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Foreign pension coding 106-08030000

This document outlines staff responsibilities, how to run the script to code new grants, rejections, updates and reviews of foreign pensions. A different procedure applies for handling foreign pension claims and other foreign income and assets.

On this page:

Bereavement, foreign pension reviews and private payments

Information required

Responsibility for coding and using the Foreign Pension script

Manually completing the coding and further actions

Assessing and coding foreign pension rejections, suspensions and cancellations

Bereavement, foreign pension reviews and private payments

Table 1




Foreign pension reviews + Read more ...

Foreign pension reviews may be set in certain circumstances and appear on the Activity List (AL) screen when they become due.

Has a review of a foreign pension become due?


Foreign pension reviews, Manual Follow-up (MFU) + Read more ...

For information on automated reviews to track the progress of a foreign pension claim, see Foreign Pension Systems (FPS) status and reviews.

Manual foreign pension reviews are created for the following reasons:

Future coding

These reviews are created to follow up the coding of a foreign pension if the start date was too far in the future to be coded when originally advised. The activity notes show the 2 letter country code (for example, AT = Austria), the payment type (for example, AGE, INV) and 'FUT'.

All necessary details about the foreign pension are contained in a previous DOC.

When the review matures, the foreign pension can be coded. See Table 3, Step 1.

Dependent child

These reviews are created when the dependent child turns 18 to follow up removal of the dependent child coding.


Foreign pensions + Read more ...

Foreign pensions generally refer to payments from a country other than Australia that are either made by or regulated by governments but do not include payments under private schemes even if paid to government workers (such as superannuation in Australia).

Note: New Zealand Superannuation (NZS) is the equivalent of Australian Age Pension and should be treated as a foreign pension.

Information is available on known foreign pensions from agreement countries and some non-agreement countries. See What is a foreign pension?

To help identify foreign payments, sample foreign documents may be available through the International Program homepage. The Resources page has a link to the International Program homepage.

Is the payment a foreign pension?


Bereavement + Read more ...

Is the person who is entitled to the foreign pension or their partner now deceased?


Bereavement provisions + Read more ...

If the:

  • customer who is entitled to the foreign pension is deceased at the time of coding, the foreign pension is not coded and no further action is taken against the customer or partner
  • partner is deceased at the time of coding, then the foreign pension should be coded and a debt may exist for the customer but not for the partner

Does the foreign pension need to be coded?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, record all the details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Foreign pension rejections, cancellations and suspensions + Read more ...

Customers generally need to take reasonable steps to claim and maintain a foreign pension. International Services (CIS) are responsible for these assessments.

Is the advice about a rejection, cancellation or suspension?


International Services + Read more ...

International Services (CIS) are responsible for assessing rejections, cancellations and suspensions.

Is the Service Officer in CIS?

Information required

Table 2




Information required for foreign pension coding + Read more ...

  • The gross rate of foreign pension and any components of the pension
  • Who is entitled to the payment, for example, spouse or child payments may be the entitlement of the spouse or child or the pensioner themselves
  • The frequency of payments
  • Currency of the payments
  • Foreign pension reference number
  • Date of grant of foreign pension (start date) or date the rate changed
  • Either
    • Date of Customer Receipt (DOCR): date the customer received the foreign pension notice, or
    • Date of Print (DOP): date (if any) that is printed on the notice, or
    • Date of Issue (DOI): if known, the date that the notice was issued to the customer
  • First Regular Pay Date (FRPD): date that the first regular (non-arrears) payment was, or will be received because of the grant or change in rate
  • Date of any other change in rate and the gross rate at each change
  • If lump sum arrears were paid:
    • the amount of the arrears in the originating foreign currency
    • if known, the start and end dates of the arrears period (Arrears Period Start/End Date - APSD/APED)
    • the date the lump sum was received
  • If the payment is made for a child
  • If the payment has been granted for restitution reasons. Note: as this is a sensitive issue, this should only be asked if the customer says something that indicates it is a possibility (for example, customer states payment is because they were a forced labourer/prisoner of war)

Information is available on known foreign pensions from agreement countries and some non-agreement countries.

Note: information should be from an official source (for example, letter or statement from paying authority).

Has all the required information from the official source been provided?


Customer must provide all the required information + Read more ...

Coding foreign pensions from non-official sources should only be done where there is genuine difficulty or circumstances preventing the customer from giving an official statement.

If the foreign pension is from an agreement country and the customer is having genuine difficulty getting an official statement, see International Program to escalate to international agreements.

Is the customer able to provide the official required information?

Note: if contact is not face to face or by phone, attempt to contact the customer by phone.


Customer unable to provide the official required information + Read more ...

If there are circumstances preventing the customer from giving details from the official source of the pension, code the details the customer has provided using the Foreign Pension script. This will prevent potential overpayments and/or delays in processing.

For example, an evacuee from a country at war cannot provide a foreign pension certificate for their Special Benefit claim to be processed. They have a bank statement showing how much foreign pension was paid into their account. This amount can be coded. If the bank statement shows an AUD amount, it is also acceptable to code this amount.

  • In Customer Record, run the Foreign Pension script
  • Select the appropriate source in the script. This will make sure that the system sends a letter to the customer asking them to provide an official notice of grant
  • Use ‘Today’ as Date of First Ongoing Payment.
  • Code the pension amount and any other details the customer can provide to prevent further potential overpayment
  • Script source codes to use if the customer:
    • is on the phone, use Phone/Phone Call
    • has attended the service centre, use Counter Statement
    • has provided a letter, use Letter
    • is not available to discuss, use the Request for Information ‘statement of gross rate of foreign pension – customer/partner’ requesting the required information be returned within 14 days (28 days for customers outside Australia)
  • Procedure ends here


Certain types of foreign pensions + Read more ...

Some foreign pensions cannot be coded with the script or are not coded at all. More information on known payments is available in the relevant country file in International Social Security Agreements.

If the foreign pension is:

  • a reimbursement of expenses (for example, bereavement payment) or an exempt payment that cannot be coded (for example, Austrian Pflegegeld), record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • paid in respect of a dependent child, go to Step 5
    Note: child related components of some foreign pensions, for example, Italian Family Allowance paid with Italian AGE, should still be coded with the main pension
  • any other type, go to Step 6


Payments for dependent children + Read more ...

Payments in respect of a dependent child are exempt from the income test but may affect the additional free area for some customers.

Note: some child payments may be the entitlement of the child rather than the pensioner. If so, they should be coded on the child's record.

Is the customer a transitional rule pension or Parenting Payment Single (PPS) customer?

Yes, foreign pension must be manually converted to Australian dollars and coded on the Pensions Additional Assessment (PAA) screen.

  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: customer's payment type
    • Review Reason: OSR (Overseas)
    • Due Date: relevant date as follows:
      the rate of foreign pension is expected to increase (for example, CPI). If no date is known, use 31 January, or
      the child turns 16 to review they are still a dependent child, or
      the payment is likely to stop being paid or may be paid directly to the child (for example, when the child turns 18)
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: follow up relevant reason for review
    • Keywords: NOG
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Procedure ends here


  • Income is not included in any income assessments and not coded on any income screens
  • Advise customer of outcome and record details on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here


Lump sums + Read more ...

The coding of a foreign pension lump sums is dependent on whether the lump sum represents:

  • A foreign pension arrears payment
  • A foreign pension payout of contributions paid, or other reasons such as:
    • Lump sums are often paid with new grants or backdated changes in rates of foreign pensions. Some foreign pensions are paid out as lump sums or there may be an amount for additional lump sum payable, for example, for bereavement or funeral expenses

Lump sums are coded differently but the ongoing pension should be coded first.

