Cancellation, Suspension and Rejection reason codes (CLK) 102-10010000
This document outlines information relating to cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for various payments.
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes
The Centrelink computer system requires a specific code when a decision to cancel or suspend a payment, or to reject a claim, is recorded. A description of the code is used in correspondence with customers.
The procedure that identifies the codes for the Newstart System (NSS) includes codes for Austudy, JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA), and Special Benefit (SpB) paid under the various NSS payment conditions.
Codes for ABSTUDY cancellation, suspension and rejection
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Age Pension
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Carer Allowance (CA)
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Carer Payment (CP)
Cancellation and rejection codes for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC)
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Disability Support Pension (DSP)
Cancellation and rejection codes for Double Orphan Pension (DOP)
Cancellation, rejection and Current Zero Rate codes for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Streaming and processing a new claim for Farm Household Allowance (FHA)
Suspending, cancelling and restoring Farm Household Allowance (FHA)
Cancellation, suspension, and rejection reason codes for Newstart System (NSS)
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Parenting Payment (PP)
Cancellation and rejection codes for Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS)
Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Sickness Allowance (SA)
Cancellation and rejection codes for Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP)