Managed investments - adding a new investment 108-04090020
Example of E126MI error
E126MI - Managed Investment product XXX has been closed on xx/xx/xxxx
This error presents when a managed investment or superannuation product is recorded as closed in the MIN system and the Investment Date field has been coded with a date after the product was closed to new investors.
Existing customers can still have this investment recorded on their record, however the Investment Date field needs to be coded with a date, prior to the closure date in the error message.
For example, if the following error was received, ‘E126MI - Managed Investment product ANZ0117AU has been closed on 1 Jul 2006’, then the investment date must be coded/corrected to a date of 30 June 2006 or earlier. The error message should no longer present.
This error can present when adding an investment onto the system or updating an existing entry already coded on the record.
Examples for Coding Managed Investments and Superannuation
Table 1: