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Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen 108-18092631

Staff must:
- start at Step 1 > Table 1. The following steps and tables are a step-by-step guide
- use Customer First to complete accommodation updates unless within a Process Direct Transaction or Claim activity

This document explains what code to use in the Verification field after verification of rent has been received.

On this page:

Review verification

Manual Changes

Verification and processing

Verification and processing for RA

Online updates

Review verification

Table 1




Review Document + Read more ...

If the customer is partnered, check the partner record. Apply the same checks to both customer and partner.

Documents provided by a customer (for example, formal rental agreements) need to be scanned if they will not be processed at the point of contact. This includes, but is not limited to:

Note: formal rental agreements do not need to be scanned (but still must be sighted and a DOC placed on the customer's record) for:

  • new claims
  • customer contacts about changes to accommodation

Is the document(s) to be scanned?

  • Yes:
    • Scan the document(s)
    • Record a closed DOC with the reason for scanning
    • If applicable, refer to appropriate staff as per relevant link above. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 2


Operating a business + Read more ...

A person who runs a business from their home may claim a portion of the rent paid on their home as a business expense for taxation purposes. Any rent amounts claimed by a customer as a tax deduction do not attract RA. The portion of the rent attributed to private and domestic purposes only attracts RA.

A check of the following screens can help determine if the customer is operating a business:

  • Real Estate/Business Summary (REBS) screen
  • Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen

Does the customer operate a business from home?


Operates a business with formal rental agreement in customer's (and/or their current partner's) name + Read more ...

Verification must include business financials. This can be a copy of the:

To calculate the amount that can be used to assess RA:

  • Identify the total rent paid for the premises
  • Subtract the amount the business has claimed as a tax deduction
  • The balance is the amount to be entered on the AC screen to assess RA

Is at least one of the above documents available?


Operates a business with formal rental agreement in business name + Read more ...

Verification must include a copy of all the following:

To calculate the amount that can be used to assess RA:

  • Identify the amount paid by the customer to the business as rent
  • It will generally be listed as business income
  • This is the amount to be entered on the AC screen to assess RA

Are all the above documents available?


Verification document when formal rental agreement in business name + Read more ...

There are specific verification requirements when:

  • a customer operates a business, and
  • the formal rental agreement for the principal place of residence is in the business name

When the customer and/or partner are the only individual(s) involved in the business, a SU523HD cannot be used as rent verification. In this case, a SU336M must be provided.

If there is another person involved in the business (that is, a business partner who is not the customer or partner), a SU523HD can be provided. It would still need to be signed by the customer in their section and the business partner in the landlord section.

Has the correct verification form been provided?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, update any new information as needed- issue the correct verification form:
    • SU523HD and create a closed DOC using the Rent Certificate Re-issued Fast Note. Explain why the SU523HD has been re-issued. There is no requirement to contact the customer verbally, or
    • SU336M and create a closed DOC explaining why the form has been issued.
    • Procedure ends here


Type of verification + Read more ...

Has a formal rental agreement been provided as verification?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No and:
    • a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) has been supplied, go to Step 8
    • a Rent Declaration (SU336M), has been supplied go to Step 9
    • a COVID-19 rent verification waiver applies, go to Step 12
    • an obsolete Rent Certificate (SU523 or SU523HPA), and/or other documents deemed unacceptable to verify rent details, go to Step 14


Acceptable formal rental agreement: + Read more ...

Formal rental agreements are acceptable forms of verification if:

  • it is still within the time period, or
  • the fixed period has passed and the agreement has become a 'continuing' or 'month to month' agreement. The details of the continuing agreement will be in a clause in the agreement, or
  • it is not for a fixed time period

Some formal rental agreements do not have a fixed time period.

All formal rental agreements must contain the:

  • name of tenant(s) - including the customer (and/or partner) claiming RA
  • premises the agreement relates to (that is, the rental address)
  • name and contact details of the landlord/managing agent, and
  • amount of the rent liability

Signatures are not needed on formal rental agreements provided for rent verification.

The formal rental agreement must support the change in rent details notified by the customer.

  • Check inconsistencies, including multiple tenants (excluding members of a couple) on the lease where the customer is notifying they pay the gross rent and not a sharer
  • For more details on living arrangements, see The Living Arrangements question set

The date of the agreement may be different to the DOV for the AC screen. For DOV on the AC screen, see date of event.

Is the formal rental agreement acceptable?

