Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Carer Payment (CP) 009-04150060
This document outlines a list of the cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Carer Payment (CP). The list of codes is not publicly available.
Coding for cancellation, suspension and rejection of CP
The Centrelink system uses codes when a decision to cancel or suspend a payment, or to reject a claim, is recorded on the computer system. A description of the code is used when communicating with carers.
Carer Payment may be cancelled, rejected or suspended due to the carer not meeting specific eligibility requirements or for various other reasons. The carer will receive a letter explaining the reason for non-payment.
Where the cancellation of CP is due to the death of a customer, the cancellation of the payment is automatic when the death has been recorded.
A payment cannot be suspended pending investigation. Before a payment is suspended or cancelled, the decision maker must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence that the carer is either not qualified for the payment or the payment is not payable.
If the decision to suspend a payment is made, prompt action should be taken to give the carer a notice of decision. This advice must clearly outline to the carer the reason their payment was suspended, the date of effect, the payment type and the relevant section of the legislation. It must also include the carer's review and appeal rights. See Suspension of payments.
The Process page contains a table of cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes for CP.
Some cancellation reason codes that can be used for Carer Payment do not apply and cannot be used for Carer Payment (XWP). This includes 25H, CAB, CAS, CDE, CIH, CNP, CNQ, HBE, HBX, IPE, MCQ, NMQ, NRQ, OHH, RBE or RBX.
Related links
Carer Allowance (CA) and Carer Payment (CP) inter-environment change of address
Restoration of Carer Payment (CP)