Has the customer only received only a lump sum?

Responsibility for coding and using the Foreign Pension script

Table 3




Responsibility for foreign pension coding + Read more ...

Refer foreign pension coding to International Services (CIS) for:

  • coding all new instances of foreign pension coding from any country
  • coding or updating existing foreign pensions for customers who are paid their Australian payment under a social security agreement. Customers paid under a social security agreement will have a country recorded in the Agreement Country field on the Additional Residence Details (ARD) screen
  • updating any existing foreign pensions that have been previously updated through automated processing. These payments will have a value of DEX or CPI in the Channel code (Cnl) field on the Foreign Income/Assets/Pension Summary (FIPS) screen


  • Foreign pensions with a DEX or CPI update in the last 12 months are generally considered current. Only refer them to CIS if the customer provides evidence of a higher rate than the amount recorded. To see if the rate has been updated within the last 12 months, check:
    • Last Confirmed Date field on the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen in Process Direct
    • Last Update field on FIPS screen in Customer First/Customer Record
  • United Kingdom (GB) pensions do not increase annually for customers living in Australia. If a GB pension has been DEXed at any time, there is no need to refer to CIS. Check the Channel Code using:
    • Channel Code field of FPD screen in Process Direct
    • Cnl field on FIPS in Customer Record/Customer First

Is referral to CIS required?


Where is the Service Officer? + Read more ...

Note: a non-government payment, or a payment made by a private organisation is not a foreign pension and should not be referred to CIS for coding. See What is a foreign pension?.

Is the Service Officer in International Services (CIS)?


Service Officer is not in CIS + Read more ...

Refer to CIS.

Note: if necessary, make sure all foreign pension documents are scanned to the customer record as 'INTNOG' ensuring that no work item is created (scan to store). Translation of foreign pension documents is not needed before referring to CIS.

If using:

Process Direct (Non New Claim transaction)

  • Select > Referral
  • Referral type -International Services (CIS)
  • Referral reason - Foreign Pension
  • Referral detail: select the appropriate option:
    • Arrears Payment or Lump Sum
    • Foreign Pension Rate Change, or
    • Coding within an Australian New Claim
  • Select Next
  • Referral details displays
  • If Country is presented, select the appropriate country if known
  • Update the following options as required:
    • Vulnerable or suspended customer
    • Call customer required
    • Translation required
    • Appeal request
    • Additional information must include Document Code, for example, INTNOG, Document ID, date scanned and relevant page number of scanned document
  • Select Next
  • Select Finish

Process Direct (New Claim transaction)

  • Select > Referral
  • Referral type -International Services (CIS)
  • Are you creating a referral for a claim? - No. (If yes is selected, the referral will default to a new claim referral for agreement assessment)
  • Referral reason - Foreign Pension
  • Referral detail: select the appropriate option:
    • Arrears Payment or Lump Sum
    • Foreign Pension Rate Change, or
    • Coding within an Australian New Claim
  • Select Next
  • Referral details displays
  • If Country is presented, select the appropriate country if known
  • Update the following options as required:
    • Vulnerable or suspended customer
    • Call customer required
    • Translation required
    • Appeal request
    • Additional information must include Document Code, for example, INTNOG, Document ID, date scanned and relevant page number of scanned document
  • Select Next
  • Select Finish

Customer First

  • Run the International Referral guided procedure
  • Referral Reason: Foreign Pension
  • Referral action: select from:
    • Arrears Payment or Lump Sum
    • Coding within an Australian New Claim, or
    • Foreign Pension Rate Change
  • Select relevant Country or leave blank if not listed
  • Additional information: add country (if not listed) and document notes (must include Document Code, for example, INTNOG, Document ID, date scanned and relevant page number of scanned document)
  • Select Next
  • Select Finish


Foreign Pension script + Read more ...

The Foreign Pension script allows foreign pensions to be coded accurately and is mandated to use if available.