  • Yes, and:
    • there is also a Rent Certificate (SU523HD), go to Step 8
    • there is no accompanying Rent Certificate (SU523HD), go to Step 11
    • the Rent Certificate is obsolete, for example SU523 or SU523HPA, go to Step 14
  • No, and:
    • the customer updated their details online and no rent certificate was issued, go to Step 18
    • there is also a Rent Certificate (SU523HD), go to Step 8
    • there is no Rent Certificate (SU523HD), or the Rent Certificate is obsolete, for example SU523 or SU523HPA, go to Step 14


Acceptable SU523HD + Read more ...

The declaration on the SU523HD must be signed by relevant persons. This is the minimum acceptable level of completion for the form.

Accept the SU523HD when:

  • the version number is before 2010 and the customer provides both pages 1 and 2 of the form, or
  • the version number is 2010 and the customer provides page 2 of the form, and
  • the declaration is signed by the customer, their correspondence nominee or Power of Attorney (POA) if applicable, and
  • it has one of the following:
    • an acceptable formal rental agreement, or
    • the landlord or authorised representative declaration is signed as the minimum. The background page has more details on who can sign the landlord or representative declaration

Is the SU523HD acceptable?

  • Yes:
    • When an acceptable formal rental agreement is provided, the information on it is taken to be correct. This is because the agreement is a legal document. Note: the date of the agreement may be different to the SU523HD, see date of event
    • Go to Step 12
  • No, go to Step 14


Acceptable SU336M + Read more ...

Accept the SU336M when:

  • the customer is:
    • unable to have the SU523HD signed
    • not able to approach the landlord/agent, or
    • travelling for an extended period and they are frequently moving (for example, between caravan parks)
  • all required questions are fully completed and can be clearly read
  • the form is signed by the customer, their correspondence nominee or Power of Attorney (POA) if applicable
  • it includes documentary proof of rent paid

The SU336M may be accepted without any supporting evidence of rent. In these situations, the DOC must include the reasons the SU336M was accepted without evidence. This can include, but is not limited to, situations when the:

  • customer is frequently travelling and has misplaced the receipts from the previous accommodation
  • landlord is currently unavailable (away or overseas) and is unable to provide receipts until they return

Examples of documentary proof:

  • Longer term accommodation:
    • 3 or more rent receipts in the customer's name (less than 6 weeks old)
    • A consecutive sequence of 3 or more bank deposit slips
    • Bank statements in the customer's name showing rent deductions made to the landlord (over the most recent month)
    • A Centrepay deduction record - check the deduction amount does not include any other liabilities (for example, payments for rent arrears)
  • Short term accommodation:
    • A receipt(s) for the period of the RA claim
    • A bank statement(s) for the period of the RA claim

Is the SU336M acceptable?


Clarifying an unacceptable SU336M + Read more ...

If the SU336M is deemed unacceptable because there is no documentary proof included? Make genuine attempts to contact the customer to clarify the situation and request documentary proof (if relevant).

Was the contact successful and the SU336M can now be accepted?

  • Yes, go to Step 12
  • No, send another SU336M to the customer:
    • The form can be issued using the Mail Forms guided procedure (search for SU336), or printed via the Resources link
    • DOC the reason verification is not acceptable
    • Complete the scanned image
    • Procedure ends here


Acceptable formal rental agreement only + Read more ...

Service Officers can accept a formal rental agreement for rent verification in the following circumstances:

New Claims:

  • The customer provides the formal rental agreement to support a new claim for payment that includes required accommodation questions, and
  • The claim/supporting documents contain enough information to assess and apply the sharer and net rent rules

Online Accommodation Updates:

  • The customer updated their details online and the following apply:
    • they were required to provide rent verification
    • they advised they have a formal rental agreement with their or their partners name on it, and
    • the rent verification code applied as part of the online update was:
      - UPL - RA Paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded, or
      - RVL - Upload Rent Verification Required

Accommodation updates:

  • The customer provides the formal rental agreement to support and/or advise of an accommodation update, and
  • They are able to provide enough information to assess and apply the sharer and net rent rules

When an acceptable agreement is provided, the information on it is taken to be correct. This is because the agreement is a legal document. The date of the agreement may be different to the DOV for the AC screen. Refer to the AC screen date of event information for more details.

Can rent be verified using only a formal rental agreement?


Review verification document + Read more ...

Service Officers need to review the acceptable verification documents ensuring it supports the update and detects any potential fraudulent activity.

Follow up may be required where (this list is not exhaustive):

  • concerns about handwriting or signatures
  • customer advises not a sharer however lease has multiple tenants

For more details on living arrangements, see The Living Arrangements question set.

Manual changes on a rent certificate may not be a reason to suspect fraud when there are no other concerns.

When the Service Officer suspects the information provided is fraudulent, RA must not be paid until acceptable verification is received.

Note: the date of the agreement may be different to the DOV for the AC screen. For DOV on the AC screen, see date of event

Is there reason to suspect the information provided is fraudulent?


Updating AC screen when there is reason to suspect fraud + Read more ...

When the Service Officer suspects the information provided is fraudulent, RA must not be paid until acceptable verification is received.

Go to the AC screen and if:

  • RA is still being paid, update the Event Date field to the date the activity is being completed (that is, date of processing)
  • RA was paying but has stopped NVE - Not Verified. Select the NVE line, which stopped RA. Do not change the Event Date

Continue the AC screen update:

  • Update any new information provided if needed
  • The correct verification option is RVR - Rent Verification Required, RA will not pay or will stop, and an SU523HD will be automatically created and issued
  • The decision to use RVR must be recorded in a DOC

Complete the activity, see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA).

Note: if this procedure was accessed from that page, it will have opened in a new window. Close this procedure and return there.


Rent cannot be verified + Read more ...

When a customer's verification document is deemed unacceptable or unable to be used as verification, make genuine attempts to contact the customer. Update the record with any new details provided and discuss:

  • the steps needed to verify their accommodation circumstances
  • whether the issues can be fixed by the customer uploading an acceptable:
    • formal rental agreement or
    • SU523HD
  • any potential manual changes

Consider providing the customer with a SU336M if they are having difficulty contacting their landlord, refused to sign a SU523HD or are travelling and move regularly.

Was the phone contact successful?

  • Yes:
    • the customer has provided required information verbally, and/or the customer can immediately upload an SU523HD and/or formal rental agreement to meet the acceptable verification standard, go to Step 15
    • the customer cannot immediately upload an acceptable SU523HD and/or formal rental agreement. Place the work item on hold for one day, record a closed DOC of the discussion and outstanding documents. Complete the scanned image. Procedure ends here
    • the customer cannot upload an acceptable SU523HD and/or formal rental agreement if required, go to Step 16
  • No, go to Step 16


Manual changes + Read more ...

Are there manual changes to the SU523HD?


Rent Certificate to be re-issued + Read more ...

Has a SU523HD been re-issued previously for this accommodation update?


Re-issued SU523HD returned and rent cannot be verified + Read more ...

  • Issue a Q164 online advice letter
  • Do not re-issue the SU523HD. One may be reissued when customer responds to the Q164
  • Create a Fast Note detailing what information the customer needs to provide in order to meet their rent verification obligations. Record unsuccessful contact attempt
  • Check the verification code:
    • If the code is NVE - Not Verified or RVR - Rent Verification Required, RA is not being paid. Do not change the code
    • If RA is being paid it will continue for 28 days from the date the following code was applied:
      - COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
      - NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify
      - HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify, or
      - RVE - Reverify Rent - 14 days to verify
  • Complete the scanned image

Procedure ends here.


Formal rental agreement not acceptable + Read more ...

When a customer's formal rental agreement is unacceptable for rent verification, make genuine attempts to contact the customer to explain:

  • why the formal rental agreement is unacceptable
  • what steps are needed to verify their accommodation

The formal rental agreement can be uploaded again to fix issues of poor image quality, incorrect document upload, or insufficient pages provided.

Is the customer contact successful?

  • Yes, and
    • the customer has provided required information verbally, and/or the customer can immediately upload an acceptable formal rental agreement to meet verification standards, go to step 19
    • the customer cannot immediately upload an acceptable formal rental agreement to meet verification standards, go to Step 20
    • the customer cannot upload an acceptable formal rental agreement and will require a SU523HD, go to Step 21
  • No, go to Step 22


Status of RA payment + Read more ...

Has a formal rental agreement been provided?


Formal rental agreement able to be provided again + Read more ...

