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NSS system coding for manual rate of payment 108-12020010

This document outlines the procedure to help Service Officers manually key a rate of payment for customers who are being paid in the NSS system.

Manually code rate of payment

Normally, the system automatically calculates the correct payment rate for a customer. In some cases, this does not occur and staff must key the rate into the system for the correct rate of payment to occur.

The Rate Component Override (RCO) screen may require coding in the following circumstances:

  • Long Term Income Support customer (LTIS)
  • Assets hardship provisions (assessed by Complex Assessment Officers)
  • Rent Assistance coding
  • Death of a dependent child
  • Self-Employment Assistance
  • Special Benefit (SpB) Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident children
  • Intertwined or multiple records
  • Approved overseas studies
  • Polygamy relationships
  • Approved system workarounds. For example, Operational Message or Network News Update (NNU)

Consumer Price Index (CPI) reviews

CPI reviews may be created by the system every year on:

  • 1 January
  • 20 March
  • 1 July
  • 20 September

For NSS payments, changes in CPI may automatically update by the system. However, a CPI review may be required when there is a manual amount coded on the Rate Component Override (RCO) screen.

Service Officers are unable to action reviews when a manual rate is coded under the assets hardship rules. All cases must be referred to an Asset Hardship Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) for determination.

Historical RCO coding during new claim processing

A customer may have historical Rate Component Override (RCO) screen coding on their record if they previously received a NSS payment. Investigate historical RCO screen coding to ensure future payments are not changed by an incorrect manual rate.

Approved workarounds

Code the Rate Component Override (RCO) screen when directed by:

  • Operational Blueprint process
  • Operational Message (OM)
  • Current NNU

Do not to use the RCO screen to complete unapproved workarounds. Where the system is not paying the correct rate of payment and/or arrears, escalate through the appropriate channels, such as Local Peer Support (LPS) or MySupport.

Student Start-up Loans

Youth Allowance (YA) Student, Austudy and ABSTUDY Living Allowance customers may qualify for a Student Start-up Loan (SSL). To receive SSL, the customer must receive at least $1 of their income support payment (or certain supplementary payments). See Student Start-up Loan (SSL).

Coding a zero manual rate on the Rate Component Override (RCO) screen can result in incorrect overpayments of SSL. Further investigation may be required where a zero manual rate is coded in the same period SSL has been paid.

The Resources page contains a link to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk.

Non NSS systems coding for manual rate of payment

ABSTUDY system coding for manual rate of payment

Recording and correcting employment income details

Rates and thresholds

Coding for approved Overseas Full Time Study (OFS) payments

Death of a dependent child of a JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) customer

Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children

Assessment of assets hardship

Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)

Self-Employment Assistance

Initial remediation on a multiple or intertwined Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN)

Assessing entitlement to the Long Term Income Support rate of Austudy for students or migrants studying English language courses

Assessing entitlement to Youth Allowance (YA) special rate for Long Term Income Support Student or migrants studying English language courses

Assessing and coding a transfer to Austudy or Youth Allowance (YA) student claim from another payment