The script will either code the foreign pension, set a review or, if needed, refer the case to International Services (CIS).

Is the script available?


Running the script + Read more ...

Run the script in Customer Record.

After confirming the customer's CRN, the script will gather various data. If there is existing foreign pension coding on the record, the script will present a choice to update the existing foreign pension or code a new instance.

For updates of existing foreign pensions:

  • Click on the radio button for the foreign pension to be updated
  • Choose the relevant update to make:
    • Rate Update (for example, CPI)
    • Rate Revision
    • Correction
    • Transfer to New Type

Depending on the selection, the script may need more details. For example, if a rate revision is due to the death of a partner.

For new instances:

Enter the Basic Payment Details by selecting options from the drop down boxes:

  • Country of Payment
    Select from the list of countries provided
  • Type of Payment
    Generally AGE, INV, SUR, WAR, SER or OPN. Information is available on known foreign pensions from agreement countries and some non-agreement countries
  • Action Required
    Help text is available. Note: if coding is to be included in a new claim activity (NCL), choose 'Rate Update (for example CPI)'


Remaining details + Read more ...

Input the remaining details for the coding:

  • Date of Grant/Revision/Change
    Help text is available
  • Arrears Period Exists
    If applicable
  • Are the Arrears details known?
    If applicable. Note: if information is not available, the Arrears Period Start Date (APSD) may be assumed to be the foreign pension start date and the Arrears Period End Date (APED) may be assumed to be the end of the calendar month before the date on the official notice

The following basic details are used for the DOC:

  • Date of Centrelink Receipt (DOR)
  • What was received (Source)
  • Who sent it (Who)
  • How was it sent (Channel)
  • Storage
  • Date of Batch Storage

The script then performs a number of checks based on the selections. These are usually checks for:

  • known coding limits, for example, some payment types cannot be coded for certain countries
  • confirming what the script will do, for example, correct previous coding or update from a certain date


Date details + Read more ...

Enter the Date Details:

These are used by the script to determine the date of event to use for coding (the coding DOV), which may be a deemed date. Resources has information and examples of the date of event.

Note: the script will populate some fields based on previous selections.

  • Date Official Notice/Letter Printed (DOP)
  • Date of Issue of Advice to customer (DOI)
  • Date of Customer Receipt (DOCR)
  • First Regular Pay Date (FRPD)

If applicable, further details may be needed:

  • Bereavement Period End Date (BPED)
    Help text is available. For payments related to bereavement, for example, survivor pension, the Event Date is affected by the 14 week bereavement period
  • Arrears Period Start Date (APSD)
    Note: if information is not available, the Arrears Period Start Date (APSD) may be assumed to be the foreign pension start date
  • Arrears Period End Date (APED)
    Note: if information is not available, the Arrears Period End Date (APED) may be assumed to be the end of the calendar month before the date of the official notice

If not previously confirmed, the script will request confirmation if the coding is based on an official source, for example, statement from the paying authority. If not, a letter may be created by the script requesting the customer to provide an official notice.


Static data + Read more ...

The script then requests static data about aliases, reference numbers and payment description:

  • Customer Maiden Name
    As applicable. Only asked where:
    • Gender: on the Customer Person Details (CPD) screen = ‘F’, and
    • No maiden name is recorded
  • The script includes the response in the DOC and adds a new entry on CPD when coding is done
  • Description
    Help text is available. Free text fields for information such as payment name or name of the paying fund. Note: for payments for a child who is not a dependent child, code 'Child Payment NDE' in the Description field
  • Reference
    Help text is available. Code reference number(s), if available. Note: while not mandatory, it is essential to accurately record an agreement country foreign pension reference number to help data exchange (DEX) and automatic rate updates to occur


Dynamic data + Read more ...

The script then requests dynamic data about the rates, currency and frequency.

Information on known payments from other countries including a full list of valid payment types, components and frequencies by country is available through the International Program homepage. See the Resources page for the link.

