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Eligibility and coding of foreign pensions from non-agreement countries 106-08050000

This page contains further information on the requirement to claim a foreign pension from a non-agreement country and known information on eligibility for payments, life certificates and coding of payments from specific countries.

On this page:

Information on payments from non-agreement countries

Non-agreement countries

Information on payments from non-agreement countries

Requirement to claim a foreign pension from a non-agreement country

This table describes the requirement to claim a foreign pension from a non-agreement country.

Category title


Requirement to claim a foreign pension from a non-agreement country

Requirement to claim + Read more ...

For general information on helping customers to claim a foreign pension, see Assisting customers to claim a foreign pension.

The requirement to claim a comparable foreign pension from a non-agreement country applies to the United Kingdom, Bosnia-Herzegovina, China, France, the Philippines and Sweden.

The requirement to claim only applies to retirement-type pensions (AGE). Customers may voluntarily claim Survivor and Invalidity pensions.

Contact details for foreign pension authorities

Contact details + Read more ...

Contact details for foreign pension authorities are available in CODES facility.

See the Responsibility for coding and using the Foreign Pension script table for coding foreign pensions for non-agreement countries.

Non-agreement countries

Select either the United Kingdom (GB), Bosnia-Herzegovina (BA), China (CN), France (FR) Philippines (PH) or Sweden (SE) to view the known information on eligibility requirements, payment methods, life certificates and assessment and coding of payments for foreign pensions from non-agreement countries.

United Kingdom

This tab contains further information on eligibility requirements, payment methods, life certificates, taxation, and assessment and coding for the United Kingdom.

Requirement to claim and eligibility for UK State Retirement Pension

This table provides information on the requirement to claim and eligibility for UK State Retirement Pension.




Requirement to claim and eligibility for UK State Retirement Pension + Read more ...

The requirement to claim a foreign pension from the UK applies to UK State Retirement Pension.

Qualifying age: Variable

Note: a foreign pension age calculator is available through the International Homepage, see Resources for a link.

Minimum qualifying period: 10 years contributions (National Insurance – NI).

Note: different rules may apply to:

  • males born before 6 April 1951, or
  • females born before 6 April 1953

Customers will need to contact the UK foreign pension authorities for details.

Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI)

This table provides information on the payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) of UK pensions.




Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) + Read more ...

UK pensions are generally paid in Australia by direct deposit.

Pensions are generally paid 4 weekly (13 times a year) but notices usually provide a weekly rate and so should be coded in that frequency unless otherwise indicated.

Notices are only issued at grant, as pensions are not indexed in Australia.

UK pensions may be indexed for CPI in April each year.

Note: UK only apply indexation of UK pensions in certain countries.

Some UK payments may be updated automatically, see International Data Exchange Program and auto-indexation of foreign pensions.

A customer in receipt of a UK pension visiting the UK can receive an increase to their UK pension while they are present in the UK.

On return to Australia, their UK pension reduces back to the normal rate they were paid before they left Australia.

If a customer contacts about the rate we are maintaining, code the lower rate the customer received from date of return to Australia and ask the customer to provide evidence from the UK authorities showing the rate they were paid while in the UK.

UK life certificates

This table provides information about UK life certificates.




UK life certificates + Read more ...

For general information on helping customers with life certificates, see Assisting customers to claim a foreign pension.

  • UK life certificates are issued annually
  • Services Australia can certify UK life certificates

Taxation in the UK

This table provides taxation details for the UK.




Taxation in the UK + Read more ...

Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:

  • In the other country - the tax/health authority in the other country directly
  • In Australia - the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website

For general information on taxation, including issuing Australian Payment Summaries, see the Taxation information in International Social Security Agreements.


Tax treaty + Read more ...

Australia has a double tax agreement with the UK. Pensions are taxable in the country in which the pensioner is resident. Tax deductions from pensions by one country are allowed as a credit against tax payable for residents of the other country.


