for both customers
  • Use RATS or the !RATS to find information about how the amount was calculated
  • The amount may be a combination of both a debt and arrears.
    For example, the AC screen update results in a past period assessment for 2 months. The system assesses that for the first month the customer was underpaid by $700 but in the second month was overpaid by $500. The $ Adj Amt field will show the balance, arrears of $200 to be paid

Rate Details (RATS)

Two tables will display within the AR screen:

Daily Rate Summary (RATS)

The old and new rates of payment will be displayed in the table.

Select the pay periods by using the radio buttons on the left. Yellow selection boxes will display under the table. These selection boxes can be used for further information about the entitlement for the relevant pay period.

The names and number of yellow selection boxes depend on the system which delivers the RA.

If RA is received with an income support payment, 2 options will display:

  • ACE: Daily Assessment Circumstance Enquiry displays what changed and the system determined date of effect
  • REX: Daily Rate Explanation displays the components of the customer’s rate of payment for each payment period

If RA is received with Family Tax Benefit (FTB), 5 options will display:

  • AX: Assessment Explanation displays child eligibility for FTBA and FTBB
  • 4 REX options:
    • REX or REXFTB: FTB Rate Explanation displays a breakdown of payment rate as well as number/age range of children entitled for FTBA and FTBB
    • REXFTBA: FTB Part A Explanation displays information about how FTBA payment is calculated based on income including maintenance
    • REXFTBB: FTB Part B Explanation displays information about how FTBB payment is calculated based on income including maintenance

Note: changes for FTB payments apportion over a financial year therefore the adjustment dates may not match.

The REX will have further information.

Daily Rate Component (RAC)

This table will explain the amount in the $ Adj Amt field. To display more details for each of the lines in the table, select the radio button on the left. More details will display in a new table at the bottom of the screen.

Note: changes for FTB payments apportion over a financial year therefore the adjustment dates may not match.

Rate Summary (!RATS)

Provides the information in web format.

Select links to open information.

NOHL Rule Explanation (DOER)

The DOER screen will display with the applicable dates, entitlement and rule numbers applied within the activity.

Table 2: Hints and tips - assessing the outcome of the Accommodation Details (AC) screen update

Table 2:



Rent Assistance (RA) has stopped even though verification coding is correct

Check for a Not Verified - NVE verification line on the Accommodation History (ACS) screen.


  • If rent verification is received but not processed within 28 days, an auto update of the ACS screen will occur
  • A line will be added with rent verification Not Verified - NVE which stops the payment of rent

If this line, or any earlier Not Verified - NVE line is incorrect, delete the line.

Unexplained gap in a period of arrears

  • The number of dependants changes
  • Becoming partnered and the partner is also receiving RA
  • RA is paid with Family Tax Benefit (FTB). RA entitlement is reduced if FTB Part A entitlement is reduced
  • Customer becomes subject to the sharer's rate of RA

Other possible causes are gaps in entitlement or payability, such as:

  • A zero rate period
  • Loss of entitlement for a period, for example, Youth Allowance (YA) student away from home rate ends

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) RA rate has changed but rent amount paid hasn't

  • The number of dependants changes
  • Becoming partnered and the partner is also receiving RA
  • RA is paid with FTB. RA entitlement is reduced if FTB Part A entitlement is reduced
  • Customer becomes subject to the sharers’ rate of RA

For more information, see What to check when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) rate has changed

Table 3: Date of effect for Rent Assistance (RA) - notification reporter

Table 3:

Result of change

Notified event within 14 days

Notified event outside 14 days

Increase in RA

The later of:

  • date of event, or
  • date of notification

The later of:

  • date of event, or
  • date of notification

Decrease in RA

  • date of event - if processed in same entitlement period as event, or
  • the first of the entitlement period after the event - if processed during the first entitlement period after the event, or
  • the day after the end of the notification period - if processed later than the entitlement period after the event

Date of event

Table 4: Date of effect for Rent Assistance (RA) - stimulus customer

Table 4:

Result of change

Notified with report for entitlement period of event

Not notified with report for entitlement period of event

Increase in RA

Date of event

Date of notification

Decrease in RA

Date of event

Date of event

Table 5: System issue KE10772 impacting some stimulus customers

Table 5




Due to system issue (KE10772) stimulus customers may be overpaid RA if they don't notify of a rent increase or the commencement of paying rent in the reporting period for the date of the change. Stimulus customers who don't notify of a rent increase or rent commencement, in the reporting period for the change, are only entitled to a higher rate of Rent Assistance (RA) or payment of RA from the date of notification.

This system issue causes the system to apply a NOHL Rule of 99 or 10 which either pays an increased or new rate of RA from an earlier date such as the entitlement period start date, a CPI date, the date of restoration or a reassessment date.

Rule 10: Will cause the system to apply the new rate of RA from the entitlement period start date (EPSD).

Rule 99: Will cause the system to apply the new rate of RA from either a CPI date, or the date of restoration or a reassessment date in the activity (that is, if BA screen is coded).