Check the Accommodation History (ACS) screen. If RA is:

  • still paying and the code is UPL - RA Paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded:
    • no update to AC screen is required
    • RA will automatically stop NVE - Not Verified at day 29 if no ACS update has been coded in the original review time frame
  • not paying and the code has automatically changed from UPL to NVE:
    • if customer advises they are in hardship, determine if hardship coding is applicable from date RA stopped
    • if hardship is applicable, update rent verification on AC screen to HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify from NVE DOV
    • if hardship not applicable then no AC screen change is needed
  • not paying and the code is RVL - Upload Rent Verification Required, no update to AC screen is needed

Complete the scanned image.

Procedure ends here.


Rent Certificate needed + Read more ...

Check the Accommodation History (ACS) screen. If RA is:

  • still paying, tell the customer that an SU523HD is needed to verify rental details:
    • update the AC screen Event Date field as date of contact and Rent Verification field to RVR - Rent Verification Required, or
    • if customer qualifies for hardship provisions, update rent verification on AC screen to HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify and DOV to date of contact
  • not paying, tell the customer that an SU523HD is needed to verify rental details. If the coding on AC screen:
    • is RVL - Upload Rent Verification Required, update AC screen to RVR - Rent Verification Required from RVL DOV
    • was UPL - RA Paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded and is now NVE - Not Verified, update AC screen to RVR - Rent Verification Required from NVE DOV, or
    • if customer qualifies for hardship provisions update rent verification on AC screen to HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify from NVE DOV

Complete the scanned image.

Procedure ends here.


Customer contact unsuccessful + Read more ...

If genuine attempts to contact the customer are unsuccessful, and RA is:

  • still paying, update the AC screen Event Date field to date of processing and Rent Verification field to RVR
  • not paying and coding on AC screen:
    • is RVL - Upload Rent Verification Required, update AC screen to RVR - Rent Verification Required from the RVL DOV
    • was UPL - RA Paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded and is now NVE - Not Verified, update AC screen to RVR - Rent Verification Required from NVE DOV

A Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will automatically issue with RVR coding.

Complete the scanned image.

Record details of the unsuccessful contact on a DOC. Include why formal rental agreement was not acceptable and SU523HD is needed.

Procedure ends here.

Manual Changes

Table 2




Effect of manual change on RA + Read more ...

Will the manual change result in an increased rate of RA?


Manual changes to SU523HD + Read more ...

Is additional verification of the change available (for example, formal rental agreement or landlord has initialled the manual change)?


Check payment impacts + Read more ...

When the RA payment will be assessed with:


Further verification needed - ABSTUDY or FTB + Read more ...

Go to the Accommodation History (ACS) screen:

  • Select the DOV line that issued the rent certificate. This line will have a rent verification code of:
    • COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
    • RVR - Rent Verification Required
    • HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify
    • NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify, or
    • NVE - Not Verified in limited circumstances
  • Update the AC screen with the new information provided then return here to continue this process
  • Leave the Event Date field unchanged unless the date was changed on the verification
  • If the verification option is:

Is RA currently being paid?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No:
    • Select any NVE lines on ACS dated later than the original date of event (generally appear after COA/RVR/HAR/NCL)
    • Update all new information provided
    • Leave the Event Date field unchanged unless the date was changed on the verification
    • The correct verification option is RVR - Rent Verification Required
    • Go to Step 9


Further verification needed - income support payment + Read more ...

Go to the Accommodation Details (AC) screen:

Is RA currently being paid?


Further verification when RA not being paid - income support payment + Read more ...

Was the SU523HD provided within 13 weeks of the customer receiving a notice of the decision to cancel RA?


Update new information and issue SU523HD for verification + Read more ...

RA can be paid based on the new information for a period of up to 28 days from the date the activity is finalised. If verification is not received within 28 days, RA will stop.

The arrears will be made up of 2 components:

  • The difference between the lower rate and the higher rate from latest date of notification to date RA was paid, and
  • The higher rate from date RA paid to plus 1

To pay correct arrears:

  • The correct verification option is COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs-14 days to verify or HAR - Hardship-28 days to verify (whichever verification option is relevant)
  • Go to the Accommodation History (ACS) screen within the same activity
  • Delete the NVE - Not Verified or RVR - Rent Verification Required event that cancelled RA
  • Still within the same activity, complete the Review of Assessment (ROA) screen and use the date of receipt as the start date

Go to Step 9.


New information must be verified before RA will be paid at a higher rate + Read more ...

RA can be paid at the lower rate from the date RA was paid to plus 1 until the date the new information was received.