  • Payment components:
    Many foreign pensions are made up of a main pension and additional benefits or allowances. There may be other specific or alternate fields for payments from agreement countries. For most countries this includes:
    • Basic Amount:
      This is normally the main pension amount
    • Social/Welfare Amount:
      This is normally the total of any additional benefits and allowances
  • Currency:
    Foreign pensions must be coded in the source currency even if the pension is received in Australian dollars or alternative currency, for example, US dollars. Note: a notice may be issued to the customer if a foreign pension is coded in a ‘non-standard’ currency. Lump sums must be manually converted and generally coded in Australian dollars using the exchange rate that applied at the time the lump sum was received
  • Frequency:
    Code how often the payment is received matching the rate that is to be coded. Some countries may pay more than 12 'monthly' payments per year, for example, holiday payment or Christmas bonus. A full list of valid frequency codes for each country is available through the International Program homepage. See the Resources page for the link
  • Date of Next Change Point (for example, CPI)
    This is a list of the changes in the rate of foreign pension that have been advised. Note: the script will decide and code any changes in existing coding or more dates needed for changes in exchange rates


Finalising the script coding + Read more ...

The script will then:

  • summarise the data that will be coded. Information may be corrected at this point and further details may be added
  • Record all details on a DOC
  • in some cases, compile a letter to be sent to the customer and allows the user to print locally or centrally
  • prompt the user to either code another foreign pension or to finalise the coding

Note: if the coding DOV is too far in the future to be coded, the script will complete the DOC and set a review for an appropriate date when the script can be run again to record the foreign pension. When this review falls due, the script can be re-run. It will then ‘read’ the details in the DOC and proceed with the coding action.

Manually completing the coding and further actions

Table 4




Manual coding + Read more ...

Foreign pensions are on the Foreign Income/Assets/Pension Summary (FIPS) screen and coded on the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen. The status of foreign pension claims is on the Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen and coded on the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen.

Information is available on known foreign pensions from agreement countries and some non-agreement countries.

Note: foreign pensions can only be recorded with an Event Date a maximum of 30 days in the future. If the Event Date is too far in the future to be coded now, in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason: OSR (Overseas)
  • Due Date: 2 weeks before Event Date of transfer, update or grant of foreign pension
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Foreign pension coding is due - transfer to different type of FP, update to or grant of foreign pension.'
  • Keywords: NOG and RVW
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

  • For transferring a customer from one foreign pension to another (e.g. Maltese Invalidity to Maltese Age), go to Step 2
  • To update an existing foreign pension, go to Step 3
  • To add a new foreign pension,


Transferring from one foreign pension to another + Read more ...

A transfer of type involves four separate processes:

  • All components of the existing, or ‘old’, payment are set to nil
  • The foreign pension claim status of the ‘old’ payment on FGD is set to ‘Finalised - Transfer to other pension’ (if the ‘old’ payment is a CFP)
  • The ‘new’ payment is coded on FPD, and
  • The foreign pension claim status of the ‘new’ payment on FGD is set to ‘Finalised – Claim granted’ (if the ‘old’ payment is a CFP)

Processing of foreign pension type transfers manually is to be done in Process Direct:

  • Go to the FIPS screen
  • Edit the relevant, ‘old’ payment entry on the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) table
  • In the Change Foreign Pensions Details:
    • Transfer: Yes. This ‘unlocks’ the Type field
    • Type: the ‘new’ payment
    • Reference 1 / 2: Code reference number(s), if available
    • Description 1 / 2: Free text fields for information such as payment name or name of the paying fund
    • Payment components: Update Component details if required
    • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • go to Step 6

Procedure ends here.


