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Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions from non-agreement countries 106-08050000

This document outlines information about the requirement to claim a foreign pension from a non-agreement country including known information on the eligibility requirements for payments, life certificates and coding of payments from specific countries.

Requirement to claim foreign payment

As well as payments from agreement countries, Foreign Pension System (FPS) screening for the requirement to claim a comparable foreign payment (CFP) is applied to payments from the following non-agreement countries:

  • the United Kingdom
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • China
  • France
  • the Philippines, and
  • Sweden

The decision to screen for these particular countries is based on migration patterns as well as the likelihood that a person who lodges a claim will actually receive payment.

Unlike agreement countries, the requirement to claim from non-agreement countries only applies to retirement based payments, not invalidity or survivor based payments.

Assisting customers

While we do not have claim forms, Services Australia assists customers to make a claim for a foreign payment and maintain their existing foreign payment from non-agreement countries in the same way as for payments from agreement countries.

As there are no social security agreements in place, we do not receive notice of the result of claims and we are not able to request information from or provide information to any of these countries. Customers are required to notify us when they receive a notice of the decision on their claim and, where necessary, must obtain any information required directly from the foreign pension authority in the relevant country.

The Resources page contains links to Residence and International program and International Services (CIS).

International Social Security Agreements

United Kingdom former Agreement information

Foreign pension claims

Foreign pension coding

Comparable foreign payment (CFP) lump sum arrears debts