Revaluing managed investments, shares and securities 108-04090050
This document outlines the process for revaluing managed investments, shares and securities and how to use the trial revaluation facility for customer requested revaluations.
Revaluation of market-linked managed investments listed on MIN system
The value of a customer’s stake in a market-linked managed investment is based on the value of the units. These unitised managed investments and their values are updated on a monthly basis, using prices from the last working day of each month.
The updated prices are not automatically applied to the unitised managed investments recorded on the customer's record. A revaluation happens:
- automatically on 20 March and 20 September
- when a customer updates the number of units they hold, or
- any time the customer requests one
Closed and Terminated investment options
A closed investment option is generally closed to new investors, however, an existing unit holder may retain the investment option. Unit prices for closed investment options continue to be updated.
A terminated or wound-up investment option is no longer available, all units are redeemed. This means investors will no longer hold the investment option within their managed investment and unit prices are no longer sourced. Fund managers will notify the investor of alternative options for their fund. When this occurs, a customer must notify the change to any investment options for their record to be updated.
Revaluation of shares and securities in listed public companies
The value of shares in public companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) are loaded on to the system fortnightly.
The updated share prices are not automatically applied to the shares and securities recorded on the customer's record. A revaluation of a customer’s shares happens:
- automatically on 20 March and 20 September
- when a customer updates the number of shares they hold, or
- any time the customer requests one
The Financial Industry and Network Support (FINS) Helpdesk obtains the updated share prices:
- each month, or at other times on request, for public companies listed on the other Australian stock exchanges, such as the National Stock Exchange (NSX)
- biannually for overseas listed public companies on 31 January and 31 July. They are coded before the automatic revaluation that occurs in March and September
For more details about the coding of overseas investments, contact the FINS Helpdesk.
Exchange rate updates in March and September
Overseas bank accounts and overseas unlisted shares with an overseas currency recorded are automatically updated with the latest exchange rates on 20 March and 20 September.
Listed shares and unitised managed investment updates occur in March and September and as part of the same job:
- customers with overseas bank accounts, and unlisted sharers are selected
- the value following the exchange rate change is refreshed, and
- the asset value recalculated for the purpose of deeming
Managed investments and shares excluded from the automatic revaluation process
The following managed investments are not automatically revalued:
- account based managed investments
- unitised investments not listed on the MIN system
- non-ASX listed and unlisted shares and securities
Manual Follow-up (MFU) reviews
On 20 March and 20 September, an MFU activity is created on all customer records that have:
- one or more unlisted non-superannuation managed investments, and
- Australian unlisted shares and securities
Revaluation of private trusts and company owned managed investments or shares
Managed investments or shares owned by a private trust or company are revalued with any review of, or investment update within, the trust or company. The latest prices/values are automatically applied at the time of the review to update and include within the attributable assets.
Customer requests for revaluation
Customers can request a revaluation at any time of their:
- market-linked managed investments
- listed shares
- securities
The system cannot revalue just one type of share or managed investment. If a revaluation occurs, all unitised managed investments and listed shares on the customer's record will be included.
The Resources page contains information about the FINS Bulletin and links to:
- FINS Helpdesk online form
- margin loan information
- Australian Business Register's Australian Business Number (ABN) Lookup
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Connect
Related links
Managed investments - adding a new investment
Managed investments - updating existing investments
MIN/SIN Database Maintenance and Updates
Updating shares and securities