  • On finalising the update, Process Direct will, in the background:
    • 'Zero' all components of the ‘old’ payment from the date of assessment,
    • Update the foreign pension claim status of the ‘old’ payment to ‘Finalised - Transfer to other pension’ (if the ‘old’ payment is a CFP), and
    • Record the ‘new’ payment from the date of assessment, including any updates made to component values and the Reference/Description fields
  • On finalising the update, ISIS will, in the background:
    • Update the foreign pension claim status of the ‘new’ payment type to ‘Finalised – Claim granted’ (if the ‘new’ payment is a CFP)


Update existing foreign pension + Read more ...

Process Direct:

  • Go to the FIPS screen
  • On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) table:
    • Select Expand at the relevant entry
    • Select Add New Row for the child line
  • On the Create Foreign Pensions Details, update:
    • Event Date: Generally, the earlier of the date the customer knew about the change or the date Services Australia was advised. See the Resources page for detailed information and examples on determining the Event Date for coding
    • Currency: if necessary
    • Frequency: if necessary
    • Payment components: many foreign pensions are made up of a main pension and additional benefits or allowances. There may be other specific or alternate fields for payments from agreement countries. Services Officers may need to check the relevant country file in International Social Security Agreements. For most countries, the components will be Basic Amount: this is normally the pension amount or Social/Welfare Amount: this is normally the total of any additional benefits and allowances
    • Any other required information, for instance, Reference 1/2, Description 1/2.
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • go to Step 6

Customer First/Customer Record

  • Go to the FIPS screen
  • 'S'elect the foreign pension to be updated and code:
    • Event Date: generally, the earlier of the date the customer knew about the change or the date Services Australia was advised. See the Resources page for detailed information and examples on determining the Event Date for coding
    • Currency: if necessary
    • Frequency: if necessary
    • Payment components: Many foreign pensions are made up of a main pension and additional benefits or allowances. There may be other specific or alternate fields for payments from agreement countries. You may need to check the relevant country file in International Social Security Agreements. For most countries, the components will be Basic Amount: this is normally the pension amount or Social/Welfare Amount: this is normally the total of any additional benefits and allowances
    • Any other required information, for instance, Reference 1/2, Description 1/2
  • Enter Source and DOR
  • press [Enter]
  • go to Step 6


Process Direct - Add a new foreign pension + Read more ...

Determine who is entitled to the payment to make sure the foreign pension is coded on the correct record, for example, some spouse or child pensions are the entitlement of the spouse or child and, if assessable, should be coded on the spouse or child record.

  • Go to the FIPS screen
  • On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) table:
    • Select Add New Row on the parent line
  • On the Create Foreign Pensions Details, update:
    • Country of Payment: for example, AT-Austria
    • Currency: foreign pensions must be coded in the source currency even if the pension is received in Australian dollars or alternative currency, for example, US dollars. Lump sums must be manually converted and coded in Australian dollars using the exchange rate that applied at the time the lump sum was received
    • Type: generally, AGE, INV, SUR, SER, WAR or OPN
    • Frequency: code how often the payment is received matching the rate that is to be coded. Some countries may pay more than 12 'monthly' payments per year, for example, holiday payment or Christmas bonus
    • Reference 1 / 2: code reference number(s), if available
      Note: while not mandatory, it is important to accurately record an agreement country foreign pension reference number to help data exchange and automatic rate updates to occur
    • Description 1 / 2: free text fields for information such as payment name or name of the paying fund.
      Note: for payments for a child who is not a dependent child, code 'Child Payment NDE' in the Description field
    • Event Date: generally, the earlier of the date the customer knew about the change or the date Services Australia was advised. See the Resources page for detailed information and examples on determining the Event Date for coding
      Note: the Event Date for lump sums is the date received by the customer
    • Payment components: many foreign pensions are made up of a main pension and additional benefits or allowances. There may be other specific or alternate fields for payments from agreement countries. Service Officers may need to check the relevant country file in International Social Security Agreements. For most countries, the components will be: Basic Amount: this is normally the pension amount. Social/Welfare Amount: this is normally the total of any additional benefits and allowances
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • go to Step 6


Customer First/Customer Record - Add a new foreign pension + Read more ...