To pay correct arrears:

  • The correct verification option is RVR - Rent Verification Required
  • Go to the Accommodation History (ACS) screen within the same activity
  • Delete the NVE - Not Verified or RVR - Rent Verification Required event that cancelled RA

Is RA being paid with a payment made under the Social Security Act?


Verification with changes complete + Read more ...

Complete the scanned image relevant to the work item (or rent verification document).

Another SU523HD will issue for verification of the changed details.

See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA) to finalise the update.
Note: if this procedure was accessed from that page, it will have opened in a new window. Close this procedure and return there.

Verification and processing

Table 3




Claim or payment transfer verification + Read more ...

Go to the Accommodation History (ACS) screen.

Is this update part of a new claim/transfer, and have the details changed from the previous verification?


Claim/transfer with changed details + Read more ...

When RA will be paid with:

  • ABSTUDY or Family Tax Benefit (FTB):
    • update the Event Date field with the date of change
    • go to Step 8
  • an income support payment:
    • update the Event Date field to the date the new information was received (see Resources for date of receipt information)
    • go to Step 8


Verification circumstances + Read more ...

Is the verification a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) with manual changes?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No:
    • select the DOV line that issued the rent certificate. This line will have a rent verification code of:
      - COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
      - HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify
      - NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify
    • leave the Event Date field unchanged
    • go to Step 8


Rent certificate (SU523HD) with manual changes + Read more ...

Will the manual change result in an increased rate of RA?


Increase in RA rate from verified changes - ABSTUDY or FTB + Read more ...

  • Select the DOV line that issued the rent certificate, this line will have a rent verification code of:
    • COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
    • HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify
    • NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify
  • Update the AC screen with the new information provided then return here to continue this process
  • Leave the Event Date field unchanged unless the date was changed on the verification

Go to Step 8.


Increase in RA rate from verified changes - income support payment + Read more ...

Go to Step 8.


Decrease or no change to RA rate from notified changes + Read more ...

  • Select the DOV line that issued the rent certificate. This line will have a rent verification code of:
    • COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
    • HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify
    • NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify
  • Update the AC screen with the new information provided then return here to continue this process
  • Leave the Event Date field unchanged unless the date was changed on the verification

Go to Step 8.


Verification document type + Read more ...

When the verification document is a:

  • Rent Certificate (SU523HD) without a formal rental agreement, the correct verification option is VEC - Verified (Rent Certificate)
  • Rent Declaration (SU336M), or COVID-19 rent verification waiver applies, the correct verification option is VED - Verified (Rent Declaration)
  • Formal rental agreement with or without a SU523HD, the correct verification option is VEF - Verified (Formal)

Receipt Date field: see the Resources page for date of receipt information.

Go to Step 9.


Verification complete + Read more ...

Delete any unnecessary entries on the ACS screen. For example, any NVE - Not Verified or RVR - Rent Verification Required line.

Complete the scanned image relevant to the work item (or rent verification document).

See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA) to finalise the update.
Note: if this procedure was accessed from that page, it will have opened in a new window. Close this procedure and return there.

Verification and processing for RA

Table 4




Payment impacts + Read more ...

Go to the Accommodation History (ACS) screen. Determine which payment the RA will pay with.

If RA will pay with:


Accommodation notification + Read more ...

When a formal lease agreement has been supplied to support and/or advise a new change in accommodation circumstances:


Verification - ABSTUDY + Read more ...

Was verification received with manual changes?

  • Yes:
    • Select the RVR - Rent Verification Required/NVE - Not Verified line that either stopped RA or issued the rent certificate
    • Update the AC screen with the new information provided then return here to continue the verification process
    • Leave the Event Date field unchanged unless the date was changed on the verification. RA is assessable from this date
    • Go to Step 12
  • No:
    • Select the DOV line that issued the rent certificate. This line will have a rent verification code of:
      - COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
      - RVR - Rent Verification Required
      - HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify
      - NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify, or
      - NVE in limited circumstances
    • Leave the Event Date field unchanged. RA is assessable from this date
    • Go to Step 12


Verification timeframe - Family Tax Benefit (FTB) + Read more ...

Customers claiming for a past period must also claim ongoing FTB instalments to be paid RA, unless they are not eligible for FTB instalments.