Tax deductions + Read more ...

UK pensions are not generally taxed at source.

The gross rate of UK pensions (before deductions) is maintained.


UK tax year + Read more ...

UK uses the period 6 Apr – 5 Apr as the tax year.

Assessment and coding of UK payments

This table provides the assessment and coding of payments from the UK.




UK State Retirement Pension + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Note: exempt income before 1 March 2001 where paid under the former UK Agreement to a person who was residing in UK.

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen

Country field: code GB.

Type field: code AGE. Note: press Enter to display all country specific fields.

Description 1 field: leave blank.

Ref 1 field: code the 8 character National Insurance Number (NIN). Format: aannnnnn Note: the last alpha is not coded, e.g. YP151515B is coded as YP151515.

Description 2 field: leave blank.

Ref 2 field: leave blank.

Currency field: Pound Sterling (GBP).

Frequency field: 1WE.

Basic Amount field: code gross weekly amount as indicated on Notice of Grant or official pension statement.


Additional State Pension/Graduated Benefit + Read more ...

Assessment: As for UK State Retirement Pension (see above)

Coding: Coded as part of UK State Retirement Pension (see above).

Add to Basic Amount: or code as separate GB AGE.


Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Note: exempt income before 1 March 2001 where paid under the former UK Agreement to a person who was residing in UK.

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:INV’, code in Basic Amount: field in frequency as indicated on notice.

Note: where exempt (see above), code as Type:CAR’ with ‘Article 18INV’ in the Description: field.


Bereavement Support Payment + Read more ...

This payment has replaced the following benefits: Widow’s Pension, Widowed Parent’s Allowance, Bereavement Allowance and Bereavement Payment.

It is paid as a lump sum. In some cases a person may also receive a monthly payment for a set period (from a few months up to 18 months). The customer will need to advise when their monthly payment ceases.

Assessment: Policy advice is that Bereavement Support Payment may be exempt from the income test if payable to the person who incurred expenses associated with the bereavement. Otherwise the lump sum is assessable over 12 months from date of receipt (s1073 Social Security Act 1991) and the monthly payment is ordinary income.


  • If exempt, not coded but details recorded in a DOC
  • If the lump sum is assessable income: see Treatment of lump sums
  • If the monthly payment is assessable, on the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen:
    • Type: OPN
    • Basic Amount: as indicated on the notice


Pension Credit + Read more ...

Note: paid as savings credit or guarantee credit.

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:GPC’, code in Basic Amount: field (savings credit) or Social/Welfare Amt: field (guarantee credit) and ensure Desc1: field indicates the payment name.


Attendance Allowance, Constant Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payments, Clothing Allowance, Decoration Allowance and Mobility Supplement + Read more ...

Assessment: Exempt income (policy and s8(ze) Social Security Act 1991).

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:CAR’, code in Basic Amount: field and ensure Desc1: field indicates the payment name.


Council Tax Benefit, Personal Allowance and Cold Weather Payment + Read more ...

Assessment: Policy advice is that these payments are not assessable.

Coding: Not coded. Record details in a DOC.


War Disablement Pension, War Widows Pension and Temporary Allowance for Widows + Read more ...

Note: some War Pension recipients may also receive exempt allowances, for example, Attendance Allowance etc. (see above).

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:WAR’, code in Basic Amount: field and ensure Desc1: field indicates the payment name.


Personal Care Support payments + Read more ...

Assessment: On 20 March 2024, the Minister for Social Services approved the personal care support schemes from the United Kingdom and Scotland under section 35A of the Social Security Act. As approved schemes, they are exempt from the social security income test under subsection 8(8)(zi) of the Act.

Payments exempt under this section include:

  • Social Security (Personal Care Support) (United Kingdom Government Personal Independence Payment) Determination 2013
  • Social Security (Personal Care Support - Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance - United Kingdome) Determination 2018.
  • Social Security (Adult Disability Payment) (Scottish Government Personal Care Support)
  • Social Security (Child Disability Payment) (Scottish Government Personal Care Support)

Coding: Not coded. Record details on a DOC.


Any other income from UK + Read more ...

For assistance with coding other government payments, see Foreign pension coding.

For assistance with coding other private payments (for example, occupation-based pensions such as Teachers, Police, NHS, Civil Service, or pensions for local council or government employees), see Foreign income and assets.


This tab contains further information on eligibility requirements, payment methods, life certificates, taxation, and assessment and coding for Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Requirement to claim and eligibility for Bosnian Age Pension

This table provides information on the requirement to claim and eligibility for the Bosnian Age Pension.




Requirement to claim and eligibility for Bosnian Age Pension + Read more ...

The requirement to claim a foreign pension from Bosnia-Herzegovina applies to Bosnian Age Pension (Starosna penzija).

Qualifying age: 65 for males and females.

Minimum qualifying period: 180 months contributions.

Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI)

This table provides information on the payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) of Bosnian pensions.




Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) + Read more ...

Bosnian pensions are generally paid monthly in Australia by cheque.

Notices are issued at grant and on indexation.

Bosnian pensions may be indexed for CPI in January and July each year.

Bosnian life certificates

This table provides information on Bosnian Life Certificates.




Bosnian life certificates + Read more ...

For general information on helping customers with life certificates, see Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension.

  • Bosnian life certificates (Potvrda o životu) are required annually but are not issued to customers
  • Services Australia can certify Bosnian life certificates

Taxation in Bosnia-Herzegovina

This table provides taxation details for Bosnia-Herzegovina.




Taxation + Read more ...

Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:

  • In the other country - the tax/health authority in the other country directly
  • In Australia - the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website

For general information on taxation, including issuing Australian Payment Summaries, see the Taxation information in International Social Security Agreements.


Tax treaty + Read more ...

There is no tax treaty with Bosnia-Herzegovina.


Tax deductions + Read more ...

Bosnian pensions are not generally taxed at source.

The gross rate of Bosnian pensions (before deductions) is maintained.


Bosnian tax year + Read more ...

Bosnia-Herzegovina uses the calendar year (1 Jan - 31 Dec) as the tax year.

Assessment and coding of Bosnian payments

This table provides the assessment and coding of payments from Bosnia Herzegovina.




Age Pension (Starosna penzija) + Read more ...

  • Federacija - Sarajevo, Mostar, Tusla, Zenica
  • Republika SRPSKA - Banja Luka, Pale, Bijeljina, Brcko

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:AGE’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq:MTH’. Ensure Desc1: field indicates the payment name.

Federacija pensions must be adjusted before coding.

Refer to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federacija Multiplier Rate Calculator for calculations on the Residence and International program intranet page. The Resources page contains a link.

Republika Srpska pension rates are found on the CFP Rate Calculator.


Disability Pension (Invalidska penzija) + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:INV’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Survivors’ Pension (Porodična penzija) + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:SUR’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Any other income from Bosnia-Herzegovina + Read more ...

For assistance with coding other government payments, see Foreign pension coding.

For assistance with coding other private payments, see Foreign income and assets.


This tab contains further information on eligibility requirements, payment methods, life certificates, taxation, and assessment and coding for China.

Requirement to claim and eligibility for Chinese Old Age Pension

This table provides information on the requirement to claim and eligibility for the Chinese Old Age Pension.




Requirement to claim and eligibility for Chinese Old Age Pension + Read more ...

The requirement to claim a foreign pension from China applies to Chinese Old Age Pension (养老金).

Qualifying age:

  • Male - 60 years
  • Female - 55 years
  • X - will be screened at the male qualifying age. If requested, a voluntary claim can be issued before the customer reaches this age

Minimum qualifying period: 180 months contributions

Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI)

This table provides information on the payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) of Chinese pensions.




Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) + Read more ...

Chinese pensions are generally paid monthly into a Chinese bank account only.