Determine who is entitled to the payment to make sure the foreign pension is coded on the correct record, for example, some spouse or child pensions are the entitlement of the spouse or child and, if assessable, should be coded on the spouse or child record.

  • Go to the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen and code:
    • Country/Country of payment: 2 letter country code, for example, AT = Austria
    • Currency: foreign pensions must be coded in the source currency even if the pension is received in Australian dollars or alternative currency, for example, US dollars. Lump sums must be manually converted and coded in Australian dollars using the exchange rate that applied at the time the lump sum was received
    • Type: generally, AGE, INV, SUR, SER, WAR or OPN
    • Frequency: code how often the payment is received matching the rate that is to be coded. Some countries may pay more than 12 'monthly' payments per year, for example, holiday payment or Christmas bonus
    • Reference 1/2: code reference number(s), if available. Note: while not mandatory, it is important to accurately record an agreement country foreign pension reference number to help data exchange and automatic rate updates to occur
    • Description 1/2: free text fields for information such as payment name or name of the paying fund. Note: for payments for a child who is not a dependent child, code 'Child Payment NDE' in the Description field
    • Event Date: generally, the earlier of the date the customer knew about the change or the date Services Australia was advised. See the Resources page for detailed information and examples on determining the Event Date for coding. Note: the Event Date for lump sums is the date received by the customer
    • Payment components: many foreign pensions are made up of a main pension and additional benefits or allowances. There may be other specific or alternate fields for payments from agreement countries. You may need to check the relevant country file in International Social Security Agreements. For most countries, the components will be Basic Amount: this is normally the pension amount. Social/Welfare Amount: this is normally the total of any additional benefits and allowances
  • Enter Source and DOR
  • press [Enter]
  • go to Step 6


Finalising the coding – rate changes and exchange rate revaluations + Read more ...

Having coded the ongoing rate, Service Officers may also need to:

  • correct previous coding
  • add additional event dates for each change in rate of foreign pension, or
  • add additional event dates for each foreign pension revaluation. See Foreign currency and exchange rates

For example, a foreign pension is coded in February. The coding DOV is determined as 20 December of the previous year and there was a foreign pension rate change on 1 January. The first business date in January is 3 January and in February is 1 February. In this case, an Event Date needs to be coded for:

  • 20 December at the foreign pension rate for that year (initial coding)
  • 1 January for the increase in the rate of foreign pension
  • 3 January for the new exchange rate for that month
  • 1 February for the new exchange rate for that month

Process Direct

  • Add any additional child rows for historical corrections, changes in rate and/or foreign pension revaluations
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish
  • Select Finalise
  • go to Step 7

Customer First/Customer Record

  • Add any additional child rows for historical corrections, changes in rate and/or foreign pension revaluations
  • Navigate to the AR screen
  • Finalise the activity
  • go to Step 7


Consequential actions + Read more ...

Once the coding activity has been finalised, the foreign pension(s) will be summarised on the FIPS screen.

  • Record all the details on a DOC
  • Check the Customer Personal Detail Summary (CPDS) screen and makes sure the customer's name on the official statement is recorded, for example, 'maiden name' (MDN) or 'also-known-as' (AKA).

For new grants of Greek or Croatian pensions, further action is needed. See Greece Agreement and foreign pension information.


Debts as a result of foreign pension coding + Read more ...

Foreign pension updates may result in a debt if the customer did not notify of the change within their notification period.

Has the foreign pension coding resulted in a debt?


Lump sums + Read more ...

Lump sum arrears payments of foreign pensions are coded differently.

Has the customer been paid any lump sums of foreign pension?


Comparable foreign payment arrears debts + Read more ...

Any debts due to the payment of lump sum arrears of comparable foreign payment are assessed separately by International Services (CIS).