Check if arrears are incorrect due to NOHL Rule 99 or 10

Check the NOHL rules when the activity is taken to AR by selecting 'NOHL Rule Explanation (DOER)' in the left hand menu in Customer First.

The DOER screen will then display with the applicable dates, entitlement and rule numbers applied within the activity. If the following rules are present and the arrears do not commence from the correct date as detailed in table 4 above, the customer record will require an override.


Incorrect NOHL Period example – Rule 10:

The customer was receiving $110.62 a fortnight in RA. Customer had an increase to their rent on 17 March 2020 and did not notify this change in their report for EPED 25 March 2020. The customer notified the rent increase on 8 April 2020.

In this example, NOHL rule 10 was applied incorrectly increasing RA from the entitlement period start date and not the date of notification. To correct this RCO must be coded with the following:

  • Start Date = 26/03/2020
  • End Date = 07/04/2020 (date of notification -1)
  • Type = VRM’ and Reason = ‘SYS
  • Amount = $110.62, RA rate prior to rent increase

RCO is coded to ensure the RA increased rate is correctly paid from the date of notification (8 April 2020) onwards.


Incorrect NOHL Period example – Rule 99:

The customer was previously receiving a zero rate of RA and commenced paying rent from 10 September 2020. The customer notified the Agency on 26 September 2020 regarding their rental liability.

In this example, NOHL rule 99 was applied incorrectly increasing RA from the CPI date and not the date of notification. To correct this RCO must be coded with the following:

  • Start Date = 20/09/2020
  • End Date = 25/09/2020 (date of notification -1)
  • Type = ’ VRM’ and Reason = ‘SYS
  • Amount = 0

RCO is coded to ensure RA is only paid from the date of notification (26 September 2020) onwards.

Table 6: Date of effect for Rent Assistance (RA) – FTB customers

Table 6

Result of change

Verified before the end of the financial year after the financial year in which the change occurred

Verified after the end of the financial year after the financial year in which the change occurred

Increase in RA

Date of event

The beginning of the financial year before the financial year in which the customer verified the change in circumstances.

Decrease in RA

Date of event

Date of event

Table 7: Date of effect for Rent Assistance (RA) – ABY customers

Table 7

Result of change

Notified event within 14 days

Notified event outside 14 days

Increase in RA

Date of event

Date of event

Decrease in RA

Date of event

Date of event

See Change of circumstances for ABSTUDY customers for more information.

Table 8: Understanding correct date of effect to pay Rent Assistance (RA) arrears for a notification reporter

Table 8




A notification reporter receives RA at a rate lower than the maximum rate payable

On 2 February customer's rent increases but they do not notify until 13 February.

The customer's rate of payment is increased from 13 February, the date of notification.



A notification reporter receives RA at a lower rate than the maximum rate payable

On 2 February customer advises of a change to their rent. The new rent amount is notified as $200 per week but is recorded as $200 per fortnight. On 18 February, customer queries the rate of RA and during the discussion it emerges that they are paying $200 per week.

In this situation the contact on 18 February would be considered a request for review. The customer's rate of payment can be increased from 2 February.


A notification reporter receives RA and is sent a rent certificate but does not return it within 28 days

The customer's RA is cancelled from 4 February. On 5 March, the customer lodges the rent certificate.

In this situation, the lodgement of the rent certificate on 5 March is considered a request for review. Arrears may be payable from 4 February.

Table 9: Understanding correct date of effect to pay Rent Assistance (RA) arrears for a stimulus customer

Table 9




A stimulus customer receives RA, has an increase in rent but does not notify of increase in reporting period

Customer's rent increased on 2 February in the reporting period covering 31 January to 13 February. Customer does not advise of the increase when they lodge their report on 13 February.

Customer notifies increase on 20 February.

Increase in RA would take effect from 20 February (date of notification).

Timeline - Determining date of effect and arrears for RA statement reporter Notification reporter receiving Rent Assistance at a lower rate then the maximum payable


A stimulus customer receiving RA has an increase in rent, advises of the increase when they report, but does not provide verification within 28 days

On 13 May, customer's rent increased. Customer advised of increase when they report for the 10 May to 23 May on the due date (23 May). Customer is paid RA increase during period 13 May (Chg Address/Accom Circs-14 days to verify - COA verification) until 10 June (Not Verified - NVE verification).

Customer provides a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) verifying rent details on 10 July. As customer met original notification requirements for increase in rent and verification provided within 13 weeks, customer is entitled to RA arrears from the date RA was paid to (10 June).


A stimulus customer not receiving RA commences paying rent and advises when they report, but reports after the due date

On 1 June, customer commenced paying board and lodgings. Customer was due to report their circumstances on 13 June (for period 31 May to 13 June) but this was not advised until 16 June.

Even though the customer’s report was late, customer fulfilled notification requirements and RA would commence from the date of event (1 June).


A stimulus customer receiving RA has a rent increase, however, advises increase on a report for a later period

Customer has an increase in rent on 5 May. This increase is advised on 31 May with their report for period 18 May to 31 May.

Increase in RA would be payable from date of notification, 31 May.

Table 10: Understanding correct date of effect to pay Rent Assistance (RA) arrears for a FTB customer

Table 10




A customer who will receive RA with their FTB, verifies an increase in rent that occurred some time ago

Customers rent increased to $300 per week on 20 August 2018. The customer verifies this change on 20 June 2020.

RA can be paid, based on $300 rent per week, from the date of event which is 20 August 2018.


A customer who will receive RA with their FTB, verifies that they started paying rent some time ago

Customer who is not receiving rent assistance advises that they started paying rent of $250 per week 12 May 2018. They forgot to tell us about this change and only verify the change on 2 July 2020.

RA can be paid, based on $250 per week, from the beginning of the financial year before the financial year in which the customer verified the change in circumstances. As the change was verified in the 2020/2021 financial year RA can be paid from the beginning of the financial year before, that is 01/07/2019.

Table 11: Rent Assistance example Date of event scenarios for new claims

Table 11


Date of event

Note: check information for the type of claim before deciding on the date of event for claims. A variety of different claim specific provisions can impact the date selected. Verification coding may need to be updated.

In this table a reference to income support payment includes ABSTUDY.

All customers

Rent has been verified within the previous 12 months of their current claim and there is no change in accommodation circumstances since verification date.

No coding required.

If there is a New Claim-14 days to verify - NCL verification line on the Accommodation History (ACS) screen, delete it.

Customer or partner Family Tax Benefit (FTB) current and entitled to Rent Assistance (RA) with FTB

Rent previously verified. Verification was not within the previous 12 months of their current claim, and there has been no change in accommodation details since verification.

The earliest of:

  • date of claim lodgement/receipt (DOR)
  • date claim granted (CUR)
  • date claim rejected (REJ)
  • date claim assessed (ASS)

Rent previously verified. The customer has indicated they have had a change in accommodation circumstances.

The later of:

  • rent start date, or
  • address start date

Not FTB current and claiming an income support payment

Customer is a transferee, the net rent amount has changed, and the person was receiving max rate RA with their previous payment.

Note: while this rule has been approved, it will not be applied automatically at data load, as the online claim is unable to recognise a transferee.

Date of change.

All other accommodation circumstances.

The earliest of:

  • date of claim lodgement/receipt (DOR)
  • date claim granted (CUR)
  • date claim rejected (REJ)
  • date claim assessed (ASS)

Not FTB current or FTB current and not currently receiving RA

Customer/partner is making a new FTB claim.

Date of FTB eligibility where FTB claim is granted/rejected


Date of claim - where FTB is assessed (pre-birth claim).

If the date of RA eligibility is later than, or changes after the date FTB is granted, a new AC screen for that date will be needed.

For other FTB claim scenarios or complex claim cases refer to:

Customer/partner is FTB/CUR and not currently in receipt of RA.

Date of change.

Table 12: Date of receipt

Table 12



Date of receipt (DOR) change of circumstances

DOR In relation to the notification of changed circumstances, is the date on which Services Australia became aware of the change of circumstances or notifiable event.

For more information see Date of receipt.

Date of receipt (DOR) rent verification document/s

Where the customer has already notified of the change and has now provided the verification document, the DOR will be the date all documents needed to verify the rent have been provided.

Where multiple documents have been provided over multiple dates, the DOR is the date the last of the required documentation was provided.

For examples see resources in Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen.

Table 13: Date of Receipt for online updates

Table 13




Date of receipt (DOR) for AC screen failed OLS or APP updates

When a customer updates accommodation information via their Centrelink online account or Express plus mobile app the date of receipt (DOR) is the date the update was submitted through that service.

When all of the following occurs, the DOR to be used to finalise a failed online/app update will depend on whether the outcome is favourable or unfavourable to the customer:

  • The online/app accommodation update has failed
  • Staff are manually finalising the update
  • Customer contact is made and they advise new accommodation information, different to that provided in the original online/app update
    • It does not matter if the customer contacted Services Australia, or if the agency contacted the customer

When a customer is providing new information on a different date, the effect the new information will have on their RA entitlement (favourable/no change/ unfavourable) must be determined in order to decide the most appropriate DOR.

When the application of the new information will result in:

  • a favourable outcome (RA rate increase), then the update will need to be completed in 2 separate activities:
    • activity one will be the application of the original information. The DOR is the date the original update was submitted by the customer via the Centrelink online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
    • activity 2 will be the application of the new information provided by the customer as a result of the customer contact. The DOR is the date the new information was received
  • no change to entitlement or an unfavourable outcome (RA rate decrease) then the update can be completed in the one activity:
    • the DOR is the date the original update was submitted by the customer via the Centrelink online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
    • the new information can be updated within this activity and finalised

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