Cancellation, rejection, not effective, assessed and current zero rate codes for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 007-09030010
PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.
This document outlines the cancellation, rejection, not effective, assessed and current zero rate codes used for Parental Leave Pay (PPL). Centrelink uses specific codes when a decision is recorded on a customer's record to assess their claim as not effective, reject the claim, or cancel PPL. A description of the code is used in letters to the customer.
In most post birth cases, a PPL claim will automatically finalise as not effective or rejected based on details coded when processing the claim. PPL will automatically cancel once ineligibility details are coded and remaining PPL entitlement is nil.
PPL overall claim cancellation
Cancelling PPL is similar to rejecting a claim for PPL. A claim is cancelled if, after it has been granted:
- it is identified that the customer was not eligible, or
- their entitlement is reassessed and they have already been paid their full entitlement, or
- when the maximum entitlement PPL days has been paid and claimed (CAN-EOP)
A claim level cancellation will result in the cancellation of all components of PPL.
In most cases, PPL claims associated with the same approval ID will all CAN-EOP when the last PPL day (or maximum entitlement of PPL days for the child) is paid. This means when PPL has been shared with another parent, neither parent will not cancel (EOP) until the maximum entitlement has been paid and claimed for the child.
Note: If a reassessment is required on a cancelled record, complete a refresh activity (RSH coded on P1CA screen).
PPL overall claim rejections and not effective claims
The system will automatically reject or NEF a customer’s claim. Where an incorrect assessment or payment outcome occurs, Service Officers may need to manually reject or NEF a customer’s claim.
Where a manual rejection or not effective decision is made, send the customer a Q999 letter advising of the decision and reason.
PPL component level status
The overall PPL claim level status is displayed on the customer’s benefit status line.
Separate statuses for the different components of PPL are displayed on the Flexible PPL (P1FLX) screen in Process Direct and PPL Calculation Summary (P1RCS) screen in Customer First.
For children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023
- first PPL day
- last PPL day
- individual PPL days
For children born or adopted before 1 July 2023:
- PPL period and connected Flexible PPL days
- individual Flexible PPL days
PPL current, assessed and current zero rate claims
Once a claim for PPL is granted, the PPL claim benefit status can be:
- current (CUR)
- assessed (ASS)
- current at zero rate (CZR)
PPL overall claim status - open or closed
The PPL claim summary (P1CS) screen displays:
- the overall PPL claim status which shows whether the claim is open (OPN), a new claim (NCL) or closed (CLO) for further updates
- the PPL period level status (STS) and status reason (RSN)
Customer has multiple open PPL claims
PPL cannot be claimed for two children in a multiple birth or adoption. However, a customer can claim PPL for a newborn or recently adopted child while they still have an open claim for an older child.
Example: A customer claims PPL for a child that is born on 16 September 2023. Provided eligibility for PPL is maintained, and the customer has PPL days available to claim, the claim will remain open until 15 September 2025.
If a customer has more than one active PPL claim for different children, the benefit status line will display the status of the most recent PPL claim. Details and information on the earlier claim can be accessed on the PPL claim summary (P1CS) screen.
For specific day level rejection codes and descriptions, see the Resources page of Claiming and managing Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care on or after 1 July 2023.
The Process page contains a list of cancellation, rejection, not effective, assessed and current zero rate codes for PPL.
Related links
Claiming Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
Cancellation of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
Restoration of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
Not effective, rejection or withdrawal of claim for Parental Leave Pay (PPL)