Has the customer been paid any lump sum arrears of a comparable foreign payment?


Coding complete + Read more ...

Make sure all the details of any action taken on the record are recorded and complete any open DOC in Customer Record.

If a request for foreign pension coding has been received, once coded, make sure that request for foreign pension coding is completed and the claim item is taken off hold for reallocation.

In Customer First, check the Customer Referral Transaction screen. If the Assessment Type field is 'New Claim' then the referral is for coding a foreign pension in a claim in Process Direct.

Was the foreign pension coding referred to CIS as a request from a new claim?

  • Yes, make sure all the details of the action taken are recorded on the record, including if no action was taken and why. If the new claim is in:
    • Process Direct, Change the Claim Status to 'In Progress'. Procedure ends here
    • Customer Record, go to the Activity List (AL) screen, 'V'iew the claim activity, remove the Resubmit Date: and press [Enter]. Procedure ends here
  • No, procedure ends here

Assessing and coding foreign pension rejections, suspensions and cancellations

Table 5




CIS only + Read more ...

Customers who do not take reasonable steps to claim or maintain a comparable foreign payment (see Assisting customers to claim a foreign pension and Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension) may have their Australian payments suspended.

Did the customer take reasonable steps to claim or maintain the foreign pension?


Record the rejection + Read more ...

Run the Process Foreign Pension Claim script to record the rejection. Procedure ends here.

If the script is not available, code manually.

Does a relevant entry for the foreign pension exist?


Entry for the foreign pension exists + Read more ...

Process Direct

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen:
    • Select Expand for the relevant entry
    • Select Edit
  • On Change foreign claim details, update:
    • Date of Event - dd/mm/yyyy
    • Claim Status - FIN - Finalised
    • Reason - REJ - Rejected
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess,
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise

Customer First/Customer Record

  • 'S'elect the relevant entry on the FGS screen to go to the Foreign Claim Detail (FGD) screen
    • Code the Date of Event field as the date the advice of rejection was received
    • Code the Status field as 'FIN'
    • Code the Reason field as 'REJ'
    • Finalise the activity. Record all details on a DOC using the following Fast Note in Customer First.
      Select Auto text, use Centrelink International Services > Foreign Pension Claim Finalised > Intl - Foreign Pension Claim Finalised
    • Procedure ends here


No entry for foreign pension on the record + Read more ...

Process Direct

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen
    • Select Add New Row
  • On Create foreign claim details, update:
    • Country
    • Type Claimed - normally AGE, INV or SUR (not WID).
    • Foreign Description - If known, add the customer's foreign reference number
    • Foreign Country Office - If necessary, change the value Note: many countries have a default fund set and staff should only change in limited circumstances. Field help (?) has all valid values
    • Agency - Code if necessary (Italian claims only)
    • Key any other relevant fields
    • Date of Event – dd/mm/yyyy (Today)
    • Claim Status - FIN - Finalised
    • Reason - REJ - Rejected
  • Select Save
  • Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise

Customer First/Customer Record

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Detail (FGD) screen and complete the following
  • Country field
  • Type Claimed: key in the code of the foreign pension type. Note: normally AGE, INV or SUR (not WID). Field help (?) has all valid values for agreement countries
  • Foreign Description field key in the customer's foreign reference number if known
  • If necessary, change the value in the Foreign Country Office field. Note: many countries have a default fund set which should only be changed in limited circumstances. Field help (?) has all valid values
  • If necessary, code the Patronato/Agency field (Italian claims only)
  • Do not code the DEX Authorisation field
  • Date of Event field as 'T' for today
  • Status field 'FIN'
  • Reason field 'REJ'
  • Finalise the activity
  • Record all details on a DOC using the following Fast Note in Customer First.
    Select Auto text, use Centrelink International Services > Foreign Pension Claim Finalised > Intl - Foreign Pension Claim Finalised
  • Procedure ends here