Check when the verification was received, which may be:

  • by 30 June of the financial year the change in rent occurred (for example by 30 June 2017 for current year 2016-2017 financial year)
  • by 30 June of the lodgement year (for example, by 30 June 2018 for an event in the 2016-2017 financial year)
  • the FTB claim extension end date, or
  • within 52 weeks of being notified of the original decision

Was verification received within any of the above periods?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No:
    • Update the Event Date field to 1 July of the full financial year before the verification was received. RA is assessable from this date
    • Go to Step 12


Verification changes - Family Tax Benefit (FTB) + Read more ...

  • Select the DOV line that issued the rent certificate. This line will have a rent verification code of:
    • COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
    • RVR - Rent Verification Required
    • HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify
    • NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify, or
    • NVE - Not Verified in limited circumstances
  • Leave the Event Date field unchanged unless the date was changed on the verification. RA is assessable from this date

Was the verification received with manual changes?


Verification timeframe - income support payment + Read more ...

Was verification provided within 13 weeks of being given a notice of the decision to cancel the RA?


Review request timeframe and verification provided + Read more ...

Under Social Security Law, the time taken to deliver a notice must be taken into account when deciding whether a person has requested a review within 13 weeks of being given the notice.

A customer is deemed to have requested a review within the timeframe when they:

  • make contact within 13 weeks of being given a notice of the decision to cancel their RA, and
  • have provided all outstanding rent verification documents within the timeframe determined by the Review Officer

Did the customer request a review within the required timeframe?


Verification changes - income support payment + Read more ...

Was the verification received with manual changes?

  • Yes, and the change will result in:
  • No:
    • Select the RVR - Rent Verification Required/NVE - Not Verified line (that either issued the rent certificate or stopped the RA)
    • Leave the Event Date field unchanged. RA is assessable from this date
    • Go to Step 12


Verification changes resulting in increased RA - income support payment + Read more ...

Was verification received before RA stopped (for example, RA stopped due to processing delay)?


Verifying changes that increase RA with an income support payment - received after RA stopped + Read more ...

  • Select the RVR - Rent Verification Required/NVE - Not Verified line (that either issued the rent certificate or stopped the RA)
  • The correct verification option is:
    • VEC - Verified (Rent Certificate) when the changes were verified on a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) without a formal rental agreement
    • VEF - Verified (Formal) when the changes were verified on a formal rental agreement, with or without a SU523HD
    • Receipt Date field: see Resources for date of receipt information
  • Leave the Event Date field unchanged. RA is assessable at the current lower rate from this date
  • Within the same activity, navigate back to the ACS screen
  • Update the Event Date field to the date the new information was received (see Resources for date of receipt information). RA is assessable at the new higher rate from this date
  • Update the AC screen with the new information provided then return here to continue this process

Go to Step 12.


Verification changes resulting in decreased or no change to RA - income support payment + Read more ...

  • Select the DOV line that issued the rent certificate. This line will have a rent verification code of:
    • COA - Chg Address/Accom Circs - 14 days to verify
    • RVR - Rent Verification Required
    • HAR - Hardship - 28 days to verify
    • NCL - New Claim - 14 days to verify, or
    • NVE - Not Verified in limited circumstances
  • Leave the Event Date field unchanged unless the date was changed on the verification. RA is assessable from this date
  • Update the AC screen with the new information provided then return here to continue the verification process


Verification document type + Read more ...

When the verification document is a:

  • Rent Certificate (SU523HD) without a formal rental agreement, the correct verification option is VEC - Verified (Rent Certificate)
  • Rent Declaration (SU336M), or COVID-19 rent verification waiver applies, the correct verification option is VED - Verified (Rent Declaration)
  • Formal rental agreement, with or without a SU523HD, the correct verification option is VEF - Verified (Formal)

Receipt Date field: see the Resources page for date of receipt information.


Completing the verification + Read more ...

Delete any unnecessary entries on the ACS screen. For example, any NVE - Not Verified or RVR - Rent Verification Required line other than the one selected for update.
Note: for ISP this will generally be a later date. For FTB, the date could be before or after the line selected.

Complete the scanned image relevant to the work item (or the rent verification document).

For arrears to be correctly paid, use the Review of Assessment (ROA) screen. The start date will be the date the RA reassessment is to commence. This will be the earliest of either:

  • date of receipt, or
  • date the verification code changed to NVE/RVR

Complete the activity, including checking if any arrears are correct. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA).
Note: if this procedure was accessed from that page, it will have opened in a new window. Close this procedure and return there.

Online updates

Table 5




Accommodation updated online + Read more ...

