Managed investments - adding a new investment 108-04090020
This document outlines characteristics of a managed investment. It explains how to record managed investments owned by a customer, or an entity such as a private trust or private company.
Asia Pacific Investments Register (APIR) code
A large number of managed investments will have an Asia Pacific Investments Register (APIR) code. The system can search for the managed investment using the APIR code.
Investments that do not have an APIR code include:
- Personal Investment fund portfolios, (also known as a master trust)
- Funds that have not purchased an APIR code
- Unregistered managed investments
A pseudo APIR code is issued to all managed investment funds on the Managed Investment (MIN) system that do not have an APIR code.
Investment changes and customer's notification requirements
Unitised managed investment prices are automatically revalued every 6 months in March and September.
Customers must be advised they are required to notify of any changes including the number of units they own and changes to investment options.
Margin loans, unregistered managed investments/superannuation funds, account based managed investments/superannuation funds and personal investment funds (also known as a master trust), are manually reviewed every 6 months.
Customers must be advised they need to notify changes to:
- balance of their margin loan(s)
- value of their unregistered managed investment(s)/superannuation fund(s)
- value of their account-based managed investment(s)/superannuation fund(s)
- changes in the investment held within a personal investment fund portfolio (also known as a Master Trust)
If there is a small change to asset values check if the customer needs to notify.
Funds managed by Public Trustee
A Public Trustee may be appointed as guardian or administrator to manage the personal affairs of someone who is unable to do this for themselves. It is similar to a power of attorney arrangement.
The person's own investments will be managed on their behalf, although the Public Trustee may invest their funds in their own investment trusts, similar to personal investments in other managed funds. Interest and earnings from investments managed in this way will be declared on a customer's personal tax return.
A Public Trustee may also be appointed as trustee of a trust fund set up to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary. Some examples are testamentary trusts, statutory trusts set up by the courts and protective trusts set up for children. In this type of arrangement, investments are made in the name of the trust. The beneficiary may receive income and capital distributions from the trust as determined by the trustee within the terms of the Will, trust deed or rules.
The income received from the investments will be part the income of the trust. It will be declared on the trust tax return, which will have statements of distribution to beneficiaries. Distributions paid to a beneficiary will show on their personal tax return as a trust distribution, see Protective and statutory trusts for persons unable to handle their own affairs. These type of cases need to be referred to a Complex Assessment Officer.
In many cases the Public Trustee will be managing the personal funds of a customer under an administration order. These are not a trust and the funds need to be coded on the customer's personal record.
If the managed investment has an Asia Pacific Investment Register (APIR) code, only code on the Managed Investment Product List (MIP) screen. Do not code these investments on the Direct Investments (SVDI) or Unregistered Managed Investments (MIUS) screens. In all instances, the FINS Bulletin should be consulted first to determine if a product should be coded as one portfolio or as individual investment options.
The Resources page contains links to the Financial Industry and Network Support (FINS) Bulletin, the form needed for CAO assessment of managed investments held in trust for another person and examples for coding Managed Investments and Superannuation and E126MI error.
Related links
Managed investments - updating existing investments
Enquiries on managed investments
Revaluing managed investments, shares and securities
Updating shares and securities
Adding or updating an allocated income stream
Adding or updating a market-linked income stream
Adding or updating a lifetime income stream
Adding or updating a life expectancy income stream
Adding or updating a term income stream
Indexing, recording and reviewing organisations
MIN/SIN Database Maintenance and Updates
Loans and liabilities against assets
Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services
Protective and statutory trusts for persons unable to handle their own affairs