How to action changes to a customer's Income Management priority needs. 103-01040020
This document explains when a customer requests a review of their priority needs or they have had a change in their circumstances.
Review of priority needs
Before changing any regular expenses Service Officers are to confirm a person's priority needs are being met.
When completing a review of priority needs, Service Officers are to also review any voluntary deductions (that is, Centrepay and Rent Deduction Scheme payments).
Under Child Protection Income Management (CPIM), the State or Territory Child Protection Authority may recommend where income managed funds should be directed. Social workers who assess a customer as a Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (VWPR) can also recommend how income managed funds should be directed.
Service Officers do not need to comply with the recommendation, but should document how these needs will be met when conducting an assessment or reviewing a customer's priority needs.
An understanding of how to determine a customer's priority needs is required, before making any changes.
Related links
Priority needs and expense allocation
Coding Income Management expenses
Determining a person's priority needs for Income Management
Work Items and messages for Income Management
Payment of School Meals Programs (SMP) expenses from Income Managed funds or Centrepay
Income Management Summary Screen
Nominee arrangements under Income Management