A task is created for the customer to upload their formal rental agreement when:

  • they update their accommodation online, and
  • they advise they have a formal rental agreement in their name

The rent verification codes will auto populate in the Rent Verification field on the Accommodation History (ACS) screen:

  • UPL - RA Paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded or
  • RVL - Upload Rent Verification Required

Is the customer providing their formal rental agreement in person?


Customer providing formal rental agreement in person + Read more ...

Check what the customer was asked to provide. Go to:

  • Note in Process Direct, or
  • DOC in Customer First

Record the receipt of documents

Process Direct + Read more ...

  • Select Transactions from the activities tile within the customer record
  • Select the transaction ID number for the Customer Update - Address, Accommodation, Contact details - Customer Task
  • Select the Tasks tile
  • Update the relevant task status by selecting Provided from the Status drop down list
  • Select Save
  • Do not update the AC screen in Process Direct
  • Select the Status tile
  • Update the status to Cancelled
  • Select Save
  • Go to Step 3

Customer First + Read more ...

  • Select CRN/BP hyperlink
  • Select the Activities tab
  • Select the ID hyperlink for Activity Type: CoC Interaction, Activity Reason: AAC - Customer Task, status - For Customer Action
  • Select Customer Tasks tab
  • Select Edit List
  • Change the document status to Accepted
  • Select Save
  • While still in the AAC - Customer Task, select Edit
  • Update the status to Completed
  • Select Save
  • Go to Step 3


Check for open Transactions in Process Direct + Read more ...

Check Process Direct Transactions tab for an outstanding Customer Update – Address, Accommodation, Contact details – Customer Update transaction.

Is there an outstanding or allocated Customer Update – Address, Accommodation, Contact details – Customer Update transaction?


Completing the verification in Customer First + Read more ...

Update the ACS screen in Customer First:

  • Go to the ACS screen
  • Select the DOV line that triggered the request for a formal rental agreement from the ACS screen:
    • UPL - RA Paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded, or
    • RVL - Upload Rent Verification Required
  • Leave the Event Date field unchanged
  • The correct verification option is VEF - Verified (Formal), formal rental agreement with or without a SU523HD
  • Within the same activity delete any unnecessary entries on the ACS screen. For example, NVE or RVR line other than the one selected for update. Note: for an income support payment (ISP) this will generally be a later date. For FTB the date could be before or after the line selected

Receipt Date field: see the Resources page for date of receipt information

Complete the scanned image relevant to the work item (or the rent verification document).

For arrears to be correctly paid, use the Review of Assessment (ROA) screen. The start date will be the date the RA reassessment is to commence. This will be the earliest date of either:

  • date of receipt, or
  • date the verification code changed to NVE/RVR

See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA) to finalise the update.
Note: if this procedure was accessed from that page, it will have opened in a new window. Close this procedure and return there.


Completing the verification in Process Direct + Read more ...

Update the Accommodation details in Process Direct within the transaction:

  • Select the outstanding Customer Update – Address, Accommodation, Contact details – Customer Update transaction
  • Select Process. Do not start coding before selecting Process, this will result in errors
  • Message Log and Task Selector (SWE) screen will show with flags against all screens that contain provisional data
  • Select Next to go through the selected screens
  • Manually go to any further screens that require action/update via Super Key
  • On the AC screen ensure the DOV line that triggered the request for a formal rental agreement is selected, this line will have a rent verification code of:
    • UPL – RA Paying – Rent Verification to be uploaded
    • RVL – Upload Rent Verification Required
  • Update the line with the correct verification option: VEF - Verified (Formal), formal rental agreement with or without a SU523HD
  • Within the transaction Delete any unnecessary entries on the ACS screen. For example, NVE or RVR line other than the one selected for update. Note: for an income support payment (ISP) this will generally be a later date. For FTB the date could be before or after the line selected
  • Select Assess
  • Check the payment outcome on the Entitlements (ELD) screen is correct
  • Key PS into Super Key, select Enter, the Payment Summary (PS) screen will show
  • Select Execute to view and confirm the rent assistance amount

For arrears to be correctly paid, use the Review of Assessment (ROA) screen. The start date will be the date the RA reassessment is to commence. This will be the earliest date of either:

  • date of receipt, or
  • date the verification code changed to NVE/RVR

Complete the update and then return here to finalise.

  • Once coding is complete, check the payment outcome on the Entitlements ELD screen
  • Select Finish
  • Add further notes to DOC if required
  • Select Finalise and OK