Notices are issued at grant and on indexation.

Chinese pensions may be indexed for CPI in January each year.

Chinese Life Certificates

This table provides information on Chinese Life Certificates.




Chinese life certificates + Read more ...

For general information on helping customers with life certificates, see Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension.

  • Life certificates are issued annually
  • Services Australia cannot certify Chinese life certificates. Refer customers to nearest Chinese Embassy or Consulate in Australia

Taxation in China

This table provides taxation details for China.




Taxation + Read more ...

Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:

  • In the other country - the tax/health authority in the other country directly
  • In Australia - the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website

For general information on taxation, including issuing Australian Payment Summaries, see the Taxation information in International Social Security Agreements.


Tax treaty + Read more ...

Australia has a double tax agreement with China. Pensions are taxable in the country in which the pensioner is resident. Tax deductions from pensions by one country are allowed as a credit against tax payable for residents of the other country.


Tax deductions + Read more ...

Chinese pensions are not generally taxed at source.

The gross rate of Chinese pensions (before deductions) is maintained.


Chinese tax year + Read more ...

China uses the calendar year (1 Jan - 31 Dec) as the tax year.

Assessment and coding of Chinese payments

This table provides the assessment and coding of payments from China.




Old Age Pension (养老金) + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type: AGE’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq:MTH’. Ensure Desc1: field indicates the payment name.


Any other income from China + Read more ...

For assistance with coding other government payments, see Foreign pension coding.

For assistance with coding other private payments, see Foreign income and assets.


This tab contains further information on eligibility requirements, payment methods, life certificates, taxation, and assessment and coding for France.

Requirement to claim and eligibility for French Retirement Pension

This table provides information on the requirement to claim and eligibility for the French Retirement Pension.




Requirement to claim and eligibility for French Retirement Pension + Read more ...

The requirement to claim a foreign pension from France applies to French Retirement Pension (Pension de retraite) from the general scheme (régime general).

Note: customers may also qualify for a retirement pension from the complementary scheme (Régime complémentaire). Customers are not required to claim complementary pensions. See Any other income from France below.

Qualifying age: 65 if born before July 1951.

Qualifying age is increasing to 67. A foreign pension age calculator is available through the International Homepage, see Resources page for a link.

Minimum qualifying period: One ‘quarter’ (3 months) contributions.

Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI)

This table provides information on the payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) of French pensions.




Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) + Read more ...

French pensions are generally paid in Australia by direct deposit.

Pensions are generally paid monthly but outside of France may also be paid quarterly or annually. Notices should be checked for frequency of payment.

Notices are issued at grant and in January each year.

French pensions from the general scheme may be indexed for CPI in October each year. Complementary pensions may be indexed in November each year.

French Life Certificates

This table provides information on French Life Certificates.




French life certificates + Read more ...

For general information on helping customers with life certificates, see Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension.

  • French life certificates (ATTESTATION D'EXISTENCE) are issued annually
  • Services Australia can certify French life certificates

Taxation in France

This table provides taxation details for France.




Taxation + Read more ...

Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:

  • In the other country - the tax/health authority in the other country directly
  • In Australia - the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website

For general information on taxation, including issuing Australian Payment Summaries, see the Taxation information in International Social Security Agreements.


Tax treaty + Read more ...

Australia has a double tax agreement with France. Pensions are taxable in the country in which the pensioner is resident. Tax deductions from pensions by one country are allowed as a credit against tax payable for residents of the other country.


Tax deductions + Read more ...

French pensions are not generally taxed at source.

The gross rate of French pensions (before deductions) is maintained.


French tax year + Read more ...

France uses the calendar year (1 Jan – 31 Dec) as the tax year.

Assessment and coding of French payments

This table provides the assessment and coding of payments from France.




Retirement Pension (Pension de retraite) + Read more ...

May be identified by Basic Pension (Retraite de base) from funds such as CNAV, CARSAT, MSA, RSI, Banque de France, CNAVPL, ENIM, CNRACL.

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type: ‘AGE’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Disability Pension (Maladie/Invalidité) + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:INV’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Survivors’ Pension (Pension de réversion) + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type: ‘SUR’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Any other income from France + Read more ...

Complementary Pension (Régime complémentaire)

May be identified by Complementary Pension (Retraite Complémentaire) from funds such as ARRCO, AGIRC, ORGANIC, IRCANTEC, CRPN, IRCEC.

Note: complementary Pension may also be paid by the individual fund such as CNAV, MSA, RSI.

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type: ‘OPN’, code in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.

For assistance with coding other government payments, see Foreign pension coding.

Retirement Savings (Épargne retraite)

May be identified by paying fund, for example, PERE, PERCO, PERP, PRÉFON, ’LOIS MADELIN’.

Retirement savings are private pensions, see Foreign income and assets.

For assistance with coding other private payments, see Foreign income and assets.


This tab contains further information on eligibility requirements, payment methods, life certificates, taxation, and assessment and coding for the Philippines.

Requirement to claim and eligibility for Philippines Retirement Pension

This table provides information on the requirement to claim and eligibility for the Philippines Retirement Pension.




Requirement to claim and eligibility for Philippines Retirement Pension + Read more ...

The requirement to claim a foreign pension from the Philippines applies to:

  • Social Security System (SSS) Philippines Retirement Pension
  • Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Old Age Pension

Note: if customer does not indicate which PH fund (GSIS or SSS), copy the RQI and send to both funds.

If a response has been received from one fund that the customer is not entitled, code Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen with FIN-NOM status to avoid suspension action. If advice from the second fund is later received that the customer is entitled, delete the FIN-NOM status and replace with the new grant information.

Qualifying age: 60.

Minimum qualifying period:

  • SSS - 10 years (120 months) contributions
  • GSIS - 15 years (180 months) contributions

Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI)

This table provides information on the payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) of Philippines pensions.




Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) + Read more ...

Philippines pensions are generally paid into a Philippines bank account. Customers can arrange to transfer money to an Australian account.

Pensions are generally paid monthly but receive an extra payment in December. Monthly amounts should be x13 and coded as Freq:ANN’.

Notices are issued at grant and when pensions are indexed.

Philippines pensions are generally indexed for CPI in January each year.

Philippines Life Certificates

This table provides information on Philippines Life Certificates.




Philippines life certificates + Read more ...

For general information on helping customers with life certificates, see Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension.

  • Philippines life certificates are issued annually
  • Services Australia can certify Philippines life certificates

Taxation in the Philippines

This table provides taxation details for the Philippines.




Taxation + Read more ...

Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:

  • In the other country - the tax/health authority in the other country directly
  • In Australia - the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website

For general information on taxation, including issuing Australian Payment Summaries, see the Taxation information in International Social Security Agreements.


Tax treaty + Read more ...

Australia has a double tax agreement with the Philippines. Pensions are taxable in the country in which the pensioner is resident. Tax deductions from pensions by one country are allowed as a credit against tax payable for residents of the other country.


Tax deductions + Read more ...

Philippines pensions are not generally taxed at source.

The gross rate of Philippines pensions (before deductions) is maintained.


Philippines tax year + Read more ...

The Philippines uses the calendar year (1 Jan – 31 Dec) as the tax year.

Assessment and coding of Philippines payments

This table provides the assessment and coding of payments from the Philippines.




Retirement Pension + Read more ...

May be identified by:

  • Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
  • Social Security System (SSS)

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:AGE’, code monthly amount x13 in Basic Amount: field with Freq:ANN’.

Note: customers may receive a lump sum in lieu of pension or as a refund of contributions.


Disability Pension + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:INV’, code monthly amount x13 in Basic Amount: field with Freq:ANN’.


Survivorship Pension + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:SUR’, code monthly amount x13 in Basic Amount: field with Freq:ANN’.


Funeral Benefit + Read more ...

Assessment: Policy advice is that foreign bereavement payments may be exempt from the income test if payable to the person who incurred expenses associated with the bereavement. Otherwise is assessable over 12 months from date of receipt (s1073 Social Security Act 1991.


If exempt, not coded but details should be recorded in a DOC.

If assessable, see Treatment of lump sums.


Any other income from the Philippines + Read more ...

For assistance with coding other government payments, see Foreign pension coding.

For assistance with coding other private payments, see Foreign income and assets.


This tab contains further information on eligibility requirements, payment methods, life certificates, taxation, and assessment and coding of payments for Sweden.

Requirement to claim and eligibility for Swedish National Pension

This table provides information on the requirement to claim and eligibility for the Swedish National Pension.




Requirement to claim and eligibility for Swedish National Pension + Read more ...

The requirement to claim a foreign pension from Sweden applies to Swedish National Pension (Ålderspension).

Qualifying age: 65.

Minimum qualifying period: 36 months residence or contributions.

Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI)

This table provides information on the payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) of Swedish pensions.




Payment method, notices and indexation (CPI) + Read more ...

Swedish pensions are generally paid in Australia by direct deposit.

Pensions are generally paid monthly.

Notices are issued at grant and each year.

Swedish pensions are generally indexed for CPI in January each year.

Swedish Life Certificates

This table provides information on Swedish Life Certificates.




Swedish life certificates + Read more ...

For general information on helping customers with life certificates, see Assisting customers to maintain an existing foreign pension.

  • Swedish life certificates (Levnadsintyg) are issued annually
  • Services Australia can certify Swedish life certificates

Taxation in Sweden

This table provides taxation details for Sweden.




Taxation + Read more ...

Any queries about taxation of pensions or the requirement to lodge a tax return should be directed to:

  • In the other country - the tax/health authority in the other country directly
  • In Australia - the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website

For general information on taxation, including issuing Australian Payment Summaries, see the Taxation information in International Social Security Agreements.


Tax treaty + Read more ...

Australia has a double tax agreement with Sweden. Pensions are taxable in the country in which the pensioner is resident. Tax deductions from pensions by one country are allowed as a credit against tax payable for residents of the other country.

Note: pensions paid by local councils and to nationals of a country may still be taxable in that country.


Tax deductions + Read more ...

Swedish pensions may be generally taxed at source (skatt).

The gross rate of Swedish pensions (before deductions) is maintained.


Swedish tax year + Read more ...

Sweden uses the calendar year (1 Jan – 31 Dec) as the tax year.

Assessment and coding of Swedish payments

This table provides the assessment and coding of payments from Sweden.




National Pension (Ålderspension) + Read more ...

May be identified by:

  • Allmänna pensionen (Pensionsmyndigheten)

Note: Swedish Private/Occupational Pensions (Tjänstepension) for example, Alecta, Länsförsäkringar, Folksam, AMF, Avanza, Danica, are private pensions, see Foreign income and assets.

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type: ‘AGE’, code total amount before tax (skatt) in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Disability Pension (Sjukpension/Handikappersättning) + Read more ...

May be identified by:

  • Social Insurance Agency – Försäkringskassan

Note: Swedish Private/Occupational Pensions (Tjänstepension) for example, Alecta, Länsförsäkringar, Folksam, AMF, Avanza, Danica, are private pensions, see Foreign income and assets.

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:INV’, code total amount before tax (skatt) in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Survivors Pension (Efterlevandepension) + Read more ...

Assessment: Ordinary income

Coding: On the Foreign Pension Details (FPD) screen, Type:SUR’, code total amount before tax (skatt) in Basic Amount: field with Freq: as indicated on notice.


Any other income from Sweden + Read more ...

For assistance with coding other government payments, see Foreign pension coding.

For assistance with coding other private payments, see Foreign income and assets.